State / Gobol | South West | South West | Jubbaland | Banadir |
Region / Gobolka | Bay | Bakool | Lower Jubbaland | Banadir Regional Administration |
City / Magaalada | Baidoa | Xudur | Kismayo | Mogadishu |
District / Degmada | -11 | -11 | -11 | Hamar-Weyne |
A. Agabka / Material Resources | ||||
a1 Adeegga Korontada laydhka? Electricity supply? | Continuous | None | Continuous | Continuous |
a11 Haddii qayb ahaan tahay imisa saacadood maalintii? If partially how many hours per day? | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 |
a2 Helitaanka Internet-ka xafiiska? Access to office internet? | None | None | None | Continuous |
a3 Tirada xeer-ilaaliyeyaasha isticmaalaya kombuyuutarada shaqaynaya? Number of Prosecutors to working computer? | 4 | 0 | 3 | 0 |
a4 Tirada Kaaliyaasha isticmaalaya kombuyuutarada shaqaynaya? Number of Registrars to working computer? | 4 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
a5 Tirada gawaadhida shaqaynaysa? Number of working vehicles? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
a6 Shidaalka loo ogol yahay bishiiba (Litir)? Fuel allowance per month (in Litres)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 240 |
a7 Tirada kombuyuutarada shaqaynaya? Number of working computers? | 2 | 0 | 3 | 34 |
a8 Tirada footokoobiyada shaqaynaya? Number of working photocopiers? | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
a9 Khadka footokoobiyada oo shaqaynaya? Adequate photocopier toner? | No | -11 | Yes | Yes |
a10 Tirada qalabka daabacaadda oo shaqaynaya? Number of working printers? | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
a11 Khadka qalabka daabacadda oo ku filan? Adequate printer toner? | No | -11 | Yes | Yes |
a12 Tirada kabadhada faylasha oo xidhma? Number of secure filing cabinets? | 0 | 0 | 3 | 15 |
a13 Waraaqaha xafiisyada oo ku filan? Adequate stationery? | 0 | 0 | 0 | Yes |
a14 Masaafadda Maxkamadda u jirto (KMs)? Distance to Court (KMs)? | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 |
a15 Masaafadda uu u jiro Taliska Guud ee Booliska (KMs)? Distance to Police HQ (KMs)? | 2 | 0 | 2 | 2 |
a16 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Agabka Data Note: Material Resources | 2 computers shared by all prosecutors and clerks. | Printer/photocopier all-in-one. OAG occupies same complex as AC and SC. RC and DC are 2km away. | The OAG temporarily occupies same compound as the RC, AC and SC. | |
B. Shaqaalaha / Human Resources | ||||
b.1. Xeer-ilaaliyaha Guud / Attorney General | ||||
b11 Tirada Xeer-ilaaliyeyaasha Guud? Total number of Attorneys-General? | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
b12 Tirada Ragga (XG) ? Number of Men (AGs)? | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
b13 Tirada Haweenka (XG)? Number of Women (AGs)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
b.2. Ku xigeenada Xeer-ilaaliyaha Guud / Deputy Attorneys General | ||||
b21Tirada Ku-xigeenada Xeer-ilaaliyaha Guud (KXG)? Total number of Deputy Attorney-Generals (DAGs)? | 4 | 1 | 1 | 18 |
b22 Tirada Ragga (KXG)? Number of Men (DAGs)? | 3 | 1 | 1 | 13 |
b23 Tirada Haweenka (KXG)? Number of Women (DAGs)? | 1 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
b.3. Xeer-ilaaliyeyaasha / Prosecutors | ||||
b31 Tirada guud ee Xeer-ilaaliyeyaasha? Total number of Prosecutors? | 5 | 1 | 7 | 0 |
b32 Tirada Ragga (Xeer-ilaaliyeyaasha)? Number of Men (Prosecutors)? | 4 | 1 | 6 | 0 |
b33 Tirada Haweenka (Xeer-ilaaliyeyaasha)? Number of Women (Prosecutors)? | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
b.4. Shaqaale Hoosaadka / Support Staff | ||||
b41 Tirada guud ee Shaqaale hoosaadka?Total number of Support Staff? | 6 | 4 | 3 | 38 |
b42 Tirada Kaaliyaasha Ragga?Number of Registrars, Men? | 2 | 4 | 2 | 17 |
b43 Tirada Kaaliyaasha Haweenka? Number of Registrars, Women? | 2 | 0 | 1 | 10 |
b44 Tirada Gaadhsiyaasha Ragga? Number of Messengers, Men? | 2 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
b45 Tirada Gaadhsiyaasha Haweenka?Number of Messengers, Women? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
b46 Tirada guud ee Shaqaalaha Ammaanka? Total number of Security Staff? | 5 | 0 | 10 | 0 |
b5 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Shaqaalaha Data Note: Human Resources | 5 security staff shared with the courts. | Registrar doubles as messenger. 10 security for the whole compound. | All prosecutors are DAGs nominated by presidential decree Security shared among Courts and OAG. | |
C. Xaaladda Dhismaha / Physical Infrastructure Conditions | ||||
c1 Dhismaha dibaddu ma ku filan yahay? Adequate external structure? | No | No | Yes | No |
c2 Dhismaha? Building? | Allocated by Gov | Allocated by Gov | Allocated by Gov | Allocated by Gov |
c.3. Qalabaynta Gudaha / Internal Furnishing | ||||
c31 Tirada xafiisyada u gaarka ah? Number of dedicated offices? | 2 | 0 | 3 | 9 |
c32 Tirada marwaxadaha xafiis kastaa leeyahay? Number of fans each office? | 0 | 0 | 3 | 9 |
c33 Tirada KXG/Xeer-ilaaliyeyaasha miis kasta? Number of DAGs/Prosecutors per desk? | 4 | 0 | 3 | 2 |
c34 Tirada qololka u gaarka ah waraysiyada? Number of dedicated interview rooms? | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
c35 Tirada qololka u gaarka ah sugitaanka?Number of dedicated waiting rooms? | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
c36 Tirada musqulada shaqaalaha? Number of Staff toilets? | 3 | 1 | 2 | 0 |
c37 Tirada musqulada Dadweynaha? Number of Public toilets? | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 |
c5 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Xaaladda Dhismaha Data Note: Physical Infrastructure Conditions | Offices: 2 plus space in the hall (1). Fans: also have a/c Litigants/witnesses wait in the corridors. The staff share toilets with the public. | Public toilets shared with all courts. OAG offices temporary until new location can be found. | ||
D. Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha / Security and Violence | ||||
d1 Tirada KXG/xeer-ilaaliyeyaasha loo hanjabay 2019? Number of DAGs/Prosecutors threatened/intimidated in 2019? | -99 | 2 | 3 | 5 |
d2 Tirada KXG/xeer-ilaaliyeyaasha la weeraray/dhaawacay 2019?Number of DAGs/Prosecutors attacked/injured in 2019? | 1 | 0 | 1 | 3 |
d3 Tirada KXG/xeer-ilaaliyeyaasha la dilay 2019? Number of DAGs/Prosecutors killed in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
d4 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha Data Note: Security and Violence | All attacks and fatalities attributed to AS. | |||
E. Maareynta Dacwadaha Soo gelaya / Case Management – Inflow | ||||
e.1. Dacwadihii Taagnaa 2018 / Cases Pending 2018 | ||||
e11 Tirada guud ee dacwadihii Taagnaa illaa 2018? Total number of cases Pending from 2018? | -99 | 0 | 52 | -99 |
e12 Tirada ragga Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of male Defendants? | -99 | 0 | 37 | -99 |
e13 Tirada haweenka Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of female Defendants? | -99 | 0 | 11 | -99 |
e14 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | 0 | 4 | -99 |
e15 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | 0 | 0 | -99 |
e.2. Warbixintii Baadhista laga helay Booliska / Investigation Reports received from Police | ||||
e21 Tirada guud ee warbixinaha baadhista ee laga helay booliska illaa 2019? Total number of Investigation reports received from Police in 2019? | -99 | -99 | 406 | 171 |
e22 Tirada ragga Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of male Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 310 | -99 |
e23 Tirada haweenka Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of female Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 65 | -99 |
e24 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 21 | -99 |
e25 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 10 | -99 |
e.3. Warbixintii Dib loogu celiyey Booliska / Reports Referred Back to Police | ||||
e31 Tirada guud ee warbixinta dib loogu celiyey booliska 2019? Total number of reports referred back to Police in 2019? | -99 | -99 | 16 | -99 |
e32 Tirada ragga Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of male Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 16 | -99 |
e33 Tirada haweenka Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of female Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
e34 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
e35 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
e.4. Tirada Dacwadaha la soo oogey 2019 / Number of Cases Charged in 2019 | ||||
e41 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha la soo oogay 2019? Total number of cases Charged in 2019? | -99 | -99 | 223 | 356 |
e42 Tirada ragga Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of male Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 168 | -99 |
e43 Tirada haweenka Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of female Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 26 | -99 |
e44 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 11 | -99 |
e45 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 5 | -99 |
e.5. Tirada Dacwadaha 2019 / Number of Cases 2019 | ||||
e51 Tirada guud ee Dacwadaha 2019? Total number of Cases in 2019? | -99 | -99 | 433 | 356 |
e52 Tirada ragga Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of male Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 316 | -99 |
e53 Tirada haweenka Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of female Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 75 | -99 |
e54 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 26 | -99 |
e55 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 16 | -99 |
e6 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Maareynta Dacwadaha soo galaData Note: Case Management Inflow | No register or procedure for case management existed in 2019. | Case data collected for the region (ie Bakool) for 2019. No disaggregation by town or location. | Total IRs from police (girls): 10 Most involved parental disobedience. | Case data: no record of cases pending and IR’s referred back to police.Total charged: 356It is unclear from the record whether the charges are laid against people or framed as cases. Register does not disaggregate defendants by age or gender |
F. Maareynta Dacwadaha Baxa / Case Management Outflow | ||||
f.1. Dacwadaha loo weeciyey Hannanka Xeer-dhaqameedka ee XXG 2019 / Cases Diverted to Customary System by OAG in 2019 | ||||
f11 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha loo leexiyey Hannaanka Xeer-dhaqameedka (2019)? Total number of cases diverted to Customary System 2019? | -99 | -99 | 10 | -99 |
f12 Tirada ragga Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of male Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 7 | -99 |
f13 Tirada haweenka Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of female Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 2 | -99 |
f14 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 1 | -99 |
f15 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f.2. Dacwadihii la laalay markii loo waayey caddeyn 2019 / Cases Dismissed for Lack of Evidence in 2019 | ||||
f21 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha La laalay markii loo waayey Caddeyn 2019? Total number of cases Dismissed for Lack of Evidence in 2019? | -99 | -99 | 3 | -99 |
f22 Tirada ragga Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of male Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 3 | -99 |
f23 Tirada haweenka Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of female Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f24 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f25 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f.3. Dacwadaha lagu xalliyey Xeer-dhaqameed MD 2019 / Cases Resolved Through Customary System in DC in 2019 | ||||
f31 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha lagu xalliyey Xeer-dhaqameed MD 2019? Total number of cases Resolved through Customary System in DC 2019? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f32 Tirada ragga Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of male Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f33 Tirada haweenka Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of female Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f34 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f35 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f.4. Dacwadaha La laalay markii caddeyn loo waayey MD 2019 / Cases Dismissed for Lack of Evidence in DC in 2019 | ||||
f41 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha La laalay markii Caddeyn loo waayey MD 2019? Total number of cases Dismissed for Lack of Evidence in DC in 2019? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f42 Tirada ragga Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of male Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f43 Tirada haweenka Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of female Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f44 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f45 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f.5. Dacwadaha Dhammaaday markii Danbi lagu waayey MD 2019? / Cases Ending in Acquittal in DC in 2019 | ||||
f51 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha dhammaday markii danbi lagu waayey MD 2019? Total number of cases Ending in Acquittal in DC in 2019? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f52 Tirada ragga Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of male Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f53 Tirada haweenka Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of female Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f54 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f55 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f.6. Dacwadaha ku Dhammaday markii Danbi lagu helay MD 2019 / Cases Ending in Conviction in DC in 2019 | ||||
f61 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha Dhammaday markii Danbi lagu helay MD 2019? Total number of cases Ending in Conviction in DC in 2019? | -99 | -99 | 62 | -99 |
f62 Tirada ragga Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of male Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 39 | -99 |
f63 Tirada haweenka Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of female Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 15 | -99 |
f64 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 6 | -99 |
f65 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 2 | -99 |
f.7. Dacwadaha lagu xalliyey nidaamka xeer-dhaqameedka MG 2019 / Cases Resolved through Customary System in RC in 2019 | ||||
f71 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha lagu xalliyey Xeer-dhaqameed MG 2019? Total number of cases Resolved through Customary System in RC in 2019? | -99 | -99 | 10 | -99 |
f72 Tirada ragga Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of male Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 6 | -99 |
f73 Tirada haweenka Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of female Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 4 | -99 |
f74 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f75 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f.8. Dacwadaha la laalay markii loo waayey Caddeyn MG 2019 / Cases Dismissed for Lack of Evidence in RC in 2019 | ||||
f81 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha La laalay markii loo waayey caddeyn MG 2019? Total number of cases Dismissed for Lack of Evidence in RC in 2019? | -99 | -99 | 3 | -99 |
f82 Tirada ragga Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of male Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 2 | -99 |
f83 Tirada haweenka Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of female Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 1 | -99 |
f84 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f85 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f.9. Dacwadaha ku dhammaday Danbi la’aan MG 2019 / Cases Ending in Acquittal in RC in 2019 | ||||
f91 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ku dhammaaday Danbi La’aan MG 2019? Total number of cases Ending in Acquittal in RC in 2019? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f92 Tirada ragga Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of male Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f93 Tirada haweenka Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of female Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f94 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f95 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f.10. Dacwadaha ku dhammaaday Danbi lagu helay MG 2019 / Cases Ending in Conviction in RC in 2019 | ||||
f101 Tirada guud dacwadaha ku dhammaaday Danbi lagu helay MG 2019?Total number of cases Ending in Conviction in RC in 2019? | -99 | -99 | 148 | -99 |
f102 Tirada ragga Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of male Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 129 | -99 |
f103 Tirada haweenka Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of female Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 11 | -99 |
f104 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 5 | -99 |
f105 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 3 | -99 |
f.11. Dacwadaha Racfaanka laga soo qaatay MD 2019 / Cases Appealed From DC in 2019 | ||||
f111 Tirada guud ee Dacwadaha Racfaanka laga soo qaatay MD 2019? Total number of Cases Appealed from DC in 2019? | -99 | -99 | 10 | -99 |
f112 Tirada Xukunada MD uu Eedaysanuhu ka qaatay racfaanka?Number of DC Convictions appealed by Defendant? | -99 | -99 | 6 | -99 |
f113 Tirada Xukunada MD uu xeer-ilaaliyuhu ka qaatay racfaanka? Number of DC Convictions appealed by Prosecution? | -99 | -99 | 4 | -99 |
f114 Tirada Danbiyada lagu waayey ee uu Xeer-ilaaliyuhu racfaanka ka qaatay? Number of Acquittals appealed by the Prosecution? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f.12. Dacwadaha Racfaanka laga soo qaatay MG 2019 / Cases Appealed from RC in 2019 | ||||
f121 Tirada guud Dacwadaha Racfaanka laga soo qaatay MG 2019? Total number of Cases Appealed from RC in 2019? | -99 | -99 | 13 | -99 |
f122 Tirada Xukunada Danbiga ee MG uu Eedaysanuhu ka qaatay racfaanka? Number of RC Convictions appealed by Defendant? | -99 | -99 | 10 | -99 |
f123 Tirada Xukunada Danbiga ee MG uu xeer-ilaaliyuhu ka qaatay racfaanka? Number of RC Convictions appealed by Prosecution? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f124 Tirada Danbi la’aanta uu xeer-ilaaliyuhu ka qaatay racfaanka? Number of Acquittals appealed by the Prosecution? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
f.13. Dacwadaha racfaanka ee laga qaatay MR 2019 / Cases Appealed from AC in 2019 | ||||
f131 Tirada xukunada racfaanka MR ee uu Eedaysanuhu ka qaatay racfaanka? Number of AC rulings appealed by the Defendant? | -99 | -99 | 3 | -99 |
f132 Tirada xukunada racfaanka MR ee uu xeer-ilaaliyuhu ka qaatay racfaanka? Number of AC rulings appealed by the Prosecution? | -99 | -99 | 1 | -99 |
f.14. Dacwadaha Go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019 / Cases Disposed in 2019 | ||||
f141 Tirada guud ee Dacwadaha Go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019? Total number of Disposed Cases in 2019? | -99 | -99 | 210 | 197 |
f142 Tirada ragga Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of male Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 168 | -99 |
f143 Tirada haweenka Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of female Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 26 | -99 |
f144 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 11 | -99 |
f145 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)?Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 5 | -99 |
f.15. Dacwadaha Taagnaa illaa January 2020 / Cases Pending in January 2020 | ||||
f151 Tirada guud ee Dacwadaha Taagnaa illaa January 2020? Total number of Cases Pending in January 2020? | -99 | -99 | 14 | 330 |
f152 Tirada ragga Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of male Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 13 | -99 |
f153 Tirada haweenka Eedaysaneyaasha? Number of female Defendants? | -99 | -99 | 1 | -99 |
f154 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 |
f155 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)?Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 |
f16 Celceliska culayska dacwadaha ee MD ee saaran KXG midkiiba 2019? Average monthly Caseload in DC per DAG in 2019? | -99 | -99 | 5 | 10 |
f17 Celceliska culayska dacwadaha ee MG ee saaran KXG midkiiba 2019? Average monthly Caseload in RC per DAG in 2019? | -99 | -99 | 5 | 40 |
f18 Celceliska waqtiga u dhexeeya marka Dacwadda la soo oogo illaa marka ay Billaabmayso/ loo yeedho maragga MD (maalmo)? Average time between Charge and Start of Trial/Calling Witnesses in DC (days)? | -99 | 30 | 5 | 7 |
f19 Celceliska waqtiga u dhexeeya marka Dacwadda la soo oogo illaa marka ay Billaabmayso/ loo yeedho maragga MG (maalmo)?Average time between Charge and Start of Trial/Calling Witnesses in RC (days)? | -99 | 30 | 5 | 25 |
f20 Celceliska waqtiga u dhexeeya marka ay Dacwaddu billaabanto illaa Xukunka la ridayo MD (maalmo)?Average time between Start of Trial and Judgment in DC ( days)? | -99 | 30 | 21 | 30 |
f21 Celceliska waqtiga u dhexeeya marka ay Dacwaddu billaabanto illaa Xukunka la ridayo MG(maalmo)? Average time between Start of Trial and Judgment in RC ( days)? | -99 | 15 | 30 | 90 |
f22 Boqolkiiba inta uu matalo Qareenka difaacu MD? Percentage Accused represented by lawyers in DC? | -99 | 20 | 2 | 20 |
f23 Boqolkiiba inta uu matalo Qareenka difaacu MG? Percentage Accused represented by lawyers in RC? | -99 | 20 | 3 | 55 |
f24 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Maareynta Dacwadaha Baxaya Data Note: Case Management Outflow | Records kept by a prosecutor doubling as a clerk. | Case disposition: record does not track case outcomes. Total cases appealed: record does not track cases appealed to AC. | ||
G. Tababarka / Training | ||||
g1 Tababar Kabis ah: Xirfadda Maxkamadda (maalmo)?Supplementary Training: Court Craft (days)? | 5 | 5 | 3 | 70 |
g2 Tirada Xeer-ilaaliyeyaasha la tababaray? Number of Prosecutors trained? | 5 | 6 | 10 | 18 |
g3 Tababar Kaabis ah: Mid gaar ah (maalmo)?Supplementary Training: Specialised (days)? | 7 | 6 | 0 | 15 |
g4 Tirada Xeer-ilaaliyeyaasha la tababary? Number of Prosecutors trained? | 5 | 6 | 0 | 6 |
g5 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Tababarka Data Note: Training | Number trained: includes prosecutors from Bakool region. | |||
H. Hab Maamulka / Governance | ||||
h1 Habkee loo soo doortaa Xeer-ilaaliyeyaasha? How are Prosecutors appointed? | State President | State President | State President | President |
h2 Habkee loo shaqaalaysiiyaa Xeer-ilaaliyeyaasha? How are Prosecutors recruited? | Exam | Clan | Exam | Exam |
h.3. Aqoonta ay leeyihiin, shahaadada sharciga / Existing Qualifications, Law Degree | ||||
h31 Tirada ragga, shahaadada sharciga? Number of men, Law degree? | 0 | 0 | 3 | 4 |
h32 Tirada haweenka, shahaadada sharciga? Number of women, law degree? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
h.4. Aqoonta ay leeyihiin, Shareecadda / Existing Qualifications, Sharia | ||||
h41 Tirada ragga, Shareecadda? Number of men, Sharia? | 1 | 2 | 7 | 10 |
h42 Tirada haweenka, Shareecadda? Number of women, Sharia? | 1 | 0 | 1 | 5 |
h.5. Aqoonta ay leeyihiin, Dugsi Sare / Existing Qualifications, Secondary | ||||
h51 Tirada ragga, Dugsi Sare? Number of men, Secondary? | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
h52 Tirada haweenka, Dugsi Sare? Number of women, Secondary? | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
h6 Bishii imisa ayay qaataan Xeer-ilaaliyeyaasha darajada sare? Pay per month (USD) Senior Prosecutors? | 400 | 0 | 700 | 1058 |
h7 Bishii imisa ayay qaataan Xeer-ilaaliyeyaasha darajada hoose? Pay per month (USD) Junior Prosecutors? | 400 | 0 | 700 | 1058 |
h8 Imisa billood ayuu mushaharku ka habsaamaa KXG/Xeer-ilaaliyeyaasha? Number of months DAGs/Prosecutors paid in arrears? | 1 | 0 | 2 | 0 |
h9 Mushaharka yaa bixiya? Salary paid by? | FMS | None | FMS | FGS |
h10 Celceliska bishii inta uu qoysku ku adeegto (USD)? Monthly shopping basket for average family (USD)? | 0 | 300 | 700 | 700 |
h11 Miisaaniyadda 2018/19? Budget 2018/19? | 160000 | -99 | -99 | 1845000 |
h12 Miisaaniyadda 2019/20? Budget 2019/20? | 170000 | -99 | -99 | 1845000 |
h13 Ma jiraa Xeerka Anshaxu? Code of Conduct in place? | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
h14 Bahda Caddaaladdu ma leeyihiin hannaan ay ku wada xidhiidhaan? Coordination mechanism with Justice Actors? | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
h15 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Hab maamulka Data Note: Governance | Coordination mechanism: via Whatsapp Group. | 2 prosecutors: masters in law, 1 degree in law, 8 prosecutors hold degrees in Sharia. |
State / Gobol | South West State | South West State | South West State | Jubbaland | |||||||||||||||
Region / Gobolka | Bakool | Bay | Lower Shabelle | Lower Jubba | Banadir Regional Administration | Banadir Regional Administration | Banadir Regional Administration | Banadir Regional Administration | Banadir Regional Administration | Banadir Regional Administration | Banadir Regional Administration | Banadir Regional Administration | Banadir Regional Administration | Banadir Regional Administration | Banadir Regional Administration | Banadir Regional Administration | Banadir Regional Administration | Banadir Regional Administration | Banadir Regional Administration |
City / Magaalada | Xudur | Baidoa | Afgoye | Kismayo | Mogadishu | Mogadishu | Mogadishu | Mogadishu | Mogadishu | Mogadishu | Mogadishu | Mogadishu | Mogadishu | Mogadishu | Mogadishu | Mogadishu | Mogadishu | Mogadishu | Mogadishu |
District / Degmada | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | Daynile | Warta Nabadda | Wadajir | Hodan | Abdiaziz | Howl-Wadag | Shangani | Hiliwa | Dharkenley | Karan | Waberi | Hamar-Weyne | Hamar-Jajab | Yaqshid | Kaxda |
A. Agabka / Material Resources | |||||||||||||||||||
a1 Adeegga Korontada/laydhka? / Electricity supply? | None | Continuous | Continuous | Continuous | Continuous | Continuous | Partial | Continuous | Continuous | Continuous | Continuous | Continuous | Continuous | Continuous | Continuous | Continuous | Continuous | Continuous | |
a11 Haddii qayb ahaan tahay, imisa saacadood maalintii? / If partially, how many hours per day? | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | 6 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | |
a2 Helitaanka Internet-ka xafiiska? / Access to office internet? | None | None | None | Continuous | None | None | None | Continuous | None | None | Continuous | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | |
a3 Tirada Kombuyutarada shaqaynaya? / Number of working computers? | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | |
a4 Tirada garsooreyaasha isticmaala kombuyutarada shaqaynaya? / Number of Judges to working computer? | 0 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | |
a5 Tirada Kaaliyeyaasha isticmaala kombuyutarada shaqaynaya? / Number of Registrars to working computer? | 0 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | |
a6 Tirada gawaadhida shaqaynaysa? / Number of working vehicles? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
a7 Shidaalka loo ogol yahay bishii ( litir)? / Fuel allowance per month (in Litres)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
a8 Ma la heli karaa sharciyo ku filan garsoorayaasha? / Adequate access to Laws of Somalia? | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | |
a9 Tirada shaqaalaha taageerada miisaska? / Number of Support Staff to desk? | 0 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | |
a10 Tirada Footokoobiyada shaqaynaya? / Number of working photocopiers? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 | |
a11 Ma jiraan Khadka Footokoobiyada oo ku filan? / Adequate Photocopier Toner? | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | n/a | No | No | No | No | No | |
a12 Tirada qalabka daabacaadda ee shaqaynaya? / Number of working printers? | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 2 | |
a13 Ma jiraan Khadka qalabka daabacaadda oo ku filan? / Adequate printer toner? | no | Yes | Yes | Yes | no | no | no | Yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | |
a14 Tirada qaanad faylasha ee xidhma? / Number of secure filing cabinets? | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | |
a15 Qolka caddaymaha oo xidhma? / Secure Evidence Room? | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | |
a16 Ma jiraan agabka xafiiska loo isticmaalo sida waraaqaha oo ku filan? / Adequate stationery? | No | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | |
a17 Habka loola xidhiidho Markhaatiga/Dhinacyada dacwadda? / Means of contacting Witnesses/Parties? | Physical | Physical | Telecommunications | Telecommunications | Telecommunications | Telecommunications | Telecommunications | Telecommunications | Telecommunications | Telecommunications | Physical | Telecommunications | Physical | Physical | Letter | Telecommunications | Letter | Physical | |
a18 Qoraalka Xogta: Qalabka yaala / Data Note: Material Resources | Telecommunications are also used as a means of contacting witnesses/parties. | All files and evidence are kept together.
Letters are also used as a means of contacting witnesses/parties. | Printer/photocopier all-in-one. DC and RC share all equipment. | Electricity sourced from police station. | Electricity sourced from police station. Printer/photocopier are all-in-one. | Electricity sourced from police station.
