Police HQ

State / GobolSouth West StateSouth West StateSouth West StateJubbaland
Region / GobolkaBakoolLower ShabelleBayLower Jubba
City / MagaaladaXudurAfgooyeBaidoaKismayo
District / Degmada-11-11-11-11
A. Dhismaha / Infrastructure
a1 Adeegga Korontada/laydhka? / Electricity supply?PartialContinuousContinuousContinuous
a11 Haddii qayb ahaan tahay, imisa saacadood maalintii? / If partially, how many hours per day? 12-11-11-11
a2 Ma jiraa Dab-dhaliyuhu haddii uu damo mid kayd u ah? / Generator backup?nonoyesno
a3 Adeegga Biyaha? / Water supply?NoneOtherBuy from truckMains
a.4. Qalabka / Equipment
a41 Raadiyuhu mayahay habka koowaad ee ay boolisku ku wada xidhiidhaan? / Is the radio the primary means of communication between police? yesyesnono
a42 Haddii haa ay tahay, imisa ayaa booliska ragga/haweenka ee roondada ah mid kiiba haystaa raadiyaha? / If yes, how many patrolling policemen/women per radio?311-11-11
a43 Telefoonka gacantu mayahay habka koowaad ee ay boolisku ku wada xidhiidhaan? / Is the cellphone the primary means of communication between police? -11-11yesyes
a44 Tirada gawaadhida shaqaynaysa? / Number of working vehicles? 0864
a45 Tirada mootooyinka? / Number of motor bikes? 0006
a46 Imisa litir oo shidaal ah ayaa bishii la isticmaalaa?? / Fuel allowance per month (litres)? 040012002000
a47 Imisa baabuur ayaa roondo ahaan u baxda maalintii? / Number of patrol vehicles out on patrol on average per day?0242
a48 Tirada guud ee kombuyuutarada shaqaynaya? / Total number of working computers?0158
a49 Tirada guud ee qalabka daabacadda shaqaynaya? / Total number of working printers?0154
a410 Khadka daabacaadda oo ku filan? / Adequate printer toner?noyesnono
a411 Tirada guud ee footokoobiyada shaqaynaya? / Total number of working photocopiers?0004
a412 Khadka footokoobiga oo ku filan? / Adequate photocopier toner?nononono
a413 Tirada kabadhada faylasha oo xidhma? / Number of secure filing cabinets?0035
a414 Qolka caddaymaha oo ammaan ah? / Secure evidence room?yesyesnoyes
a415 Waraaqaha xafiiska loo isticaamo oo ku filan? / Adequate stationery?nononono
a416 Buugga Dhacdooyinku (OB) ma yaalaa? / Occurrence book (OB) supplied?yesyesyesyes
a417 Buuga Danbiyada Mayala? / Criminal Offences Book supplied?yesyesyesyes
a418 Diiwaanka xadhigga? / Detention register?yesnoyesyes
a419 Diiwaanka Caddaymaha? / Exhibit register?noyesyesyes
a420 Boqolkiiba imisa ayaa booliska sita dirays? / Percentage of police with uniform?1008010050
a5 Masaafada: booliska illaa maxkamadda (km)? / Distance: police to courts (kms)?
a6 Masaafada: booliska illaa xabsiga (km)? / Distance: police to prison (kms)? 10.50.52
a7 Waa imisa xarumaha boolisku fariistaan ee ka baxsan saldhigga?? / Number of police posts?6054
a8 Imisa jeer ayaa boolisku roondo lug ah sameeyaa maalinkii? / Number of foot patrols per day? 2254
a81 Imisa askeri ayaa ka qayb qaata halkii roondo? / Number of police per patrol?611811
a82 Celcelis ahaan, imisa (saacadood) ayaa halkii roondo shaqada ku jirtaa? / Average length of patrol (hours)? 12566
a9 Boqolkiiba imisa ayaa shaqaalaha ku jira guryo kiro ah? / Percentage of staff in rented accommodation? 1009910099
a10 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Agabka / Data Note: Material Resources Police posts: police state there are 6 police posts. 4 appear to be checkpoints. 0 are fixed structures.Water is sourced from a water tower. Radios: each patrol has 1 radio. Fuel: 2 x 200 litre tanks. Printer/photocopier all -in-one.Distance to prison: Afgooye has no prison under Custodial Corps. This is the distance to the old one that collapsed. In addition, 9 checkpoints.Radios: Police station has 2 radios. Cellphone is primary means of communication.