Letters are also used as a means of contacting witnesses/parties. | Electricity: usage up to 600 kW free. Judge/registrar share computer. Printer/photocopier all-in-one. Letters are also used as a means of contacting witnesses/parties. | Witness notification: complainant produces witness. Letters are also used a means of contacting witnesses/parties. | Filing cabinets (pictured) are not secure. | Judge uses own laptop. Witness notification: complainant produces own witness(es). | Printer/photocopier all-in-one. Letters are also used a means of contacting witnesses/parties. | ||||||||
B. Shaqaalaha / Human Resources | |||||||||||||||||||
b.1. Garsooreyaasha / Judges | |||||||||||||||||||
b11 Tirada guud ee Garsooreyaasha? / Total number of Judges? | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | |
b12 Tirada guud ee Ragga (Garsooreyaasha)? / Number of Men (Judges)? | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | |
b13 Tirada Haweenka (Garsooreyaasha)? / Number of Women (Judges)? | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
b14 Tirada Kaaliyayaasha Sharciga (ragga)? / Number of Judicial Assistants (men)? | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 4 | 2 | |
b15 Tirada Kaaliyayaasha Sharciga (haweenka)? / Number of Judicial Assistants (women)? | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |
b.2. Shaqaale hoosaadka / Support Staff | |||||||||||||||||||
b21 Tirada Guud ee Shaqaale Hoosaadka? / Total Number of Support Staff? | 0 | 3 | 1 | 5 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 5 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 6 | |
b22 Tirada Kaaliyayaasha (ragga)? / Number of Registrars (men)? | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | |
b23 Tirada Kaaliyayaasha (haweenka)? / Number of Registrars (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | |
b24 Tirada Gaadhsiyeyaasha (ragga)? / Number of Messengers (men)? | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | |
b25 Tirada Gaadhsiyeyaasha (haweenka)? / Number of Messengers (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
b26 Tirada Shaqaalaha Ammaanka? / Number of Security Staff? | 0 | 6 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
b27 Tirada Shaqaalaha Nadaafadda? / Number of Cleaning Staff? | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | |
b3 Qoraalka Xogta: Shaqaalaha / Data Note: Human Resources | 1 DC judge sits in AC. Police provide security for all courts. | Security staff shared with all courts | The 5 judges cover both DC and RC and include 1 chairman for both RC & DC | Police provide security. | Police provide security. | The Judicial Assistant doubles as the Registrar. | |||||||||||||
C. Xaaladda Dhismeyaasha / Physical Infrastructure Conditions | |||||||||||||||||||
c1 Dhismahaan mawaxa loo dhisay Maxkamadda? / Purpose built Court building? | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | |
c2 Tirada hoolalka dacwadda ee u gaarka ah Maxkamadda? / Number of dedicated Court rooms? | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
c3 Tirada marwaxadaha yaala hoolka dacwadda? / Number of fans to Court room? | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
c4 Tirada xafiisyada garsooreyaasha (ka baxsan hoolalka dacwadda)? / Number of offices for Judges (separate from court rooms)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | |
c5 Tirada xafiisyada u gaarka ah shaqaale hoosaadka? / Number of dedicated Support Offices? | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
c6 Tirada shaqaalaha ee xafiiskiiba ku qoran? / Number of staff per office? | 0 | 0 | 6 | 5 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 6 | |
c.7. Qolalka la fadhiisiyo markhaatiga / Witness Waiting Rooms | |||||||||||||||||||
c71 Tirada qolalka gaarka ah ee la fadhiisiyo markhaatiga? / Number of private witnesses waiting rooms? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
c72 Qolalka la fadhiisiyo markhaatiga (Ragga)? / Number of witness waiting rooms (Men)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
c73 Qolalka la fadhiisiyo markhaatiga (Dumarka)? / Number of witness waiting rooms (Women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
c8 Tirada qolalka la fadhiisiyo dadweynaha? / Number of waiting rooms for Public? | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
c9 Tirada qolalka u gaarka ah Ku xigeenada Xeer-ilaaliyaha Guud/Xeer-illaaliyeyaasha? / Number of dedicated rooms for DAGs/Prosecutors? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
c10 Qolalka u gaarka ah Qareenada Difaaca dadweynaha? / Number of dedicated rooms for PD/Defence Counsel? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
c11 Sida ay dadweynuhu u helaan/gaadhaan Maxkamadda? / Court access to Public? | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | |
c12 Dadka baahiyaha gaarka ah qaba side ayay u heli/gaadhi karaan maxkamadda? / Court access to Disabled? | No | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | |
c13 Tirada musqulaha dadweynaha? / Number of Public Toilets? | 0 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
c15 Qoraalka Xogta: Xaaladda muuqaalka Dhismaha / Data Note: Physical Infrastructure Conditions | Public access public toilet in police station. | The 1 room doubles as court room and office shared by all. | The 1 room doubles as court room and office shared by all. The waiting area is under a large tree outside. Judges, staff and public share 1 toilet. | The DC and RC share judges, staff and equipment. | The Chairman’s office doubles as courtroom. Court access only to those with a case. Public use toilet in the police station. | Judge’s office doubles as courtroom. | Hodan DC functions in Hodan District Police Station. | Judge’s office doubles as courtroom. There are 6 toilets in the building, only one of which is used, and is pictured. | Photos – were not available. The two offices were allocated by the local district. | Court users have access to staff toilet. | Judge’s office doubles as courtroom. Hiliwa DC sits in the Regional Court complex in Hamar Weyne. | Judge’s office doubles as courtroom. Open access subject to availability of space in the courtroom. | Judge’s office doubles as courtroom. | Yaqshid District Court sits in the Regional Court complex in Hamar Weyne. | Kaxda District Court is temporarily located at Kaxda Police Station. People from Kaxda district use Dharkenley DC (source: SC) | ||||
D. Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha / Security and Violence | |||||||||||||||||||
d1 Tirada shaqaalaha ammaanka ee ku sugan iridda Maxkamadda? / Number of security personnel at entrance to Court? | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
d2 Tirada shaqaalaha ammaanka ee ku sugan gudaha Qolka Maxkamadda marka dhegaysiga la wado? / Number of security personnel inside the court room when it is sitting? | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
d3 Celcelis ahaan tirada shaqaalaha ammaanka ee ku qoran guryaha garsooreyaasha? / Average number of security personnel attached to Judges’ homes’? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
d4 Tirada Garsooreyaasha loo hanjabay/haddiday 2019? / Number of Judges threatened/intimidated in 2019? | 0 | -99 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |
d5 Tirada Garsooreyaasha la weeraray/dhaawacay 2019? / Number of Judges attacked/injured in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
d6 Tirada Garsooreyaasha la dilay 2019? / Number of Judges killed in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
d7 Qoraalka xogta: Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha / Data Note: Security and Violence | Security provided by police station. One judge killed in 2015. | 2 security guards at entrance to court compound. 2 security guards shared by all courts. Number of threats made to Judiciary no exact number. | Security ‘lent’ to court by District administration. | Threat related to case. | Attack on court chairman by unknown gunmen in 2019, but no casualties. | Security provided by police during the hearing of cases. | 1 judge threatened in 2018. | Security provided by District Administration. | Verbal threat | ||||||||||
E. Maareynta Dacwadaha / Case Management | |||||||||||||||||||
e.I. Dacwadaha Taaggan 2018 / Cases Pending 2018 | |||||||||||||||||||
e1 Tirada guud ee dacwadihii taagnaa illaa sannadkii 2018? / Total number of Cases Pending from 2018? | 0 | -99 | 4 | 62 | 34 | 107 | 10 | -99 | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 66 | 0 | 0 | 3 | -99 | |
e2 Tirada guud ee Dacwadaha Madaniga ah? / Total civil cases? | 0 | -99 | 4 | 42 | 34 | 87 | 10 | -99 | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 66 | 0 | 0 | 3 | -99 | |
e3 Tirada Guud ee dacwadaha Ciqaabta? / Total criminal cases? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 20 | 0 | -99 | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e31 Tirada ragga eedaysaneaasha? / Number of male Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 12 | -99 | 20 | 0 | -99 | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e32 Tirada haweenka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 6 | -99 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e33 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e34 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e.II. Dacwadaha Cusub 2019 / New Cases in 2019 | |||||||||||||||||||
e4 Tirada guud dacwadaha cusub 2019? / Total New Cases 2019? | 33 | 142 | 50 | 213 | 100 | 117 | 223 | 237 | 14 | 159 | 97 | 8 | 121 | 112 | 62 | 54 | 49 | 39 | |
e5 Tirada guud dacwadaha Madaniga ah 2019? / Total civil cases 2019? | 18 | 91 | 28 | 151 | 72 | 96 | 158 | 221 | 13 | 142 | 78 | 3 | 121 | 102 | 45 | 43 | 34 | 31 | |
e.6. Tirada guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta 2019 / Total Criminal Cases in 2019 | |||||||||||||||||||
e61 Tirada Guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta 2019? / Total criminal cases 2019? | 15 | 51 | 22 | 62 | 28 | 20 | 65 | 16 | 1 | 17 | 19 | 5 | 0 | 10 | 17 | 11 | 15 | 8 | |
e62 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants? | 11 | -99 | -99 | 39 | -99 | 20 | 64 | 16 | 1 | 17 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 10 | 17 | 9 | 15 | -99 | |
e63 Tirada haweenka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants? | 4 | -99 | -99 | 15 | -99 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | -99 | |
e64 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e65 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e.III. Dacwadaha Go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019 / Disposed Cases in 2019 | |||||||||||||||||||
e7 Tirada guud dacwadaha go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019? / Total Disposed cases 2019? | 33 | 125 | 41 | 203 | 40 | 107 | 78 | 56 | 14 | 138 | -99 | -99 | 114 | 98 | 62 | 54 | 43 | -99 | |
e8 Tirada Guud Dacwadaha madaniga go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019? / Total civil cases Disposed 2019? | 18 | 82 | 19 | 141 | 12 | 96 | 13 | 40 | 13 | 135 | -99 | -99 | 114 | 88 | 45 | 43 | 28 | -99 | |
e.9. Tirada guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019 / Total Criminal Cases Disposed in 2019 | |||||||||||||||||||
e91 Tirada guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019? / Total criminal cases Disposed 2019? | 15 | 43 | 22 | 62 | 28 | 21 | 65 | 16 | 1 | 3 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 10 | 17 | 11 | 15 | -99 | |
e92 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants? | 11 | -99 | -99 | 39 | -99 | 21 | 64 | 16 | 1 | 3 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 10 | 17 | 9 | 15 | -99 | |
e93 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants? | 4 | -99 | -99 | 15 | -99 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | -99 | |
e94 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e95 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e.10. Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee la laalay markii loo waayey caddayn / Criminal Cases Dismissed for Lack of Evidence | |||||||||||||||||||
e101 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha la laalay markii loo waayey caddeyn? / Total criminal cases dismissed for Lack of Evidence? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e102 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e103 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e104 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e105 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e.11. Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee lagu xalliyey Heshiis Xeer-dhaqameed / Criminal Cases Resolved Through Customary Settlement | |||||||||||||||||||
e111 Tirada guud Dacwadaha ciqaabta ee lagu xalliyey Heshiis Xeer-dhaqameed? / Total criminal cases resolved through Customary Settlement? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 8 | 6 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 | -99 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e112 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 5 | -99 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 | -99 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e113 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 1 | -99 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 | -99 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e114 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 | -99 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e115 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 | -99 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e.12. Dacwadaha ku dhammaday in danbigii lagu helay / Cases Ending in Conviction | |||||||||||||||||||
e121 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ciqaabta ee ku dhammaday in danbigii lagu helay? / Total criminal cases ending in Conviction? | 9 | 43 | 22 | 30 | 22 | 21 | 65 | 16 | 1 | 3 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 10 | 15 | 11 | 15 | -99 | |
e1211 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants? | 6 | -99 | -99 | 26 | -99 | 21 | 64 | 16 | 1 | 3 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 10 | 15 | 9 | 15 | -99 | |
e1212 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants? | 3 | -99 | -99 | 2 | -99 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | -99 | |
e1213 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e1214 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e122 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ku dhammaaday xukun in lagu rido kadib dacwad dhammaystiran? /Total criminal cases ending in conviction after Full Trial? | 7 | -99 | -99 | 24 | 0 | -99 | 65 | 14 | 0 | 3 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 10 | 15 | 11 | 15 | -99 | |
e1221 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants? | 5 | -99 | -99 | 20 | 0 | -99 | 64 | 14 | 0 | 3 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 10 | 15 | 9 | 15 | -99 | |
e1222 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants? | 2 | -99 | -99 | 2 | 0 | -99 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | -99 | |
e1223 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e1224 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e123 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ku dhammaday xukun la riday kadib markii danbigii la qirtay? / Total criminal cases ending in conviction after Guilty Plea? | 2 | -99 | -99 | 6 | 22 | -99 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e1231 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants? | 1 | -99 | -99 | 6 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e1232 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants? | 1 | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e1233 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e1234 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e.13. Dacawadaha ku dhammaaday danbigii oo lagu waayey / Cases Ending in Acquittal | |||||||||||||||||||
e131 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ciqaabta ee ku dhammaaday danbigii oo lagu waayey? / Total criminal cases ending in acquittal? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e132 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 6 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e133 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 3 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e134 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e135 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e.IV. Dacwadihii taagnaa ee u soo wareegay 2020 / Pending Cases Carried over into 2020 | |||||||||||||||||||
e14 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha madaniga ah ee 2020? /Total pending civil cases into 2020? | 0 | 9 | 9 | 20 | 94 | 87 | 8 | 3 | 0 | 7 | -99 | -99 | 7 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 9 | -99 | |
e.15. Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee 2020 / Criminal Cases into 2020 | |||||||||||||||||||
e151 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ciqaabta ee taagnaa 2020? / Total pending criminal cases into 2020? | 0 | 8 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 19 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 14 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e152 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha? / Number of male Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 19 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 14 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e153 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha? / Number of female Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e154 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e155 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e.V. Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee loo racfaan qaatay MR 2019 / Criminal Cases Appealed to AC in 2019 | |||||||||||||||||||
e16 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ciqaabta ee loo racfaan qaatay MR 2019? / Total number of criminal cases appealed to AC in 2019? | 3 | 1 | -99 | 9 | 0 | 6 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e161 Tirada uu eedaysanuhu racfaanka qaatay? / Number appealed by Defendant? | 3 | -99 | -99 | 6 | 0 | 6 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e162 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha? / Number of male Defendants? | 3 | -99 | -99 | 4 | 0 | 6 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e163 Tirada haweenka eedaysaneyaasha? / Number of female Defendants? | 0 | -99 | -99 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e164 Tirada xeer-ilaalinta ee ka qaadatay racfaanka? / Number appealed by Prosecutor? | 0 | -99 | -99 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | |
e17 Celceliska waqtiga maxkamaddu socotay (saacado)? / Average court time sitting a day (hours)? | 5 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | -99 | 1 | -99 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 1 | |
e18 Celceliska waqtiga u dhaxaysay markii maxkamaddu bilaabantay iyo markay dhammaatay (maalmo)? / Average time between start of criminal trial and end of trial (days)? | 2 | 3 | 7 | 6 | -99 | 4 | 30 | 7 | 1 | 15 | -99 | 1 | -99 | -99 | 30 | 30 | 15 | 60 | |
e19 Ma jireen hannaan gooni ah Dacwadaha Caddaaladda Carruurta? / Special Procedures in Child Justice Cases? | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | -11 | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | |
e20_Kiis_celcelis_ahaan_bil_kasta_maxkamadda_dhexdeeda_/_average_caseload_per_month_per_court_civilcriminal | 3 | 4 | 5 | 23 | 11 | 19 | 19 | 12 | 1 | 5 | 8 | 1 | 10 | 15 | 5 | 5 | 4 | -99 | |
e21 Qoraalka Xogta: Maareynta Dacwadda / Data Note: Case Management | Data discrepancy – Total Criminal Cases disposed: 1 female defendant unaccounted for. No DC Register. Judges use own notebook to record and track their cases. | Pending cases end 2018: Register (2018) unavailable. Case data (2019) sourced from SC and OAG Annual Report 2019 (see Library SWS). Case data include: 427 cases (mainly civil) referred for settlement under customary law (source: AR page 7, under ‘Mucaamalaad’). Cases dismissed for Lack of Evidence and Acquittals: data not captured in AR. They are inferred from existing data. AR does not distinguish between Cases disposed by Full Trial and Guilty Plea. Interviews suggest most defendants enter a guilty plea. AR records 1 criminal appeal in 2019. | Case data (2019) sourced from SC and OAG Annual Report 2019 (see Library 2019). Case data include:11 civil cases settled under customary law and 288 cases (mainly civil) referred for settlement under customary law (Source: AR, p5, under ‘Mucaamalaad’). Cases Dismissed for Lack of Evidence and Acquittals:data not captured in AR. They are inferred from the case disposition. AR does not distinguish between Cases disposed by Full Trial and Guilty Plea. | Case data for DC and RC combined in the same Register. 1 clerk managed caseloads in both courts in 2019. Case data for DC and RC are confusing as unclear which case heard in which court.The best available data have been compiled by the clerk in the Annual Report for First Instance Courts. (see photograph). A second clerk has since been recruited to focus on land disputes. | Total Criminal Cases ending in Conviction After Guilty Plea: 22 all reported to relate to cases involving child disobedience. Total pending civil cases into 2020: 94 inferred from total disposed. Court record unclear. | Total pending Civil Cases into 2020: 8 data discrepancy. | Total pending Civil Cases into 2020: 3 data discrepancy. | Total pending cases from 2018 into 2019: no data as no DC Register for 2018. | Case data sourced from SC Annual Report 2020 (see Library in Somali, p6). DC Register 2019 unavailable. Court records unclear. | Case data sourced from SC Annual Report 2020 (see Library, p6) as court data unclear. | Total pending Civil Cases into 2020: 12 data discrepancy. | Case data sourced from SC Annual Report 2020 (see Library, p6) as court data unclear. | |||||||
F. Tababarka / Training | |||||||||||||||||||
f1 Tababarka aasaasiga ah ee garsoorka (maalmo)? / Judicial basic training (days)? | 0 | 5 | -99 | 2 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 3 | |
f2 Tirada garsooreyaasha MD ee helay tababarka aasaasiga ah 2019? /Number of DC Judges provided with basic training in 2019? | 0 | 3 | -99 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | |
f3 Tababarka xusuusinta ee Garsoorka (maalmo)? / Judicial refresher training (days)? | 5 | 5 | -99 | 5 | 0 | 5 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |
f4 Tirada garsooreyaasha MD ee la siiyey tababarka xusuusinta 2019? / Number of DC Judges provided with refresher training in 2019? | 1 | 3 | -99 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |
f5 Tababarka gaarka ah ee Garsoorka 2019 (maalmo)? / Judicial specialised training in 2019 (days)? | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 5 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | |
f6 Tirada Garsooreyaasha MD ee helay tababarka gaarka ah 2019? / Number of DC Judges provided with specialised training in 2019? | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |
f7 Qoraalka Xogta: Tababar / Data Note: Training | Training on Civil & Criminal Procedure. | Last training in 2010. | Specialised training in conflict resolution. | Basic training (1989), 8 months further training (2011). 30 days Refresher training (2018). | |||||||||||||||
G. Hab Maamulka / Governance | |||||||||||||||||||
g1 Qaabkee loo soo magacaabaa Garsooreyaasha? / How were they appointed? | Judicial Services Commission | Judicial Services Commission | Judicial Services Commission | Judicial Services Commission | President | President | President | President | President | President | President | President | President | President | President | President | President | President | |
g2 Qaabkee Garsooreyaasha loo shaqaalaysiiyaa? / How were they recruited? | Exam | Exam | Exam | Exam | Exam | Exam | Exam | Exam | Exam | Exam | Exam | Exam | Exam | Exam | Exam | Exam | Exam | Exam | |
g.3. Aqoonta / Qualifications | |||||||||||||||||||
g31 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Ragga: shahaadada sharciga/ Existing Qualifications, Men: Law degree? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
g32 Aqoonta ay haystaan Ragga: Shahaado Jaamacadeed oo Shareecadda ah? / Existing Qualifications, Men: Sharia University Degree? | 0 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
g33 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Ragga: ‘Tababar Masaajid’? / Existing Qualifications, Men: ‘Mosque Trained’? | 3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
g34 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Ragga: Dugsi Sare? / Existing Qualifications, Men: Secondary? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
g35 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Dumarka: shahaadada sharciga? / Existing Qualifications, Women: Law degree? | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
g36 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Dumarka: Shahaado Jaamacadeed oo Shareecadda ah? / Existing Qualifications, Women: Sharia University Degree? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
g37 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Dumarka: ‘Tababar Masjid’? / Existing Qualifications, Women: ‘Mosque Trained’? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
g38 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Dumarka: Dugsi Sare? / Existing Qualifications, Women: Secondary? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
g4 Intee jeer ayeey maxkamada sare soo kormeertay 2019 kii? / Number of Inspection visits by SC in 2019? | 1 | 20 | 8 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 6 | 2 | 0 | 8 | 2 | 7 | 10 | 3 | 2 | 5 | |
g5 Tirada kulamada Maareynta Dacwadaha ee 2019? / Number of meetings on Case Management in 2019? | 0 | 5 | -99 | 12 | 12 | 4 | 8 | 6 | 4 | 0 | 5 | 1 | -99 | 3 | 10 | 9 | 12 | 0 | |
g6 Xeer-anshaxeedka garsoorka ma dejisan yahay? / Judicial Code of Conduct in place? | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | No | |
g7 Garsooreyaasha Sare imisa ayay helaan bishii (USD) ? /Pay per month Senior Judge in (USD)? | 0 | 400 | 0 | 700 | 1200 | 1146 | 1200 | 1200 | 1200 | 1200 | 1200 | 1200 | 700 | 1100 | 1200 | 1200 | 1200 | 1150 | |
g8 Garsooreyaasha Hoose imisa ayay helaan bishii (USD)? / Pay per month Junior Judge in (USD)? | 0 | 400 | 0 | 700 | 0 | 1100 | 1100 | 1100 | 0 | 1050 | 1100 | 1154 | 0 | 0 | 1100 | 1100 | 1058 | 0 | |
g9 Mushaharka waxa bixiya? / Salary paid by? | FMS | FMS | FMS | FGS | FGS | FGS | FGS | FGS | FGS | FGS | FGS | FGS | FGS | FGS | FGS | FGS | |||
g10 Imisa billood ayay dib uga dhacdaa lacagtu Garsooreyaasha? / Number of months Judges paid in arrears? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
g11 Kaaliyeyaashu imisa ayay helaan bishii USD? / Pay per month to Registrar in USD? | 0 | 200 | 0 | 386 | 400 | 400 | 400 | 400 | 700 | 700 | 400 | 400 | 400 | 400 | 400 | 400 | 400 | 400 | |
g12 Kaaliyayaasha Sharciga imisa ayuu helaa bishaa USD? / Pay per month to Judicial Assistant in USD? | 0 | 200 | 0 | 386 | 400 | 400 | 400 | 400 | 700 | 700 | 700 | 400 | 400 | 400 | 700 | 0 | 400 | 400 | |
g13 Gaadhsiyuhu imisa ayuu helaa bishaa USD? / Pay per month to Messenger in USD? | 0 | 100 | 0 | 215 | 0 | 320 | 300 | 330 | 300 | 300 | 300 | 300 | 322 | 320 | 320 | 300 | 320 | 322 | |
g14 Illaalada Ammaanku imisa ayay helaan bishii USD? / Pay per month to Security in USD? | 0 | 100 | 0 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
g15 Shaqaalaha Nadaafaddu imisa ayay helaan bishii USD? / Pay per month to Cleaner in USD? | 0 | 50 | 35 | 150 | 0 | 198 | 200 | 190 | 198 | 200 | 198 | 198 | 230 | 198 | 198 | 198 | 200 | 198 | |
g16 Inta billood ee ay lacagtu ka habsaanto Shaqaale Hoosaadka? /Number of months Support Staff paid in arrears? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
g17 Bishii imisa ayay noqotaa lacagta qoysku ku soo adeegto USD? / Monthly shopping basket for average family in USD? | 0 | -99 | -99 | 400 | 1700 | 800 | 1000 | 500 | 1000 | -99 | 1000 | 1050 | 800 | 500 | 1200 | 750 | 800 | 500 | |
g18 Imisa ayaa lagu bixiyaa furshada gal dacwo madani ah? / How much are Court fees in a civil claim? | 0 | 50 | -99 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | -99 | 50 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | |
g19 Qiimaha USD shaambadda Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee Qareen la socdo? / Cost of stamp duty in criminal cases in USD with Lawyer? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 40 | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
g20 Qiimaha USD shaambadda dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee aan Qareen la socon? / Cost of stamp duty in criminal cases in USD without Lawyer? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
g21 Qiimaha dhokumentiyada Maxkamadda USD? / Cost of Court documents page in USD? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 20 | 5 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | |
g22 Habka ay u wada xidhiidhaan Bahda Caddaaladdu? / Coordination Mechanism with Local Justice Actors | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | no | -11 | no | yes | yes | |
g23 Boqolkiiba imisa ayay qareenadu matalaan dacwadaha? / Percentage cases represented by a Lawyer? | 0 | 25 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 10 | 40 | 80 | 30 | 10 | 7 | 5 | -99 | 25 | 50 | 5 | 0 | |
g24 Boqolkiiba imisa ayay qaraarbadu matalaan dacwadaha? / Percentage cases represented by a relative? | 50 | 75 | 10 | 80 | 50 | 5 | 100 | 0 | 50 | 70 | 10 | 10 | 3 | 90 | 75 | 50 | 20 | 0 | |
g25 Miisaaniyadda 2019/20? Budget 2019/20? | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | |
g25 Qoraalka Xogta: Maamulka / Data Note: Governance | Judges interviewed recalled 1 visit in 2019. MOJ convenes local cluster meeting each month. Lawyers rarely appear in criminal cases. | Court filing fees: no standard. Where litigant is poor, a ‘poor file’ is opened and 0 paid. | The female Judge holds a Sharia degree. Official salary: $700 per month but ‘it is not received’. SC publishes list of court fees in civil cases by case type (see Library, Jubaland) Few lawyers in Kismayo. People do not fully understand the role lawyers play. | Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month. Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education. Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance. | Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month. Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education. Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance. | Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month. Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education. Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance. | Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month. Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education. Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance. | Judge holds Sharia and Law degree. Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month. Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education. Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance. | Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month. Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education. Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance. | Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month. Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education. Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance. | Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month. Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education. Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance. | Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month. Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education. Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance. | Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month. Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education. Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance. | Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month. Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education. Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance. | Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month. Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education. Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance. | Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month. Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education. Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance. | Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month. Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education. Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance. |
State / Gobol | South West State | South West State | Jubbaland | Banadir |
Region / Gobolka | Bakool | Bay | Lower Jubba | Banadir Regional Administration |
City / Magaalada | Xudur | Baidoa | Kismayo | Mogadishu |
District / Degmada | -11 | -11 | -11 | Hamar-Weyne |
A. Agabka / Material Resources | ||||
a1 Adeegga Korontada/laydhka? / Electricity supply? | None | Continuous | Continuous | Continuous |
a11 Haddii qayb ahaan tahay, imisa saacadood maalintii? / If partially, how many hours per day? | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 |
a2 Helitaanka Internet-ka xafiiska? / Access to office internet? | None | None | Continuous | None |
a3 Tirada Kombuyutarada shaqaynaya? / Number of working computers? | 0 | 1 | 3 | 10 |
a4 Tirada garsooreyaasha isticmaala kombuyutarada shaqaynaya? / Number of Judges to working computer? | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
a5 Tirada Kaaliyeyaasha isticmaala kombuyutarada shaqaynaya? / Number of Registrars to working computer? | 0 | 4 | 1 | 3 |
a6 Tirada gawaadhida shaqaynaysa? / Number of working vehicles? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
a7 Shidaalka loo ogol yahay bishii ( litir)? / Fuel allowance per month (in Litres)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
a8 Ma la heli karaa sharciyo ku filan garsoorayaasha? / Adequate access to Laws of Somalia? | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
a9 Tirada shaqaalaha taageerada miisaska? / Number of Support Staff to desk? | 0 | 0 | 2 | 10 |
a10 Tirada Footokoobiyada shaqaynaya? / Number of working photocopiers? | 0 | 0 | 2 | 5 |
a11 Ma jiraan Khadka Footokoobiyada oo ku filan? / Adequate Photocopier Toner? | No | No | Yes | Yes |
a12 Tirada qalabka daabacaadda ee shaqaynaya? / Number of working printers? | 0 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
a13 Ma jiraan Khadka qalabka daabacaadda oo ku filan? / Adequate printer toner? | No | o | Yes | Yes |
a14 Tirada qaanad faylasha ee xidhma? / Number of secure filing cabinets? | 0 | 0 | 1 | 10 |
a15 Qolka caddaymaha oo xidhma? / Secure Evidence Room? | No | No | No | No |
a16 Ma jiraan agabka xafiiska loo isticmaalo sida waraaqaha oo ku filan? / Adequate stationery? | No | No | Yes | Yes |
a17 Habka loola xidhiidho Markhaatiga/Dhinacyada dacwadda? / Means of contacting Witnesses/Parties? | Physical | Telecommunications | Telecommunications | Telecommunications |
a18 Qoraalka Xogta: Qalabka yaala / Data Note: Material Resources | The 1 computer is used by the Registrars. | RC and DC share all equipment | Witnesses are also contacted by letter. | |
B. Shaqaalaha / Human Resources | ||||
b.1. Garsooreyaasha / Judges | ||||
b11 Tirada guud ee Garsooreyaasha? / Total number of Judges? | 3 | 4 | 5 | 11 |
b12 Tirada guud ee Ragga (Garsooreyaasha)? / Number of Men (Judges)? | 3 | 4 | 4 | 11 |
b13 Tirada Haweenka (Garsooreyaasha)? / Number of Women (Judges)? | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
b14 Tirada Kaaliyayaasha Sharciga (ragga)? / Number of Judicial Assistants (men)? | 0 | 3 | 1 | 23 |
b15 Tirada Kaaliyayaasha Sharciga (haweenka)? / Number of Judicial Assistants (women)? | 0 | 1 | 1 | 4 |
b.2. Shaqaale hoosaadka / Support Staff | ||||
b21 Tirada Guud ee Shaqaale Hoosaadka? / Total Number of Support Staff? | 0 | 5 | 5 | 10 |
b22 Tirada Kaaliyayaasha (ragga)? / Number of Registrars (men)? | 0 | 3 | 2 | 4 |
b23 Tirada Kaaliyayaasha (haweenka)? / Number of Registrars (women)? | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
b24 Tirada Gaadhsiyeyaasha (ragga)? / Number of Messengers (men)? | 0 | 1 | 1 | 6 |
b25 Tirada Gaadhsiyeyaasha (haweenka)? / Number of Messengers (women)? | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
b26 Tirada Shaqaalaha Ammaanka? / Number of Security Staff? | 0 | 6 | 4 | 0 |
b27 Tirada Shaqaalaha Nadaafadda? / Number of Cleaning Staff? | 0 | 1 | 2 | 20 |
b3 Qoraalka Xogta: Shaqaalaha / Data Note: Human Resources | Security provided by police station | Security shared between all courts. | The 5 judges cover both DC and RC and include 1 chairman for both RC & DC | Security provided by the Custodial Corps. |
C. Xaaladda Dhismeyaasha / Physical Infrastructure Conditions | ||||
c1 Dhismahaan mawaxa loo dhisay Maxkamadda? / Purpose built Court building? | no | yes | yes | yes |
c2 Tirada hoolalka dacwadda ee u gaarka ah Maxkamadda? / Number of dedicated Court rooms? | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
c3 Tirada marwaxadaha yaala hoolka dacwadda? / Number of fans to Court room? | 0 | 3 | 2 | 4 |
c4 Tirada xafiisyada garsooreyaasha (ka baxsan hoolalka dacwadda)? / Number of offices for Judges (separate from court rooms)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
c5 Tirada xafiisyada u gaarka ah shaqaale hoosaadka? / Number of dedicated Support Offices? | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
c6 Tirada shaqaalaha ee xafiiskiiba ku qoran? / Number of staff per office? | 0 | 5 | 10 | 21 |
c.7. Qolalka la fadhiisiyo markhaatiga / Witness Waiting Rooms | ||||
c71 Tirada qolalka gaarka ah ee la fadhiisiyo markhaatiga? / Number of private witnesses waiting rooms? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
c72 Qolalka la fadhiisiyo markhaatiga (Ragga)? / Number of witness waiting rooms (Men)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
c73 Qolalka la fadhiisiyo markhaatiga (Dumarka)? / Number of witness waiting rooms (Women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
c8 Tirada qolalka la fadhiisiyo dadweynaha? / Number of waiting rooms for Public? | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
c9 Tirada qolalka u gaarka ah Ku xigeenada Xeer-ilaaliyaha Guud/Xeer-illaaliyeyaasha? / Number of dedicated rooms for DAGs/Prosecutors? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
c10 Qolalka u gaarka ah Qareenada Difaaca dadweynaha? / Number of dedicated rooms for PD/Defence Counsel? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
c11 Sida ay dadweynuhu u helaan/gaadhaan Maxkamadda? / Court access to Public? | yes | No | No | yes |
c12 Dadka baahiyaha gaarka ah qaba side ayay u heli/gaadhi karaan maxkamadda? / Court access to Disabled? | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
c13 Tirada musqulaha dadweynaha? / Number of Public Toilets? | 1 | 3 | 1 | 0 |
c15 Qoraalka Xogta: Xaaladda muuqaalka Dhismaha / Data Note: Physical Infrastructure Conditions | People access public toilet in the neighbouring police station. The RC (like the DC and AC) sits under a tree in the field of the neighbouring police station. | The RC and DC share judges, staff and equipment. | ||
D. Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha / Security and Violence | ||||
d1 Tirada shaqaalaha ammaanka ee ku sugan iridda Maxkamadda? / Number of security personnel at entrance to Court? | 0 | 2 | 4 | 0 |
d2 Tirada shaqaalaha ammaanka ee ku sugan gudaha Qolka Maxkamadda marka dhegaysiga la wado? / Number of security personnel inside the court room when it is sitting? | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
d3 Celcelis ahaan tirada shaqaalaha ammaanka ee ku qoran guryaha garsooreyaasha? / Average number of security personnel attached to Judges’ homes’? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
d4 Tirada Garsooreyaasha loo hanjabay/haddiday 2019? / Number of Judges threatened/intimidated in 2019? | 1 | -99 | 0 | 0 |
d5 Tirada Garsooreyaasha la weeraray/dhaawacay 2019? / Number of Judges attacked/injured in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
d6 Tirada Garsooreyaasha la dilay 2019? / Number of Judges killed in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
d7 Qoraalka xogta: Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha / Data Note: Security and Violence | Security provided by police station 1 Judge received a threatening call (reportedly from AS) | Security staff shared between all courts. | Both courts (RC&DC) share security staff | 1 male Registrar killed in 2019. |
E. Maareynta Dacwadaha / Case Management | ||||
e.I. Dacwadaha Taaggan 2018 / Cases Pending 2018 | ||||
e1 Tirada guud ee dacwadihii taagnaa illaa sannadkii 2018? / Total number of Cases Pending from 2018? | 0 | -99 | 162 | 435 |
e2 Tirada guud ee Dacwadaha Madaniga ah? / Total civil cases? | 0 | -99 | 130 | 323 |
e.3. Tirada guud ee Dacwadaha Ciqaabta / Total Criminal Cases | ||||
e31 Tirada Guud ee dacwadaha Ciqaabta? / Total criminal cases? | 0 | -99 | 32 | 112 |
e32 Tirada ragga eedaysaneaasha? / Number of male Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 25 | 105 |
e33 Tirada haweenka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 2 | 7 |
e34 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | 0 | -99 | 2 | 0 |
e35 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e.II. Dacwadaha Cusub 2019 / New Cases in 2019 | ||||
e4 Tirada guud dacwadaha cusub 2019? / Total New Cases 2019? | 21 | 149 | 467 | 642 |
e5 Tirada guud dacwadaha Madaniga ah 2019? / Total civil cases 2019? | 17 | 56 | 306 | 333 |
e.6. Tirada guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta 2019 / Total Criminal Cases in 2019 | ||||
e61 Tirada Guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta 2019? / Total criminal cases 2019? | 4 | 93 | 161 | 309 |
e62 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants? | 4 | -99 | 143 | 274 |
e63 Tirada haweenka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 10 | 35 |
e64 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | 0 | -99 | 8 | 0 |
e65 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e.III. Dacwadaha Go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019 / Disposed Cases in 2019 | ||||
e7 Tirada guud dacwadaha go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019? / Total Disposed cases 2019? | 13 | 105 | 529 | 176 |
e8 Tirada Guud Dacwadaha madaniga go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019? / Total civil cases Disposed 2019? | 9 | 24 | 381 | 79 |
e.9. Tirada guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019 / Total Criminal Cases Disposed in 2019 | ||||
e91 Tirada guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019? / Total criminal cases Disposed 2019? | 4 | 81 | 161 | 97 |
e92 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants? | 4 | -99 | 140 | 86 |
e93 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 12 | 11 |
e94 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | 0 | -99 | 9 | 0 |
e95 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e.10. Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee la laalay markii loo waayey caddayn / Criminal Cases Dismissed for Lack of Evidence | ||||
e101 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha la laalay markii loo waayey caddeyn? / Total criminal cases dismissed for Lack of Evidence? | 0 | -99 | 24 | 0 |
e102 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 15 | 0 |
e103 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 6 | 0 |
e104 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | 0 | -99 | 3 | 0 |
e105 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e.11. Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee lagu xalliyey Heshiis Xeer-dhaqameed / Criminal Cases Resolved Through Customary Settlement | ||||
e111 Tirada guud Dacwadaha ciqaabta ee lagu xalliyey Heshiis Xeer-dhaqameed? / Total criminal cases resolved through Customary Settlement? | 0 | 60 | 10 | 40 |
e112 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 8 | 35 |
e113 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 1 | 5 |
e114 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | 0 | -99 | 1 | 0 |
e115 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e.12. Dacwadaha ku dhammaday in danbigii lagu helay / Cases Ending in Conviction | ||||
e121 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ciqaabta ee ku dhammaday in danbigii lagu helay? / Total criminal cases ending in Conviction? | 4 | 21 | 76 | 57 |
e1211 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants? | 4 | -99 | 69 | 51 |
e1212 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 3 | 6 |
e1213 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | 0 | -99 | 4 | 0 |
e1214 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e122 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ku dhammaaday xukun in lagu rido kadib dacwad dhammaystiran? /Total criminal cases ending in conviction after Full Trial? | 4 | -99 | 63 | 57 |
e1221 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants? | 4 | -99 | 58 | 51 |
e1222 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 2 | 6 |
e1223 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | 0 | -99 | 3 | 0 |
e1224 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e123 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ku dhammaday xukun la riday kadib markii danbigii la qirtay? / Total criminal cases ending in conviction after Guilty Plea? | 0 | -99 | 13 | 0 |
e1231 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 11 | 0 |
e1232 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 1 | 0 |
e1233 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | 0 | -99 | 1 | 0 |
e1234 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e.13. Dacawadaha ku dhammaaday danbigii oo lagu waayey / Cases Ending in Acquittal | ||||
e131 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ciqaabta ee ku dhammaaday danbigii oo lagu waayey? / Total criminal cases ending in acquittal? | 0 | 0 | 51 | 0 |
e132 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 48 | 0 |
e133 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 2 | 0 |
e134 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | 0 | -99 | 1 | 0 |
e135 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e.IV. Dacwadihii taagnaa ee u soo wareegay 2020 / Pending Cases Carried over into 2020 | ||||
e14 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha madaniga ah ee 2020? /Total pending civil cases into 2020? | 8 | 32 | 69 | 577 |
e.15. Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee 2020 / Criminal Cases into 2020 | ||||
e151 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ciqaabta ee taagnaa 2020? / Total pending criminal cases into 2020? | 0 | 12 | 31 | 324 |
e152 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha? / Number of male Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 25 | 293 |
e153 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha? / Number of female Defendants? | 0 | -99 | 4 | 31 |
e154 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | 0 | -99 | 2 | 0 |
e155 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e.V. Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee loo racfaan qaatay MR 2019 / Criminal Cases Appealed to AC in 2019 | ||||
e16 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ciqaabta ee loo racfaan qaatay MR 2019? / Total number of criminal cases appealed to AC in 2019? | 0 | -99 | 13 | 34 |
e17 Tirada uu eedaysanuhu racfaanka qaatay? / Number appealed by Defendant? | 0 | -99 | 11 | 34 |
e18 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha? / Number of male Defendants? | 0 | -99 | -99 | 30 |
e19 Tirada haweenka eedaysaneyaasha? / Number of female Defendants? | 0 | -99 | -99 | 4 |
e20 Tirada xeer-ilaalinta ee ka qaadatay racfaanka? / Number appealed by Prosecutor? | 0 | -99 | 2 | 0 |
e21 Celceliska waqtiga maxkamaddu socotay (saacado)? / Average court time sitting a day (hours)? | 3 | 7 | 5 | 1 |
e22 Celceliska waqtiga u dhaxaysay markii maxkamaddu bilaabantay iyo markay dhammaatay (maalmo)? / Average time between start of criminal trial and end of trial (days)? | 30 | 5 | 7 | 30 |
e23 Ma jireen hannaan gooni ah Dacwadaha Caddaaladda Carruurta? / Special Procedures in Child Justice Cases? | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
e24_average_caseload_per_month_per_court_civilcriminal | 2 | 4 | 52 | 90 |
e25 Qoraalka Xogta: Maareynta Dacwadda / Data Note: Case Management | No RC Registrar. Judges use own notebook to record and track cases. | Court data unclear.Source of Case data: SC and OAG Annual Report SWS 2019 (see Library at p7). Court data unclear. Special procedure in child justice – law number 13, 8th March 1970. Total Criminal Cases Resolved through Customary Settlement: 60 (source: SC and OAG AR 2019 at p7). Total Cases Dismissed for Lack of Evidence: 0 and Total Cases Ending in Acquittal: 0. Data inferred from case disposition, not captured in the AR 2019. Cases ending in Conviction following Full Trial and Guilty Plea: data not captured in AR. | Case data for DC and RC combined in the same Register. 1 clerk managed caseloads in both courts in 2019. Case data for DC and RC are confusing as unclear which case heard in which court.The best available data have been compiled by the clerk in the Annual Report for First Instance Courts. (see photograph). A second clerk has since been recruited to focus on land disputes. | |
F. Tababarka / Training | ||||
f1 Tababarka aasaasiga ah ee garsoorka (maalmo)? / Judicial basic training (days)? | 5 | 7 | 2 | 7 |
f2 Tirada garsooreyaasha MD ee helay tababarka aasaasiga ah 2019? /Number of DC Judges provided with basic training in 2019? | 2 | 3 | 3 | 6 |
f3 Tababarka xusuusinta ee Garsoorka (maalmo)? / Judicial refresher training (days)? | 10 | 3 | 4 | 3 |
f4 Tirada garsooreyaasha MD ee la siiyey tababarka xusuusinta 2019? / Number of DC Judges provided with refresher training in 2019? | 3 | 3 | 3 | 8 |
f5 Tababarka gaarka ah ee Garsoorka 2019 (maalmo)? / Judicial specialised training in 2019 (days)? | 0 | 4 | 4 | 15 |
f6 Tirada Garsooreyaasha MD ee helay tababarka gaarka ah 2019? / Number of DC Judges provided with specialised training in 2019? | 0 | 4 | 3 | 6 |
f7 Qoraalka Xogta: Tababar / Data Note: Training | Training provided on Civil & Penal Procedure. | Specialised training in Case Management.
All training include personnel in both RC and DC. | ||
G. Maamulka / Governance | ||||
g1 Qaabkee loo soo magacaabaa Garsooreyaasha? / How were they appointed? | Judicial Services Commission | Judicial Services Commission | Judicial Services Commission | President |
g2 Qaabkee Garsooreyaasha loo shaqaalaysiiyaa? / How were they recruited? | Interview | Exam | Exam | Exam |
g.3. Aqoonta / Qualifications | ||||
g31 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Ragga: shahaadada sharciga/ Existing Qualifications, Men: Law degree? | 0 | 3 | 0 | 8 |
g32 Aqoonta ay haystaan Ragga: Shahaado Jaamacadeed oo Shareecadda ah? / Existing Qualifications, Men: Sharia University Degree? | 0 | 1 | 4 | 2 |
g33 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Ragga: ‘Tababar Masaajid’? / Existing Qualifications, Men: ‘Mosque Trained’? | 3 | 0 | 0 | -99 |
g34 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Ragga: Dugsi Sare? / Existing Qualifications, Men: Secondary? | 3 | 0 | 0 | -99 |
g35 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Dumarka: shahaadada sharciga? / Existing Qualifications, Women: Law degree? | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
g36 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Dumarka: Shahaado Jaamacadeed oo Shareecadda ah? / Existing Qualifications, Women: Sharia University Degree? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g37 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Dumarka: ‘Tababar Masjid’? / Existing Qualifications, Women: ‘Mosque Trained’? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g38 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Dumarka: Dugsi Sare? / Existing Qualifications, Women: Secondary? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g4 Intee jeer ayeey maxkamada sare soo kormeertay 2019 kii? / Number of Inspection visits by SC in 2019? | 0 | 4 | 3 | 15 |
g5 Tirada kulamada Maareynta Dacwadaha ee 2019? / Number of meetings on Case Management in 2019? | 6 | 4 | 12 | 10 |
g6 Xeer-anshaxeedka garsoorka ma dejisan yahay? / Judicial Code of Conduct in place? | No | Yes | No | Yes |
g7 Garsooreyaasha Sare imisa ayay helaan bishii (USD) ? /Pay per month Senior Judge in (USD)? | 0 | 400 | 700 | 1200 |
g8 Garsooreyaasha Hoose imisa ayay helaan bishii (USD)? / Pay per month Junior Judge in (USD)? | 0 | 400 | 700 | 0 |
g9 Mushaharka waxa bixiya? / Salary paid by? | None | FMS | FMS | FGS |
g10 Imisa billood ayay dib uga dhacdaa lacagtu Garsooreyaasha? / Number of months Judges paid in arrears? | 0 | 1 | 4 | 0 |
g11 Kaaliyeyaashu imisa ayay helaan bishii USD? / Pay per month to Registrar in USD? | 0 | 200 | 386 | 400 |
g12 Kaaliyayaasha Sharciga imisa ayuu helaa bishaa USD? / Pay per month to Judicial Assistant in USD? | 0 | 200 | 386 | 400 |
g13 Gaadhsiyuhu imisa ayuu helaa bishaa USD? / Pay per month to Messenger in USD? | 0 | 100 | 215 | 320 |
g14 Illaalada Ammaanku imisa ayay helaan bishii USD? / Pay per month to Security in USD? | 0 | 100 | 100 | 0 |
g15 Shaqaalaha Nadaafaddu imisa ayay helaan bishii USD? / Pay per month to Cleaner in USD? | 0 | 50 | 150 | 200 |
g16 Inta billood ee ay lacagtu ka habsaanto Shaqaale Hoosaadka? /Number of months Support Staff paid in arrears? | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
g17 Bishii imisa ayay noqotaa lacagta qoysku ku soo adeegto USD? / Monthly shopping basket for average family in USD? | 0 | -99 | -99 | 1100 |
g18 Imisa ayaa lagu bixiyaa furshada gal dacwo madani ah? / How much are Court fees in a civil claim? | 0 | 50 | 20 | 100 |
g19 Qiimaha USD shaambadda Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee Qareen la socdo? / Cost of stamp duty in criminal cases in USD with Lawyer? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g20 Qiimaha USD shaambadda dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee aan Qareen la socon? / Cost of stamp duty in criminal cases in USD without Lawyer? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g21 Qiimaha dhokumentiyada Maxkamadda USD? / Cost of Court documents page in USD? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g22 Habka ay u wada xidhiidhaan Bahda Caddaaladdu? / Coordination Mechanism with Local Justice Actors | no | yes | yes | yes |
g23 Boqolkiiba imisa ayay qareenadu matalaan dacwadaha? / Percentage cases represented by a Lawyer? | 25 | 50 | 3 | 60 |
g24 Boqolkiiba imisa ayay qaraarbadu matalaan dacwadaha? / Percentage cases represented by a relative? | 60 | 50 | 50 | 0 |
g25_Miisaaniyadda 2019/2020 / Budget 2019/2020 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 |
g26_Qoraalka Xogta: Maamulka / Data Note: Governance | Court fees flat rate to open civil case. | The female Judge holds a Sharia degree. Pay per month: data show official salary, but ‘they do not receive it.’SC publishes list of court fees in civil cases by case type (see Library, Jubaland)There are few lawyers available and people do not fully understand the role lawyers play (so 3%). |
State / Gobol | South West | South West | Jubbaland | Banadir Regional Administration |
Region / Gobolka | Bakool | Bay | L Juba | Banadir |
City / Magaalada | Xudur | Baidoa | Kismayo | Mogadishu |
District / Degmada | -11 | -11 | -11 | Hamar-Weyne |
A. Agabka / Material Resources | ||||
a1 Adeegga Korontada/laydhka? / Electricity supply? | None | Continuous | Continuous | Continuous |
a11 Haddii qayb ahaan tahay, imisa saacadood maalintii? / If partially, how many hours per day? | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 |
a2 Helitaanka Internet-ka xafiiska? / Access to office internet? | None | None | Continuous | Continuous |
a3 Tirada Kombuyutarada shaqaynaya? / Number of working computers? | 0 | 1 | 2 | 14 |
a4 Tirada garsooreyaasha isticmaala kombuyutarada shaqaynaya? / Number of Judges to working computer? | 0 | 3 | 0 | 1 |
a5 Tirada Kaaliyeyaasha isticmaala kombuyutarada shaqaynaya? / Number of Registrars to working computer? | 0 | 4 | 2 | 1 |
a6 Tirada gawaadhida shaqaynaysa? / Number of working vehicles? | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
a7 Shidaalka loo ogol yahay bishii ( litir)? / Fuel allowance per month (in Litres)? | 0 | 0 | 125 | 0 |
a8 Ma la heli karaa sharciyo ku filan garsoorayaasha? / Adequate access to Laws of Somalia? | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
a9 Tirada shaqaalaha taageerada miisaska? / Number of Support Staff to desk? | 0 | 5 | 1 | 11 |
a10 Tirada Footokoobiyada shaqaynaya? / Number of working photocopiers? | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
a11 Ma jiraan Khadka Footokoobiyada oo ku filan? / Adequate Photocopier Toner? | No | No | Yes | No |
a12 Tirada qalabka daabacaadda ee shaqaynaya? / Number of working printers? | 0 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
a13 Ma jiraan Khadka qalabka daabacaadda oo ku filan? / Adequate printer toner? | No | No | Yes | No |
a14 Tirada qaanad faylasha ee xidhma? / Number of secure filing cabinets? | 0 | 0 | 3 | 17 |
a15 Qolka caddaymaha oo xidhma? / Secure Evidence Room? | No | No | No | No |
a16 Ma jiraan agabka xafiiska loo isticmaalo sida waraaqaha oo ku filan? / Adequate stationery? | No | No | Yes | No |
a17 Habka loola xidhiidho Markhaatiga/Dhinacyada dacwadda? / Means of contacting Witnesses/Parties? | Physical | Letter | Telecommunications | Physical |
a18 Qoraalka Xogta: Qalabka yaala / Data Note: Material Resources | ||||
B. Shaqaalaha / Human Resources | ||||
b.1. Garsooreyaasha / Judges | ||||
b11 Tirada guud ee Garsooreyaasha? / Total number of Judges? | 3 | 3 | 4 | 7 |
b12 Tirada guud ee Ragga (Garsooreyaasha)? / Number of Men (Judges)? | 3 | 3 | 4 | 7 |
b13 Tirada Haweenka (Garsooreyaasha)? / Number of Women (Judges)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
b.2. Shaqaale hoosaadka / Support Staff | ||||
b21 Tirada Guud ee Shaqaale Hoosaadka? / Total Number of Support Staff? | 0 | 5 | 4 | 25 |
b22 Tirada Kaaliyayaasha (ragga)? / Number of Registrars (men)? | 0 | 4 | 2 | 13 |
b23 Tirada Kaaliyayaasha (haweenka)? / Number of Registrars (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 |
b24 Tirada Gaadhsiyeyaasha (ragga)? / Number of Messengers (men)? | 0 | 1 | 1 | 5 |
b25 Tirada Gaadhsiyeyaasha (haweenka)? / Number of Messengers (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
b26 Tirada Shaqaalaha Ammaanka? / Number of Security Staff? | 0 | 6 | 10 | 20 |
b27 Tirada Shaqaalaha Nadaafadda? / Number of Cleaning Staff? | 0 | 1 | 1 | 6 |
b3 Qoraalka Xogta: Shaqaalaha / Data Note: Human Resources | 1 Judge also sits in the DC.
AC security provided by police station. | Courts share 6 security staff. | Support staff include 1 secretary
| |
C. Xaaladda Dhismeyaasha / Physical Infrastructure Conditions | ||||
c1 Dhismahaan mawaxa loo dhisay Maxkamadda? / Purpose built Court building? | No | 1 | Yes | Yes |
c2 Tirada hoolalka dacwadda ee u gaarka ah Maxkamadda? / Number of dedicated Court rooms? | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
c3 Tirada marwaxadaha yaala hoolka dacwadda? / Number of fans to Court room? | 0 | 1 | 3 | 0 |
c4 Tirada xafiisyada garsooreyaasha (ka baxsan hoolalka dacwadda)? / Number of offices for Judges (separate from court rooms)? | 0 | 0 | 1 | 5 |
c5 Tirada xafiisyada u gaarka ah shaqaale hoosaadka? / Number of dedicated Support Offices? | 0 | 1 | 1 | 5 |
c6 Tirada shaqaalaha ee xafiiskiiba ku qoran? / Number of staff per office? | 0 | 4 | 2 | 5 |
c.7. Qolalka la fadhiisiyo markhaatiga / Witness Waiting Rooms | ||||
c71 Tirada qolalka gaarka ah ee la fadhiisiyo markhaatiga? / Number of private witnesses waiting rooms? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
c72 Qolalka la fadhiisiyo markhaatiga (Ragga)? / Number of witness waiting rooms (Men)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
c73 Qolalka la fadhiisiyo markhaatiga (Dumarka)? / Number of witness waiting rooms (Women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
c8 Tirada qolalka la fadhiisiyo dadweynaha? / Number of waiting rooms for Public? | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
c9 Tirada qolalka u gaarka ah Ku xigeenada Xeer-ilaaliyaha Guud/Xeer-illaaliyeyaasha? / Number of dedicated rooms for DAGs/Prosecutors? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
c10 Qolalka u gaarka ah Qareenada Difaaca dadweynaha? / Number of dedicated rooms for PD/Defence Counsel? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
c11 Sida ay dadweynuhu u helaan/gaadhaan Maxkamadda? / Court access to Public? | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
c12 Dadka baahiyaha gaarka ah qaba side ayay u heli/gaadhi karaan maxkamadda? / Court access to Disabled? | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
c13 Tirada musqulaha dadweynaha? / Number of Public Toilets? | 0 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
c15 Qoraalka Xogta: Xaaladda muuqaalka Dhismaha / Data Note: Physical Infrastructure Conditions | Public access public toilet in police station.
All courts sit under a tree in the field of the neighbouring police station – see photos. | AC has 2 rooms. Both double as offices and courtroom.
Public toilets shared by all courts. | ||
D. Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha / Security and Violence | ||||
d1 Tirada shaqaalaha ammaanka ee ku sugan iridda Maxkamadda? / Number of security personnel at entrance to Court? | 0 | 2 | 10 | 3 |
d2 Tirada shaqaalaha ammaanka ee ku sugan gudaha Qolka Maxkamadda marka dhegaysiga la wado? / Number of security personnel inside the court room when it is sitting? | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 |
d3 Celcelis ahaan tirada shaqaalaha ammaanka ee ku qoran guryaha garsooreyaasha? / Average number of security personnel attached to Judges’ homes’? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
d4 Tirada Garsooreyaasha loo hanjabay/haddiday 2019? / Number of Judges threatened/intimidated in 2019? | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 |
d5 Tirada Garsooreyaasha la weeraray/dhaawacay 2019? / Number of Judges attacked/injured in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
d6 Tirada Garsooreyaasha la dilay 2019? / Number of Judges killed in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
d7 Qoraalka xogta: Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha / Data Note: Security and Violence | ||||
E. Maareynta Dacwadaha / Case Management | ||||
e.I. Racfaanadii weli taagnaa 2018 / Appeals Pending 2018 | ||||
e1 Tirada guud ee racfaanadii taagnaa illaa sannadkii 2018? / Total number of Appeals pending from 2018? | 0 | -99 | 20 | -99 |
e2 Tirada guud ee Dacwadaha Madaniga ah? / Total Civil cases? | 0 | 17 | 13 | -99 |
e.3. Tirada guud ee Kiisaska Ciqaabta / Total Criminal Cases | ||||
e31 Tirada Guud ee Kiisaska Ciqaabta? / Total Criminal cases? | 0 | 1 | 7 | -99 |
e32 Tirada ragga racfaanleyaasha ah? / Number of male Appellants? | 0 | -99 | 4 | -99 |
e33 Tirada haweenka racfaanleyda ah? / Number of female Appellants? | 0 | -99 | 3 | -99 |
e34 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | 0 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
e35 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | 0 | -99 | 0 | -99 |
e.II. Dacwadaha Cusub 2019 / New Cases in 2019 | ||||
e4 Tirada guud dacwadaha cusub 2019? / Total New cases 2019? | 9 | -99 | 100 | 357 |
e5 Tirada guud dacwadaha Madaniga ah 2019? / Total Civil cases 2019? | 3 | -99 | 90 | 234 |
e.6. Tirada guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta 2019 / Total Criminal Cases in 2019 | ||||
e61 Tirada Guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta 2019? / Total Criminal cases 2019? | 6 | -99 | 10 | 123 |
e62 Tirada ragga racfaanleyaasha ah? / Number of male Appellants? | 5 | -99 | 7 | 113 |
e63 Tirada haweenka racfaanleyda ah? / Number of female Appellants? | 1 | -99 | 3 | 10 |
e64 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e65 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e.III. Dacwadaha Go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019 / Disposed Cases in 2019 | ||||
e7 Tirada guud kiisaska go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019? / Total Disposed cases 2019? | 9 | -99 | 98 | 265 |
e8 Tirada Guud Dacwadaha go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019? / Total Civil cases Disposed 2019? | 3 | -99 | 83 | 170 |
e.9. Tirada guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019 / Total Criminal Cases Disposed in 2019 | ||||
e91 Tirada guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019? / Total Criminal cases Disposed 2019? | 3 | -99 | 15 | 95 |
e92 Tirada ragga racfaanleyaasha ah? / Number of male Appellants? | 2 | -99 | 12 | -99 |
e93 Tirada haweenka racfaanleyda ah? / Number of female Appellants? | 1 | -99 | 3 | -99 |
e94 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e95 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e.10 Racfaanada Ciqaabta la laalay / Criminal Appeals Dismissed | ||||
e101 Tirada guud Racfaanada Ciqaabta la laalay? / Total Criminal Appeals dismissed? | 0 | -99 | 3 | -99 |
e102 Tirada ragga racfaanleyaasha ah? / Number of male Appellants? | 0 | -99 | 2 | -99 |
e103 Tirada haweenka racfaanleyda ah? / Number of female Appellants? | 0 | -99 | 1 | -99 |
e104 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e105 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e.11 Racfaanada Ciqaabta la aqbalay / Criminal Appeals Upheld | ||||
e111 Tirada guud Racfaanada Ciqaabta la aqbalay? / Total Criminal Appeals upheld? | 3 | -99 | 10 | -99 |
e112 Tirada ragga racfaanleyaasha ah? / Number of male Appellants? | 3 | -99 | 8 | -99 |
e113 Tirada haweenka racfaanleyda ah? / Number of female Appellants? | 0 | -99 | 2 | -99 |
e114 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e115 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e.12 Racfaanada Ciqaabta dib loogu diray Maxkamadaha Hoose si dacwadda dib loogu furo / Criminal Appeals Sent Back to Lower Court for Retrial | ||||
e121 Tirada Guud Racfaanada Ciqaabta dib loogu diray maxkamadaha hoose si dacwadda dib loogu furo? / Total Criminal Appeals sent back to lower Court for Retrial? | 0 | -99 | 2 | -99 |
e122 Tirada ragga racfaanleyaasha ah? / Number of male Appellants? | 0 | -99 | -99 | -99 |
e123 Tirada haweenka racfaanleyda ah? / Number of female Appellants? | 0 | -99 | -99 | -99 |
e124 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | -99 | 0 |
e125 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | -99 | 0 |
e.IV. Dacwadihii taagnaa ee u soo wareegay 2020 / Pending Cases Carried over into 2020 | ||||
e131Tirada guud ee dacwadaha taaggan 2020? / Total Pending Civil cases into 2020? | 0 | 2 | 20 | 64 |
e.14 Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee 2020 / Criminal Cases into 2020 | ||||
e141 Tirada guud ee Dacwadaha Ciqaabta Taagnaa 2020? / Total Pending Criminal cases into 2020? | 0 | 0 | 2 | 28 |
e142 Tirada ragga racfaanleyaasha ah? / Number of male Appellants? | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
e143 Tirada haweenka racfaanleyda ah? / Number of female Appellants? | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
e144 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | -99 | -99 | 0 |
e145 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | -99 | -99 | 0 |
e15 Celceliska waqtiga ay maallintii maxkamaddu socoto (saacado)? / Average Court time sitting a day (hours)? | 4 | 2 | 4 | 2 |
e16 Celceliska mudada u dhaxaysa marka dacwaddu dhammaato iyo marka racfaan la qaadan karo (sharcigu wuxu dhigayaa 30 maalmood (maalmo)? / Average time between end of trial to filing an Appeal (within 30 days in law) (days)? | 7 | 30 | 30 | 30 |
e17 Celceliska mudada u dhaxaysa marka racfaanka la qaato iyo marka dacwadda la dhegaysto (maalmo)? / Average time between filing an Appeal and Appeal hearing (days)? | 6 | 2 | 10 | 14 |
e18 Celceliska mudada u dhaxaysa marka Racfaanka la dhegaystay iyo marka dhegaysiga Racfaanku dhammaaday (maalmo)? / Average time between start of an Appeal hearing and end of Appeal hearing (days)? | 3 | 3 | 30 | 16 |
e19 Tirada guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ay Xeer-ilaalintu Racfaanka ka qaateen una qaateen MR 2019? / Total number of Criminal cases Appealed by Prosecutor to AC in 2019? | 0 | -99 | 4 | -99 |
e20 Ma jireen hannaan gooni ah Dacwadaha Caddaaladda Carruurta? / Special procedure adopted in Child Justice Cases? | yes | no | yes | no |
e21_average_caseload_per_month_per_court_civil_criminal | 1 | -99 | 10 | 22 |
e22 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah : Maareynta Dacwadaha / Data Note: Case Management | Data discrepancy Total Criminal Cases Disposed: 3 (leaves 3 unaccounted for).
Source of Case data: individual Judge’s personal notebook. There is no AC Register. | 2018 and 2019 Registers unavailable. The Registrar left. A new Registrar transferred from DC to AC in November. No case data available in 2019. | No data on case dispositions. | |
F. Tababarka / Training | ||||
f11 Tababarka xusuusinta ee Garsoorka (maalmaha) / Judicial Refresher Training (days)? | 0 | 2 | 4 | 5 |
f2 Tirada Garsooreyaasha MR ee 2019 helay Tababarka xusuusinta ah? / Number of AC Judges provided with Refreshing Training in 2019? | 0 | 3 | 4 | 4 |
f3 Tababarka Khaaska u ah Garsoorka ee 2019 (maalmo)? / Judicial Specialised Training in 2019 (days)? | 3 | 7 | 4 | 33 |
f4 Tirada Garsooreyaasha MR ee helay Tababarka Gaarka ah 2019 (maalmo)? / Number of AC Judges provided with Specialised Training in 2019 (days)? | 2 | 3 | 4 | 3 |
f5 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Tababarka / Data Note: Training | All judges trained in case management in 2019. | -99 | ||
G. Maamulka / Governance | ||||
g1 Qaabkee loo soo magacaaba Garsooreyaasha? / How are Judges appointed? | Judicial Services Commission | Judicial Services Commission | Judicial Services Commission | State President |
g2 Qaabkee Garsooreyaasha loo soo Xulaa? / How are Judges recruited? | Exam | Exam | Exam | Interview |
g.3. Aqoonta / Qualifications | ||||
g31 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Ragga: shahaadada sharciga/ Existing Qualifications, Men: Law degree? | 0 | 3 | 1 | 2 |
g32 Aqoonta ay haystaan Ragga: Shahaado Jaamacadeed oo Shareecadda ah? / Existing Qualifications, Men: Sharia University Degree? | 0 | 2 | 3 | 1 |
g33 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Ragga: ‘Tababar Masaajid’? / Existing Qualifications, Men: ‘Mosque Trained’? | 3 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
g34 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Ragga: Dugsi Sare? / Existing Qualifications, Men: Secondary? | 1 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
g35 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Dumarka: shahaadada sharciga? / Existing Qualifications, Women: Law degree? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g36 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Dumarka: Shahaado Jaamacadeed oo Shareecadda ah? / Existing Qualifications, Women: Sharia University Degree? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g37 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Dumarka: ‘Tababar Masjid’? / Existing Qualifications, Women: ‘Mosque Trained’? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g38 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Dumarka: Dugsi Sare? / Existing Qualifications, Women: Secondary? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
g4 Intee jeer ayeey maxkamada sare soo kormeertay 2019 kii? / Number of Inspection visits by SC in 2019? | 1 | 8 | 12 | -99 |
g5 Tirada kulamada Maareynta Dacwadaha ee 2019? / Number of meetings on Case Management in 2019? | 3 | 4 | 12 | -99 |
g6 Xeer-anshaxeedka garsoorka ma dejisan yahay? / Judicial Code of Conduct in place? | No | No | No | Yes |
g7 Garsooreyaasha Sare imisa ayay helaan bishii (USD)? / Pay per month of Senior Judge in (USD)? | 0 | 400 | 700 | 2000 |
g8 Garsooreyaasha Hoose imisa ayay helaan bishii (USD)? / Pay per month of Junior Judge in (USD)? | 0 | 400 | 700 | 1200 |
g9 Mushaharka waxa bixiya? / Salary paid by? | None | FGS | FMS | FGS |
g10 Imisa billood ayay dib uga dhacdaa lacagtu Garsooreyaasha? / Number of months Judges paid in arrears? | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 |
g11 Kaaliyeyaashu imisa ayay helaan bishii USD? / Pay per month to Registrar in USD? | 0 | 200 | 386 | 700 |
g12 Gaadhsiyuhu imisa ayuu helaa bishaa USD? / Pay per month to Messenger in USD? | 0 | 100 | 215 | 325 |
g13 Illaalada Ammaanku imisa ayay helaan bishii USD? / Pay per month to Security in USD? | 0 | 100 | 100 | 208 |
g14 Shaqaalaha Nadaafaddu imisa ayay helaan bishii USD? / Pay per month to Cleaner in USD? | 0 | 50 | 150 | 200 |
g15 Inta billood ee ay lacagtu ka habsaanto Shaqaale Hoosaadka? / Number of months Support Staff paid in arrears? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g16 Bishii imisa ayay noqotaa lacagta qoysku ku soo adeegto USD? / Monthly shopping basket for average family in USD? | 0 | 500 | 1800 | |
g17 Imisa ayaa lagu bixiyaa furashada gal dacwo madani ah? / How much are court fees in a civil claim? | 0 | 50 | 300 | 20 |
g18 Qiimaha USD shaambadda Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee Qareen la socdo? / Cost of stamp duty in Criminal Cases in USD with Lawyer? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g19 Qiimaha USD shaambadda dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee aan Qareen la socon? / Cost of stamp duty in Criminal Cases in USD without Lawyer? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g20 Imisa ayeey tahey naad bixiso si aad u hesho nuqul nuqul ka mid ah dukumentiga maxcamada? / Cost of Court documents page in USD? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g21 Boqolkiiba imisa ayaa Kiisaska Racfaanka uu qareen matelaa (racfaanlaha)? / Percentage Appeal Cases represented by Lawyer (for appellant)? | 0 | 40 | 20 | 95 |
g22 Boqolkiiba Kiisaska Racfaanka ay matelaan qaraabadu (racfaanlaha)? / Percentage Appeal Cases represented by relative (for appellant)? | 50 | 60 | 70 | 60 |
g23_Miisaaniyadda 2019/2020 / Budget 2019/2020 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 |
g24 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Maamulka / Data Note: Governance | 3 Judges Mosque Trained including 1 Judge with Secondary education. Inspection visit: Judges interviewed recall 1 visit in 2019. | 8 inspections in 2019 from April onward. Monthly coordination meetings started in November 2019 chaired by the State Minister of Justice. USD 50 flat rate charged in civil claims. | SC publishes list of court fees in civil cases by case type (see Library, Jubaland)
Lawyers represent appellants in most criminal appeals. Family members represent appellants in most civil appeals. |
State / Gobol | South West State | Jubbaland | Banadir |
Region / Gobolka | Bay | Lower Jubba | Banadir Regional Administration |
City / Magaalada | Baidoa | Kismayo | Mogadishu |
District / Degmada | -11 | -11 | Hamar-Weyne |
A. Agabka / Material Resources | |||
a1 Adeegga Korontada/laydhka? / Electricity supply? | Continuous | Continuous | Continuous |
a11 Haddii qayb ahaan tahay, imisa saacadood maalintii? / If partially, how many hours per day? | -11 | -11 | -11 |
a2 Helitaanka Internet-ka xafiiska? / Access to office internet? | Continuous | Continuous | Continuous |
a3 Tirada Kombuyutarada shaqaynaya? / Number of working computers? | 1 | 3 | 7 |
a4 Tirada garsooreyaasha isticmaala kombuyutarada shaqaynaya? / Number of Judges to working computer? | 3 | 0 | 0 |
a5 Tirada Kaaliyeyaasha isticmaala kombuyutarada shaqaynaya? / Number of Registrars to working computer? | 2 | 1 | 1 |
a6 Tirada gawaadhida shaqaynaysa? / Number of working vehicles? | 0 | 0 | 1 |
a7 Shidaalka loo ogol yahay bishii ( litir)? / Fuel allowance per month (in Litres)? | 0 | 0 | 400 |
a8 Ma la heli karaa sharciyo ku filan garsoorayaasha? / Adequate access to Laws of Somalia? | Yes | Yes | Yes |
a9 Tirada shaqaalaha taageerada miisaska? / Number of Support Staff to desk? | 2 | 2 | 3 |
a10 Tirada Footokoobiyada shaqaynaya? / Number of working photocopiers? | 0 | 3 | 2 |
a11 Ma jiraan Khadka Footokoobiyada oo ku filan? / Adequate Photocopier Toner? | no | Yes | no |
a12 Tirada qalabka daabacaadda ee shaqaynaya? / Number of working printers? | 1 | 1 | 2 |
a13 Ma jiraan Khadka qalabka daabacaadda oo ku filan? / Adequate printer toner? | Yes | Yes | No |
a14 Tirada qaanad faylasha ee xidhma? / Number of secure filing cabinets? | 0 | 4 | 2 |
a15 Qolka caddaymaha oo xidhma? / Secure Evidence Room? | no | no | no |
a16 Ma jiraan agabka xafiiska loo isticmaalo sida waraaqaha oo ku filan? / Adequate stationery? | Yes | Yes | Yes |
a17 Habka loola xidhiidho Markhaatiga/Dhinacyada dacwadda? / Means of contacting Witnesses/Parties? | Telecommunications | Telecommunications | Letter |
a19 Qoraalka Xogta: Qalabka yaala / Data Note: Material Resources | SC has 3 filing cabinets, but none are secured. | Printer and photocopier all-in-one. | |
B. Shaqaalaha / Human Resources | |||
b.1. Garsooreyaasha / Judges | |||
b11 Tirada guud ee Garsooreyaasha? / Total number of Judges? | 4 | 6 | 8 |
b12 Tirada guud ee Ragga (Garsooreyaasha)? / Number of men (Judges)? | 4 | 6 | 8 |
b13 Tirada Haweenka (Garsooreyaasha)? / Number of women (Judges)? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
b.2. Shaqaale hoosaadka / Support Staff | |||
b21 Tirada Guud ee Shaqaale Hoosaadka? / Total number of Support Staff? | 2 | 8 | 12 |
b22 Tirada Kaaliyayaasha (ragga)? / Number of Registrars (men)? | 2 | 1 | 4 |
b23 Tirada Kaaliyayaasha (haweenka)? / Number of Registrars (women)? | 0 | 0 | 2 |
b24 Tirada Gaadhsiyeyaasha (ragga)? / Number of Messengers/gaadhsiye (men)? | 1 | 1 | 4 |
b25 Tirada Gaadhsiiyeyaasha (haweenka)? / Number of Messengers/gaadhsiye (women)? | 0 | 0 | 2 |
b26 Shaqaalaha ammaanka? / Number of Security Staff? | 6 | 10 | 2 |
b27 Tirada Shaqaalaha Nadaafadda? / Number of Cleaning Staff? | 1 | 3 | 10 |
b3 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Shaqaalaha / Data Note: Human Resources | Security staff shared with all courts. | Support staff include: the Secretary General, IT Director, HR Director, Archives Officer, Secretary for Chief Justice, Data Clerk and Cashier. 10 Security staff shared among SC, AC and OAG. 3 cleaners for the compound. | |
C. Xaaladda Dhismeyaasha / Physical Infrastructure Conditions | |||
c1 Dhismahaan mawaxa loo dhisay Maxkamadda? / Purpose built Court building? | Yes | Yes | No |
c2 Tirada hoolalka dacwadda ee u gaarka ah Maxkamadda? / Number of dedicated Supreme Court rooms? | 1 | 1 | 1 |
c3 Tirada marwaxadaha yaala hoolka dacwadda? / Number of fans to Court room? | 1 | 4 | 0 |
c4 Tirada xafiisyada garsooreyaasha (ka baxsan hoolalka dacwadda)? / Number of offices for Judges (separate from court rooms)? | 1 | 1 | 10 |
c5 Tirada xafiisyada u gaarka ah shaqaale hoosaadka? / Number of dedicated Support Offices? | 1 | 6 | 7 |
c6 Tirada shaqaalaha ee xafiiskiiba ku qoran? / Number of Staff per office? | 2 | 1 | 2 |
c.7. Qolalka la fadhiisiyo markhaatiga / Witness Waiting Rooms | |||
c71 Tirada qolalka gaarka ah ee la fadhiisiyo markhaatiga? / Number of private Witnesses waiting rooms? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
c72 Qolalka la fadhiisiyo markhaatiga (Ragga)? / Witness waiting rooms (Men)? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
c73 Qolalka la fadhiisiyo markhaatiga (Dumarka)? / Witness waiting rooms (Women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
c8 Tirada qolalka la fadhiisiyo dadweynaha? / Number of waiting rooms for Public? | 1 | 0 | 1 |
c9 Tirada qolalka u gaarka ah Ku xigeenada Xeer-ilaaliyaha Guud/Xeer-illaaliyeyaasha? / Number of dedicated rooms for DAGs/Prosecutors? | 1 | 0 | 0 |
c10 Qolalka u gaarka ah Qareenada Difaaca dadweynaha? / Number of dedicated rooms for PD/Defence Counsel? | 0 | 0 | 1 |
c11 Sida ay dadweynuhu u helaan/gaadhaan Maxkamadda? / Court access to Public? | No | No | Yes |
c12 Dadka baahiyaha gaarka ah qaba side ayay u heli/gaadhi karaan maxkamadda? / Court access to Disabled? | No | Yes | Yes |
c13 Tirada musqulaha dadweynaha? / Number of Public Toilets? | 3 | 2 | 5 |
c14 Qoraalka Xogta: Xaaladda muuqaalka Dhismaha / Data Note: Physical Infrastructure Conditions | SC: 1 courtroom and 1 office. All Judges and staff share this space. There is one covered publice area for all courts. SC shares 3 public toilets with other courts. | SC Judges share 1 office. Parties to a case wait in the hall. Public access is denied due to security concerns. | SC temporarily sits in the building of AC and RC while SC HQ under renovation. SC shares courtroom with AC and RC. 2 days reserved for SC: Saturdays and Thursdays. 5 toilets are shared by court staff and public. SC HQ under renovation has 1 courtroom (equipped with 6 A/Cs), 10 offices for judges and 7 offices for support staff. |
D. Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha / Security and Violence | |||
d1 Tirada shaqaalaha ammaanka ee ku sugan iridda Maxkamadda? / Number of security personnel at entrance to Court? | 2 | 10 | 2 |
d2 Tirada shaqaalaha ammaanka ee ku sugan gudaha Qolka Maxkamadda marka dhegaysiga la wado? / Number of security personnel inside the court room when it is sitting? | 2 | 0 | 2 |
d3 Celcelis ahaan tirada shaqaalaha ammaanka ee ku qoran guryaha garsooreyaasha? / Average number of security personnel attached to Judges’ homes’? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
d4 Tirada Garsooreyaasha loo hanjabay/haddiday 2019? / Number of Judges threatened/intimidated in 2019? | 3 | 0 | 0 |
d5 Tirada Garsooreyaasha la weeraray/dhaawacay 2019? / Number of Judges attacked/injured in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
d6 Tirada Garsooreyaasha la dilay 2019? / Number of Judges killed in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 1 |
d7 Qoraalka xogta: Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha / Data Note: Security and Violence | Security staff shared with all courts | 10 security staff for whole compound. | 1 Judge killed in 2019 during AS attack on SYL. |
E. Maareynta Dacwadaha / Case Management | |||
e.I. Racfaanadii weli taagnaa 2018 / Appeals Pending 2018 | |||
e1 Tirada guud ee racfaanadii taagnaa illaa sannadkii 2018? / Total number of Appeals pending from 2018? | 0 | 0 | 190 |
e2 Tirada guud ee Dacwadaha Madaniga ah? / Total Civil cases? | 0 | 0 | 175 |
e.3. Tirada guud ee Dacwadaha Ciqaabta / Total Criminal Cases | |||
e31 Tirada Guud ee Kiisaska Ciqaabta? / Total Criminal cases? | 0 | 0 | 15 |
e32 Tirada ragga racfaanleyaasha ah? / Number of male Appellants? | 0 | 0 | 13 |
e33 Tirada haweenka racfaanleyda ah? / Number of female Appellants? | 0 | 0 | 2 |
e34 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e35 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e.II. Dacwadaha Cusub 2019 / New Cases in 2019 | |||
e4 Tirada guud dacwadaha cusub 2019? / Total New cases 2019? | 17 | 26 | 91 |
e5 Tirada guud dacwadaha Madaniga ah 2019? / Total Civil cases 2019? | 14 | 22 | 83 |
e.6. Tirada guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta 2019 / Total Criminal Cases in 2019 | |||
e61 Tirada Guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta 2019? / Total Criminal cases 2019? | 3 | 4 | 8 |
e62 Tirada ragga racfaanleyaasha ah? / Number of male Appellants? | 4 | 3 | 8 |
e63 Tirada haweenka racfaanleyda ah? / Number of female Appellants? | 1 | 1 | 0 |
e64 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e65 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e.III. Dacwadaha Go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019 / Disposed Cases in 2019 | |||
e7 Tirada guud kiisaska go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019? / Total Disposed cases 2019? | 9 | 16 | 12 |
e8 Tirada Guud Dacwadaha go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019? / Total Civil cases Disposed 2019? | 8 | 12 | 12 |
e.9. Tirada guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019 / Total Criminal Cases Disposed in 2019 | |||
e91 Tirada guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019? / Total Criminal cases Disposed 2019? | 1 | 4 | 0 |
e92 Tirada ragga racfaanleyaasha ah? / Number of male Appellants? | 1 | 3 | 0 |
e93 Tirada haweenka racfaanleyda ah? / Number of female Appellants? | 0 | 1 | 0 |
e94 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e95 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e.10. Racfaanada Ciqaabta la laalay / Criminal Appeals Dismissed | |||
e101 Tirada guud Racfaanada Ciqaabta la laalay? / Total Criminal Appeals dismissed? | 0 | 1 | 0 |
e102 Tirada ragga racfaanleyaasha ah? / Number of male Appellants? | 0 | 1 | 0 |
e103 Tirada haweenka racfaanleyda ah? / Number of female Appellants? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
e104 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e105 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e.11. Racfaanada Ciqaabta la aqbalay / Criminal Appeals Upheld | |||
e111 Tirada guud Racfaanada Ciqaabta la aqbalay? / Total Criminal Appeals upheld? | 1 | 3 | 0 |
e112 Tirada ragga racfaanleyaasha ah? / Number of male Appellants? | 1 | 2 | 0 |
e113 Tirada haweenka racfaanleyda ah? / Number of female Appellants? | 0 | 1 | 0 |
e114 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e115 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e.12. Racfaanada Ciqaabta dib loogu diray Maxkamadaha Hoose si dacwadda dib loogu furo / Criminal Appeals Sent Back to Lower Court for Retrial | |||
e121 Tirada Guud Racfaanada Ciqaabta dib loogu diray maxkamadaha hoose si dacwadda dib loogu furo? / Total Criminal Appeals sent back to lower Court for Retrial? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
e122 Tirada ragga racfaanleyaasha ah? / Number of male Appellants? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
e123 Tirada haweenka racfaanleyda ah? / Number of female Appellants? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
e124 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
e125 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
e.IV. Dacwadihii taagnaa ee u soo wareegay 2020 / Pending Cases Carried over into 2020 | |||
e131Tirada guud ee dacwadaha taaggan 2020? / Total Pending Civil cases into 2020? | 8 | 10 | 246 |
e.14. Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee 2020 / Criminal Cases into 2020 | |||
e141 Tirada guud ee Dacwadaha Ciqaabta Taagnaa 2020? / Total Pending Criminal cases into 2020? | 2 | 0 | 23 |
e142 Tirada ragga racfaanleyaasha ah? / Number of male Appellants? | 3 | 0 | 21 |
e143 Tirada haweenka racfaanleyda ah? / Number of female Appellants? | 1 | 0 | 2 |
e144 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys? | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e145 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls? | -99 | 0 | 0 |
e15 Celceliska waqtiga ay maallintii maxkamaddu socoto (saacado)? / Average Court time sitting a day (hours)? | 2 | 4 | 3 |
e16 Celceliska mudada u dhaxaysa marka racfaanka laga xareeyo MR iyo marka dhegaysiga ay billawdo MS (maalmo)? /Average time between filing an Appeal from AC and Appeal Hearing in SC (days)? | 3 | 30 | 15 |
e17 Celceliska mudada u dhaxaysa marka dhegaysiga racfaanku bilaabmo ilaa dhammaadka dhegaysiga racfaanka(maalmo)? / Average time between start of an Appeal Hearing and end of Appeal Hearing (days)? | 5 | 5 | 15 |
e18 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee uu Xeer-ilaaliye ka qaatay racfaan una qaatay MS sannadkii 2019? / Total number of Criminal cases Appealed by Prosecutor to SC in 2019? | 2 | 2 | 8 |
e19_average_caseload_per_month_per_court_civilcriminal | 1 | 2 | 23 |
e20 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Maareynta Dacwadaha / Data Note: Case Management | Total Criminal Cases: 3. 1 case has 3 appellants, 2cases have 1 appellant each. | SC able to sit in AC/RC courts 2 days per week in 2019. In renovated SC HQ, SC sits 6 days a week. | |
F. Tababarka / Training | |||
f1 Tababarka xusuusinta ee Garsoorka (maalmaha)? / Judicial Refresher Training (days)? | 7 | 3 | 21 |
f2 Tirada Garsooreyaasha MS ee 2019 helay Tababarka xusuusinta ah? / Number of SC Judges provided with Refreshing Training in 2019? | 3 | 6 | 6 |
f3 Tababarka Khaaska u ah Garsoorka ee 2019 (maalmo)? / Judicial Specialised Training in 2019 (days)? | 0 | 4 | 14 |
f4 Tirada Garsooreyaasha MS ee helay Tababarka Gaarka ah 2019 (maalmo)? / Number of SC Judges provided with Specialised Training in 2019 (days)? | 0 | 6 | 2 |
f5 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Tababarka / Data Note: Training | All training on Case Management | ||
G. Hab Maamulka / Governance | |||
g1 Qaabkee loo soo magacaabaa Garsooreyaasha? / How are Judges appointed? | Judicial Services Commission | Judicial Services Commission | President |
g2 Qaabkee Garsooreyaasha loo shaqaalaysiiyaa? / How are Judges recruited? | Exam | Exam | Exam |
g.3. Aqoonta / Qualifications | |||
g31 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Ragga: shahaadada sharciga/ Existing Qualifications, Men: Law degree? | 3 | 0 | 8 |
g32 Aqoonta ay haystaan Ragga: Shahaado Jaamacadeed oo Shareecadda ah? / Existing Qualifications, Men: Sharia University Degree? | 0 | 6 | 1 |
g33 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Ragga: ‘Tababar Masaajid’? / Existing Qualifications, Men: ‘Mosque Trained’? | 1 | 0 | 0 |
g34 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Ragga: Dugsi Sare? / Existing Qualifications, Men: Secondary? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g35 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Dumarka: shahaadada sharciga? / Existing Qualifications, Women: Law degree? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g36 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Dumarka: Shahaado Jaamacadeed oo Shareecadda ah? / Existing Qualifications, Women: Sharia University Degree? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g37 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Dumarka: ‘Tababar Masjid’? / Existing Qualifications, Women: ‘Mosque Trained’? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g38 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Dumarka: Dugsi Sare? / Existing Qualifications, Women: Secondary? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g4 Tirada inta jeer ee kulamada Baadhitaan ah MS ku samaysay maxkamadaha hoose 2019? / Number of Inspection visits by SC of Lower Courts in 2019? | -99 | 12 | 3 |
g5 Tirada kulamada Maareynta Dacwadaha ee 2019? / Number of meetings on Case Management in 2019? | 2 | 12 | 20 |
g6 Xeer-anshaxeedka garsoorka ma dejisan yahay? / Judicial Code of Conduct in place? | Yes | No | No |
g7 Garsooreyaasha MS imisa ayay helaan bishii (USD)? / Pay per month SC Judge in (USD)? | 400 | 700 | 1200 |
g8 Mushaharka waxa bixiya? / Salary paid by? | FMS | FMS | FGS |
g9 Imisa billood ayay dib uga dhacdaa lacagtu Garsooreyaasha? / Number of months Judges paid in arrears? | 0 | 3 | 0 |
g10 Kaaliyeyaashu imisa ayay helaan bishii USD? / Pay per month to Registrar in USD? | 200 | 386 | 700 |
g11 Gaadhsiyuhu imisa ayuu helaa bishaa USD? / Pay per month to Messenger in USD? | -99 | 215 | 400 |
g12 Illaalada Ammaanku imisa ayay helaan bishii USD? / Pay per month to Security in USD? | 100 | 100 | 200 |
g13 Shaqaalaha Nadaafaddu imisa ayay helaan bishii USD? / Pay per month to Cleaner in USD? | 50 | 150 | 300 |
g14 Inta billood ee ay lacagtu ka habsaanto Shaqaale Hoosaadka? / Number of months Support Staff paid in arrears? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g15 Miisaaniyadda 2018/19? / Budget 2018/19? | -99 | -99 | -99 |
g16 Miisaaniyadda 2019/20? / Budget 2019/20? | -99 | -99 | -99 |
g17 Imisa ayaa lagu bixiyaa furshada gal dacwo madani ah? / How much are court fees in a civil claim? | 50 | 400 | 20 |
g18 Qiimaha USD shaambadda Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee Qareen la socdo? / Cost of stamp duty in Criminal Cases in USD with Lawyer? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g19 Qiimaha USD shaambadda dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee aan Qareen la socon? / Cost of stamp duty in Criminal Cases in USD without Lawyer? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g20 Imisa ayeey tahey naad bixiso si aad u hesho nuqul nuqul ka mid ah dukumentiga maxcamada? / Cost of Court documents page in USD? | 0 | 0 | 5 |
g21 Boqolkiiba imisa ayaa Dacwadaha Racfaanka uu qareen matelaa (racfaanlaha)? / Percentage Appeal Cases represented by Lawyer (for appellant)? | 30 | 3 | 100 |
g22 Boqolkiiba Kiisaska Racfaanka ay matelaan qaraabadu (racfaanlaha)? / Percentage Appeal Cases represented by relative (for appellant)? | 70 | 0 | 0 |
g23 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Maamulka / Data Note: Governance | SC and lower courts located in the same compound. President SC makes daily inspection visits. Monthly Case Management Committee meetings began in November 2019. | SC publishes list of court fees in civil cases by case type (see Library, Jubaland) |
State / Gobol | South West State | Jubbaland | South West State |
Region / Gobolka | Bakool | Lower Jubba | Bay |
City / Magaalada | Xudur | Kismayo | Baidoa |
District / Degmada | -11 | -11 | -11 |
A. Agabka / Material Resources | |||
a1 Tirada gawaadhida gaarka u ah MW? Number of vehicles dedicated to MC? | 1 | 1 | 1 |
a2 Shidaalka la siiyo MW qaybtiiba bil kasta (litir)? Fuel allowance per MC unit per month (in Litres)? | -99 | 80 | 60 |
a.3. Qalabka ay qayb kastaa haysato / Equipment per Unit | |||
a31 Tirada miisaska? Number of tables? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
a32 Tirada kuraasta? Number of chairs? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
a33 Tirada teendhooyinka Number of tentsawnings? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
a5 Qoraal Xogta: Agabka Data Note: Material Resources | UNDP budget is $1000 (20 months) for both fuel and driver ($50/month). | UNDP budget per year $240 (fuel) and $300 (stationery).