Shifts: 2 (day/night). Average day shift: 6 hours.
Average night shift: 5 hours.
In addition: 16 checkpoints.
Printer/photocopier all-in-one

Rented accommodation: ‘a few’ stay in own houses, or government houses.
B. Shaqaalaha ( Ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed- CBS) / Human Resources (Somali Police Force – SPF)
b1 Tirada guud ee booliska CBS? / Total number of SPF police?28200250
b2 Tirada (ragga) booliska CBS? / Number of SPF police (men)?24199180
b3 Tirada (haweenka) booliska CBS? / Number of SPF police (women)?4170
b4 Tirada guud ee saraakiisha booliska CBS? / Total number of SPF Police officers?9550
b5 Tirada saraakiisha (ragga) booliska CBS? / Number of SPF Police officers (men)?8550
b6 Tirada (haweenka) booliska CBS? / Number of SPF Police officers (women)?1000
b7 Tirada guud ee booliska darajooyinka kale leh ee CBS? / Total number of SPF Police other ranks?19195200
b8 Tirada booliska(ragga) CBS ee darajooyinka kale leh? / Number of SPF Police other ranks (men)?16194130
b9 Tirada booliska(haweenka) CBS ee darajooyinka kale leh? / Number of SPF Police other ranks (women)?3170
b10 Tirada guud ee Baadheyaasha? / Total number of Investigators?32270
b11 Tirada ragga baadheyaasha ah? / Number of Investigators men?32270
b12 Tirada haweenka baadheyaasha ah? / Number of Investigators women?0000
b13 Mudada saacadaha shaqada (saacado)? / Length of shifts (hours)?81280
b14 Tirada Saraakiisha iyo kuwa darajooyinka kale leh ee ka weyn 60 ? / Number of Officers and other ranks over 60?02-990
b15 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Shaqaalaha (CBS) / Data Note: Human Resources (SPF)Total police: 200.
60 at the Police Station (on shift rotations), 140 distributed among small towns recently captured from AS: El-Salini, Awdhegle, Sabiid, and Anole.

Total police: 510 police under Central Police Station, distributed across 5 police posts and 16 checkpoints in and around the town.

Total police in Central Police Station: 90 (comprising SPF and State Police).

Total SPF in the state: 398
Men: 392 – Women: 6
Officers: 91 (89 men and 2 women)
Other ranks: 307.

Number investigators: 27 (27 men)
CID situated in separate location.
C. Shaqaalaha (Booliska Maamulka) / Human Resources (State Police)
c1 Tirada guud ee booliska maamulka? / Total number of State police?0065700
c2 Tirada (ragga) booliska maamulka? / Number of State police (men)?0046645
c3 Tirada (haweenka) booliska maamulka? / Number of State police (women)?001955
c4 Tirada guud ee saraakiisha booliska maamulka? / Total number of State police officers?004100
c5 Tirada saraakiisha booliska(ragga) maamulka? / Number of State police officers (men)?00492
c6 Tirada saraakiisha booliska(haweenka) maamulka? / Number of State police officers (women)?0008
c7 Tirada guud ee saraaiisha maamulka darajooyinka kale leh? / Total number of State police other ranks?0061600
c8 Tirada (ragga) booliska maamulka ee darajooyinka kale leh? / Number of State police other ranks (men)?0042553
c9 Tirada (haweenka) booliska maamulka ee darajooyinka kale leh? / Number of State police other ranks (women)?001947
c10 Tirada guud ee baadheyaasha? / Total number of investigators?00030
c11 Tirada baadheyaasha (ragga)? / Number of investigators (men)?00027
c12 Tirada baadheyaasha (haweenka)? / Number of investigators (women)?0003
c13 Mudada saacadaha shaqada (saacado)? / Length of shifts (hours)?-990812
c14 Tirada saraakiisha iyo kuwa darajooyinka kale leh ee ka weyn 60? / Number of Officers and other ranks over 60?00-990
c15 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Shaqaalaha (Booliska maamulka) / Data Note: Human Resources All policing provided by SPF in Afgooye.Total police: 195
On rotation to 4 police posts.
E. Xaaladda Dhismaha / Physical Infrastructure Conditions
e1 Dhismaha guud ee dibadda ma ku fulan yahay? / Adequate external structure?nonoyesyes
e2 Taariikhdii la dhisay? / Date of construction?1960197319802017
e3 Taariikhdii u danbaysay ee dib u habayn ballaadhan lagu sameeyey? / Date of last major repairs?2019201720172017
e4 Deyrka ku hareeraysan Taliska Guud ee booliska oo la xoojiyey? / Reinforced fence around police HQ?noyesyesyes
e.5. Qalabaynta Gudaha / Internal Furnishing
e51 Tirada kuraasta taala goobta soo dhawaynta dadweynaha? / Number of chairs in public reception area?4156012
e52 Tirada miisaska? / Number of tables/desks?02204
e53 Tirada baadheyaasha fadhiista miiskiiba? / Number of investigators per desk?0103
e54 Tirada qolalka (ragga) lagu xidho? / Number of holding cells (men)?3243
e55 Tirada qolalka (haweenka/hablaha ) lagu hayo? / Number of holding cells (women/girls)?0112
e56 Tirada qolalka (inamada) lagu hayo? / Number of holding cells (boys)? 0010
e57 Tirada musqulaha dadweynaha? / Number of public toilets?0112
e58 Qolalka lagu kaydiyo caddaymaha oo ku filan? / Adequate evidence storage capacity?noyesnono
e59 Qolka kaydka hubka (oo ammaan ah)? / Armoury (secure weapons’ store)?noyesyesyes
e510 Diiwaanka hubka iyo rasaasta? / Arms and ammunition register? yesyesyesyes
e7 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Xaaladda Dhismaha / Data Note: Physical Infrastructure Conditions Holding cells: severely degraded. Public toilet: 1 toilet shared by public and police.
F. Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha- Booliska Gaarka ah / Security and Violence – SPF
f11 Tirada guud ee la dhaawacay iyaga oo shaqada gudanaya 2019? / Total injured in the course of duty in 2019? 0580
f12 Tirada guud ee la laayahay iyaga oo shaqada gudanaya 2019? / Total missing in the course of duty in 2019? -99000
f2 Tirada guud ee la dhaawacay/la laayahay iyaga oo aan shaqada ku jirin 2019? / Total injured/missing when off duty in 2019? 0080
f3 Tirada guud ee la dilay 2019? / Total killed in 2019? 0120
f4 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah / Data NoteMarch 22nd 2020: IED killed 4 police including Commander.
G. Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha – Booliska Maamulka / Security and Violence – State Police
g1 Tirada guud ee la dhaawacay/ la laayahay iyaga oo shaqada gudanaya 2019? / Total injured/missing in the course of duty in 2019? 0051
g2 Tirada guud ee la dhaawacay/la laayahay iyaga oo aan shaqada ku jirin 2019? / Total injured/missing when off duty in 2019? 0000
g3 Tirada guud ee la dilay 2019? / Total killed in 2019? 0001
g4 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah / Data note
I. Maareynta Dacwadaha (sannadka dhammanaya December 2019) / Case Management (year ending December 2019)
i1 Tirada guud ee cabashooyinka la helay 2019? / Total complaints received in 2019? 1502153663700
i2 Tirada guud ee danbiyadii la diiwaan geliyey 2019? / Total number of crimes recorded in 2019?822152100406