MC operates out of the Office of the Judicial Services Commission. The MC functioned between July to December 2019. | MC unit allocated 30 litres per session. |
B. Shaqaalaha / Human Resources | |||
b1 Tirada Garsooreyaasha qayb kasta oo MW ah? Number of Judges per MC Unit? | 2 | 2 | 2 |
b2 Tirada Shaqaale Hoosaadka? Number of Support Staff? | 3 | 8 | 3 |
b3 Tirada Shaqaalaha Ammaanka? Number of Security Staff? | 3 | 3 | 3 |
b4 Tirada Ku xigeenada Xeer-ilaaliyaha? Number of DAGs? | 1 | 2 | 2 |
b5 Tirada Qareenada Difaaca? Number of Defence Lawyers? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
b6 Tirada Kaaliyeyaasha Sharciga? Number of Paralegals? | 2 | 2 | 2 |
b7 Qoraalka Xogta: Shaqaalaha Data Note: Human Resources | Support staff includes 2 registrars and 1 driver. | Both judges are from the SC.
Support staff includes 2 registrars and 1 driver. Each MC unit has 3 security staff and 4 elders. | Support staff includes 2 registrars and 1 driver.
The MC unit includes 3 elders. |
C. Security and Violence | |||
c1 Tirada dhacdooyinka rabshadaha ee ka dhanka ah Maxkamadda Wareegta 2019? Number of incidents of violence against Mobile Court in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
c2 Qoraalka Xogta: Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha Data Note: Security and Violence | -99 | ||
D. Maareynta Dacwadaha / Case Management | |||
d.I. Racfaanada (MR/MS) / Appeals (AC/SC) | |||
d1 Tirada guud ee kulamada MRMS ee 2019? Total number of ACMC sessions in 2019? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d2 Tirada guud ee Degmooyinkii la soo booqday? Total number of Districts visited? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d3 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha 2019? Total number of cases in 2019? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d.4. Madaniga / Civil | |||
d41 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha Madaniga? Total Civil cases? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d42 Tirada ragga Racfaanleyaasha? Number of male Appellants? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d43 Tirada haweenka Racfaanleyda ah? Number of female Appellants? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d.5. Ciqaabta / Criminal | |||
d51 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha Ciqaabta? Total Criminal cases? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d52 Tirada ragga Racfaanleyaasha? Number of male Appellants? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d53 Tirada haweenka Racfaanleyda? Number of female Appellants? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d54 Tirada Racfaan leyaasha (ka yar 18) Number of (u18) Appellants? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d.II. Dacwadaha Go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019 / Disposed Cases in 2019 | |||
d61 Tirada guud Dacwadaha Go’aan laga gaadhay 2019? Total Disposed cases 2019? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d.7. Madani / Civil | |||
d71 Tirada Guud Dacwadaha Madaniga go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019? Total Civil cases Disposed 2019? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d72 Tirada ragga Racfaanleyaasha? Number of male Appellants? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d73 Tirada haweenka Racfaanleyda? Number of female Appellants? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d.8. Ciqaabta / Criminal | |||
d81 Tirada Guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019? Total Criminal cases Disposed 2019? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d82 Tirada ragga Racfaanleyaasha? Number of male Appellants? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d83 Tirada haweenka Racfaanleyda? Number of female Appellants? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d84 Tirada Racfaanleyaasha (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) Appellants? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d.III. Dacwadihii Taagnaa dhammaadkii 2019 / Pending Cases end 2019 | |||
d9 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha Taagnaa dhammaadkii 2019? Total Pending cases end of 2019? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d.10. Madani / Civil | |||
d101 Tirada guud Dacwadaha Madaniga Taagnaa? Total Pending Civil cases? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d102 Tirada ragga Racfaanleyaasha? Number of male Appellants? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d103 Tirada haweenka Racfaanleyda? Number of female Appellants? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d.11. Ciqaabta / Criminal | |||
d111 Tirada guud dacwadaha Ciqaabta Taagnaa? Total Pending Criminal cases? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d112 Tirada ragga Racfaanleyaasha? Number of male Appellants? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d113 Tirada haweenka Racfaanleyda? Number of female Appellants? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d114 Tirada Racfaanleyaasha (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) Appellants? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
d12 Lacagta guud ee magdhaw ahaan loo bixiyey? Total amount awarded by way of compensation? | 0 | -99 | 0 |
d13 Celceliska tirada dacwadaha la dhegaystay kulankii Racfaan ahba? Average number of cases heard per Appeal session? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
d14 Tirada goobaha la booqday in ka badan hal mar 2019? Number of locations visited more than once in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
d15 Qoraalka Xogta: Maareynta Dacwadaha Data Note: Case Management | The MC sits as a RC. | The MC sits as a RC.
All case data for the period July – December 2019,. | The MC sits as a RC. |
E. Maareynta Dacwadda – Markii koowaad (MG) / Case Management – First Instance (RC) | |||
e1 Tirada guud ee MG MW 2019? Total number of RC MC in 2019? | -99 | 12 | 24 |
e2 Tirada guud ee degmooyinka la soo booqday 2019? Total number of districts visited in 2019? | 0 | 18 | 0 |
e.I. Tirada guud ee dacwadaha 2019 / Total number of cases in 2019 | |||
e3 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha 2019? Total number of cases in 2019? | 24 | 112 | 39 |
e.4. Madani / Civil | |||
e41 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha madaniga? Total civil cases? | 24 | 94 | 39 |
e42 Tirada ragga Dacwadeyaasha? Number of male Complainants? | 8 | 34 | 15 |
e43 Tirada haweenka Dacwoodleyaasha? Number of female Complainants? | 16 | 60 | 24 |
e.5. Ciqaabta / Criminal | |||
e51 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ciqaabta? Total criminal cases? | 0 | 18 | 0 |
e52 Tirada ragga dacwoodleyaasha? Number of male Complainants? | 0 | 14 | 0 |
e53 Tirada haweenka dacwoodleyaasha? Number of female Complainants? | 0 | 4 | 0 |
e54 Tirada eedaysaneyaasha (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) Accused? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
e.II. Tirada Guud dacwadihi Go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019 / Total Disposed cases in 2019 | |||
e6 Tirada guud dacwadihii go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019? Total number of Disposed cases in 2019? | 5 | 112 | 24 |
e.7. Madani / Civil | |||
e71 Tirada dacwadaha madaniga ah ee go’aanka laga gaadhay? Number of civil cases disposed? | 5 | 94 | 24 |
e72 Tirada ragga dacwoodeyaasha? Number of male Complainants? | 2 | 34 | 9 |
e73 Tirada haweenka Dacwoodeyaasha? Number of female Complainants? | 3 | 60 | 15 |
e.8. Ciqaabta / Criminal | |||
e81 Tirada dacwadaha ciqaabta go’aanka laga gaadhay? Number of criminal cases disposed? | 0 | 18 | 0 |
e82 Tirada ragga Dacwoodeyaasha? Number of male Complainants? | 0 | 14 | 0 |
e83 Tirada haweenka Dacwoodeyaasha? Number of female Complainants? | 0 | 4 | 0 |
e84 Tirada eedaysaneyaasha (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) accused? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
e9 Tirada guud ee danbi lagu waayey? Total Acquittals? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
e10 Tirada guud ee qirtay Danbiga? Total Guilty Pleas? | 0 | 10 | 0 |
e11 Tirada guud ee la laalay caddayn la’aan awgeed? Total dismissed for lack of evidence? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
e12 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha lagu xalliyey Heshiis Xeer-dhaqameed? Total resolved through Customary Settlement? | 0 | 6 | 0 |
e13 Tirada guud ee Danbi xukun ku dhacay (dacwad kadib)? Total Convictions (after trial)? | 0 | 18 | 0 |
e14 Tirada guud ee Racfaanada? Total Appeals? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
e.III. Dacwadaha Taagnaa dhammaadkii 2019 / Pending Cases end 2019 | |||
e15 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha Taagnaa dhammaadkii 2019? Total Pending cases end of 2019? | 19 | 0 | 15 |
e.16. Madani / Civil | |||
e161 Tirada guud ee Dacwadihi Madaniga ee Taagnaa? Total Pending Civil cases? | 19 | 0 | 15 |
e162 Tirada ragga dacwoodeyaasha? Number of male Complainants? | 6 | 0 | 6 |
e163 Tirada haweenka dacwoodeyaasha? Number of female Complainants? | 13 | 0 | 9 |
e.17. Ciqaabta / Criminal | |||
e171 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha Ciqaabta Taagnaa? Total Pending Criminal cases? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
e172 Tirada ragga dacwoodleyaasha? Number of male Complainants? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
e173 Tirada haweenka dacwoodleyaasha? Number of female Complainants? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
e174 Tirada eedaysaneyaasha (ka yar 18)? Number of (u18) Accused? | 0 | 0 | -99 |
e18 Lacagta guud ee magdhaw loo bixiyey (USD)? Total amount awarded by way of compensation (USD)? | 0 | -99 | -99 |
e19 Celceliska tirada dacwadaha lagu dhegaystay isla fadhigii ugu horeeyey? Average number of cases heard per First Instance session? | 2 | 6 | 2 |
e20 Tirada goobaha la booqday in ka badan hal mar 2019? Number of locations visited more than once in 2019? | 1 | 12 | 3 |
e21_target_communities_IDP_camps | -99 | 6 | -99 |
e22_target_communities_villages | 3 | 6 | -99 |
e23_target_number_mc_sessions_per_month | -99 | 1 | 2 |
e24 Qoraalka Xogta: Maareynta Dacwadda Fadhigii ugu horeeyey (MG) Data Note: Case Management First Instance (RC) |
The MC visited 3 villages 5-10km from Xudur. Case data source: judge’s records (from each judge’s personal notebook). No MC Register. UNDP data: Total number cases 116 (versus 24 recorded). UNDP case breakdown: 52 men complainants (versus 8 recorded); 64 women complainants (versus 16 recorded). | Garbahaarey and Kismayo aim to field 1 MC per month targeting rural and IDP communities; and hear 6 cases.
Kismayo IDP Camps: 6. Rural areas: 6 Garbahaarey IDP Camps: 4. Rural areas: 2. Criminal cases divided: 16 (Kismayo) 2 (Garbahaarey). Source note: Data from MC Register (Kismayo) and Chairman’s Annual Report. The MC Register (Garbahaarey) unavailable. UNDP data: Total civil cases 53 (versus 94 recorded); Total criminal cases 16 (versus 18 recorded). | MC aims for 2 MC per month targeting ‘mainly’ IDP Camps around Baidoa.
Districts outside Baidoa are not accessible due to the security situation. UNDP data: TTotal number cases 51 (versus 39 recorded). UNDP breakdown: 21 men complainants (versus 15 recorded); 30 women.complainants (versus 24 recorded) |
F. Tababarka / Training | |||
f1 Tababar gaar ah oo ay heleen xubnaha MW? Special Training of MC team members? | no | yes | yes |
f2 Tirada tababarada MW? Number of MC trainings? | 0 | 1 | 1 |
f3 Tirada Garsooreyaasha la tababaray? Number of Judges trained? | 0 | 2 | 2 |
f4 Qoraalka Xogta: Tababar Data Note: Training | Legal awareness workshop targeting elders, youth and women (sponsor: UNDP). | The training took place in Garbahaarey.
| |
G. Maamulka / Governance | |||
g1 Habkee loo magacaabaa Garsooreyaasha? How are Judges appointed? | State President | SC Chairman | AC Chairman |
g2 Hannaanka gaarka ah ee lagu hago hawlaha MW? Special procedures governing operation of MC? | yes | yes | yes |
g3 Lacagta maamuuska ee la siiyo garsooreyaasha maallintiiba (USD)? Honorarium paid per day per Judge (USD)? | 40 | 40 | 40 |
g4 Lacagta maamuuska ee la siiyo Ku xigeenada Xeer-ilaaliyeyaasha maallintiiba (USD)? Honorarium paid per day per DAG (USD)? | 40 | 40 | 40 |
g5 Lacagta maamuuska ee la siiyo qareenada maallintiiba (USD) ? Honorarium paid per day per Lawyer (USD)? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g6 Lacagta maamuuska ee la siiyo Shaqaale Hoosaadka maallintiiba (USD)? Honorarium paid per day per Support Staff (USD)? | 20 | 20 | 20 |
g7 Lacagta maallin kasta la siiyo dhammaan xubnaha MW (USD)? Per diem paid per day to all MC unit members (USD)? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g8 Miisaaniyadda MR 201819? Budget for MC in 201819? | -99 | 4500 | -99 |
g9 Miisaaniyadda MR 201920? Budget for MC in 201920? | 26700 | 12000 | 20800 |
g10 Kharashka MW yaa bixiya? Costs of MC paid by? | Donor | Donor | Donor |
g11 Kharashka guud ee aasaasiga ah ee MW? Total running costs of MC? | -99 | 375 | -99 |
g12 Boqolkiiba imisa ayaa Dacwadaha Madaniga la soo oogey lagu bixyaa kharashka maxkamadda (boqolkiiba)? Percentage of Civil Claim charged as Court fees (percentage)? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g13 Qiimaha USD shaambadda Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee Qareen la socdo? Cost of stamp duty in Criminal Cases in USD with Lawyer? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g14 Qiimaha USD shaambadda Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee Qareen la socon? Cost of stamp duty in Criminal Cases in USD without Lawyer? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g15 Imisa ayeey tahey naad bixiso si aad u hesho nuqul nuqul ka mid ah dukumentiga maxcamada? Cost of Court documents page in USD? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g16 Hannaanka ay u wada xidhiidhaan Bahda Caddaaladdu? Coordination mechanism with local Justice Actors? | yes | yes | yes |
g17 Kor kala socoshada MW? Oversight of MC? | UNDP | UNDP | UNDP |
g18 Boqolkiiba imisa ayaa dacwadaha ayuu Qareen matalaa eedaysanaha? Percentage of cases where the defendant is represented by Lawyer? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g19 Qoraalka Xogta: Maamulka Data Note: Governance | Source of Budget data: UNDP (20 months) Donor: UNDP | Source of Budget data: UNDP.
Donor: UNDP The Supreme Court also oversees the Mobile Court. | Source of Budget data: UNDP (20 months)
Donor: UNDP The Appeal Court also oversees the Mobile Court. |
State / Gobol | South West State | South West State | South West State | Jubbaland |
Region / Gobolka | Bakool | Lower Shabelle | Bay | Lower Jubba |
City / Magaalada | Xudur | Afgooye | Baidoa | Kismayo |
District / Degmada | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 |
A. Dhismaha / Infrastructure | ||||
a1 Adeegga Korontada/laydhka? / Electricity supply? | Partial | Continuous | Continuous | Continuous |
a11 Haddii qayb ahaan tahay, imisa saacadood maalintii? / If partially, how many hours per day? | 12 | -11 | -11 | -11 |
a2 Ma jiraa Dab-dhaliyuhu haddii uu damo mid kayd u ah? / Generator backup? | no | no | yes | no |
a3 Adeegga Biyaha? / Water supply? | None | Other | Buy from truck | Mains |
a.4. Qalabka / Equipment | ||||
a41 Raadiyuhu mayahay habka koowaad ee ay boolisku ku wada xidhiidhaan? / Is the radio the primary means of communication between police? | yes | yes | no | no |
a42 Haddii haa ay tahay, imisa ayaa booliska ragga/haweenka ee roondada ah mid kiiba haystaa raadiyaha? / If yes, how many patrolling policemen/women per radio? | 3 | 11 | -11 | -11 |
a43 Telefoonka gacantu mayahay habka koowaad ee ay boolisku ku wada xidhiidhaan? / Is the cellphone the primary means of communication between police? | -11 | -11 | yes | yes |
a44 Tirada gawaadhida shaqaynaysa? / Number of working vehicles? | 0 | 8 | 6 | 4 |
a45 Tirada mootooyinka? / Number of motor bikes? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
a46 Imisa litir oo shidaal ah ayaa bishii la isticmaalaa?? / Fuel allowance per month (litres)? | 0 | 400 | 1200 | 2000 |
a47 Imisa baabuur ayaa roondo ahaan u baxda maalintii? / Number of patrol vehicles out on patrol on average per day? | 0 | 2 | 4 | 2 |
a48 Tirada guud ee kombuyuutarada shaqaynaya? / Total number of working computers? | 0 | 1 | 5 | 8 |
a49 Tirada guud ee qalabka daabacadda shaqaynaya? / Total number of working printers? | 0 | 1 | 5 | 4 |
a410 Khadka daabacaadda oo ku filan? / Adequate printer toner? | no | yes | no | no |
a411 Tirada guud ee footokoobiyada shaqaynaya? / Total number of working photocopiers? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
a412 Khadka footokoobiga oo ku filan? / Adequate photocopier toner? | no | no | no | no |
a413 Tirada kabadhada faylasha oo xidhma? / Number of secure filing cabinets? | 0 | 0 | 3 | 5 |
a414 Qolka caddaymaha oo ammaan ah? / Secure evidence room? | yes | yes | no | yes |
a415 Waraaqaha xafiiska loo isticaamo oo ku filan? / Adequate stationery? | no | no | no | no |
a416 Buugga Dhacdooyinku (OB) ma yaalaa? / Occurrence book (OB) supplied? | yes | yes | yes | yes |
a417 Buuga Danbiyada Mayala? / Criminal Offences Book supplied? | yes | yes | yes | yes |
a418 Diiwaanka xadhigga? / Detention register? | yes | no | yes | yes |
a419 Diiwaanka Caddaymaha? / Exhibit register? | no | yes | yes | yes |
a420 Boqolkiiba imisa ayaa booliska sita dirays? / Percentage of police with uniform? | 100 | 80 | 100 | 50 |
a5 Masaafada: booliska illaa maxkamadda (km)? / Distance: police to courts (kms)? | 0.2 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 2 |
a6 Masaafada: booliska illaa xabsiga (km)? / Distance: police to prison (kms)? | 1 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 2 |
a7 Waa imisa xarumaha boolisku fariistaan ee ka baxsan saldhigga?? / Number of police posts? | 6 | 0 | 5 | 4 |
a8 Imisa jeer ayaa boolisku roondo lug ah sameeyaa maalinkii? / Number of foot patrols per day? | 2 | 2 | 5 | 4 |
a81 Imisa askeri ayaa ka qayb qaata halkii roondo? / Number of police per patrol? | 6 | 11 | 8 | 11 |
a82 Celcelis ahaan, imisa (saacadood) ayaa halkii roondo shaqada ku jirtaa? / Average length of patrol (hours)? | 12 | 5 | 6 | 6 |
a9 Boqolkiiba imisa ayaa shaqaalaha ku jira guryo kiro ah? / Percentage of staff in rented accommodation? | 100 | 99 | 100 | 99 |
a10 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Agabka / Data Note: Material Resources | Police posts: police state there are 6 police posts. 4 appear to be checkpoints. 0 are fixed structures. | Water is sourced from a water tower. Radios: each patrol has 1 radio. Fuel: 2 x 200 litre tanks. Printer/photocopier all -in-one.Distance to prison: Afgooye has no prison under Custodial Corps. This is the distance to the old one that collapsed. In addition, 9 checkpoints. | Radios: Police station has 2 radios. Cellphone is primary means of communication. Shifts: 2 (day/night). Average day shift: 6 hours. Average night shift: 5 hours. In addition: 16 checkpoints. | Printer/photocopier all-in-one Rented accommodation: ‘a few’ stay in own houses, or government houses. |
B. Shaqaalaha ( Ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliyeed- CBS) / Human Resources (Somali Police Force – SPF) | ||||
b1 Tirada guud ee booliska CBS? / Total number of SPF police? | 28 | 200 | 25 | 0 |
b2 Tirada (ragga) booliska CBS? / Number of SPF police (men)? | 24 | 199 | 18 | 0 |
b3 Tirada (haweenka) booliska CBS? / Number of SPF police (women)? | 4 | 1 | 7 | 0 |
b4 Tirada guud ee saraakiisha booliska CBS? / Total number of SPF Police officers? | 9 | 5 | 5 | 0 |
b5 Tirada saraakiisha (ragga) booliska CBS? / Number of SPF Police officers (men)? | 8 | 5 | 5 | 0 |
b6 Tirada (haweenka) booliska CBS? / Number of SPF Police officers (women)? | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
b7 Tirada guud ee booliska darajooyinka kale leh ee CBS? / Total number of SPF Police other ranks? | 19 | 195 | 20 | 0 |
b8 Tirada booliska(ragga) CBS ee darajooyinka kale leh? / Number of SPF Police other ranks (men)? | 16 | 194 | 13 | 0 |
b9 Tirada booliska(haweenka) CBS ee darajooyinka kale leh? / Number of SPF Police other ranks (women)? | 3 | 1 | 7 | 0 |
b10 Tirada guud ee Baadheyaasha? / Total number of Investigators? | 3 | 2 | 27 | 0 |
b11 Tirada ragga baadheyaasha ah? / Number of Investigators men? | 3 | 2 | 27 | 0 |
b12 Tirada haweenka baadheyaasha ah? / Number of Investigators women? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
b13 Mudada saacadaha shaqada (saacado)? / Length of shifts (hours)? | 8 | 12 | 8 | 0 |
b14 Tirada Saraakiisha iyo kuwa darajooyinka kale leh ee ka weyn 60 ? / Number of Officers and other ranks over 60? | 0 | 2 | -99 | 0 |
b15 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Shaqaalaha (CBS) / Data Note: Human Resources (SPF) | Total police: 200. 60 at the Police Station (on shift rotations), 140 distributed among small towns recently captured from AS: El-Salini, Awdhegle, Sabiid, and Anole. | Total police: 510 police under Central Police Station, distributed across 5 police posts and 16 checkpoints in and around the town. Total police in Central Police Station: 90 (comprising SPF and State Police). Total SPF in the state: 398 Men: 392 – Women: 6 Officers: 91 (89 men and 2 women) Other ranks: 307. Number investigators: 27 (27 men) CID situated in separate location. | -99 | |
C. Shaqaalaha (Booliska Maamulka) / Human Resources (State Police) | ||||
c1 Tirada guud ee booliska maamulka? / Total number of State police? | 0 | 0 | 65 | 700 |
c2 Tirada (ragga) booliska maamulka? / Number of State police (men)? | 0 | 0 | 46 | 645 |
c3 Tirada (haweenka) booliska maamulka? / Number of State police (women)? | 0 | 0 | 19 | 55 |
c4 Tirada guud ee saraakiisha booliska maamulka? / Total number of State police officers? | 0 | 0 | 4 | 100 |
c5 Tirada saraakiisha booliska(ragga) maamulka? / Number of State police officers (men)? | 0 | 0 | 4 | 92 |
c6 Tirada saraakiisha booliska(haweenka) maamulka? / Number of State police officers (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 |
c7 Tirada guud ee saraaiisha maamulka darajooyinka kale leh? / Total number of State police other ranks? | 0 | 0 | 61 | 600 |
c8 Tirada (ragga) booliska maamulka ee darajooyinka kale leh? / Number of State police other ranks (men)? | 0 | 0 | 42 | 553 |
c9 Tirada (haweenka) booliska maamulka ee darajooyinka kale leh? / Number of State police other ranks (women)? | 0 | 0 | 19 | 47 |
c10 Tirada guud ee baadheyaasha? / Total number of investigators? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 30 |
c11 Tirada baadheyaasha (ragga)? / Number of investigators (men)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 27 |
c12 Tirada baadheyaasha (haweenka)? / Number of investigators (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
c13 Mudada saacadaha shaqada (saacado)? / Length of shifts (hours)? | -99 | 0 | 8 | 12 |
c14 Tirada saraakiisha iyo kuwa darajooyinka kale leh ee ka weyn 60? / Number of Officers and other ranks over 60? | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
c15 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Shaqaalaha (Booliska maamulka) / Data Note: Human Resources | All policing provided by SPF in Afgooye. | Total police: 195 On rotation to 4 police posts. | ||
E. Xaaladda Dhismaha / Physical Infrastructure Conditions | ||||
e1 Dhismaha guud ee dibadda ma ku fulan yahay? / Adequate external structure? | no | no | yes | yes |
e2 Taariikhdii la dhisay? / Date of construction? | 1960 | 1973 | 1980 | 2017 |
e3 Taariikhdii u danbaysay ee dib u habayn ballaadhan lagu sameeyey? / Date of last major repairs? | 2019 | 2017 | 2017 | 2017 |
e4 Deyrka ku hareeraysan Taliska Guud ee booliska oo la xoojiyey? / Reinforced fence around police HQ? | no | yes | yes | yes |
e.5. Qalabaynta Gudaha / Internal Furnishing | ||||
e51 Tirada kuraasta taala goobta soo dhawaynta dadweynaha? / Number of chairs in public reception area? | 4 | 15 | 60 | 12 |
e52 Tirada miisaska? / Number of tables/desks? | 0 | 2 | 20 | 4 |
e53 Tirada baadheyaasha fadhiista miiskiiba? / Number of investigators per desk? | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
e54 Tirada qolalka (ragga) lagu xidho? / Number of holding cells (men)? | 3 | 2 | 4 | 3 |
e55 Tirada qolalka (haweenka/hablaha ) lagu hayo? / Number of holding cells (women/girls)? | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
e56 Tirada qolalka (inamada) lagu hayo? / Number of holding cells (boys)? | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
e57 Tirada musqulaha dadweynaha? / Number of public toilets? | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
e58 Qolalka lagu kaydiyo caddaymaha oo ku filan? / Adequate evidence storage capacity? | no | yes | no | no |
e59 Qolka kaydka hubka (oo ammaan ah)? / Armoury (secure weapons’ store)? | no | yes | yes | yes |
e510 Diiwaanka hubka iyo rasaasta? / Arms and ammunition register? | yes | yes | yes | yes |
e7 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Xaaladda Dhismaha / Data Note: Physical Infrastructure Conditions | Holding cells: severely degraded. | Public toilet: 1 toilet shared by public and police. | ||
F. Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha- Booliska Gaarka ah / Security and Violence – SPF | ||||
f11 Tirada guud ee la dhaawacay iyaga oo shaqada gudanaya 2019? / Total injured in the course of duty in 2019? | 0 | 5 | 8 | 0 |
f12 Tirada guud ee la laayahay iyaga oo shaqada gudanaya 2019? / Total missing in the course of duty in 2019? | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
f2 Tirada guud ee la dhaawacay/la laayahay iyaga oo aan shaqada ku jirin 2019? / Total injured/missing when off duty in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 8 | 0 |
f3 Tirada guud ee la dilay 2019? / Total killed in 2019? | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 |
f4 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah / Data Note | March 22nd 2020: IED killed 4 police including Commander. | |||
G. Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha – Booliska Maamulka / Security and Violence – State Police | ||||
g1 Tirada guud ee la dhaawacay/ la laayahay iyaga oo shaqada gudanaya 2019? / Total injured/missing in the course of duty in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 5 | 1 |
g2 Tirada guud ee la dhaawacay/la laayahay iyaga oo aan shaqada ku jirin 2019? / Total injured/missing when off duty in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g3 Tirada guud ee la dilay 2019? / Total killed in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
g4 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah / Data note | ||||
I. Maareynta Dacwadaha (sannadka dhammanaya December 2019) / Case Management (year ending December 2019) | ||||
i1 Tirada guud ee cabashooyinka la helay 2019? / Total complaints received in 2019? | 150 | 215 | 3663 | 700 |
i2 Tirada guud ee danbiyadii la diiwaan geliyey 2019? / Total number of crimes recorded in 2019? | 82 | 215 | 2100 | 406 |
i3 Tirada guud ee danbiyada la baadhay 2019? / Total number of crimes investigated in 2019? | 82 | 93 | 2100 | 406 |
i4 Tirada guud ee dadka la xidhay 2019? / Total number of persons arrested in 2019? | 150 | 93 | 1670 | 819 |
i5 Tirada guud ee warbixinaha loo diray Ku-xigeenada Xeer-ilaaliyaha ee hoos imanaya Qodobka 26 ee CPC? / Total number of reports sent to DAG under Art 26 CPC? | 82 | 47 | 65 | 406 |
i6 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha/dadka loo gudbiyey odayaasha? / Total number of cases/persons referred to elders? | 0 | 46 | 1605 | 250 |
i7 Cabashooyinkii ugu badnaa? / Most common complaint? | Theft | Murder | Theft / family disputes | Theft / assault |
i8 Celceliska waqtiga taariikhdii la soo xidhay illaa markii dacwadda lagu soo oogay (maalmo)? / Average time from date of arrest to charge (days)? | 5 | 1 | 2 | 5 |
i.9. Dadka ku xidhan xarunta booliska / Detainees in Police custody | ||||
i91 Tirada guud ee dadka lagu hayey xarunta booliska 31 December 2019? / Total number detainees held in police custody on 31 December 2019? | 8 | 6 | 13 | 4 |
i92 Tirada ragga? / Number of men? | 5 | 4 | 13 | 4 |
i93 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women? | 3 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
i94 Tirada inamada ka yar 18? / Number of u18 boys? | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i95 Tirada hablaha ka yar 18? / Number of u18 girls? | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i96 Ninkii xidhnaa mudada ugu dheer (maalmo) ? / Longest serving man (days)? | 12 | 17 | 2 | 7 |
i97 Gabdhii xidhnayd mudada ugu dheer (maalmo)? / Longest serving woman (days)? | 5 | 8 | 0 | 0 |
i98 Wiilkii xidhnaa mudada ugu dheer (maalmo)? / Longest serving boy (days)? | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i99 Inantii xidhnayd mudada ugu dheer (maalmo)? / Longest serving girl (days)? | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i.10. Maxaabiista Xukun lagu riday intii ay ku xidhnaayeen Xarunta Booliska? / Convicted/Sentenced Prisoners in Police Cells | ||||
i101 Tirada guud ee maxaabiista xukun lagu riday intii ay ku jireen xarumaha booliska 31 December 2019? / Total number of convicted/sentenced prisoners in police cells on 31 December 2019? | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
i102 Tirada ragga? / Number of men? | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
i103 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
i104 Tirada inamada ka yar 18? / Number of u18 boys? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
i105 Tirada hablaha ka yar 18? / Number of u18 girls? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
i11 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Maareynta Dacwadda / Data Note: Case Management | Persons arrested: more people appear to be arrested than number of crimes recorded. This may be due to multiple accused for the same offence, or other reason. | Investigation Reports: it is unclear to whom these IRs are sent in the absence of a prosecutor. Longest serving in police custody: 17 days. The defendant was held in police custody pending trial. | Case data sources: Occurrence Book (OB) and Criminal Offences Book. The data were provided by the police officer responsible with reference to both OB and COB. They appear to be rounded up. | Case data source: Occurrence Book (OB).