i3 Tirada guud ee danbiyada la baadhay 2019? / Total number of crimes investigated in 2019?82932100406
i4 Tirada guud ee dadka la xidhay 2019? / Total number of persons arrested in 2019?150931670819
i5 Tirada guud ee warbixinaha loo diray Ku-xigeenada Xeer-ilaaliyaha ee hoos imanaya Qodobka 26 ee CPC? / Total number of reports sent to DAG under Art 26 CPC?824765406
i6 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha/dadka loo gudbiyey odayaasha? / Total number of cases/persons referred to elders?0461605250
i7 Cabashooyinkii ugu badnaa? / Most common complaint? TheftMurderTheft / family disputesTheft / assault
i8 Celceliska waqtiga taariikhdii la soo xidhay illaa markii dacwadda lagu soo oogay (maalmo)? / Average time from date of arrest to charge (days)?5125
i.9. Dadka ku xidhan xarunta booliska / Detainees in Police custody
i91 Tirada guud ee dadka lagu hayey xarunta booliska 31 December 2019? / Total number detainees held in police custody on 31 December 2019?86134
i92 Tirada ragga? / Number of men?54134
i93 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women?3200
i94 Tirada inamada ka yar 18? / Number of u18 boys?00-990
i95 Tirada hablaha ka yar 18? / Number of u18 girls?00-990
i96 Ninkii xidhnaa mudada ugu dheer (maalmo) ? / Longest serving man (days)? 121727
i97 Gabdhii xidhnayd mudada ugu dheer (maalmo)? / Longest serving woman (days)? 5800
i98 Wiilkii xidhnaa mudada ugu dheer (maalmo)? / Longest serving boy (days)? 00-990
i99 Inantii xidhnayd mudada ugu dheer (maalmo)? / Longest serving girl (days)? 00-990
i.10. Maxaabiista Xukun lagu riday intii ay ku xidhnaayeen Xarunta Booliska? / Convicted/Sentenced Prisoners in Police Cells
i101 Tirada guud ee maxaabiista xukun lagu riday intii ay ku jireen xarumaha booliska 31 December 2019? / Total number of convicted/sentenced prisoners in police cells on 31 December 2019? 4000
i102 Tirada ragga? / Number of men?4000
i103 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women?0000
i104 Tirada inamada ka yar 18? / Number of u18 boys?0000
i105 Tirada hablaha ka yar 18? / Number of u18 girls?0000
i11 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Maareynta Dacwadda / Data Note: Case Management Persons arrested: more people appear to be arrested than number of crimes recorded. This may be due to multiple accused for the same offence, or other reason. Investigation Reports: it is unclear to whom these IRs are sent in the absence of a prosecutor.
Longest serving in police custody: 17 days.
The defendant was held in police custody pending trial.
Case data sources: Occurrence Book (OB) and Criminal Offences Book. The data were provided by the police officer responsible with reference to both OB and COB. They appear to be rounded up. Case data source: Occurrence Book (OB).
Crimes recorded: 406 – Persons arrested: 819. The discrepancy here is not clearly explained. It may be due to multiple accused for one offence.
J. Tababarka (Booliska Maamulka) / Training (State Police)
j1 Magaca cidda tababarka bixisay? / Name of training provider?00AMISOMUNSOM / AMISOM
j2 Tirada Booliska Maamulka ee tababarka qaatay- darajooyinka kale leh (2019)? / Number Police other ranks provided in service training (2019)? 0000
j3 Mudadii uu socday tababarku (usbuucyo)? / Length of training (weeks)? 0000
j4 Tirada saraakiisha booliska maamulka ee tababarka qaatay- tababarka billawga ah (2019)? / Number Police officers provided in service training (2019)?0000
j5 tababarku (usbuucyo)? / Length of training (weeks)? 0000
j6 Tirada booliska maamulka ee tababarka qaatay – darajooyinka kale leh – tababarka xusuusinta (2019)? / Number trained State Police other ranks refresher (2019)? 00248311
j7 Mudada uu socday tababarku (usbuucyo)? / Length of training (weeks)? 00-99-99
j8 Tirada saraakiisha booliska Maamulka – qaatay tababarka xusuusinta (2019)? / Number trained State Police officers – refresher (2019)?002140
j9 Mudadii uu socday tababarku (usbuucyo)? / Length of training (weeks)? 00-99-99
j10 Tirada baadheyaasha Maamulka tababarka qaatay – baadhista aasaasiga ah (2019)? / Number trained State investigators – basic investigation (2019)?0015-99
j11 Mudadii uu tababarku socday (usbuucyo)? / Length of training (weeks)? 0022
j12 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Tababarka (Booliska Maamulka) / Data Note: Training (State Police)Police services in Xudur provided by SPF. Police services in Afgooye provided by SPF. Refresher training: 248 (219 men, 29 women). Sponsor: UNDP
Officer Training of Trainers (ToT): 21 (18 men 3 women). Sponsor: UNDP
Basic Criminal Investigation: 15 (10 men : 5 women). Sponsor: India