Crimes recorded: 406 – Persons arrested: 819. The discrepancy here is not clearly explained. It may be due to multiple accused for one offence. |
J. Tababarka (Booliska Maamulka) / Training (State Police) | ||||
j1 Magaca cidda tababarka bixisay? / Name of training provider? | 0 | 0 | AMISOM | UNSOM / AMISOM |
j2 Tirada Booliska Maamulka ee tababarka qaatay- darajooyinka kale leh (2019)? / Number Police other ranks provided in service training (2019)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
j3 Mudadii uu socday tababarku (usbuucyo)? / Length of training (weeks)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
j4 Tirada saraakiisha booliska maamulka ee tababarka qaatay- tababarka billawga ah (2019)? / Number Police officers provided in service training (2019)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
j5 tababarku (usbuucyo)? / Length of training (weeks)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
j6 Tirada booliska maamulka ee tababarka qaatay – darajooyinka kale leh – tababarka xusuusinta (2019)? / Number trained State Police other ranks refresher (2019)? | 0 | 0 | 248 | 311 |
j7 Mudada uu socday tababarku (usbuucyo)? / Length of training (weeks)? | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
j8 Tirada saraakiisha booliska Maamulka – qaatay tababarka xusuusinta (2019)? / Number trained State Police officers – refresher (2019)? | 0 | 0 | 21 | 40 |
j9 Mudadii uu socday tababarku (usbuucyo)? / Length of training (weeks)? | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
j10 Tirada baadheyaasha Maamulka tababarka qaatay – baadhista aasaasiga ah (2019)? / Number trained State investigators – basic investigation (2019)? | 0 | 0 | 15 | -99 |
j11 Mudadii uu tababarku socday (usbuucyo)? / Length of training (weeks)? | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 |
j12 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Tababarka (Booliska Maamulka) / Data Note: Training (State Police) | Police services in Xudur provided by SPF. | Police services in Afgooye provided by SPF. | Refresher training: 248 (219 men, 29 women). Sponsor: UNDP Officer Training of Trainers (ToT): 21 (18 men 3 women). Sponsor: UNDP Basic Criminal Investigation: 15 (10 men : 5 women). Sponsor: India Further training included: 1 – Community policing and human rights (Special Police Force – Darwish): 579 (562 men 17 women) Sponsor: MoIS 2 – Community policing and de-radicalisation: 20 (19 men, 1 woman). Sponsor: DFID / UNOPS 3 – ToT Specific: 15 (13 men, 2 women). Sponsor: AU / Japanese Government 4 – Traffic management: 25 (22 men, 3 women). Sponsor: AU/ Japanese Government 5 – Aviation security: 15 (12 men, 3 women). Sponsor: AU / Japanese Government 6 – Community policing: 25 (20 men, 5 women). Sponsor: India 7 – IED/EOD: 15 (12 men, 3 women). Sponsor: India 8 – Human rights: 25 (25 men, 0 women). Sponsor: India 9 – Junior management: 15 (13 men, 2 women). Sponsor: India 10 – Middle management: 15 (10 men, 5 women). Sponsor: India Source: AMISOM HQ, Mogadishu | Refresher training: 311 (282 men, 29 women ). Sponsor: UNOPS Officer Training of Trainers (ToT): 40 (37 men, 3 women). Sponsor: UNDP) Further training included: 1 – Community policing and de-radicalisation: 20 (12 men 8 women). Sponsor: AU/Japanese Government 2 – ToT Specific: 15 (15 men, 0 women). Sponsor: AU/Japanese Government 3 – Traffic management: 25 (23 men, 2 women). Sponsor: AU/Japanese Government 4 – IED/EOD: 15 (14 men, 1 woman). Sponsor: India 5 – Junior management: 15 (13 men, 2 women). Sponsor: India 6 – Middle management: 15 (14 men, 1 woman). Sponsor: India 7 – Community policing: 25 (22 men, 3 women). Sponsor: India Source: AMISOM HQ, Mogadishu. |
K. Hab maamulka (booliska maamulka) / Governance (State Police) | ||||
k1 Sidee shaqaalaha darajada sare loo magacaabaa? / How are senior staff appointed? | NA | NA | Commissioner of Police | Commissioner of Police |
k2 Sidee shaqaalaha darajada hoose loo magacaabaa? / How are junior staff appointed? | -11 | -11 | Commissioner of Police | Commissioner of Police |
k3 Sidee shaqaalaha darajada sare loo shaqaalaysiiyaa? / How are senior staff recruited? | -11 | -11 | Exam | Interview |
k4 Sidee shaqaalaha darajada hoose loo shaqaalaysiiyaa? / How are junior staff recruited? | -11 | -11 | Exam | Interview |
k5 Aqoonta aasaasiga ah ee shaqaalaha darajada sare? / Basic qualification senior staff? | -11 | -11 | Madrassa | Secondary |
k6 Aqoonta aasaasiga ah ee shaqaalaha darajada hoose? / Basic qualification junior staff? | -11 | -11 | Madrassa | Primary |
k7 Ma dejisan yahay habka ay dadweynuhu cabashada u soo gudbiyaan? / Public complaints mechanism established? | -11 | -11 | yes | yes |
k8 Tirada booliska la anshax-mariyey 2019? / Number of police disciplined/sanctioned in 2019? | -99 | -99 | 0 | 5 |
k9 Dadka la xidhay ma heli karaan adeegga sharciga? / Detained persons access to legal services? | -11 | -11 | yes | yes |
k91 If yes, Lawyer or NGO? | -11 | -11 | Lawyer | Lawyer |
k92 If NGO, what name? | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 |
k10 Ma jiraa hab gudaha hay’adda loo kormeerka loo sameeyo? / Is there an internal oversight mechanism? | -11 | -11 | no | yes |
k11 Haddii jawaabta suaasha 10aad haa tahay, maxaa la yidhaa hannaankaas? / If yes to (q10), what is the mechanism called? | -11 | -11 | -11 | Weekly |
k12 Ma jiraa hab dibadda uga baxsan hay’adda oo loo kormeero? / Is there an external oversight mechanism? | -11 | -11 | no | no |
k13 Haddii jawaabta suaasha 12aad haa tahay, maxaa la yidhaa hannaankaas? / If yes to (q12), what is the mechanism called? | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 |
k14 Saraakiisha booliska maamulka imisa ayaa la siiyaa bishii (oo maamulku bixiyaa)? / Pay per month State police officers (by state government)? | -99 | -99 | 0 | 50 |
k15 Saraakiisha booliska maamulka imisa ayaa la siiyaa bishii (gunno ahaan)? / Pay per month State police officers (by stipend)? | -99 | -99 | 100 | 80 |
k16 Booliska darajooyinka kale leh ee maamulka imisa ayaa la siiyaa bishii (oo maamulku bixyaa? / Pay per month State police other ranks (by state government) | -99 | -99 | 0 | 50 |
k17 Booliska darajooyinka kale leh ee maamulka imisa ayaa la siiyaa bishii (gunno ahaan)? / Pay per month State police other ranks (by stipend)? | -99 | -99 | 100 | 80 |
k18 Imisa billood ayuu mushaharku dib uga dhacay – booliska darajooyinka kale leh? / Number of months in arrears for payment – other ranks? | -99 | -99 | 0 | 1 |
k19 Imisa ayaa cunta la siiyaa bishii (oo maamulku bixiyo) USD? / Food allowance per month (by state government) in USD? | -99 | -99 | -99 | 0 |
k20 Miisaaniyadda 2018/19? / Budget 2018/19? | -99 | -99 | 60000 | -99 |
k21 Miisaaniyadda 2019/20? / Budget 2019/20? | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 |
k22 Celceliska inta bishii qoysku cuntada ku soo gato USD? / Monthly shopping basket for average family in USD? | -99 | -99 | -99 | 300 |
k23 Hannaanka ay u wada xidhiidhaan bahda caddaaladdu? / Coordination mechanism with justice actors? | -11 | -11 | yes | yes |
k24 Kooxaha booliska ee xidhiidhka la sameeya bulshada? / Community police liaison teams? | -11 | -11 | yes | yes |
k25 Majiraa xafiis dumarrka u gaarali? / Gender desk? | no | no | yes | yes |
k25 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Maamulka (Booliska Maamulka) / Data Note: Governance (State Police) | No data available for SPF governance. | Police stipend paid by donors, through the UN Joint Police Programme (JPP). | Oversight: Commissioner’s office carries out ‘weekly’ oversight visits. Police stipend paid by donors, through the UN Joint Police Program (JPP). Salary ‘rarely’ paid in arrears. |
State / Gobol | South West State | South West State | South West State | South West State | South West State | South West State | Jubbaland | Jubbaland | Jubbaland | Jubbaland | South West State | South West State | South West State | South West State | South West State |
Region / Gobolka | Bakool | Bakool | Bakool | Bakool | Bakool | Bakool | Lower Jubba | Lower Jubba | Lower Jubba | Lower Jubba | Bay | Bay | Bay | Bay | Bay |
City / Magaalada | Xudur | Xudur | Xudur | Xudur | Xudur | Xudur | Kismayo | Kismayo | Kismayo | Kismayo | Baidoa | Baidoa | Baidoa | Baidoa | Baidoa |
District / Degmada | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 |
Name / Magaca | Police Post 1 | Police Post 2 | Police Post 3 | Police Post 4 | Police Post 5 | Police Post 6 | Katarabiilka Police Post | Dalhis Police Post | Midnimo Police Post | Via Afmadow Police Post | Saldhig yare Police Posts | Baidoa East Police Post | Ali-Axmar Police Post | Towfiiq Police Post | Hanaano Two Police Post |
A. Agabka / Material Resources | |||||||||||||||
a1 Adeegga Korontada/laydhka? / Electricity supply? | None | None | None | None | None | None | Continuous | Continuous | Partial | Continuous | Continuous | Partial | None | None | None |
a11 Haddii qayb ahaan tahay, imisa saacadood maalintii? / If partially, how many hours per day? | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | 4 | -11 | -11 | -99 | -11 | -11 | -11 |
a2 Adeegga Biyaha? / Water supply? | None | None | None | None | Buy from truck | None | Buy from truck | Buy from truck | Buy from truck | Buy from truck | Mains | Buy from water supplier | Mains | None | Buy from truck |
a.3. Qalabka / Equipment | |||||||||||||||
a31 Raadiyuhu mayahay habka koowaad ee ay boolisku ku wada xidhiidhaan? / Is the radio the primary means of communication between police? | yes | no | no | no | yes | no | no | no | no | no | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
a32 Haddii haa ay tahay, imisa ayaa booliska ragga/haweenka ee roondada ah mid kiiba haystaa raadiyaha? / If yes, how many patrolling policemen/women per radio? | 1 | -11 | -11 | -11 | 3 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
a33 Telefoonka gacantu mayahay habka koowaad ee ay boolisku ku wada xidhiidhaan? / Is the cellphone the primary means of communication between police? | -11 | yes | yes | yes | -11 | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 |
a34 Tirada gawaadhida shaqaynaysa? / Number of working vehicles? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
a35 Tirada baaskiiladaha? / Number of pedal cycles? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
a36 Imisa litir oo shidaal ah ayaa bishii la isticmaalaa? / Fuel allowance per month (litres)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
a37 Ma yaalaa buugga dhacdooyinka lagu qoro (OB)? / Occurrence book (OB) supplied? | yes | no | no | no | no | no | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | no | no | no | yes |
a38 Boqolkiiba imisa ayaa booliska dirays xidhan? / Percentage of police with uniform? | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 60 | 50 | 30 | 20 | 70 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
a4 Imisa jeer ayaa boolisku roondo lug ah sameeyaa maalinkii? / Number of foot patrols per day? | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 4 |
a41 Imisa askeri ayaa ka qayb qaata halkii roondo? / Number of police per patrol? | 10 | 7 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 11 | 11 | 13 | 12 | 10 | 8 | 7 | 12 | 8 |
a42 Celcelis ahaan, imisa (saacadood) ayaa halkii roondo shaqada ku jirtaa? / Average length of patrol (hours)? | 6 | 12 | 6 | 6 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 4 |
a5 Boqolkiiba imisa ayaa shaqaalaha ku jira guryo kiro ah? / Percentage of staff in rented accommodation? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 90 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
a6 Masaafada uu u jiro Taliska Guud ee Booliska? / Distance to Police HQ? | 2 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 6 | 7 |
a7 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Agabka / Data Note: Material Resources | One vehicle, not working. | Patrols conducted at night. | Their electricity is powered by Solar power. There are two patrol shifts. One during the afternoon, and one during the night. They use a notebook, not an OB, and report to the Police HQ daily. | A notebook is used instead of OB. Daily reports to police station. | Incidents are logged in an exercise book. | ||||||||||
B. Shaqaalaha / Human Resources | |||||||||||||||
b1 Tirada guud ee saldhigyada booliska? / Total number of police at post? | 15 | 10 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 35 | 60 | 60 | 40 | 15 | 10 | 25 | 24 | 16 |
b2 Tirada booliska ragga? / Number of policemen? | 12 | 10 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 30 | 55 | 48 | 32 | 13 | 10 | 23 | 24 | 16 |
b3 Tirada booliska haweenka? / Number of policewomen? | 3 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 5 | 12 | 8 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
b4 Tirada guud ee saraakiisha booliska? / Total number of Police officers? | 4 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 5 | 6 | 3 | 8 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
b5 Tirada saraakiisha booliska (ragga)? / Number of Police officers (men)? | 4 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 6 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
b6 Tirada saraakiisha booliska (haweenka)? / Number of Police officers (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
b7 Tirada guud ee booliska darajoonka kale leh? / Total number of Police other ranks? | 11 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 30 | 54 | 57 | 32 | 12 | 9 | 23 | 22 | 14 |
b8 Tirada booliska (ragga) darajoonka kale leh? / Number of Police other ranks (men)? | 8 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 25 | 50 | 45 | 26 | 10 | 9 | 21 | 22 | 14 |
b9 Tirada booliska (haweenka) darajoonka kale leh? / Number of Police other ranks (women)? | 3 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 4 | 12 | 6 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
b10 Imisa saacadood ayaa shaqada lagu jiraa (saacado)? / Length of shifts (hours)? | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 6 | 6 | 12 | 6 | 6 |
b11 Tirada Saraakiisha iyo darajooyinka kale ee ka weyn 60? / Number of Officers and other ranks over 60? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
b12 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Shaqaalaha / Data Note: Human Resources | Police in these posts are said to be in training ‘on the job’. | Police in these posts are said to be in training ‘on the job’. | Police in these posts are said to be in training ‘on the job’. | Police in these posts are said to be in training ‘on the job’. | Police in these posts are said to be in training ‘on the job’. | Police in these posts are said to be in training ‘on the job’. | Shifts: Police stay 24 hours in post and work 12 hour shifts. | Shifts: Police stay 24 hours in post and work 12 hour shifts. | |||||||
C. Xaaladda Dhismaha / Physical Infrastructure Conditions | |||||||||||||||
c1 Dhismaha guud ee dibadda ma ku fulan yahay? / Adequate external structure? | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | yes | no | no | no | yes | no | yes |
c2 Sanadkii la dhisay? / Year of construction? | 2005 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1970 | 2018 | 2018 | 2016 | 2018 | -99 | 2019 | 2014 | 2014 |
c3 Taariikhdii u danbaysay ee dib u habayn ballaadhan lagu sameeyey? / Date of last major repairs? | 2019 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2017 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2018 | 2020 | 2019 | 2020 | 0 |
c4 Deyrka ku hareeraysan saldhigyada booliska oo la xoojiyey? / Reinforced fence around police posts? | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | no | yes | no | no | no | yes | yes | yes |
c6 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Xaaladda Dhismaha / Data Note: Physical Infrastructure Conditions | Xudur Police Posts: police call them ‘posts’. They appear to be checkpoints as no fixed structures. | Xudur Police Posts: police call them ‘posts’. They appear to be checkpoints as no fixed structures. | Xudur Police Posts: police call them ‘posts’. They appear to be checkpoints as no fixed structures. | Xudur Police Posts: police call them ‘posts’. They appear to be checkpoints as no fixed structures. | Xudur Police Posts: police call them ‘posts’. They appear to be checkpoints as no fixed structures. | Xudur Police Posts: police call them ‘posts’. They appear to be checkpoints as no fixed structures. | Old building, poor conditions. No waiting area for staff or public. | Infrastructure severely degraded, building work ongoing in another building. |
State / Gobol | Jubbaland |
Region / Gobolka | Lower Jubba |
City / Magaalada | Kismayo |
District / Degmada | -11 |
A. Dhismaha / Infrastructure | |
a1 Adeegga Korontada/laydhka? / Electricity supply? | Continuous |
a11 Haddii qayb ahaan tahay, imisa saacadood maalintii? / If partially, how many hours per day? | -11 |
a2 Ma jiraa Dab-dhaliyuhu haddii uu damo mid kayd u ah? / Generator backup? | no |
a3 Adeegga Biyaha? / Water supply? | Buy from truck |
a.4. Qalabka / Equipment | |
a41 Raadiyuhu mayahay habka koowaad ee ay boolisku ku wada xidhiidhaan? / Is the radio the primary means of communication between police? | no |
a42 Haddii haa ay tahay, imisa ayaa booliska ragga/haweenka ee roondada ah mid kiiba haystaa raadiyaha? / If yes, how many patrolling policemen/women per radio? | -11 |
a43 Telefoonka gacantu mayahay habka koowaad ee ay boolisku ku wada xidhiidhaan? / Is the cellphone the primary means of communication between police? | yes |
a44 Tirada gawaadhida shaqaynaysa? / Number of working vehicles? | 6 |
a45 Tirada mootooyinka? / Number of motor bikes? | 0 |
a46 Imisa litir oo shidaal ah ayaa bishii la isticmaalaa?? / Fuel allowance per month (litres)? | 2000 |
a47 Imisa baabuur ayaa roondo ahaan u baxda maalintii? / Number of patrol vehicles out on patrol on average per day? | 6 |
a48 Tirada guud ee kombuyuutarada shaqaynaya? / Total number of working computers? | 2 |
a49 Tirada guud ee qalabka daabacadda shaqaynaya? / Total number of working printers? | 2 |
a410 Khadka daabacaadda oo ku filan? / Adequate printer toner? | no |
a411 Tirada guud ee footokoobiyada shaqaynaya? / Total number of working photocopiers? | 2 |
a412 Khadka footokoobiga oo ku filan? / Adequate photocopier toner? | no |
a413 Tirada kabadhada faylasha oo xidhma? / Number of secure filing cabinets? | 5 |
a414 Qolka caddaymaha oo ammaan ah? / Secure evidence room? | no |
a415 Waraaqaha xafiiska loo isticaamo oo ku filan? / Adequate stationery? | no |
a416 Buugga Dhacdooyinku (OB) ma yaalaa? / Occurrence book (OB) supplied? | yes |
a417 Diiwaanka xadhigga? / Detention register? | no |
a418 Boqolkiiba imisa ayaa booliska sita dirays? / Percentage of police with uniform? | 50 |
a10 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Agabka / Data Note: Material Resources | Working vehicles: 6 pick-ups. Printer/photocopier all-in-one. Occurrence Book: not an official ‘OB’. It is an ordinary exercise book. Detainees are taken to the Central Police Station or to the military. |
B. Shaqaalah (Booliska Gaarka ee Maamulka- Daraawiishta) / Human Resources (Special State Police – Darwish) | |
b1 Tirada guud ee Booliska Gaarka ah ee Maamulka? / Total number of Special State Police? | 7662 |
b2 Tirada (ragga) Booliska Gaarka ah ee Maamulka? / Number of Special State Police (men)? | 7428 |
d3 Tirada (haweenka) Booliska Gaarka ah ee Maamulka? / Number of Special State Police (women)? | 234 |
b4 Tirada guud ee saraakiisha Booliska Gaarka ah ee Maamulka? / Total number of Special State Police officers? | 487 |
b5 Tirada Saraakiisha Gaarka ah ee Maamulka (ragga)? / Number of Special State Police officers (men)? | 477 |
b6 Tirada Saraakiisha Gaarka ah ee Maamulka (haweenka)? / Number of Special State Police officers (women)? | 10 |
b7 Tirada guud ee Booliska Gaarka ah ee Maamulka ee leh darajooyinka kale? / Total number of Special State Police other ranks? | 7175 |
b8 Tirada Booliska Gaarka ah ee Maamulka eel eh darajooyinka kale (ragga)? / Number of Special State Police other ranks (men)? | 6951 |
b9 Tirada Booliska Gaarka ah ee Maamulka eel eh darajooyinka kale (haweenka)? / Number of Special State Police other ranks (women)? | 224 |
b10 Mudada saacadaha shaqada (saacado)? / Length of shifts (hours)? | 8 |
b11 Tirada Booliska Gaarka ah ee Maamulka ka weyn 60? / Number of Special State Police over 60? | 3 |
b12 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Shaqaalaha (Daraawiishta) / Data Note: Human Resources (Darwish) | -99 |
C. Xaaladda Dhismaha / Physical Infrastructure Conditions | |
c1 Dhismaha guud ee dibadda ma ku fulan yahay? / Adequate external structure? | no |
c2 Taariikhdii la dhisay? / Date of construction? | 1974 |
c3 Taariikhdii u danbaysay ee dib u habayn ballaadhan lagu sameeyey? / Date of last major repairs? | 0 |
c4 Deyrka ku hareeraysan Taliska Guud ee booliska oo la xoojiyey? / Reinforced fence around police HQ? | no |
c.5. Qalabaynta Gudaha / Internal Furnishing | |
c51 Tirada qolalka (ragga) lagu xidho? / Number of holding cells (men)? | 0 |
c52 Tirada qolalka (haweenka/hablaha ) lagu hayo? / Number of holding cells (women/girls)? | 0 |
c53 Tirada qolalka (inamada) lagu hayo? / Number of holding cells (boys)? | 0 |
c54 Tirada musqulaha dadweynaha? / Number of public toilets? | 5 |
c55 Qolalka lagu kaydiyo caddaymaha oo ku filan? / Adequate evidence storage capacity? | no |
c56 Qolka kaydka hubka (oo ammaan ah)? / Armoury (secure weapons’ store)? | yes |
c57 Diiwaanka hubka iyo rasaasta? / Arms and ammunition register? | yes |
c7 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Xaaladda Dhismaha / Data Note: Physical Infrastructure Conditions | Building severely degraded. |
D. Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha – Booliska Gaarka ah ee Maamulka (Daraawiish) / Security and Violence – Special State Police (Darwish) | |
d1 Tirada guud ee la dhaawacay/ la laayahay iyaga oo shaqada gudanaya 2019? / Total injured/missing in the course of duty in 2019? | 80 |
d2 Tirada guud ee la dhaawacay/la laayahay iyaga oo aan shaqada ku jirin 2019? / Total injured/missing when off duty in 2019? | 0 |
d3 Tirada guud ee la dilay 2019? / Total killed in 2019? | 44 |
d4 Data Note: Darwish | 80 injured in AS engagements. 44 killed in AS engagements. |
E. Hab maamulka (Booliska Gaarka ee Maamulka- Daraawiishta) / Governance (Special State Police – Darwish) | |
e1 Sidee shaqaalaha darajada sare loo magacaabaa? / How are senior staff appointed? | Commissioner of Police |
e2 Sidee shaqaalaha darajada hoose loo magacaabaa? / How are junior staff appointed? | Commissioner of Police |
e3 Sidee shaqaalaha darajada sare loo shaqaalaysiiyaa? / How are senior staff recruited? | Interview |
e4 Sidee shaqaalaha darajada hoose loo shaqaalaysiiyaa? / How are junior staff recruited? | Exam |
e5 Aqoonta aasaasiga ah ee shaqaalaha darajada sare? / Basic qualification senior staff? | Secondary |
e6 Aqoonta aasaasiga ah ee shaqaalaha darajada hoose? / Basic qualification junior staff? | Intermediate |
e7 Dadka la xidhay ma heli karaan adeegga sharciga? / Detained persons access to legal services? | yes |
e8 Ma jiraa hab gudaha hay’adda loo kormeerka loo sameeyo? / Is there an internal oversight mechanism? | yes |
e9 Haddii jawaabta suaasha 8aad haa tahay, maxaa la yidhaa hannaankaas? / If yes to (q8), what is the mechanism called? | Ministry of Internal Security |
e10 Ma jiraa hab dibadda uga baxsan hay’adda oo loo kormeero? / Is there an external oversight mechanism? | no |
e11 Haddii jawaabta suaasha 10aad haa tahay, maxaa la yidhaa hannaankaas? / If yes to (f10), what is the mechanism called? | -11 |
e13 Saraakiisha Booliska Gaarka ee Maamulka- Daraawiishta imisa ayaa la siiyaa bishii (oo maamulku bixiyaa)? / Pay per month Special State police officers (by state government)? | 150 |
e14 Saraakiisha Booliska Gaarka ee Maamulka- Daraawiishta imisa ayaa la siiyaa bishii (gunno ahaan)? / Pay per month Special State police officers (by stipend)? | 0 |
e15 Booliska darajooyinka kale leh ee maamulka imisa ayaa la siiyaa bishii (oo maamulku bixyaa? / Pay per month State police other ranks (by state government)? | 150 |
e16_Booliska darajooyinka kale leh ee maamulka imisa ayaa la siiyaa bishii (gunno ahaan)? / Pay per month State police other ranks (by stipend)? | 0 |
e17 Imisa billood ayuu mushaharku dib uga dhacay – booliska darajooyinka kale leh? / Number of months in arrears for payment – other ranks? | 3 |
e18 Imisa ayaa cunta la siiyaa bishii (oo maamulku bixiyo) USD? / Food allowance per month (by state government) in USD? | 30 |
e19 Miisaaniyadda 2018/19? / Budget 2018/19? | |
e20 Miisaaniyadda 2019/20? / Budget 2019/20? | -99 |
e21 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Maamulka (Booliska Maamulka) / Data Note: Governance (State Police) | Access to legal services: Yes Interviews record captured AS transferred to military. |
State / Gobol | South West State | South West State | Banadir | Banadir |
Region / Gobolka | Bakool | Bay | Banadir Regional Administration | Banadir Regional Administration |
City / Magaalada | Xudur | Baidoa | Mogadishu | Mogadishu |
District / Degmada | -11 | -11 | Wadajir | Wadajir |
Name / Magaca | Somali Women Development Centre | ISHA Human Rights Organisation | Somali Women Development Centre | Save Somali Woman and Children |
A. Dhismaha / Infrastructure | ||||
a1 Tirada xafiisyada tallo-bixinta sharci bixiya ee gobol kasta? / Number of legal aid offices in each region? | 2 | 1 | 14 | 3 |
a2 Dhismaha dibaddu ma ku filan yahay? / Adequate external structure? | yes | yes | yes | yes |
a.3. Qalabaynta Gudaha / Internal Furnishing | ||||
a31 Tirada qolalka u gaarka ah? / Number of dedicated office rooms? | 2 | 4 | 9 | 11 |
a32 Tirada gabadhada faylasha oo xidhma? / Number of secure filing cabinets? | 1 | 5 | 9 | 4 |
a33 Tirada qolalka waraysiga u gaarka ah? / Number of dedicated interview rooms? | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
a34 Tirada qololka sugitaanka? / Number of dedicated waiting rooms? | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
a35 Tirada musqulaha shaqaalaha? / Number of staff toilets? | 1 | 2 | 5 | 2 |
a36 Tirada musqulaha dadweynaha? / Number of public toilets? | 1 | 1 | 5 | 2 |
a5 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Dhismaha / Data Note: Infrastructure | The hall is used as an interview room. | a.1 – 14 legal aid offices, 9 of which are located in Benadir. a.3.5 – 5 toilets in total, accessible to public and staff. | Toilets are shared by both public and staff. | |
B. Agabka / Material Resources | ||||
b1 Adeegga Korontada/laydhka? / Electricity supply? | Partial | Continuous | Continuous | Continuous |
b11 Haddii qayb ahaan tahay, imisa saacadood maalintii? / If partially, how many hours per day? | 8 | -11 | -11 | -11 |
b2 Helitaanka Internet-ka xafiiska? / Access to office internet? | Continuous | Continuous | Continuous | Continuous |
b3 Tirada kombuyuutarada shaqaynaya? / Number of working computers? | 1 | 11 | -99 | 8 |
b4 Tirada footokoobiyada shaqaynaya? / Number of working photocopiers? | 0 | 1 | -99 | 4 |
b5 Khadka footokoobiyada oo ku filan? / Adequate photocopier toner? | yes | yes | n/a | yes |
b6 Tirada qalabka daabacaadda? / Number of working printers? | 1 | 3 | -99 | 3 |
b7 Khadka qalabka daabacadda oo ku filan? / Adequate printer toner? | yes | yes | n/a | yes |
b8 Tirada kabadhada faylasha oo xidhma? / Number of secure filing cabinets? | 1 | 5 | 9 | 4 |
b9 Waraaqaha xafiisyada oo ku filan? / Adequate stationery? | yes | yes | n/a | yes |
b10 Tirada shaqaalaha maamulka ee isticmaala kombuyuutarada shaqayanaya? / Number of admin staff to working computer? | 3 | 1 | -99 | 1 |
b11 Tirada gawaadhida shaqaynaysa? / Number of working vehicles? | 0 | 1 | -99 | 0 |
b12 Shidaalka loo ogol yahay bishi (litir)? / Fuel allowance per month (litres)? | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
b13 Helitaanka buugaagta sharciga? / Access to legal resources? | no | yes | yes | yes |
b14 Telefoonada gaarka ah ee dadku soo wacaan? / Dedicated telephone hotline? | no | yes | yes | yes |
b15 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Agabka 7 Data Note: Material Resources | Computers: 2 desktops, 9 laptops. | No information was provided. | Printer/photocopier all-in-one.
Telephone hotline activated in January, 2020. | |
C. Shaqaalaha / Human Resources | ||||
c1 Tirada guud ee qareenada sida joogtada ah u shaqeeya? / Total number of full-time lawyers? | 3 | 0 | 15 | 1 |
c2 Tirada qareenada sida joogtada ah u shaqeeya (ragga)? / Number of full-time lawyers (men)? | 3 | 0 | 10 | 1 |
c3 Tirada qareenada sida joogtada ah u shaqeeya (haweenka)? / Number of full-time lawyers (women)? | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 |
c4 Tirada guud qareenada qayb ahaan shaqeeya? / Total number of part-time lawyers? | 0 | 3 | 43 | 0 |
c5 Tirada qareenada qayb ahaan shaqeeya (ragga)? / Number of part-time lawyers (men)? | 0 | 3 | 15 | 0 |
c6 Tirada qareenada qayb ahaan shaqeeya(haweenka)? / Number of part-time lawyers (women)? | 0 | 0 | 28 | 0 |
c7 Tirada guud ee kaaliyaasha sharciga? / Total number of paralegals? | 0 | 0 | 13 | 0 |
c8 Tirada ee kaaliyaasha sharciga (ragga)? / Number of paralegals (men)? | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 |
c9 Tirada ee kaaliyaasha sharciga(haweenka)? / Number of paralegals (women)? | 0 | 0 | 8 | 0 |
c10 Tirada guud ee dhexdhexaadiyaasha? / Total number of mediators? | 2 | 40 | 13 | 1 |
c11 Tirada dhexdhexaadiyaasha (ragga)? / Number of mediators (men)? | 2 | 25 | 5 | 1 |
c12 Tirada dhexdhexaadiyaasha (haweenka)? / Number of mediators (women)? | 0 | 15 | 8 | 0 |
c13 Tirada Guud ee Shaqaale Hoosaadka? / Total number of administrative (support) staff? | 2 | 12 | -99 | 11 |
c131 Tirada Guud ee Shaqaale Hoosaadka (ragga)? / Total number of administrative (support) staff (men)? | 1 | 9 | -99 | 7 |
c132 Tirada Guud ee Shaqaale Hoosaadka (haweenka)? / Total number of administrative (support) staff (men)? | 1 | 3 | -99 | 4 |
c14 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Shaqaalaha / Data Note: Human Resources | 40 mediators recruited from the 10 villages around the town: 4 from each village. | No information on administrative staff. | The lawyer doubles as a mediator.
| |
D. Ammaanka iyo Rabshada / Security and Violence | ||||
d1 Tirada Shaqaalaha NGO ee loo hanjabay/handiday 2019? / Number of NGO staff threatened/intimidated in 2019? | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
d2 Tirada shaqaalaha NGO ee la weeraray/dhaawacay 2019? / Number of NGO staff attacked/injured in 2019? | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
d3 Tirada shaqaalaha NGO ee la dilay 2019? / Number of NGO staff killed in 2019? | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
d4 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha / Data Note: Security and Violence | ||||
E. Maareynta Dacwadda / Case Management | ||||
e.1. Helay tallo sharci/gargaar / Received legal advice/assistance | ||||
e11 Tirada guud ee dadka helay tallo sharci/gargaar 2019? / Total number of people who received legal advice/assistance in 2019? | 336 | 74 | 5759 | 200 |
e12 Tirada ragga? / Number of men? | 211 | 52 | 2994 | 0 |
e13 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women? | 125 | 22 | 2765 | 200 |
e.2. Dadka iska yimid 2019? / Walk-ins 2019 | ||||
e21 Tirada guud ee dadka iska yimid 2019? / Total number of walk-ins in 2019? | 115 | 18 | 830 | 0 |
e22 Tirada ragga? / Number of men? | 35 | 11 | 319 | 0 |
e23 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women? | 80 | 7 | -99 | 0 |
e.3. Telefoonada ku soo hadlay 2019 / Call-ins 2019 | ||||
e31 Tirada guud ee telefoonada ku soo hadlay 2019? / Total number of Call-ins (mobile phone) in 2019? | -99 | 0 | 1110 | 0 |
e32 Tirada ragga? / Number of men? | -99 | 0 | 351 | 0 |
e33 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women? | -99 | 0 | 511 | 0 |
e.4. Dacwadaha la dhexdhexaadiyey 2019 / Cases mediated in 2019 | ||||
e41 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha la dhexdhexaadiyey 2019? / Total number of cases mediated in 2019? | 297 | 92 | 3191 | 100 |
e42 Tirada ragga? / Number of men? | 97 | 50 | 1301 | 0 |
e43 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women? | 200 | 42 | 1890 | 100 |
e44 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha lagu guuleystay dhexdhexaadinta? / Total number of cases successfully mediated? | 297 | 92 | 3015 | 100 |
e.5. Dacwadaha illaa hadda taagan 6 billood kadib / Cases still holding after 6 months | ||||
e51 Boqolkiiba imisa ayaa heshiisyadu taagan yihiin 6 billood kadib? / Percentage of agreements still holding after 6 months? | -99 | 10 | 80 | 100 |
e52 Tirada ragga codsadeyaasha? / Number of men as applicant? | -99 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
e53 Tirada haweenka codsadeyaasha? / Number of women as applicant? | -99 | 0 | -99 | 100 |
e6 Lacagta guud ee laga sameeyey dhexdhexaadinta (USD) / Total amount (USD) generated through mediation? | -99 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
e.7. / Dacwadaha loo gudbiyey hannaanka xeer-dhaqameedka 2019 / Cases referred to customary system in 2019 | ||||
e71 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha loo gudbiyey hannaanka xeer-dhaqameedka 2019? / Total number of cases referred to customary system in 2019? | 55 | 11 | 120 | 90 |
e72 Tirada ragga? / Number of men? | 15 | 8 | 101 | 0 |
e73 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women? | 40 | 3 | 19 | 90 |
e.8. Dadka loo gudbiyey Maxkamadda 2019 / Persons referred to Court in 2019 | ||||
e81 Tirada guud ee dadka loo gudbiyey maxkamadda 2019? / Total number of persons referred to court in 2019? | 155 | 0 | 909 | 10 |
e82 Tirada ragga? / Number of men? | 25 | 0 | 601 | 0 |
e83 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women? | 130 | 0 | 308 | 10 |
e.9. Dadka lagu caawiyey xarumaha booliska 2019? / Persons assisted at Police in 2019 | ||||
e91 Tirada guud ee dadka lagu caawiyey xarumaha booliska 2019? / Total number of persons assisted at police in 2019? | 95 | 5 | 814 | 0 |
e92 Tirada ragga? / Number of men? | 11 | 0 | 665 | 0 |
e93 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women? | 84 | 5 | 102 | 0 |
e94 Tirada inamada ka yar 18? / Number of u18 boys? | 0 | -99 | 35 | 0 |
e95 Tirada hablaha ka yar 18? / Number of u18 girls? | 0 | -99 | 12 | 0 |
e.10. Dadka lagu caawiyey xabsiga 2019? / Persons assisted at prison in 2019 | ||||
e101 Tirada guud ee dadka lagu caawiyey xabsiga 2019? / Total number of persons assisted at prison in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 215 | 0 |
e102 Tirada ragga? / Number of men? | 0 | 0 | 202 | 0 |
e103 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women? | 0 | 0 | 13 | 0 |
e.11. Dadka la caawiyey/matalay maxkamadda horteeda 2019 / Persons assisted/ represented in Court in 2019 | ||||
e111 Tirada guud ee dadka la caawiyey/la matalay maxkamadda horteeda 2019? / Total number of persons assisted/represented in court in 2019? | 155 | 1 | 909 | 10 |
e112 Tirada ragga? / Number of men? | 25 | 0 | 510 | 0 |
e113 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women? | 130 | 1 | 295 | 9 |
e114 Tirada inamada ka yar 18? / Number of u18 boys? | 0 | -99 | 91 | 0 |
e115 Tirada hablaha ka yar 18? / Number of u18 girls? | 0 | -99 | 13 | 1 |
e12 Tirada guud ee dadka ay gaadhay xogta sharciga ee bulshada 2019? / Total number of persons reached with legal information in the community in 2019? | 990 | -99 | 15230 | 720 |
e13 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Maareynta Dacwadda / Data Note: Case Management | Community outreach through weekly meetings.
Data source: NGO register. | Percentage of agreements still holding after 6 months: verified by physical visits and case follow ups.
| Data source: computer records. | |
F. Tababarka / Training | ||||
f1 Tababarka Kaabista: Xirfadda Maxkamadda (maalmo)? / Supplementary Training: Court Craft (days)? | 3 | 0 | 5 | 0 |
f2 Tababarka Kaabista: Tababar Gaar ah (maalmo)? / Supplementary Training: Specialised (days)? | 0 | 5 | 5 | 0 |
f3 Tababarka aasaasiga ah ee kaaliyaasha sharciga (maalmo)? / Paralegal basic training (days)? | 0 | 0 | 264 | 0 |
f4 Tababarka Dhexdhexaadinta (maalmo)? / Mediation training (days)? | 0 | 7 | 5 | 0 |
f5 Tirada dhexdhexaadiyaasha tababarka la siiyey? / Number of mediators trained? | 0 | 40 | 4 | 0 |
f6 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Tababarka / Data Note: Training | All 40 mediators trained in 2019. | |||
G. Hab maamulka / Governance | ||||
g1 Qareenada habkee loo shaqaalaysiiyaa? / How are lawyers recruited? | Exam | Exam, Interview | Exam | Exam, Interview |
g2 Kaaliyaasha sharciga habkee loo shaqaalaysiiyaa? / How are paralegals recruited? | Exam, Interview | N/A | Exam | N/A |
g3 Dhexdhexaadiyaasha habkee loo shaqaalaysiiya? / How are mediators recruited? | Exam | Other | Exam | Exam, Interview |
g4 Jagooyinkan si furan miyaa loo soo xayeysiiyaa? / Are these positions openly advertised? | yes | yes | yes | yes |
g5 Aqoonta ay leeyihiin Qareenada (ragga)? / Existing qualifications, Lawyers (men)? | LLB, Sharia | Sharia | Law degree, Sharia | Law degree |
g6 Aqoonta ay leeyihiin Qareenada (haweenka)? / Existing qualifications, Lawyers (women)? | N/A | N/A | Law degree, Sharia | N/A |
g7 Aqoonta ay leeyihiin Kaaliyaasha sharciga (ragga)? / Existing qualifications, Paralegals (men)? | Secondary | N/A | Bachelor | N/A |
g8 Aqoonta ay leeyihiin Kaaliyaasha sharciga (haweenka)? / Existing qualifications, Paralegals (women)? | Secondary | N/A | Bachelor | N/A |
g9 Aqoonta ay leeyihiin Dhexdhexaadiyaasha (ragga)? / Existing qualifications, Mediators (men)? | Mediation Course | Mediation Course | Bachelor | N/A |
g10 Aqoonta ay leeyihiin Dhexdhexaadiyaasha (haweenka)? / Existing qualifications, Mediators (women)? | N/A | Mediation Course | Bachelor | N/A |
g11 Bishii lacagta ay qaataan (USD) qareenada u shaqeeya NGO-yada? / Pay per month (USD), in-house lawyers? | 1000 | 0 | -99 | 1200 |
g12 Bishii lacagta ay qaataan (USD) qareenada u shaqeeya NGO-yada waqtiyada qaar? / Pay per month (USD), part-time lawyers? | 500 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
g13 Bishii imisa ayay qaataan kaaliyaasha sharcigu (USD)? / Pay per month (USD), paralegals? | 400 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
g14 Bishii imisa ayay qaataan dhexdhexaadiyaashu (USD)? / Pay per month (USD), mediators? | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
g15 Mushaharka yaa bixiya? / Salary paid by? | Donor | NGO | N/A | Donor |
g16 Xeerka Anshaxa ee kaaliyaasha sharciga? / Code of conduct for paralegals? | yes | yes | yes | no |
g17 Xeerka Anshaxa ee dhexdhexaadiyaasha? / Code of conduct for mediators? | no | yes | yes | no |
g18 Hannaanka cabashooyinka NGO? / Complaints mechanism for NGO? | yes | yes | yes | yes |
g19 Hannaanka ay u wada xidhiidhaan bahda caddaaladdu? / Coordination mechanism with justice actors? | yes | yes | yes | yes |
g20 Qaabkee ayaa bulshada loo gaadhaa? / Means of outreach? | Radio, Word of mouth | Telephone hotline, Word of mouth | Social Media | Radio, Telephone hotline, Word of mouth |
g21_Miisaaniyadda 2019/2020 / Budget_2019_2020 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 |
g21 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Hab maamulka / Data Note: Governance | Lawyers are not retained but paid on an ad hoc basis for services supplied.
Coordination meetings are infrequent. Hotline number: 2151. |
State / Gobol | South West State | South West State | Jubbaland | South West State | Banadir |
Region / Gobolka | Bakool | Lower Shabelle | Lower Jubba | Bay | Banadir Regional Administration |
City / Magaalada | Xudur | Afgooye | Kismayo | Baidoa | Mogadishu |
District / Degmada | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | Hamar-Weyne |
A. Shaqaalaha / Human Resources | |||||
a.1. Tirada guud ee qareenada ka hawlgala maamulka? / Total number of lawyers in state? | -99 | -99 | 10 | 25 | 228 |
a.2. Tirada qareenada(ragga) ah ee ka hawlgala maamulka? / Number of lawyers in state (men)? | -99 | -99 | 10 | 23 | 200 |
a.3. Tirada qareenada(haweenka) ah ee ka hawlgala maamulka? / Number of lawyers in state (women)? | -99 | -99 | 0 | 2 | 28 |
a.4. Tirada guud ee qareenada ka hawlgala Gobolka? / Total number of lawyers in region? | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | 159 |
a.5. Tirada qareneeda (ragga) ee gobolka? / Number of lawyers in region (men)? | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | 145 |
a.6. Tirada qareneeda (haweenka) ee gobolka? / Number of lawyers in region (women)? | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | 14 |
a.7. Tirada guud ee qareenada ka hawlgala degmada? / Total number of lawyers in district | 5 | 8 | 5 | 12 | -99 |
a8_Tirada qareneeda (ragga) ee degmada? / Total number of lawyers in district men | 5 | 6 | 5 | 10 | -99 |
a9_Tirada qareneeda (ragga) ee degmada? / Total number of lawyers in district women | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | -99 |
a.10. Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Shaqaalaha / Data Note: Human Resources | Source: interview local lawyer | Source: interview local lawyer | Source: interview with lawyers say 18 lawyers are licensed in SWS and 7 are in training. Data discrepancy: Somali Bar Association (Mogadishu) registers 10 lawyers in all South West State. | Source Somali Bar Association (SBA): Banadir region: 159 Puntland: 52 Jubaland: 7 South West State: 10 In 2019, 23 Students (15 male, 8 female) graduated in law from Mogadishu University (source: Mogadishu University). | |
B. Maamulka / Governance | |||||
b.1. Ma jiraa Ururuka qareenada oo habaysan? / Organised bar? | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
b.2. Hannaanka Cabashada u soo gudbiyaan Daweynuhu? / Public complaints mechanism? | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
b.2.1. Haddii ay jawaabtu haa tahay, ma jiraa guddiga anshax marintu? / If yes, is there a disciplinary committee? | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
b.2.2. Haddii ay jawaabtu haa tahay, imisa qareen ayaa shaqada la ga eryey 2019? / If yes, how many lawyers have been dismissed in 2019? | 0 | -99 | 0 | 0 | 7 |
b.3. Hannaanka wada xidhiidhka bahda caddaaladda? / Coordination mechanism with justice actors? | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
b.4. Sannadka ururka qareenada la sharciyeeyey? / Year organised bar incorporated? | 2017 | 0 | 2019 | 2017 | 1960 |
b.5. Xeerka Anshaxa ee Qareenada? / Lawyers’ code of conduct? | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
b.6. Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Maamulka / Data Note: Governance | Quarterly coordination meetings attended by justice actors | SBA incorporated in 1960 and reopened/re-incorporated after the civil war in 2011. |
State / Gobol | South West State | South West State | Jubbaland |
Region / Gobolka | Bakool | Bay | Lower Jubba |
City / Magaalada | Xudur | Baidoa | Kismayo |
District / Degmada | -11 | -11 | -11 |
Name / Magaca | CDRH | CDRH | ADR |
A. Kaabayaasha / Infrastructure | |||
a1 Tirada XXKHB? / Number of CDRH? | 1 | 1 | 1 |
a2 Qaybta haweenka ee XXKHB? / CDRH female section? | 1 | 1 | 0 |
a3 Qaybta ragga ee XXKHB? / CDRH male section? | 1 | 1 | 2 |
a4 Muuqaalka dibaddu ma yahay mid habboon? / Adequate external structure? | no | yes | yes |
a5 Taariikhdii ugu danbaysay ee dib-u-habayn weyn lagu sameeyey ( sanadka)? / Date of last major renovation (year)? | 0 | 2020 | 2019 |
a6. Qalabaynta Gudaha / Internal Furnishing | |||
a61 Tirada qolalka tallo-bixinta? / Number of consultation rooms? | 2 | 4 | 1 |
a62 Tirada marwaxadaha qolkiiba yaala? / Number of fans per room? | 0 | 0 | 2 |
a63 Tirada qolalka sugitaanka ee u gaarka ah haweenka? / Number of dedicated waiting rooms for women? | 1 | 2 | 0 |
a64 Tirada qolalka sugitaanka ee u gaarka ah ragga? / Number of dedicated waiting rooms for men? | 1 | 2 | 0 |
a65 Tirada musqulaha shaqaalaha? / Number of staff toilets? | 1 | 2 | 1 |
a66 Tirada musqulaha dadweynaha (haweenka)? / Number of public toilets (women)? | 0 | 1 | 0 |
a67 Tirada musqulaha dadweynaha (ragga)? / Number of public toilets (men)? | 0 | 1 | 1 |
a8 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Kaabayaasha / Data Note: Infrastructure | Men and women occupy same section. | Men and women occupy same section. There is a newly renovated center for ADR but elders have not moved to the new one due to security fears. The current ADR Centre functions in the MOJ building. Public toilet: men share a toilet with the elders. | |
B. Agabka / Material Resources | |||
b1 Adeegga Korontada? / Electricity supply? | Partial | Continuous | Continuous |
b11 Haddii qayb ahaan tahay, imisa saacadood maalintii? / If partially, how many hours per day? | 3 | -11 | -11 |
b2 Xafiisku ma leeyahay Internet? / Access to office internet? | None | Continuous | Continuous |
b3 Tirada Kombuyutarada shaqaynaya? / Number of working computers? | 2 | 3 | 2 |
b4 Tirada Footokoobiyada shaqaynaya? / Number of working photocopiers? | 0 | 3 | 2 |
b5 Ma jiraan Khadka Footokoobiyada oo ku filan? / Adequate photocopier toner? | -11 | yes | yes |
b6 Tirada qalabka daabacaadda ee shaqaynaya? / Number of working printers? | 2 | 3 | 2 |
b7 Ma jiraan Khadka qalabka daabacaadda oo ku filan? / Adequate printer toner? | no | yes | yes |
b8 Tirada kabadhada faylasha ee xidhma? / Number of secure filing cabinets? | 0 | 2 | 1 |
b9 Ma jiraan agabka xafiiska loo isticmaalo sida waraaqaha oo ku filan? / Adequate stationery? | yes | yes | yes |
b10 Tirada gawaadhida shaqaynaysa? / Number of working vehicles? | 2 | 0 | 1 |
b11 Shidaalka loo ogol yahay bishii ( litir)? / Fuel allowance per month (litres)? | 0 | 0 | 100 |
b12 Helitaanka agabka xeerarka la xidhiidha? / Access to legal resources? | yes | yes | no |
b13 Masaafada ay u jirto maxkamadda (kms)? / Distance to court (kms)? | 1.5 | 1 | 0.5 |
b14 Masaafada ay u jirto Taliska Guud ee Booliska (kms)? / Distance to police HQ (kms)? | 1.5 | 1 | 1.5 |
b15 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Agabka / Data Note: Material Resources | Printers/photocopiers all-in-one. | Printers/photocopiers all-in-one. FGS is drafting legislation covering ADR. The car is rented. | |
C. Shaqaalaha / Human Resources | |||
c1 Tirada Isuduweyaasha ee xarun kasta oo XXKHB? / Number of coordinators per CDRH? | 1 | 1 | 1 |
c2 Tirada shaqaalaha kaydka xogta ee xarun kasta oo XXKHB? / Number of data clerks per CDRH? | 1 | 1 | 1 |
c3 Tirada cuqaasha ragga ah ee ka hawlgala XXKHB? / Number of male elders (actors) associated with the CDRH? | 7 | 33 | 30 |
c4 Tirada haweenka wax-garadka ee ka hawlgala XXKHB? /Number of female elders (actors) associated with the CDRH? | 2 | 30 | 20 |
c5 Tirada cuqaasha ragga ee joogay maallinta booqashada? / Number of male elders (actors) present on the day of visit? | 0 | 6 | 15 |
c6 Tirada wax-garadka haweenka ee joogay maallinta booqashada? / Number of female elders (actors) present on the day of visit? | 0 | 3 | 5 |
c7 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Shaqaalaha / Data Note: Human Resources | Additional staff include: 1 Admin and Finance Consultant, 1 Technical Adviser in MOJ. | Additional staff include: 1 Admin and Finance Consultant, 1 Technical Adviser in MOJ. | |
D. Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha / Security and Violence | |||
d1 Tirada shaqaalaha XXKHB ee loo hanjabay/haddiday 2019? / Number of CDRH staff threatened/intimidated in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
d2 Tirada shaqaalaha XXKHB ee la weeraray/dhaawacay 2019? / Number of CDRH staff attacked/injured in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
d3 Tirada shaqaalaha XXKHB ee la dilay 2019? / Number of CDRH staff killed in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
d4 Tirada cuqaasha loo hanjabay/haddiday 2019? / Number of elders threatened/intimidated in 2019? | 0 | 6 | 0 |
d5 Tirada cuqaasha la weeraray/dhaawacay 2019? / Number of elders attacked/injured in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
d6 Tirada cuqaasha la dilay 2019? / Number of elders killed in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 2 |
d7 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha / Data Note: Security and Violence | 2 elders from the Centre killed due to political issues (not case related). | ||
E. Maareynta Dacwadaha / Case Management | |||
e0 Tirada guud ee dacwadihii taagnaa illaa sannadkii 2018? / Total number of Cases Pending from 2018? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
e1 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha cusub 2019? / Total new cases in 2019? | 124 | 90 | 65 |
e2. Dacwadaha ay soo gudbiyeen cuqaashu / Cases referred by elders | |||
e21 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ay cuqaashu u soo gudbiyeen XXKHB 2019? / Total number of cases referred to the CDRH by elders in 2019? | 30 | 79 | 65 |
e22 Tirada dacwadaha ay u soo gudbiyeen xarunta XXKHB cuqaasha (ragga) 2019? / Number of cases referred to the CDRH by elders in 2019 (men)? | 17 | 31 | 40 |
e23 Tirada dacwadaha ay u soo gudbiyeen xarunta XXKHB wax-garadka (haweenka) 2019? / Number of cases referred to the CDRH by elders in 2019 (women)? | 13 | 48 | 25 |
e3. Dacwadaha ay soo gudbisay maxkamaddu / Cases referred by courts | |||
e31 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ay maxkamaduhu u soo gudbiyee xarunta XXKHB 2019? / Total number of cases referred to the CDRH by the Courts in 2019? | 60 | 11 | 0 |
e32 Tirada dacwadaha (ragga) ee ay Maxkamaduhu u soo gudbiyeen XXKHB 2019? / Number of cases referred to the CDRH by the Courts in 2019 (men)? | 41 | 3 | 0 |
e33 Tirada dacwadaha (haweenka) ee ay Maxkamaduhu u soo gudbiyeen XXKHB 2019? / Number of cases referred to the CDRH by the Courts in 2019 (women)? | 19 | 9 | 0 |
e34_number_of_cases_referred_by_other | 34 | 0 | 0 |
e341_number_of_cases_referred_by_other_men | 21 | 0 | 0 |
e342_number_of_cases_referred_by_other_women | 13 | 0 | 0 |
e4. Dadka iska yimaada xarunta XXKHB / Walk-ins to CDRH | |||
e41 Tirada guud ee dadka iska yimid XXKHB 2019? / Total number of walk-ins to CDRH in 2019? | 34 | 22 | 0 |
e42 Tirada (ragga) ee iska yimid XXKHB 2019? / Number of walk-ins to CDRH in 2019 (men)? | 21 | 15 | 0 |
e43 Tirada (haweenka) ee iska yimid XXKHB 2019? / Number of walk-ins to CDRH in 2019 (women)? | 13 | 7 | 0 |
e5 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha lagu guuleystay xallintooda? / Total number of cases successfully resolved? | 121 | 90 | 63 |
e6 Boqolkiiba imisa ayaa heshiisyadii la galay 6 billood kadib weli sii hir-galay? / Percentage of agreements still holding after 6 months? | -99 | -99 | -99 |
e7 Qiimaha guu ee heshiiska la gaadhay 2019 (USD)? / Total value of settlements in 2019 (USD)? | -99 | 40100 | -99 |
e8 Tirada guud ee dadka loo gudbiyey maxkamadda 2019? / Total number of people referred to the court in 2019? | 13 | 0 | 2 |
e9 Tirada guud ee (ragga) loo gudbiyey maxkamadda 2019? / Total number of people referred to the court in 2019 (men)? | 7 | 0 | 2 |
e10 Tirada guud ee (haweenka) loo gudbiyey maxkamadda 2019? / Total number of people referred to the court in 2019 (women)? | 6 | 0 | 0 |
e11 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha aan la xallin/la laalay dhammaadkii 2019? / Total number of cases unresolved/dismissed end of 2019? | 0 | 8 | 0 |
e12 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha taagan dhammaadka 2019? / Total number of cases pending end of 2019? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
e13 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Maareynta Dacwadaha / Data Note: Case Management | Data discrepancy: Total New Cases 124. UNDP data: Total 168 (106 women, 62 men). Unclear if UNDP total includes pending cases from 2018. Walk-ins: counted as ‘cases’. | Walk-ins: not counted as ‘cases’. They are visits by members of the community to inquire about the CDRH’s services. | Data discrepancy: Total New Cases 65. UNDP data: Total 120 (29 women, 91 men). Possibly explained by these figures referring to people, as opposed to cases. Unclear. |
F. Tababarka / Training | |||
f1 Maalmaha tababarka cuqaasha? / Training days for elders/actors? | 3 | 26 | 27 |
f2 Maalmaha tababarka la siiyey Isu-duweyaasha? / Training days for coordinators? | 5 | 5 | 0 |
f3 Maalmaha tababarka la siiyey shaqaalaha xogta kombuyuutarka? / Training days for data clerks? | 5 | 4 | 0 |
f4 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Tababarka / Data Note: Training | Series of trainings: Elders, Imams, and Women leaders on Non Violent Communication (NVC), and on legal awareness for Elders, Youth leaders and Women leaders (UNDP). | 3 trainings: elders, 9 days each. In 2018, 7 day training course in data management for data clerk. | |
G. Hab Maamulka / Governance | |||
g1 Sidii cuqaasha loo soo doortaa? / How are elders appointed? | MOJ | Clan | Clan |
g2 Sidii cuqaasha loo shaqaalaysiiyaa? / How are elders recruited? | Interview | Clan | Clan |
g3 Aqoonta ay leeyihiin (raggu)? / Existing qualifications (men)? | Elder | Clan Representative | Elder |
g4 Aqoonta ay leeyihiin (haweenku)? / Existing qualifications (women)? | Elder | -11 | Elder |
g5 Bishii inta ay qaataan (USD)? / Pay per month (USD)? | 0 | 0 | 0 |
g6 Mushaharka waxa bixiya? / Salary paid by? | None | UN | None |
g7 Miisaaniyadda XKHB 2018/19 (USD)? / CDRH budget 2018/19(USD)? | 142700 | 142700 | 0 |
g8 Miisaaniyadda XKHB 2019/20 (USD)? / CDRH budget 2019/20(USD)? | -99 | -99 | 0 |
g9 Xeerka Anshaxa ee XKHB? / CDRH code of conduct? | no | yes | no |
g10 Cabashada habkee loo gudbiyaa? / Complaints mechanism? | yes | no | no |
g11 Habka ay u wada shaqeeyaan bahda caddaaladdu? / Coordination mechanism with justice actors? | yes | yes | yes |
g12 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Maamulka / Data Note: Governance | Budget covering Baidoa and Xudur (UNDP) managed by MOJ. Monthly meeting held by MOJ (including: Police and Courts). | Budget covering Baidoa and Xudur (UNDP), managed by MOJ. Quarterly meetings attended by all justices actors | Budget managed by MOJ. |
State / Gobol | South West State | Jubbaland | South West State | Banadir | Banadir |
Region / Gobolka | Bakool | Lower Jubba | Bay | Banadir Regional Administration | Banadir Regional Administration |
City / Magaalada | Xudur | Kismayo | Baidoa | Mogadishu | Mogadishu |
District / Degmada | -11 | -11 | -11 | Hamar-Jajab | Dharkenley |
Name / Magaca | Prison | Prison | Prison | Hamar-Jajab Prison | Dharkenley Prison |
A. Agabka / Material Resources | |||||
a.1. Adeegga Korontada/laydhka? / Electricity supply? | None | Partial | Continuous | Partial | Partial |
a.1.1 Haddii qayb ahaan tahay, imisa saacadood maalintii? / If partially, how many hours per day? | -11 | 10 | -11 | 15 | 13 |
a.1.1 Ma jiraa Dab-dhaliyuhu haddii uu damo mid kayd u ah? / Generator backup? | no | no | -99 | no | no |
a.2. Adeegga Biyaha? / Water supply? | Other | Buy from truck | Mains | Buy from truck | Mains |
a.3. Qalabka / Equipment | |||||
a.3.1 Tirada Gawaadhida Gurmadka? / Number of Ambulances? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 |
a.3.2 Tirada gawaadhida gaashaaman ee maxaabiista lagu qaado? / Number of secure mobile prison van? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
a.3.3 Tirada gawaadhida Pick-ups ah/ ? / Number of Pick ups? | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
a.3.4 Tirada gawaadhida waaweyn? / Number of trucks/lorries? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
a.3.5 Gaadhigaaga gaarka ah ma isticmaashaa? / Use your own vehicle? | no | yes | yes | no | no |
a.3.6 Shidaalka loo ogol yahay bishiiba (Litir)? / Fuel allowance per month? (Litres) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 200 | 1200 |
a.3.7 Tirada guud ee kombuyuutarada shaqaynaya? / Total number of working computers? | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
a.3.8 Tirada shaqaalaha maamulka ee isticmaala kombuyuutarada shaqaynaya? / Number of administrative staff to working computers? | 0 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 |
a.3.9 Tirada qalabka daabacaadda shaqaynaya? / Number of working printers? | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 1 |
a.3.10 Khadka qalabka daabacaadda oo ku filan? / Adequate printer toner? | -11 | no | no | no | no |
a.3.11 Tirada footokoobiyada shaqaynaya? / Number of working photocopiers? | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 0 |
a.3.12 Khadka footokoobiga oo ku filan? / Adequate photocopier toner? | -11 | no | no | no | no |
a.3.13 Tirada kabadhada khaanadaha xidhma leh? / Number of secure filing cabinets? | 0 | 0 | 1 | 5 | 1 |
a.4. Masaafada ay u jirto Maxkamadaha (KMs) / Distance to Courts (KMs)? | 1 | 0.5 | 0 | 2 | 12 |
a.5. Masaafada xabsigu u jiro goobta adeegga caafimaad ee ugu dhaw (KMs) / Distance of prison to nearest medical facility (KMs)? | 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 10 |
a.6. Boqolkiiba shaqaalaha dirayska leh? / Percentage of staff in uniform? | 0 | 25 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
a.7. Boqolkiiba shaqaalaha deggan guryaha kirada ah? / Percentage of staff in rented housing? | 90 | 100 | 100 | 20 | 70 |
a.8. Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Agabka / Data Note: Material Resources | Water sourced from a shallow well. | Printer/photocopier all-in-one | Uniforms: staff pay for own uniform. | Electricity provided by police, used mainly at night and when water needs to be pumped. Police provide ambulance when needed. Prisoner transport to court under the responsibility of the police. Fuel: 6x 200 litre barrels. Working computers: computer software not working. Uniforms: staff pay for own uniform. Printer/photocopier all-in-one. | |
B. Shaqaalaha / Human Resources | |||||
b.1. Tirada guud ee shaqaalaha? / Total of Staff? | 20 | 100 | 16 | 256 | 101 |
b.2. Shaqaalaha darajada sare? / Senior Staff | |||||
b.2.1 Tirada guud ee shaqaalaha darajada sare leh? / Total number of Senior Staff? | 3 | 12 | 7 | 75 | -99 |
b.2.2 Tirada ragga? / Number of men? | 3 | 11 | 5 | 57 | -99 |
b.2.3 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women? | 0 | 1 | 2 | 18 | -99 |
b.3. Shaqaalaha ammaanka / Security Staff | |||||
b.3.1 Tirada guud ee Shaqaalaha Ammaanka? / Total Security Staff? | 17 | 88 | 8 | 149 | 95 |
b.3.2 Tirada ragga / Number of men? | 14 | 58 | 8 | -99 | -99 |
b.3.3 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women? | 3 | 30 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
b.4. Hawl-wadeenada Caafimaadka / Health Professionals | |||||
b.4.1 Tirada guud ee Hawl-wadeenada Caafimaadka? / Total number of Health Professionals? | 0 | 0 | 1 | 10 | 6 |
b.4.2 Tirada ragga? / Number of men? | 0 | 0 | 1 | 8 | 4 |
b.4.3 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 |
b.5. Shaqaalaha Waxbarashada / Education Staff | |||||
b.5.1 Tirada guud ee shaqaalaha Waxbarashada? / Total number of Education Staff? | 0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 0 |
b.5.2 Tirada ragga? / Number of men? | 0 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 0 |
b.5.3 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women? | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
b.6. Shaqaalaha Tababarka Farsamada Gacanta / Technical Training Staff | |||||
b.6.1 Tirada guud ee shaqaalaha tababarka farsamada gacanta? / Total number of technical training Staff? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 20 | 0 |
b.6.2 Tirada ragga? / Number of men? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
b.6.3 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
b.7. Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Shaqaalaha / Data Note: Human Resources | Some staff also teach. | Education staff: Finn Church Aid (NGO) provides 5 educators. | Total staff: staff work on shift rotation. Approximately 45 on duty at a given time. | ||
C. Xaaladda Dhismaha / Physical Infrastructure Conditions | |||||
c.1. Deyrka ammaanka dibadda ma ku filan yahay? / Adequate external security wall? | No | No | No | Yes | Yes |
c.2. Taariikhdii la dhisay? / Date of construction? | 1974 | 1814 | -99 | 1930 | 2018 |
c.3. Taariikhdii u danbaysay e dib u habayn weyn lagu sameeyey? / Date of last major structural repair? | 2019 | 1970 | 2019 | 2019 | -11 |
c.4. Intii uu qaadayey (markii la dhisay)? / Capacity (at time of construction)? | 150 | 150 | 70 | 1000 | 216 |
c.5. Dhulka wax-soosaarka cuntada laga beero (m2)? / Productive land available to grow food (m2)? | 1000 | 0 | 400 | 0 | 0 |
c.6. Boqolkiiba dhulka wax -soosaarka inta la isticmaalo? / Percentage of productive land in use? | 50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
c.7. Tirada goobaha waxbarashada farsamada gacanta lagu barto? / Number of workshops to learn technical trade? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 |
c.9. Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Xaaladda Dhismaha / Data Note: Physical Infrastructure Conditions | Land: prison owns 2 large areas of land each comprising roughly 500m2. | The prison is part of the Central Police station. There is no separate facility under the Custodial Corps in Kismayo. | Date of construction unknown. Thought to be pre-1960. | Workshops include: welding, sewing and tie-and-die training (supported by UNIDO). | |
D. Xaaladda Gudaha / Internal Conditions | |||||
d.1. Dumarka iyo raggu miyay kala soocan yihiin? / Are men separated from women? | yes | yes | no | yes | -11 |
d.2. Wiilasha (ka yar 18) miyaa laga soocaa ragga? / Are (u18) boys separated from men? | no | yes | no | yes | -11 |
d.3. Maxaabiista rummaanka/garsugeyaasha ah miyaa laga soocaa kuwa xukunku ku dhacay (ragga)? / Are those on remand separated from the convicted (men)? | no | yes | no | yes | -11 |
d.4. Maxaabiista rummaanka/garsugeyaasha ah miyaa laga soocaa kuwa xukunku ku dhacay (haweenka)? / Are those on remand separated from the convicted (women)? | no | yes | no | yes | -11 |
d.5. Tirada qolalka ragga? / Number of male cells/dormitories? | 4 | 6 | 8 | 11 | 36 |
d.5.1 Cabbirka qolalka (oo mitir jibbaaran) (m2)? / Size of cells/dormitories (m2)? | 12 | 4 | -99 | 8 | 16 |
d.6. Tirada qolalka haweenka? / Number of female cells/dormitories? | 0 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 |
d.6.1 Cabbirka qolalka (oo mitir jibbaaran) (m2)? / Size of cells/dormitories (m2)? | 0 | 4 | -99 | 7 | 0 |
d.7. Tirada qolalka carruurta? / Number of juvenile cells/dormitories? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
d.7.1 Cabbirka qolalka (oo mitir jibbaaran) (m2)? / Size of cells/dormitories (m2)? | 0 | -99 | -99 | 8 | 0 |
d.8. Qolalku ma helaan iftiinka cadceedda oo ku filan? / Adequate cell natural lighting? | no | no | yes | yes | yes |
d.9. Qolalku meel ay hawada ka helaan ma leeyihiin? / Adequate Cell ventilation? | yes | no | yes | yes | yes |
d.10. Tirada marwaxadaha qolkiiba? / Number of fans per cell? | 0 | 0 | 1 | -99 | 0 |
d.11. Sariiraha? / Beds? | None | Mat | None | Bunk | Bunk |
d.12. Gogosha sariirta? / Bedding? | no | no | no | yes | yes |
d.13. Dharka maxaabiista ee ay xukuumaddu bixisay? / Prisoner clothing provided by government? | no | no | no | no | no |
d.14. Fayo-dharka / Sanitation | |||||
d.14.1 Tirada qolalka lagu qubaysto/maydho? / Number of shower rooms? | 4 | 5 | 9 | 2 | 36 |
d.14.2 Tirada musqulaha dibadda? / Number of external toilets? | 0 | 6 | 9 | 0 | 0 |
d.14.3 Tirada musqulada dadka soo booqanaya xabsiga? / Number of toilets for visitors? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
d.16. Tirada dhimashada 2019 / Deaths in 2019 | |||||
d.16.1 Tirada guud ee dhimashada 2019? / Total number of deaths in 2019? | 1 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 0 |
d.16.2 Tirada dhimashada (ragga)? / Number of deaths (men)? | 1 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 0 |
d.16.3 Tirada dhimashada (haweenka)? / Number of deaths (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
d.17. Heerka Cudurka 2019 / Morbidity rate in 2019 | |||||
d.17.1 Heerka cudurka 2019 (ragga)? / Morbidity rate in 2019 (men)? | 75 | 8 | -99 | -99 | 45 |
d.17.2 Heerka cudurka 2019 (haweenka) / Morbidity rate in 2019 (women)? | 80 | 0 | -99 | -99 | 0 |
d.18. Cudurkii ugu badnaa ee haleela ragga? / Most common illness among men? | Malaria | Malaria | Malaria | Malaria | Malaria |
d.19. Cudurkii ugu badnaa ee haleela haweenka? / Most common illness among women? | Malaria | 0 | Malaria | Malaria | 0 |
d.20. Jikada/Madbakha / Kitchen | |||||
d.20.1 Miyaa lagu karsadaa cuntada iyada oo la isticmaalyo koranto? / Cooking by electricity? | no | no | yes | no | no |
d.20.2 Ma gaasbaa cuntada lagu karsadaa? / Cooking by gas? | no | no | no | no | no |
d.20.3 Ma xaabo ayaa cuntada lagu karsadaa? / Cooking by wood? | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
d.20.4 Celceliska inta jeer ee cuntada la sameeyo maalintii? / Average number of meals per day? | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 |
d.21. Celceliska tirada saacadaha maxaabiista maallintii gudaha lagu hayo? / Average number of hours prisoners locked up in a day? | 17 | 21 | 22 | 8 | 20 |
d.22. Goobta maxaabiista lagu soo booqdo? / Prisoner visiting area? | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
d.23. Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Xaaladda Gudaha / Data Note: Internal Conditions | Women’s cells completely destroyed. Women held in one of the cells in men’s section. | In the space available, practically, it is not clear how prisoners can be separated. There are no separate sections (i.e remand, convicted, men or women). Visitors meet prisoners in the corridor between the gate and the cells. | Men and women do not share cells. Due to limited space, the female cell is used as a male dormitory. Women prisoners are held in another room (which is not a purpose built cell). Size of cells: It wasn’t possible to pace out the size of cells. Estimate: the largest 20m2. The smallest 12m2. | In the space available, practically, it is not clear how prisoners can be separated. There are no separate sections (i.e remand, convicted, men or women).