Further training included:
1 – Community policing and human rights (Special Police Force – Darwish): 579 (562 men 17 women) Sponsor: MoIS
2 – Community policing and de-radicalisation: 20 (19 men, 1 woman). Sponsor: DFID / UNOPS
3 – ToT Specific: 15 (13 men, 2 women). Sponsor: AU / Japanese Government
4 – Traffic management: 25 (22 men, 3 women). Sponsor: AU/ Japanese Government
5 – Aviation security: 15 (12 men, 3 women). Sponsor: AU / Japanese Government
6 – Community policing: 25 (20 men, 5 women). Sponsor: India
7 – IED/EOD: 15 (12 men, 3 women). Sponsor: India
8 – Human rights: 25 (25 men, 0 women). Sponsor: India
9 – Junior management: 15 (13 men, 2 women). Sponsor: India
10 – Middle management: 15 (10 men, 5 women). Sponsor: India

Source: AMISOM HQ, Mogadishu

Refresher training: 311 (282 men, 29 women ). Sponsor: UNOPS
Officer Training of Trainers (ToT): 40 (37 men, 3 women). Sponsor: UNDP)

Further training included:
1 – Community policing and de-radicalisation: 20 (12 men 8 women). Sponsor: AU/Japanese Government
2 – ToT Specific: 15 (15 men, 0 women). Sponsor: AU/Japanese Government
3 – Traffic management: 25 (23 men, 2 women). Sponsor: AU/Japanese Government
4 – IED/EOD: 15 (14 men, 1 woman). Sponsor: India
5 – Junior management: 15 (13 men, 2 women). Sponsor: India
6 – Middle management: 15 (14 men, 1 woman). Sponsor: India
7 – Community policing: 25 (22 men, 3 women). Sponsor: India

Source: AMISOM HQ, Mogadishu.
K. Hab maamulka (booliska maamulka) / Governance (State Police)
k1 Sidee shaqaalaha darajada sare loo magacaabaa? / How are senior staff appointed? NANACommissioner of PoliceCommissioner of Police
k2 Sidee shaqaalaha darajada hoose loo magacaabaa? / How are junior staff appointed? -11-11Commissioner of PoliceCommissioner of Police
k3 Sidee shaqaalaha darajada sare loo shaqaalaysiiyaa? / How are senior staff recruited? -11-11ExamInterview
k4 Sidee shaqaalaha darajada hoose loo shaqaalaysiiyaa? / How are junior staff recruited? -11-11ExamInterview
k5 Aqoonta aasaasiga ah ee shaqaalaha darajada sare? / Basic qualification senior staff?-11-11MadrassaSecondary
k6 Aqoonta aasaasiga ah ee shaqaalaha darajada hoose? / Basic qualification junior staff?-11-11MadrassaPrimary
k7 Ma dejisan yahay habka ay dadweynuhu cabashada u soo gudbiyaan? / Public complaints mechanism established?-11-11yesyes
k8 Tirada booliska la anshax-mariyey 2019? / Number of police disciplined/sanctioned in 2019?-99-9905
k9 Dadka la xidhay ma heli karaan adeegga sharciga? / Detained persons access to legal services?-11-11yesyes
k91 If yes, Lawyer or NGO? -11-11LawyerLawyer
k92 If NGO, what name? -11-11-11-11
k10 Ma jiraa hab gudaha hay’adda loo kormeerka loo sameeyo? / Is there an internal oversight mechanism?-11-11noyes
k11 Haddii jawaabta suaasha 10aad haa tahay, maxaa la yidhaa hannaankaas? / If yes to (q10), what is the mechanism called? -11-11-11Weekly
k12 Ma jiraa hab dibadda uga baxsan hay’adda oo loo kormeero? / Is there an external oversight mechanism?-11-11nono
k13 Haddii jawaabta suaasha 12aad haa tahay, maxaa la yidhaa hannaankaas? / If yes to (q12), what is the mechanism called? -11-11-11-11
k14 Saraakiisha booliska maamulka imisa ayaa la siiyaa bishii (oo maamulku bixiyaa)? / Pay per month State police officers (by state government)?-99-99050
k15 Saraakiisha booliska maamulka imisa ayaa la siiyaa bishii (gunno ahaan)? / Pay per month State police officers (by stipend)?-99-9910080
k16 Booliska darajooyinka kale leh ee maamulka imisa ayaa la siiyaa bishii (oo maamulku bixyaa? / Pay per month State police other ranks (by state government)-99-99050
k17 Booliska darajooyinka kale leh ee maamulka imisa ayaa la siiyaa bishii (gunno ahaan)? / Pay per month State police other ranks (by stipend)?-99-9910080
k18 Imisa billood ayuu mushaharku dib uga dhacay – booliska darajooyinka kale leh? / Number of months in arrears for payment – other ranks?-99-9901
k19 Imisa ayaa cunta la siiyaa bishii (oo maamulku bixiyo) USD? / Food allowance per month (by state government) in USD?-99-99-990
k20 Miisaaniyadda 2018/19? / Budget 2018/19?-99-9960000-99
k21 Miisaaniyadda 2019/20? / Budget 2019/20?-99-99-99-99
k22 Celceliska inta bishii qoysku cuntada ku soo gato USD? / Monthly shopping basket for average family in USD?-99-99-99300
k23 Hannaanka ay u wada xidhiidhaan bahda caddaaladdu? / Coordination mechanism with justice actors? -11-11yesyes
k24 Kooxaha booliska ee xidhiidhka la sameeya bulshada? / Community police liaison teams? -11-11yesyes
k25 Majiraa xafiis dumarrka u gaarali? / Gender desk? nonoyesyes
k25 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Maamulka (Booliska Maamulka) / Data Note: Governance (State Police)No data available for SPF governance. Police stipend paid by donors, through the UN Joint Police Programme (JPP).

Oversight: Commissioner’s office carries out ‘weekly’ oversight visits.

Police stipend paid by donors, through the UN Joint Police Program (JPP).

Salary ‘rarely’ paid in arrears.