Visitors meet prisoners in the corridor between the gate and the cells. In addition to Malaria, TB (men) and Gastric Ulcers (women) are also common illnesses. | Separation: all prisoners convicted men. No current requirement for separation by age, gender or status. Bedding: mattress, bed sheet and cover sheet provided. Every cell has a toilet and washing unit. Most common illness: also includes scabies and syphilis. |
E. Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha / Security and Violence | |||||
e.1. Tirada rabashadihii dhacay 2019? / Number of riots in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
e.2. Tirada weeraradii loo geystay shaqaalaha 2019? / Number of assaults on staff in 2019? | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
e.3. Tirada shaqaalihii la dilay 2019? / Number of staff killed violently in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
e.4. Tirada ka baxsday xabsiga 2019? / Number of escapes in 2019? | 0 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 0 |
e.5. Tirada la jabiyey (la isku dayey) oo dibadda laga soo qaaday 2019? / Number of break-ins (or attempts) from outside in 2019? | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
e.6. Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha / Data Note: Security and Violence | Source: interviews. No independent record. | Break-ins: several attacks from the outside. Most recently in March 2020. | |||
F. Maareynta Dacwadaha / Case Management | |||||
f.1. Tirada guud ee uu qaadayo (hadda)? / Total capacity (current)? | 50 | 100 | 100 | 1500 | 216 |
f.2. Dadweyna guud ahaan / Population | |||||
f.2.1 Tirada guud ee dadweynaha? / Total population? | 25 | 35 | 145 | 1300 | 96 |
f.2.2 Tirada guud ee dadweynaha (ragga)? / Total population (men)? | 18 | 35 | 144 | -99 | 96 |
f.2.3 Tirada guud ee dadweynaha (haweenka)? / Total population (women)? | 7 | 0 | 1 | -99 | 0 |
f.3. Maxaabista garsugeyaasha ah / Remand Prisoners | |||||
f.3.1 Tirada guud ee maxaabiista garsugeyaasha ah ? / Total remand prisoners? | 23 | 29 | 26 | -99 | 0 |
f.3.2 Tirada maxaabiista garsugeyaasha (ragga) / Remand prisoners (men)? | 17 | 29 | 25 | -99 | 0 |
f.3.3 Tirada maxaabiista garsugeyaasha (haweenka) / Remand prisoners (women)? | 6 | 0 | 1 | -99 | 0 |
f.4. Maxaabiista xukunka lagu riday / Convicted Prisoners | |||||
f.4.1 Tirada guud ee maxaabiista xukunku ku dhacay? / Total convicted prisoners? | 2 | 0 | 119 | 1015 | 96 |
f.4.2 Maxaabiista xukunku ku dhacay (ragga)? / Convicted prisoners (men)? | 1 | 0 | 119 | 1002 | 96 |
f.4.3 Maxaabiista xukunku ku dhacay (haweenka)? / Convicted prisoners (women)? | 1 | 0 | 0 | 13 | 0 |
f.5. Tirada guud ee soo gashay xabsiga 2019? / Total admissions in 2019? | 150 | -99 | 838 | -99 | 127 |
f.6. Tirada guud ee maxaabiista la sii daayey 2019? / Total releases in 2019? | 146 | -99 | 693 | -99 | 30 |
f.7. Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Maareynta Dacwadda / Data Note: Case Management | Capacity: decreased over the years as parts of the building have been destroyed/fallen into disrepair. Population data as of the date of visit (25/02/2020) | Population data as of the date of visit (29/2/2020) | Population data as of the date of visit (27/2/2020) | Population data as of the date of visit (28/3/2020) | Population data as of the date of visit (27/03/2020). All prisoners transferred from the Central Prison. |
G. Maxaabiista da’dooda / Prisoners by Age | |||||
g.1. Da’da 18-24 (ragga)? / Ages 18-24 (men)? | -99 | 1 | -99 | -99 | -99 |
g.2. Da’da 18-24 (haweenka)? / Ages 18-24 (women)? | -99 | 0 | -99 | -99 | -99 |
g.3. Da’da 25-34 (ragga)? / Ages 25-34 (men)? | -99 | 22 | -99 | -99 | -99 |
g.4. Da’da 25-34 (haweenka)? / Ages 25-34 (women)? | -99 | 0 | -99 | -99 | -99 |
g.5. Da’da 35-44 (ragga)? / Ages 35-44 (men)? | -99 | 4 | -99 | -99 | -99 |
g.6. Da’da 35-44 (haweenka)? / Ages 35-44 (women)? | -99 | 0 | -99 | -99 | -99 |
g.7. Da’da 45-54 (ragga)? / Ages 45-54 (men)? | -99 | 5 | -99 | -99 | -99 |
g.8. Da’da 45-54 (haweenka)? / Ages 45-54 (women)? | -99 | 0 | -99 | -99 | -99 |
g.9. Ka weyn 55 (ragga)? / Over 55 (men)? | -99 | 7 | -99 | -99 | -99 |
g.10. Ka weyn 55 (haweenka)? / Over 55 (women)? | -99 | 0 | -99 | -99 | -99 |
g.11. Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Da’da Maxaabiista / Data Note: Prisoners by Age | Register does not disaggregate by age. | Register does not disaggregate prisoners by age. | Case data: unavailable.The computer database is not functioning. | Case data: unavailable.The computer database is not functioning. | |
H. Maxaabiista Xaaladdooda iyo nooca Danbiga / Prisoners by Status and Crime | |||||
h.I. Rummaan/Garsugeyaal / Remand | |||||
h.1.1 Tirada guud ee dilka ? / Total murder? | 2 | 7 | 12 | -99 | 0 |
h.1.2 Tirada guud ee dilka (ragga) / Total murder (men)? | 2 | 7 | 11 | -99 | 0 |
h.1.3 Tirada guud ee dilka (haweenka) / Total murder (women)? | 0 | 0 | 1 | -99 | 0 |
h.2.1 Tirada guud ee boobka? / Total robbery? | 7 | 10 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
h.2.2 Tirada guud ee boobka (ragga)? / Total robbery (men)? | 5 | 10 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
h.2.3 Tirada guud ee boobka (haweenka)? / Total robbery (women)? | 2 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
h.3.1 Tirada guud ee kufsiga? / Total rape? | 5 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
h.3.2 Tirada guud ee kufsiga (ragga)? / Total rape (men)? | 4 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
h.3.3 Tirada guud ee kufsiga (haweenka)? / Total rape (women)? | 1 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
h.4.1 Tirada guud ee danbiyada ka dhanka ah maamulka? / Total offences against the state? | 11 | 0 | 11 | -99 | 0 |
h.4.2 Tirada guud ee danbiyada ka dhanka ah maamulka (ragga)? / Total offences against the state (men)? | 6 | 0 | 11 | -99 | 0 |
h.4.3 Tirada guud ee danbiyada ka dhanka ah maamulka (haweenka)? / Total offences against the state (women)? | 5 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
h.5.1 Tirada guud ee tuugada? / Total theft? | 6 | 12 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
h.5.2 Tirada guud ee tuugada (ragga)? / Total theft (men)? | 3 | 12 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
h.5.3 Tirada guud ee tuugada (haweenka)? / Total theft (women)? | 3 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
h.6. Danbiyada kale / Other | -99 | 10 | 3 | -99 | 0 |
h.II. Xukunadu ku dhaceen / Convicted | |||||
h.7.1 Tirada guud ee dilka? / Total murder? | 0 | 0 | 37 | -99 | -99 |
h.7.2 Tirada guud ee dilka (ragga)? / Total murder (men)? | 0 | 0 | 37 | -99 | -99 |
h.7.3 Tirada guud ee dilka (haweenka)? / Total murder (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
h.8.1 Tirada guud ee booblka? / Total robbery? | 1 | 0 | 1 | -99 | -99 |
h.8.2 Tirada guud ee booblka (ragga)? / Total robbery (men)? | 1 | 0 | 1 | -99 | -99 |
h.8.3 Tirada guud ee booblka(haweenka)? / Total robbery (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
h.9.1 Tirada guud ee kufsiga? / Total rape? | 0 | 0 | 2 | -99 | -99 |
h.9.2 Tirada guud ee kufsiga (ragga)? / Total rape (men)? | 0 | 0 | 2 | -99 | -99 |
h.9.3 Tirada guud ee kufsiga (haweenka)? / Total rape (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
h.10.1 Tirada guud ee danbiyada ka dhanka ah maamulka? / Total offences against the state? | 0 | 0 | 48 | -99 | -99 |
h.10.2 Tirada guud ee danbiyada ka dhanka ah maamulka (ragga)? / Total offences against the state (men)? | 0 | 0 | 48 | -99 | -99 |
h.10.3 Tirada guud ee danbiyada ka dhanka ah maamulka (haweenka)? / Total offences against the state (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
h.11.1 Tirada guud ee tuugada? / Total theft? | 1 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
h.11.2 Tirada guud ee tuugada (ragga)? / Total theft (men)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
h.11.3 Tirada guud ee tuugada (haweenka)? / Total theft (women)? | 1 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
h.12. Danbiyada kale / Other | 0 | 0 | 31 | -99 | |
h.13 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Xaaladda Maxaabiista iyo Danbiyada / Data Note: Prisoners by Status and Crime | Data discrepancy. Some of those accused of offences against the state (mostly living under AS rule) have also committed other offences (robbery, theft) and so are double charged. Possible explanation for discrepancies in totals. | Remand Other: 10 Mostly petty offences (misbehaving, disciplinary, insulting seniors & assault.) AS usually taken to military prison. | Remand Other: 3 Include cases of parental disobedience and drug use. Convicted Other: AS members. | ||
I. Xaaladda Maxaabiista iyo Waqtiga ay ku qaateen Xabsiga / Prisoners by Status and Time Spent in Prison | |||||
i.1. Rummaan/Garsugeyaal / Remand | |||||
i.1.1 Guud ahaan 1-6 billood? / Total 1-6 months? | 23 | 19 | 24 | -99 | 0 |
i.1.2 Guud ahaan l 1-6 billood (ragga)? / Total 1-6 months (men)? | 17 | 19 | 23 | -99 | 0 |
i.1.3 Guud ahaan 1-6 billood (haweenka)? / Total 1-6 months (women)? | 6 | 0 | 1 | -99 | 0 |
i.1.4 Guud ahaan 7-11 billood? / Total 7-11 months? | 0 | 5 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i.1.5 Guud ahaan 7-11 billood (ragga)? / Total 7-11 months (men)? | 0 | 5 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i.1.6 Guud ahaan 7-11 billood (haweenka)? / Total 7-11 months (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i.1.7 Guud ahaan 1-2 sanno? / Total 1-2 years? | 0 | 5 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i.1.8 Guud ahaan1-2 sanno (ragga)? / Total 1-2 years (men)? | 0 | 5 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i.1.9 Guud ahaan 1-2 sanno (haweenka)? / Total 1-2 years (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i.1.10 Guud ahaan 3-5 sanno? / Total 3-5 years? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i.1.11 Guud ahaan 3-5 sanno (ragga)? / Total 3-5 years (men)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i.1.12 Guud ahaan 3-5 sanno (haweenka)? / Total 3-5 years (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i.1.13 Guud ahaan 6-10 sanno? / Total 6-10 years? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i.1.14 Guud ahaan 6-10 sanno (ragga)? / Total 6-10 years (men)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i.1.15 Guud ahaan 6-10 sanno (haweenka)? / Total 6-10 years (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i.1.16 Guud ahaan 11-20 sanno? / Total 11-20 years? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i.1.17 Guud ahaan 11-20 sanno (ragga)? / Total 11-20 years (men)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i.1.18 Guud ahaan 11-20 sanno(haweenka)? / Total 11-20 years (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i.1.19 Guud ahaan >20 sanno? / Total >20 years? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i.1.20 Guud ahaan >20 sanno (ragga)? / Total >20 years (men)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i.1.21 Guud ahaan >20 sanno (haweenka)? / Total >20 years (women)? | 0 | -99 | 0 | -99 | 0 |
i.2. Xukun ku dhacay / Convicted | |||||
i.2.1 Guud ahaan 1-6 billood? / Total 1-6 months? | 0 | 0 | 38 | -99 | -99 |
i.2.2 Guud ahaan l 1-6 billood (ragga)? / Total 1-6 months (men)? | 0 | 0 | 38 | -99 | -99 |
i.2.3 Guud ahaan 1-6 billood (haweenka)? / Total 1-6 months (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
i.2.4 Guud ahaan 7-11 billood? / Total 7-11 months? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
i.2.5 Guud ahaan 7-11 billood (ragga)? / Total 7-11 months (men)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
i.2.6 Guud ahaan 7-11 billood (haweenka)? / Total 7-11 months (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
i.2.7 Guud ahaan 1-2 sanno? / Total 1-2 years? | 2 | 0 | 29 | -99 | -99 |
i.2.8 Guud ahaan1-2 sanno (ragga)? / Total 1-2 years (men)? | 1 | 0 | 29 | -99 | -99 |
i.2.9 Guud ahaan 1-2 sanno (haweenka)? / Total 1-2 years (women)? | 1 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
i.2.10 Guud ahaan 3-5 sanno? / Total 3-5 years? | 0 | 0 | 31 | -99 | -99 |
i.2.11 Guud ahaan 3-5 sanno (ragga)? / Total 3-5 years (men)? | 0 | 0 | 31 | -99 | -99 |
i.2.12 Guud ahaan 3-5 sanno (haweenka)? / Total 3-5 years (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
i.2.13 Guud ahaan 6-10 sanno? / Total 6-10 years? | 0 | 0 | 16 | -99 | -99 |
i.2.14 Guud ahaan 6-10 sanno (ragga)? / Total 6-10 years (men)? | 0 | 0 | 16 | -99 | -99 |
i.2.15 Guud ahaan 6-10 sanno (haweenka)? / Total 6-10 years (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
i.2.16 Guud ahaan 11-20 sanno? / Total 11-20 years? | 0 | 0 | 5 | -99 | -99 |
i.2.17 Guud ahaan 11-20 sanno (ragga)? / Total 11-20 years (men)? | 0 | 0 | 5 | -99 | -99 |
i.2.18 Guud ahaan 11-20 sanno(haweenka)? / Total 11-20 years (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
i.2.19 Guud ahaan >20 sanno? / Total >20 years? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
i.2.20 Guud ahaan >20 sanno (ragga)? / Total >20 years (men)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
i.2.21 Guud ahaan >20 sanno (haweenka)? / Total >20 years (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
i.3. Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Xaaladda Maxaabiista iyo Waqtiga ay ku qaateen Xabsiga / Data Note: Prisoners by Status and Time Spent in Prison | |||||
J. Maxaabiista Xaaladda Gaarka ah / Prisoners by Special Status | |||||
j.1. Ajaanibta / Foreign Nationals | |||||
j.1.1 Tirada guud ee ajaanibta? / Total foreign nationals? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
j.1.2 Tirada guud ee ajaanibta (ragga)? / Total foreign nationals (men)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
j.1.3 Tirada guud ee ajaanibta (haweenka)? / Total foreign nationals (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
j.2. Lagu xukumay Ciqaabta Dilka / Condemned to Death Penalty | |||||
j.2.1 Tirada guud ee lagu xukumay ciqaabta dilka? / Total condemned to the death penalty? | 1 | 0 | 37 | -99 | -99 |
j.2.2 Tirada guud ee lagu xukumay ciqaabta dilka (ragga)? / Total condemned to the death penalty (men)? | 1 | 0 | 37 | -99 | -99 |
j.2.3 Tirada guud ee lagu xukumay ciqaabta dilka (haweenka)? / Total condemned to the death penalty (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
j.3. Maxaabiista la xukumay ee dhamaystay mudadii xabsiga balse lagu leeyahay Ganaax/Magdhaw / Convicted Prisoners Completed Sentence but Unpaid Fine/Compensation | |||||
j.3.1 Tirada guud ee Maxaabiista la xukumay ee dhamaystay mudadii xabsiga balse lagu leeyahay Ganaax/Magdhaw? / Total convicted prisoners who completed their sentence but have unpaid fine/compensation? | 0 | 0 | 9 | -99 | -99 |
j.3.2 Tirada guud ee Maxaabiista la xukumay ee dhamaystay mudadii xabsiga balse lagu leeyahay Ganaax/Magdhaw (ragga)? / Total convicted prisoners who completed their sentence but have unpaid fine/compensation? (men) | 0 | 0 | 9 | -99 | -99 |
j.3.3 Tirada guud ee Maxaabiista la xukumay ee dhamaystay mudadii xabsiga balse lagu leeyahay Ganaax/Magdhaw (haweenka)? / Total convicted prisoners who completed their sentence but have unpaid fine/compensation? (women) | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
j.4. La soo xidhay iyaga oo lagu fulinayo Xeerka Kala danbaynta Dadweynaha / Detained under Public Order Law | |||||
j.4.1 Tirada guud ee lagu soo xidhay xeerka kala danbaynta bulshada? / Total detained under public order law? | 0 | 6 | 2 | -99 | -99 |
j.4.2 Tirada guud ee lagu soo xidhay xeerka kala danbaynta bulshada (ragga)? / Total detained under public order law (men)? | 0 | 6 | 2 | -99 | -99 |
j.4.3 Tirada guud ee lagu soo xidhay xeerka kala danbaynta bulshada (haweenka)? / Total detained under public order law (women)? | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
j.5. Ubadka Hooyooyinkood la Socda / Babies Accompanying Mothers | |||||
j.5.1 Tirada guud ee ubadka la socda hooyooyinkood? / Total babies accompanying mothers? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -99 |
j.6. Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Maxaabiista Xaaladda Gaarka ah / Data Note: Prisoners by Special Status | Death penalty: convicted murder, families still negotiating the issue. | ||||
K. Tababarka / Training | |||||
k.1. Tirada saraakiisha xabsiga ee la tababaray 2019 (aasaasiga) / Number of prison officers trained in 2019 (basic)? | 0 | 85 | 13 | -99 | -99 |
k.2. Mudada uu socday tababarku (usbuucyo)? / Length of training (weeks)? | 0 | 1 | 1 | -99 | -99 |
k.3. Tirada saraakiisha xabsiga ee la tababaray 2019 (xusuusin) / Number of prison officers trained in 2019 (refresher)? | 2 | 22 | 5 | -99 | -99 |
k.4. Mudada uu socday tababarku (usbuucyo)? / Length of training (weeks)? | 1 | 1 | 1 | -99 | -99 |
k.5. Tirada saraakiisha xabsiga ee la tababaray 2019 (hoggaaminta) / Number of prison officers trained in 2019 (leadership)? | 1 | 3 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
k.6. Mudada uu socday tababarku (usbuucyo)? / Length of training (weeks)? | 1 | 1 | 0 | -99 | -99 |
k.7. Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Tababar / Data Note: Training | No records of training, sourced from interviews. | Interviews suggested 2 trainings took place. No record of content nor numbers of staff trained. | |||
L. Hab Maamulka / Governance | |||||
l.1. Habkee loo soo doortaa shaqaalaha darajada sare? / How are senior staff appointed? | Federal Commissioner | State Commissioner | Federal Commissioner | Federal Commissioner | Federal Commissioner |
l.2. Habkee shaqaalaha ammaanka loo soo doortaa? /How are security staff appointed? | Federal Commissioner | State Commissioner | Federal Commissioner | Federal Commissioner | Federal Commissioner |
l.3. Habkee saraakiisha darajada sare loo shaqaalaysiiyaa? / How are senior staff recruited? | Interview | Elders | Elders | Interview | Interview |
l.4. Habkee shaqaalaha ammaanka loo shaqaalaysiiyaa? / How are security staff recruited? | Interview | Elders | Elders | Interview | -11 |
l.5. Aqoonta shaqaalaha darajada sare? / Qualification of senior staff? | Secondary | Secondary | Years of Experience | Secondary | Degree |
l.6. Aqoonta shaqaalaha ammaanka? / Qualification of security staff? | None | None | None | None | None |
l.7. Hannaanka rasmiga ah ee ay cabashada u soo gudbiyaan maxaabiistu? / Formal complaints mechanism for prisoners? | no | yes | no | yes | no |
l.8. Tirada cabashooyinkii 2019? / Number of complaints in 2019? | -11 | 5 | -11 | -99 | -11 |
l.9. Helitaanka Waxbarashada? / Access to education? | no | no | yes | yes | yes |
l.10. Helitaanka Jimicsiga? / Access to physical recreation? | no | no | yes | no | yes |
l.11. Helitaanka Shaqada? / Access to work? | no | no | no | yes | yes |
l.12. Helitaanka qareen dibadda ah ama la talin sharci? / Access to outside lawyer or legal adviser? | no | no | no | yes | yes |
l.13. Qiyaastii boqolkiiba maxaabiista garsugeyaasha ah ee qareen haysta? / Estimated percentage of remand prisoners with a lawyer? | -99 | 0% | Less than 10% | -99 | -99 |
l.14. Tirada booqashada usbuucii loo ogol yahay maxaabiista xukuman? / Number of visits per week allowed to convicted prisoners? | 2 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 2 |
l.15. Tirada booqashada usbuucii loo ogol yahay maxaabiista garsugeyaasha? / Number of visits per week allowed to remand prisoners? | 4 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 0 |
l.16. Tirada maxaabiista xukuman ee shaqaynaya ama tababarka farsamada gacanta? / Number of convicted prisoners in work and/or technical training? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 50 | 0 |
l.17. Lacagta bishii ay qaataan shaqaalaha darajada sare (USD)? / Pay per month (USD) senior staff? | 550 | 100 | 400 | 600 | 1000 |
l.18. Lacagta bishii ay qaataan shaqaalaha ammaanka (USD)? / Pay per month (USD) security staff? | 200 | 100 | 200 | 280 | 200 |
l.19. Lacagta bishii ay qaataan shaqaalaha madaniga ah (USD)? / Pay per month (USD) civilian staff? | 0 | 0 | 200 | 200 | 0 |
l.20. Imisa billood ayuu mushaharku dib uga dhacaa shaqaalaha hoose? / Number of months junior staff paid in arrears? | 0 | 3 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
l.21. Celceliska lacagta ay ku soo adeegtaan bishii qoysku (USD)? / Monthly shopping basket for average family (USD)? | 250 | 500 | -99 | ||
l.22. Miisaaniyadda 2018/19? / Budget 2018/19? | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 | -99 |
l.24. Diiwaanka inta soo gashay? / Admissions register? | yes | yes | yes | yes | no |
l.25. Diiwaanka hantida? / Property register? | yes | no | no | yes | no |
l.26. Diiwaanka cabashooyinka / Complaints register? | no | yes | no | yes | no |
l.27. Diiwaanka Dhimashada? / Death register? | no | -11 | yes | yes | yes |
l.28. Habka wada shaqaynta ee Bahda Caddaaladda? / Coordination mechanism with Justice Actors? | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
l.29. Ma jiraan barayaal madax-bannaan oo bannaanka ka yimaada? / Is there an independent external inspection mechanism? | no | no | no | no | no |
l.29.1. Sheeg magacooda? / What is it called? | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 | -11 |
l.30. Tirada booqashooyinka ICRC samaysay 2019? / Number of visits by ICRC in 2019? | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
l.31. Magacyada Ururuada Maxalliga ah (NGOs) ee soo booqday? / Names of NGOs visiting prison? | None | PACT | FCA, CRD, UNIDO | -99 | 0 |
l.32. Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Hab Maamulka / Data Note: Governance | No local NGOs work in the prison. | MOJ confirmed no budget. | Monthly meeting with the courts and police convened by MOJ. | Case data: no systematic paper record of prison admissions appears to be kept. | Work: prisoners on occasion participate in building work inside the prison. Complaints: informal procedures exist, but no formal complaints procedure appears to be in place. Case data: no paper record of prison admissions appears to be kept. |
Victim. Section 1
Qaybta 1: Xog Aasaasi ah / Section 1: Basic Information | 101. Jinsiga? / Gender? | 102. Ma tahay qof baahi gaar ah qaba? / Would you describe yourself as living with a disability? | 103. Da’da? / Age? | 104. Waxbarasho rasmi ah? / Did you receive a formal education? | 105. Wax ma akhriyi kartaa mana qori kartaa? / Can you read and write? | 106. Heerkee ayaad waxbarashada ku joojisay? / At what stage did your education stop? | 107. Waa maxay shaqada aad qabataa? / What is the nature of your work? | |
Victim | Female | No | 25-34 | Yes | Yes | Primary | Unemployed | |
Victim | Male | No | 55-64 | Yes | Yes | Bachelors | Self-employed | |
Victim | Female | No | 35-44 | No | No | Religious | Self-employed | |
Victim | Female | No | 18-24 | No | Yes | Religious | Unemployed | |
Victim | Male | No | 45-54 | Yes | Yes | Primary | Self-employed | |
Victim | Male | No | 35-44 | No | No | Religious | Unemployed | |
Victim | Male | No | 25-34 | Yes | Yes | Secondary | Self-employed | |
Victim | Female | No | 35-44 | No | No | Religious | Unemployed | |
Victim | Male | No | 18-24 | Yes | Yes | High school | Student | |
Victim | Female | Yes | 45-54 | No | Yes | Religious | Not in workforce | |
Victim | Female | No | 35-44 | Yes | Yes | High school | Agriculture/pastoralist | |
Victim | Male | Yes | 25-34 | Yes | Yes | Secondary | askari dowlada hoose ama minishiibiyo / local government or muncipal police officer | |
Victim | Male | Yes | 25-34 | Yes | Yes | Secondary | Unemployed | |
Victim | Female | No | 25-34 | Yes | Yes | Primary | Unemployed | |
Victim | Female | No | 25-34 | No | Yes | Religious | Unemployed | |
Victim | Male | Yes | 35-44 | No | No | Religious | Agriculture/pastoralist | |
Victim | Female | No | 25-34 | No | No | Religious | Unemployed | |
Victim | Male | No | 35-44 | Yes | Yes | Primary | Self-employed | |
Victim | Female | No | 25-34 | No | No | Religious | Unemployed | |
Victim | Male | No | 25-34 | No | No | Religious | Self-employed | |
Victim | Female | No | 18-24 | Yes | Yes | Primary | Unemployed | |
Victim | Male | Yes | 45-54 | No | No | Religious | Agriculture/pastoralist | |
Victim | Male | No | 35-44 | No | No | Religious | Agriculture/pastoralist | |
Victim | Female | Yes | 35-44 | No | Yes | Primary | Self-employed | |
Victim | Male | No | 25-34 | Yes | No | Religious | Agriculture/pastoralist | |
Victim | Male | Yes | 35-44 | No | No | Religious | Agriculture/pastoralist | |
Victim | Female | No | 35-44 | No | No | Religious | Self-employed | |
Victim | Male | No | 45-54 | No | No | Religious | Unemployed | |
Victim | Female | Yes | 35-44 | No | No | Religious | Services | |
Victim | Female | Yes | 35-44 | No | Yes | Non-formal education | Self-employed | |
Victim | Female | No | 35-44 | No | No | Religious | Self-employed | |
Victim | Female | Yes | 35-44 | No | Yes | Non-formal education | Self-employed |
Family. Section 1
Qaybta 1: Xog Aasaasi ah / Section 1: Basic Information | 101. Jinsiga? / Gender? | 102. Ma tahay qof baahi gaar ah qaba? / Would you describe yourself as living with a disability? | 103. Da’da? / Age? | 104. Waxbarasho rasmi ah? / Did you receive a formal education? | 105. Wax ma akhriyi kartaa mana qori kartaa? / Can you read and write? | 106. Heerkee ayaad waxbarashada ku joojisay? / At what stage did your education stop? | 107. Waa maxay shaqada aad qabataa? / What is the nature of your work? | |
Family | Female | No | 25-34 | yes | yes | Primary | Not in workforce | |
Family | Female | No | 35-44 | no | no | Religious | Agriculture/pastoralist | |
Family | Male | No | 45-54 | yes | yes | Primary | Self-employed | |
Family | Male | No | 25-34 | no | no | Non-formal education | Manufacturing and industry | |
Family | Male | No | 25-34 | yes | yes | Secondary | Unemployed | |
Family | Female | No | 35-44 | no | no | Religious | Unemployed | |
Family | Female | Yes | 35-44 | no | no | Religious | Agriculture/pastoralist | |
Family | Female | No | 25-34 | no | no | Religious | Self-employed | |
Family | Female | Yes | 35-44 | no | no | Religious | Agriculture/pastoralist | |
Family | Female | Yes | 25-34 | no | no | Religious | Services | |
Family | Male | No | 35-44 | no | no | Religious | Not in workforce | |
Family | Male | No | 45-54 | no | yes | Religious | Self-employed | |
Family | Female | No | 25-34 | no | no | Religious | Unemployed | |
Family | Male | No | 45-54 | yes | yes | High school | Agriculture/pastoralist | |
Family | Male | No | 35-44 | yes | yes | Primary | Agriculture/pastoralist | |
Family | Male | No | 35-44 | no | no | Religious | Unemployed | |
Family | Female | No | 25-34 | no | no | Religious | Unemployed | |
Family | Male | Yes | 45-54 | no | yes | Non-formal education | Self-employed | |
Family | Male | No | 25-34 | yes | yes | High school | Services | |
Family | Male | No | 55-64 | yes | yes | Primary | Self-employed | |
Family | Female | Yes | 25-34 | no | no | Religious | Services | |
Family | Male | Yes | 25-34 | no | yes | Non-formal education | Self-employed | |
Family | Male | No | 25-34 | yes | yes | Bachelors | Services | |
Family | Male | No | 25-34 | yes | yes | Bachelors | Self-employed | |
Family | Male | No | >65 | yes | yes | Secondary | Agriculture/pastoralist | |
Family | Male | No | 35-44 | no | no | Technical training / vocational training | Self-employed | |
Family | Male | No | 45-54 | no | no | Religious | Not in workforce | |
Family | Female | No | 35-44 | yes | yes | Primary | Self-employed | |
Family | Male | No | 25-34 | yes | yes | Masters and more | Self-employed | |
Family | Male | Yes | 35-44 | yes | yes | Bachelors | Services | |
Family | Male | No | 35-44 | yes | yes | High school | Manufacturing and industry | |
Family | Male | No | 45-54 | no | no | Religious | Self-employed | |
Family | Female | No | 55-64 | no | no | Religious | Unemployed |
Witness. Section 1
Qaybta 1: Xog Aasaasi ah / Section 1: Basic Information | 101. Jinsiga? / Gender? | 102. Ma tahay qof baahi gaar ah qaba? / Would you describe yourself as living with a disability? | 103. Da’da? / Age? | 104. Waxbarasho rasmi ah? / Did you receive a formal education? | 105. Wax ma akhriyi kartaa mana qori kartaa? / Can you read and write? | 106. Heerkee ayaad waxbarashada ku joojisay? / At what stage did your education stop? | 107. Waa maxay shaqada aad qabataa? / What is the nature of your work? | |
Witness | Male | Yes | 25-34 | yes | yes | Secondary | Self-employed | |
Witness | Male | No | 45-54 | no | no | Religious | Agriculture/pastoralist | |
Witness | Female | No | 25-34 | no | no | Religious | Agriculture/pastoralist | |
Witness | Male | No | 35-44 | no | no | Primary | Self-employed | |
Witness | Male | No | 35-44 | yes | yes | Secondary | Self-employed | |
Witness | Male | No | 25-34 | no | yes | Non-formal Education | Not in workforce | |
Witness | Male | No | 25-34 | no | no | Religious | Self-employed | |
Witness | Male | Yes | 45-54 | no | yes | Non-formal Education | Self-employed | |
Witness | Male | Yes | 35-44 | no | yes | Non-formal Education | Self-employed | |
Witness | Male | No | 35-44 | no | yes | Non-formal Education | Unemployed | |
Witness | Male | Yes | 18-24 | no | no | Religious | Unemployed | |
Witness | Female | No | 18-24 | yes | yes | Secondary | Unemployed | |
Witness | Male | No | 25-34 | yes | yes | Secondary | Self-employed | |
Witness | Male | No | 25-34 | no | no | Religious | Agriculture/pastoralist | |
Witness | Female | No | 25-34 | yes | yes | Secondary | Unemployed | |
Witness | Male | No | 35-44 | yes | yes | Primary | Self-employed | |
Witness | Female | No | 55-64 | no | yes | Religious | Unemployed | |
Witness | Male | Yes | 35-44 | yes | yes | Secondary | Self-employed | |
Witness | Male | No | 35-44 | yes | yes | Secondary | Not in workforce | |
Witness | Female | No | 25-34 | no | no | Religious | Unemployed | |
Witness | Male | No | 25-34 | yes | yes | High School | Unemployed | |
Witness | Female | No | 35-44 | no | no | Religious | Unemployed | |
Witness | Male | No | 35-44 | yes | yes | Primary | Unemployed | |
Witness | Female | Yes | 45-54 | no | no | Non-formal Education | Unemployed | |
Witness | Male | No | 25-34 | yes | yes | High School | Self-employed | |
Witness | Female | Yes | 45-54 | yes | yes | High School | Services | |
Witness | Female | Yes | 25-34 | yes | yes | Secondary | Unemployed | |
Witness | Female | No | 45-54 | no | no | Religious | Unemployed | |
Witness | Male | No | 55-64 | yes | yes | High School | Agriculture/pastoralist |
Accused. Section 1
Qaybta 1: Xog Aasaasi ah / Section 1: Basic Information | 101. Jinsiga? / Gender? | 102. Ma tahay qof baahi gaar ah qaba? / Would you describe yourself as living with a disability? | 103. Da’da? / Age? | 104. Waxbarasho rasmi ah? / Did you receive a formal education? | 105. Wax ma akhriyi kartaa mana qori kartaa? / Can you read and write? | 106. Heerkee ayaad waxbarashada ku joojisay? / At what stage did your education stop? | 107. Waa maxay shaqada aad qabataa? / What is the nature of your work? | |
Accused | Male | no | 45-54 | no | yes | Primary | Agriculture/pastoralist | |
Accused | Male | no | 35-44 | no | no | Religious | Self-employed | |
Accused | Female | yes | 35-44 | no | yes | Non-formal education | Self-employed | |
Accused | Male | no | 35-44 | no | no | Religious | Self-employed | |
Accused | Male | no | 25-34 | no | no | Religious | Self-employed | |
Accused | Male | yes | 25-34 | no | no | Religious | Agriculture/pastoralist | |
Accused | Female | no | 25-34 | yes | yes | Secondary | Self-employed | |
Accused | Male | yes | 45-54 | no | no | Religious | Unemployed | |
Accused | Male | no | 25-34 | no | yes | Religious | Self-employed | |
Accused | Male | yes | 35-44 | yes | yes | Secondary | Self-employed | |
Accused | Female | no | 35-44 | no | no | Religious | Self-employed | |
Accused | Male | yes | 35-44 | no | yes | Non-formal education | Agriculture/pastoralist | |
Accused | Female | no | 25-34 | no | no | Religious | Unemployed | |
Accused | Female | no | 45-54 | no | no | Religious | Agriculture/pastoralist | |
Accused | Female | yes | 25-34 | yes | yes | Secondary | Student | |
Accused | Male | no | 25-34 | no | yes | Non-formal education | Self-employed | |
Accused | Male | no | 45-54 | no | no | Religious | Unemployed | |
Accused | Male | no | 25-34 | no | no | Religious | Self-employed | |
Accused | Male | no | 35-44 | no | yes | Religious | Agriculture/pastoralist | |
Accused | Male | no | 35-44 | yes | yes | High school | Unemployed | |
Accused | Male | no | 25-34 | yes | yes | High school | Unemployed | |
Accused | Male | yes | 45-54 | no | yes | Non-formal education | Self-employed | |
Accused | Male | no | 55-64 | no | yes | Religious | Self-employed | |
Accused | Male | no | 25-34 | yes | yes | High school | Self-employed | |
Accused | Male | no | 18-24 | no | no | Religious | Not in workforce | |
Accused | Male | no | 25-34 | yes | yes | Secondary | Not in workforce | |
Accused | Male | no | 25-34 | yes | yes | Primary | Services | |
Accused | Male | no | 35-44 | yes | yes | Primary | Not in workforce | |
Accused | Male | no | 55-64 | no | no | Religious | Not in workforce | |
Accused | Male | no | 45-54 | no | no | Religious | Self-employed | |
Accused | Male | no | 35-44 | no | no | Religious | Self-employed |
Accused. Section 2
Qaybta 2: Xog ku saabsan maxkamadda / Section 2: Basic Information about the Court | 201. Maanta intee in leeg ayay kugu qaadatay in aad maxkamadda ku soo gaadhid? / Approximately how long did it take you to travel to court today? | 202. Safarkaaga maanta aad ku timid maxkamaddu wax lacag ah ma ku bixisay? / Did it cost you anything to travel to court today? | 203. Dacwadda aad halkan u joogtid goormaa la xareeyey? / When was the case that you are here for filed? | 204. Goorma ayay dhacdady? / When was the incident that led to this case? | 205. Dacwaddan imisa jieer ayaad u timid maxkamadda, oo ay maanta ku jirto? / How many times have you been to court for this case, including today? | 206. Miyaad fahmaysaa dacwaddu siday u socoto? / Do you understand what is happening in this case? | 207. Ma fahmaysaa hannaanka ay maxkamaddu u shaqayso? / Do you understand the procedures of the court? | 208. Dacwaddanii maxay ku saabsan tahay? / What is the nature of this case? | 208. Dacwaddanii maxay ku saabsan tahay? / What is the nature of this case? | |
Accused | An hour or less | Nothing | 2-4 Months ago | 2-4 Months ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Land | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | Nothing | 2-4 Months ago | 2-4 Months ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Land | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | >24000 SOS | 2-4 Months ago | >6 Months ago | 1-5 times | Somewhat | Somewhat | Land | -11 | |
Accused | More than an hour but less than four hours | Nothing | This month | This month | First time | No | No | Land | -11 | |
Accused | More than an hour but less than four hours | Nothing | This month | This month | 1-5 times | No | No | Land | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | 6001-12000 SOS | This month | This month | First time | Yes | Yes | Don’t know | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | Nothing | Don’t know | Don’t know | First time | No | No | Don’t know | -11 | |
Accused | More than an hour but less than four hours | >24000 SOS | This month | This month | 1-5 times | Yes | Somewhat | Inheritance | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | This month | This month | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Business dispute | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | >24000 SOS | This month | This month | First time | Somewhat | Somewhat | Business dispute | -11 | |
Accused | More than an hour but less than four hours | Nothing | 2-4 Months ago | 2-4 Months ago | 6-10 times | Somewhat | No | Business dispute | -11 | |
Accused | More than an hour but less than four hours | >24000 SOS | 2-4 Months ago | 2-4 Months ago | 1-5 times | Somewhat | Somewhat | Property dispute (pasture/water) | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | This month | This month | First time | Yes | Somewhat | Unpaid debt | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | Nothing | 2-4 Months ago | Don’t know | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Unpaid debt | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | 6001-12000 SOS | 2-4 Months ago | 2-4 Months ago | Don’t know | Yes | No | Unpaid debt | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | Nothing | This month | This month | First time | Somewhat | Somewhat | Unpaid debt | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | Nothing | This month | This month | 1-5 times | No | No | Unpaid debt | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | Nothing | This month | This month | First time | Yes | Somewhat | Family | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | This month | This month | First time | Yes | Somewhat | Other civil | -11 | |
Accused | Four hours or more | 6001-12000 SOS | This month | 2-4 Months ago | 1-5 times | Somewhat | Yes | GBV | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | Nothing | >1 Year ago | >1 Year ago | 6-10 times | Yes | Yes | Theft / loss property | -11 | |
Accused | More than an hour but less than four hours | >24000 SOS | 2-4 Months ago | >6 Months ago | 1-5 times | No | No | Physical violence | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | >24000 SOS | This month | This month | First time | Somewhat | Yes | Traffic Accident | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | 2-4 Months ago | 2-4 Months ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Land | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | >1 Year ago | >1 Year ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Physical violence | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | Nothing | 2-4 Months ago | 2-4 Months ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Family | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | Nothing | 2-4 Months ago | 2-4 Months ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | GBV | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | Nothing | This month | 2-4 Months ago | First time | Somewhat | Somewhat | Inheritance | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | 2-4 Months ago | 2-4 Months ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Land | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | 2-4 Months ago | >1 Year ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Somewhat | Inheritance | -11 | |
Accused | An hour or less | Nothing | Don’t know | >1 Year ago | First time | Yes | Yes | Physical violence | -11 |
Witness. Section 2
Qaybta 2: Xog ku saabsan maxkamadda / Section 2: Basic Information about the Court | 201. Maanta intee in leeg ayay kugu qaadatay in aad maxkamadda ku soo gaadhid? / Approximately how long did it take you to travel to court today? | 202. Safarkaaga maanta aad ku timid maxkamaddu wax lacag ah ma ku bixisay? / Did it cost you anything to travel to court today? | 203. Dacwadda aad halkan u joogtid goormaa la xareeyey? / When was the case that you are here for filed? | 204. Goorma ayay dhacdady? / When was the incident that led to this case? | 205. Dacwaddan imisa jieer ayaad u timid maxkamadda, oo ay maanta ku jirto? / How many times have you been to court for this case, including today? | 206. Miyaad fahmaysaa dacwaddu siday u socoto? / Do you understand what is happening in this case? | 207. Ma fahmaysaa hannaanka ay maxkamaddu u shaqayso? / Do you understand the procedures of the court? | 208. Dacwaddanii maxay ku saabsan tahay? / What is the nature of this case? | 208. Dacwaddanii maxay ku saabsan tahay? / What is the nature of this case? | |
Witness | An hour or less | 12001-24000 SOS | 4-6 Months ago | >6 Months ago | 1-5 times | Somewhat | Somewhat | Business dispute | -11 | |
Witness | An hour or less | Prefer not to say | This month | Don’t know | 1-5 times | No | Yes | Physical violence | -11 | |
Witness | An hour or less | Nothing | This month | This month | 1-5 times | No | No | Physical violence | -11 | |
Witness | An hour or less | Nothing | 2-4 Months ago | 4-6 Months ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Inheritance | -11 | |
Witness | An hour or less | >24000 SOS | >6 Months ago | >6 Months ago | Don’t know | Somewhat | Somewhat | Theft / loss property | -11 | |
Witness | More than an hour, but less than four hours | >24000 SOS | 4-6 Months ago | >6 Months ago | 6-10 times | Somewhat | Somewhat | Physical violence | -11 | |
Witness | More than an hour, but less than four hours | Nothing | This month | This month | First time | No | No | Land | -11 | |
Witness | An hour or less | Nothing | 2-4 Months ago | 2-4 Months ago | First time | No | No | Property dispute (pasture/water) | -11 | |
Witness | An hour or less | >24000 SOS | This month | 2-4 Months ago | First time | Somewhat | Somewhat | Inheritance | -11 | |
Witness | More than an hour, but less than four hours | >24000 SOS | This month | 4-6 Months ago | 1-5 times | Somewhat | Somewhat | Land | -11 | |
Witness | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | This month | This month | First time | No | No | Inheritance | -11 | |
Witness | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | This month | This month | 1-5 times | Yes | Somewhat | Unpaid debt | -11 | |
Witness | An hour or less | Nothing | 2-4 Months ago | 2-4 Months ago | 1-5 times | No | Somewhat | Unpaid debt | -11 | |
Witness | More than an hour, but less than four hours | >24000 SOS | This month | This month | First time | No | No | Land | -11 | |
Witness | An hour or less | Nothing | This month | This month | First time | Yes | Yes | Inheritance | -11 | |
Witness | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | This month | This month | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Inheritance | -11 | |
Witness | An hour or less | Nothing | This month | 2-4 Months ago | First time | Somewhat | No | Property dispute (pasture/water) | 204- she says the property dispute started during earlier 1990s, but court started hearing the case 2 months ago. | |
Witness | More than an hour, but less than four hours | Nothing | Don’t know | Don’t know | First time | Yes | Yes | Property dispute (pasture/water) | 208- the property dispute was owned by his father before1989 and he says that he thought his father sold this to other family,but they are other parties claiming that they bought in 1998. | |
Witness | An hour or less | >24000 SOS | This month | This month | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Business dispute | -11 | |
Witness | An hour or less | 6001-12000 SOS | 2-4 Months ago | 2-4 Months ago | 1-5 times | Somewhat | Somewhat | Other civil | -11 | |
Witness | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | 2-4 Months ago | 4-6 Months ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Land | -11 | |
Witness | More than an hour, but less than four hours | 6001-12000 SOS | This month | 2-4 Months ago | First time | Somewhat | Somewhat | Business dispute | -11 | |
Witness | An hour or less | Nothing | 2-4 Months ago | 2-4 Months ago | First time | Yes | Yes | Land | -11 | |
Witness | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | >1 Year ago | >1 Year ago | 1-5 times | Somewhat | Somewhat | Physical violence | -11 | |
Witness | More than an hour, but less than four hours | Nothing | This month | This month | 1-5 times | Yes | No | Physical violence | -11 | |
Witness | An hour or less | Nothing | 4-6 Months ago | 4-6 Months ago | 6-10 times | Somewhat | No | Unpaid debt | -11 | |
Witness | An hour or less | Nothing | 4-6 Months ago | 4-6 Months ago | 1-5 times | Yes | No | Land | 207 malahan cadalada!Maxkamadane kumashaqeso cadaalad / “207 no justice! In this courtit does not do it justice | |
Witness | An hour or less | Nothing | >1 Year ago | >1 Year ago | 6-10 times | Yes | Yes | GBV | 208 kufsi ayey kusabsantahay. / rape | |
Witness | More than an hour, but less than four hours | 2000-6000 SOS | >6 Months ago | >6 Months ago | 1-5 times | No | No | Theft / loss property | 208 lacag laxaday / 208 stolen money. |
Family. Section 2
Qaybta 2: Xog ku saabsan maxkamadda / Section 2: Basic Information about the Court | 201. Maanta intee in leeg ayay kugu qaadatay in aad maxkamadda ku soo gaadhid? / Approximately how long did it take you to travel to court today? | 202. Safarkaaga maanta aad ku timid maxkamaddu wax lacag ah ma ku bixisay? / Did it cost you anything to travel to court today? | 203. Dacwadda aad halkan u joogtid goormaa la xareeyey? / When was the case that you are here for filed? | 204. Goorma ayay dhacdady? / When was the incident that led to this case? | 205. Dacwaddan imisa jieer ayaad u timid maxkamadda, oo ay maanta ku jirto? / How many times have you been to court for this case, including today? | 206. Miyaad fahmaysaa dacwaddu siday u socoto? / Do you understand what is happening in this case? | 207. Ma fahmaysaa hannaanka ay maxkamaddu u shaqayso? / Do you understand the procedures of the court? | 208. Dacwaddanii maxay ku saabsan tahay? / What is the nature of this case? | 208. Dacwaddanii maxay ku saabsan tahay? / What is the nature of this case? | |
Family | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | This month | This month | First time | Somewhat | Yes | Business dispute | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | Nothing | This month | 6. Ma garanayo / Don’t know | 1-5 times | No | No | Other civil | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | Prefer not to say | 2-4 months ago | 4-6 months ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Land | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | Nothing | This month | This month | First time | Yes | Yes | Family | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | 12001-24000 SOS | 2-4 months ago | 2-4 months ago | First time | Somewhat | Somewhat | Business dispute | -11 | |
Family | More than an hour but less than four hours | Nothing | This month | This month | 1-5 times | No | No | Physical violence | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | Nothing | 2-4 months ago | 4-6 months ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Inheritance | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | Nothing | This month | This month | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Other civil | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | This month | This month | 1-5 times | No | No | Business dispute | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | Nothing | 2-4 months ago | 2-4 months ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Theft / loss property | -11 | |
Family | More than an hour but less than four hours | >24000 SOS | This month | This month | 1-5 times | Yes | No | Land | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | Nothing | This month | This month | First time | No | No | Theft / loss property | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | This month | This month | First time | Yes | Somewhat | Inheritance | -11 | |
Family | More than an hour but less than four hours | 2000-6000 SOS | This month | This month | 1-5 times | No | No | Physical violence | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | Nothing | This month | This month | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Unpaid debt | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | This month | This month | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Other civil | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | This month | This month | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Gender-based violence (GBV) | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | >24000 SOS | 2-4 months ago | 4-6 months ago | 6-10 times | No | No | Theft / loss property | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | 6001-12000 SOS | This month | This month | First time | Yes | Yes | Theft / loss property | -11 | |
Family | More than an hour but less than four hours | >24000 SOS | This month | This month | First time | Yes | Yes | Traffic Accident | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | >24000 SOS | This month | 2-4 months ago | 6-10 times | No | No | Land | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | >24000 SOS | 2-4 months ago | 4-6 months ago | 6-10 times | Somewhat | Somewhat | Land | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | This month | This month | First time | Yes | Yes | Theft / loss property | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | This month | This month | First time | Yes | Yes | Theft / loss property | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | Nothing | > 1 year ago | > 1 year ago | 1-5 times | No | No | wiilkeyga OO dhaqan toosin an usameyaynayay / my son was acting out for me | -11 | |
Family | More than an hour but less than four hours | 2000-6000 SOS | > 6 months ago | > 6 months ago | 6-10 times | Somewhat | No | Inheritance | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | Nothing | > 1 year ago | > 1 year ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Other civil | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | 6001-12000 SOS | 4-6 Months ago | 2-4 months ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Somewhat | Other civil | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | > 1 year ago | > 1 year ago | 6-10 times | Yes | Yes | Land | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | 2-4 months ago | 2-4 months ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Land | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | 4-6 Months ago | > 1 year ago | 6-10 times | Yes | Yes | Land | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | 2-4 months ago | > 1 year ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Land | -11 | |
Family | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | > 1 year ago | > 1 year ago | 1-5 times | Somewhat | No | Land | -11 |
Victim. Section 2
Qaybta 2: Xog ku saabsan maxkamadda / Section 2: Basic Information about the Court | 201. Maanta intee in leeg ayay kugu qaadatay in aad maxkamadda ku soo gaadhid? / Approximately how long did it take you to travel to court today? | 202. Safarkaaga maanta aad ku timid maxkamaddu wax lacag ah ma ku bixisay? / Did it cost you anything to travel to court today? | 203. Dacwadda aad halkan u joogtid goormaa la xareeyey? / When was the case that you are here for filed? | 204. Goorma ayay dhacdady? / When was the incident that led to this case? | 205. Dacwaddan imisa jieer ayaad u timid maxkamadda, oo ay maanta ku jirto? / How many times have you been to court for this case, including today? | 206. Miyaad fahmaysaa dacwaddu siday u socoto? / Do you understand what is happening in this case? | 207. Ma fahmaysaa hannaanka ay maxkamaddu u shaqayso? / Do you understand the procedures of the court? | 208. Dacwaddanii maxay ku saabsan tahay? / What is the nature of this case? | 208. Dacwaddanii maxay ku saabsan tahay? / What is the nature of this case? | |
Victim | More than an hour but less than four hours | Nothing | This month | This month | First time | Yes | Yes | Theft / Loss of property | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | Nothing | 2-4 Months ago | >1 Year ago | 6-10 times | Yes | Yes | Land | -11 | |
Victim | More than an hour but less than four hours | 2000-6000 SOS | This month | This month | 1-5 times | Somewhat | Somewhat | Business dispute | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | 2-4 Months ago | 2-4 Months ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Theft / Loss of property | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | Nothing | 2-4 Months ago | 4-6 Months ago | 1-5 times | Somewhat | Somewhat | Land | -11 | |
Victim | More than an hour but less than four hours | 6001-12000 SOS | This month | 2-4 Months ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Somewhat | Business dispute | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | >1 Year ago | >1 Year ago | 1-5 times | Somewhat | Somewhat | Land | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | 6001-12000 SOS | 2-4 Months ago | 2-4 Months ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Physical violence | -11 | |
Victim | More than an hour but less than four hours | Nothing | This month | This month | 1-5 times | No | No | Physical violence | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | Nothing | 2-4 Months ago | >6 Months ago | 6-10 times | No | No | Unpaid debt | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | Nothing | 2-4 Months ago | 2-4 Months ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Unpaid debt | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | Nothing | This month | This month | First time | Yes | Yes | Physical violence | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | Nothing | >1 Year ago | >1 Year ago | 6-10 times | No | No | Clan | ||
Victim | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | This month | This month | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Business dispute | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | 6001-12000 SOS | This month | This month | First time | Yes | No | GBV | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | This month | This month | First time | Yes | Somewhat | Property dispute (pasture/water) | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | Nothing | This month | This month | 1-5 times | Yes | Somewhat | Other civil | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | This month | This month | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Inheritance | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | Nothing | This month | This month | First time | Yes | Yes | Other civil | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | This month | This month | First time | Yes | Somewhat | Business dispute | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | 2000-6000 SOS | This month | This month | 1-5 times | Yes | Somewhat | Other civil | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | Nothing | 2-4 Months ago | 2-4 Months ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Physical violence | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | Nothing | >6 Months ago | >6 Months ago | 6-10 times | Somewhat | Somewhat | Land | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | Nothing | >6 Months ago | 4-6 Months ago | 1-5 times | No | No | Inheritance | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | Nothing | This month | This month | Don’t know | Yes | Yes | Unpaid debt | -11 | |
Victim | More than an hour but less than four hours | >24000 SOS | This month | 2-4 Months ago | First time | No | No | Inheritance | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | Prefer not to say | This month | This month | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Other civil | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | Prefer not to say | 2-4 Months ago | 4-6 Months ago | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Land | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | >24000 SOS | This month | This month | First time | No | No | Family | -11 | |
Victim | More than an hour but less than four hours | >24000 SOS | This month | This month | First time | No | No | Unpaid debt | -11 | |
Victim | An hour or less | Nothing | This month | This month | 1-5 times | Yes | Yes | Family | -11 | |
Victim | More than an hour but less than four hours | >24000 SOS | 2-4 Months ago | This month | First time | Somewhat | Somewhat | Inheritance | -11 |
Accused. Section 3
Qaybta 3: Dhibane/Eedaysane / Section 3: Victim/Accused | 301. Markii ugu horreyasay ee arrinkani dhacay yaad u tagtay si arrinta uu xal uga gaadho? / When the incident first happened to whom did you go to resolve the matter? | 302. Yaa kuushee gay in aad maxkamadda timaaddo? / Who told you to come to this court? | 303. Wax tallo ah ma ka heshay qareen? / Have you received any advice from a lawyer? | |
Accused | Police | Referred by police | yes | |
Accused | Elders | Referred by police | no | |
Accused | Elders | My own decision | no | |
Accused | Elders | My own decision | no | |
Accused | Police | My own decision | no | |
Accused | Elders | Referred by police | no | |
Accused | Police | Referred by police | no | |
Accused | Elders | Referred by elders | yes | |
Accused | Elders | My own decision | yes | |
Accused | Court (district court) | My own decision | no | |
Accused | Police | Referred by police | no | |
Accused | Elders | Family told me | no | |
Accused | Police | Referred by police | no | |
Accused | Police | My own decision | no | |
Accused | Elders | My own decision | no | |
Accused | Police | Referred by police | no | |
Accused | Elders | My own decision | no | |
Accused | Police | Referred by police | no | |
Accused | Police | Referred by police | no | |
Accused | Court (district court) | Referred by police | no | |
Accused | Police | Referred by police | no | |
Accused | Elders | Referred by legal aid services | no | |
Accused | Police | Referred by police | no | |
Accused | Court (district court) | My own decision | no | |
Accused | Police | My own decision | no | |
Accused | Elders | Referred by police | no | |
Accused | Police | Referred by police | no | |
Accused | Elders | My own decision | no | |
Accused | Court (district court) | Family told me | no | |
Accused | Elders | Referred by elders | no | |
Accused | Elders | Referred by police | no |
Victim. Section 3
Qaybta 3: Dhibane/Eedaysane / Section 3: Victim/Accused | 301. Markii ugu horreyasay ee arrinkani dhacay yaad u tagtay si arrinta uu xal uga gaadho? / When the incident first happened to whom did you go to resolve the matter? | 302. Yaa kuushee gay in aad maxkamadda timaaddo? / Who told you to come to this court? | 303. Wax tallo ah ma ka heshay qareen? / Have you received any advice from a lawyer? | |
Victim | Police | Referred by police | No | |
Victim | Court (district court) | My own decision | No | |
Victim | Elders | Referred by elders | No | |
Victim | Court (district court) | My own decision | No | |
Victim | Elders | Referred by elders | No | |
Victim | Elders | Referred by elders | No | |
Victim | Court (district court) | My own decision | Yes | |
Victim | Police | Referred by police | No | |
Victim | Police | Referred by police | No | |
Victim | Police | Referred by police | No | |
Victim | Police | Referred by police | No | |
Victim | Police | Referred by accused | Yes | |
Victim | Elders | My own decision | No | |
Victim | Police | Referred by police | No | |
Victim | Elders | My own decision | No | |
Victim | Elders | My own decision | No | |
Victim | Police | Referred by police | No | |
Victim | Elders | My own decision | No | |
Victim | Police | Referred by police | No | |
Victim | Police | Referred by police | No | |
Victim | Elders | My own decision | No | |
Victim | Police | Referred by police | No | |
Victim | Elders | Family told me | No | |
Victim | Imam | My own decision | No | |
Victim | Elders | My own decision | No | |
Victim | Elders | My own decision | No | |
Victim | Police | My own decision | No | |
Victim | Police | My own decision | No | |
Victim | Elders | My own decision | No | |
Victim | Elders | My own decision | No | |
Victim | Elders | Referred by police | Yes | |
Victim | Court (district court) | My own decision | No |
Accused. Section 4
Qaybta 4: Tuhunsane / Section 4: Accused | 401. Wax xidhiidh ah ma kala yeelatay booliska oo dacwadda ku saabsan? / Did you have any contact with the police regarding this case? | 402. Boolisku waraysi/wax su’aalo ah ma ku weydiiyeen? / Did the police interview/ask you any questions? | 403. Boolisku ma qoreen wixii aad u sheegtay? / Did the police write down what you told them? | 404. Fursad ma u heshay aad dib ugu eegtid wixii ay qoreen? / Did you have the opportunity to review what they wrote? | 405. Boolisku ma u qoreen sidii aad wax ugu sheegtay? / Did the police write down exactly what you told them? | 406. Ma saxeexday wixii boolisku kuu sheegay? / Did you sign what the police wrote down? | 407. Ma booliska ayaa ku soo xidhay? / Were you detained by the police? | 408. Intee in leeg ayaa lagugu hayey saldhigga booliska ka hor intaan maxkamad lagu geyn? / How long were you detained by the police before being taken to court? | 409. Intii boolisku ku hayey ma la hadashay qareen ama kaaliye sharci? / Did you speak to a lawyer or paralegal while you were detained by police? | 410. Danbiga ma qiratay intii aad ku xidhnayd saldhigga booliska? / Did you confess while you were at the police? | 411. Qoyskaagu ma ogaayeen in aad saldhigga ku xidhnayd? / Did your family know you were in police custody? | 412. Xabsi ma u gashay dacwaddan? / Did you spend time in prison for this case? | 413. Dacwaddan muddo intee leeg ayaad xabsi ugu jirtay? / How long did you spend in prison for this case so far? | 414. Intii aad xabsiga ku jirtay ma heshay qareen ama kaaliye sharci? / Did you have access to either a lawyer or paralegal while in prison? | |
Accused | No | No | |||||||||||||
Accused | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | 24 hours or less | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | One month or less, but more than a week | No | |
Accused | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | 24 hours or less | No | No | Yes | Yes | One week or less | No | ||
Accused | No | No | |||||||||||||
Accused | No | Yes | 48 hours or less, but more than 24 | No | No | Yes | Yes | One month or less, but more than a week | No | ||||||
Accused | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | 24 hours or less | Yes | No | Yes | No | |||
Accused | No | Yes | 24 hours or less | No | No | No | No | ||||||||
Accused | No | Yes | 24 hours or less | No | No | Yes | Yes | One week or less | No | ||||||
Accused | No | No | |||||||||||||
Accused | No | Yes | 24 hours or less | No | No | Yes | Yes | One week or less | No | ||||||
Accused | No | Yes | 24 hours or less | No | No | No | Yes | One week or less | Yes | ||||||
Accused | No | Yes | 48 hours or less, but more than 24 | No | No | Yes | Yes | One week or less | No | ||||||
Accused | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | |||||||||
Accused | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | 48 hours or less, but more than 24 | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | One month or less, but more than a week | No | ||
Accused | No | No | One week or less | ||||||||||||
Accused | No | Yes | 48 hours or less, but more than 24 | No | No | Yes | Yes | One week or less | No | ||||||
Accused | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | 48 hours or less, but more than 24 | No | No | Yes | No | |||
Accused | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | |||||||||
Accused | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | |||||||||
Accused | No | No | |||||||||||||
Accused | No | Yes | One week or less, but more than 48 hours | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | One week or less | Yes | ||||||
Accused | No | Yes | One week or less, but more than 48 hours | No | No | Yes | Yes | One week or less | No | ||||||
Accused | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | 24 hours or less | No | No | Yes | Yes | One week or less | No | ||
Accused | No | No | |||||||||||||
Accused | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Don’t Know | Yes | 24 hours or less | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | One year or less, but more than 6 months | No | ||
Accused | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | 24 hours or less | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | One week or less | No | ||
Accused | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | 24 hours or less | No | No | Yes | Yes | One month or less, but more than a week | No | ||||
Accused | No | No | |||||||||||||
Accused | No | No | |||||||||||||
Accused | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | 24 hours or less | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | One week or less | No | |
Accused | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | 24 hours or less | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | One week or less | No |
Victim. Section 5
Qaybta 5: Dhibane / Section 5: Victim | 501. Wax xidhiidh ah ma kala yeelatay booliska oo dacwaddan ku saabsan? / Did you have any contact with the police regarding this case? | 502. Ma adigaa xidhiidhka la sameeyey booliska mise qof kale oo ku matalayey? / Did you interact with the police or did someone else do it on your behalf? | 503. Boolisku wax su’aalo ah ma ku weydiiyeen? / Did the police ask you questions? | 504. Boolisku ma qoreen wixii aad u sheegtay? / Did the police write down what you told them? | 505. Fursad ma u heshay aad dib ugu eegtid wixii ay qoreen? / Did you have the opportunity to review what they wrote? | 506. Boolisku ma u qoreen sidii aad wax ugu sheegtay? / Did the police write exactly what you told them? | 507. Haddi arrin tan la mid ahi dib kuu gu dhacdo, miyaad ku noqon lahayd booliska? / If something similar were to happen again, would you go back to the police? | 508. Dhaawac ma kaa soo gaarag? / Remind me, does your case involve physical injury? | 509. Dhaqtar ma la kulantay dhaawaca kadib? / Did you see a doctor after the incident? | 510. Daqtarku warbixin ma qoray? / Did the doctor write a report? | 511. Lacag ma siisay dhaqtarke? / Did you have to pay for the report? | 512. Dacwaddan aawadeed, miyaad ammaanka noloshaada aad u baqanaysaa? / As a result of this case, do you fear for your personal safety? | 513. Miyey jirtaa cid isku dayday in ay ka joojiso ama ay bedesho marqaati aad furi lahayd? / Has any person tried to get you to change, or not to give, evidence? | 514. Haddii mar danbe arrintan oo kale kula soo deristo miyaad maxkamadda u tegi lahayd si ay u xalliso? / If you ever faced a similar problem would you try to resolve it in the courts? | 515. Haddii uu doortay dabcan ama way dhici kartaa, waayo? / If definitely or likely, why? | 516. Haddii uu doortay lagama yaabo ama maya, waayo? / If unlikely or no, why? | 517. Halkeed tegi lahayd haddaa? / Where would you go instead? | |
Victim | Yes | Personally (including with someone else) | Yes | Yes | No | Definitely | No | Yes | No | Definitely | Fair | |||||||
Victim | No | No | Yes | Yes | Unlikely | Biased | Nowhere | |||||||||||
Victim | Yes | Personally (including with someone else) | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | Definitely | Fair | |||||||
Victim | Yes | Someone else went (respondent did not go) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Definitely | Fair | ||||||||
Victim | No | No | No | Yes | Definitely | Fair | ||||||||||||
Victim | No | No | No | No | Definitely | Fair | ||||||||||||
Victim | No | No | No | Yes | Definitely | Fair | ||||||||||||
Victim | Yes | Someone else went (respondent did not go) | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Unlikely | Too slow | Nowhere | |||||||
Victim | Yes | Personally (including with someone else) | Yes | No | No | Likely | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Unlikely | Too slow | Elders | |||
Victim | Yes | Personally (including with someone else) | No | No | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Unlikely | Too slow, Too expensive, Biased | Elders | |||||
Victim | Yes | Personally (including with someone else) | Yes | Yes | No | Definitely | No | Yes | Yes | Unlikely | No because they make decisions without proper investigation | Al shabab | ||||||
Victim | Yes | Personally (including with someone else) | Yes | Yes | No | Definitely | No | No | No | Definitely | ||||||||
Victim | Yes | Personally (including with someone else) | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Biased | Elders | |||
Victim | Yes | Personally (including with someone else) | Yes | Yes | No | Definitely | No | No | No | Likely | Enforceable | |||||||
Victim | No | No | No | Yes | Definitely | Quick | ||||||||||||
Victim | No | No | No | No | Likely | Enforceable | ||||||||||||
Victim | Yes | Personally (including with someone else) | Yes | Yes | No | Definitely | Yes | No | No | No | Likely | Enforceable | ||||||
Victim | No | No | No | No | Likely | Quick,Enforceable | ||||||||||||
Victim | Yes | Personally (including with someone else) | Yes | Yes | No | Likely | No | No | No | Likely | Quick,Enforceable | |||||||
Victim | Yes | Personally (including with someone else) | Yes | Yes | No | Likely | No | No | No | Likely | Enforceable | |||||||
Victim | No | No | No | No | Likely | Affordable,Enforceable | ||||||||||||
Victim | Yes | Personally (including with someone else) | Yes | Yes | No | Definitely | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Definitely | Fair | ||||
Victim | No | No | Yes | Yes | Definitely | Affordable | ||||||||||||
Victim | No | No | No | No | Definitely | Fair | ||||||||||||
Victim | Yes | Personally (including with someone else) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Definitely | No | No | No | Definitely | Fair | ||||||
Victim | No | No | Yes | Yes | Likely | Affordable | ||||||||||||
Victim | Yes | Personally (including with someone else) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Definitely | No | No | No | Definitely | Fair | ||||||
Victim | Yes | Personally (including with someone else) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Definitely | No | No | No | Definitely | Fair | ||||||
Victim | No | No | No | No | Definitely | Affordable,Fair | ||||||||||||
Victim | Yes | Personally (including with someone else) | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | Definitely | Affordable,Fair,Enforceable | |||||||
Victim | Yes | Personally (including with someone else) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Definitely | No | No | No | Definitely | Fair | ||||||
Victim | No | No | Yes | Yes | Definitely | Affordable,Fair |
Accused. Section 6
Qaybta 6: Xubin qoyska, Dhibane, Eedaysane / Section 6: Family member, Victim, Accused | 601. Ma jireen dedaalo la doonayo in lagu xalliyo dacwaddan ka hor inta ayna ka billaaban maxkamadda? / Was there an attempt to resolve the case before it started in the court? | 602. Fadlan ma ii sheegi kartaa dhammaan dhinacyadii ku lugta lahaa in ay xalliyaan muranka ka hor intii aan dacwadda laga xarrayn maxkamadda? / Can you please tell me all the parties who were involved in trying to resolve the dispute before it was filed in the court? | 603. Ma jireen isku dayo in la xalliyo dacwaddan kadib markii uu billaabmay? / Was there an attempt to resolve the case after it started? | 604. Fadlan ma ii sheegi kartaa dhammaan dhinacyadii ku lugta lahaa si ay u xalliyaan muranka, sida qareen, qoys, culimada, booliska iwm kadib markii maxkamadda laga xareeyey dacwadda? / Can you please tell me all the parties who were involved in trying to resolve the dispute, such as a lawyer, family, a religious leader, police, etc. after it was filed in the court | 604_ Other | 605. Dacwadda miyaa lagu xalliyey goob ka baxsan maxkamadda? / Has the case been settled outside of court? | 606. Waa maxay sababta aad halkan maanta u joogtaa? / Why are you still here today? | 606 – Why are you still here today – Other | |
Accused | Yes | Elder | Yes | Elder | No | ||||
Accused | No | No | No | ||||||
Accused | Yes | Family, Friends | Yes | Family, Friends, Police | No | ||||
Accused | Yes | Elder | No | No | |||||
Accused | No | No | No | ||||||
Accused | No | No | Yes | I am ordered to continue attending court | |||||
Accused | No | No | No | ||||||
Accused | No | No | No | ||||||
Accused | Yes | Elder | Yes | Family, Elder | No | ||||
Accused | No | No | No | ||||||
Accused | No | No | No | ||||||
Accused | Yes | Family, Elder | No | No | |||||
Accused | Yes | Family, Police | Yes | Family, Police | No | ||||
Accused | No | No | No | ||||||
Accused | No | No | Yes | I am ordered to continue attending court | |||||
Accused | Yes | Elder | No | No | |||||
Accused | No | No | No | ||||||
Accused | Yes | Family, Friends, Police | Yes | Family, Friends | No | ||||
Accused | Yes | Family, Police | No | No | |||||
Accused | Yes | Family, Religious Leader, Police | No | No | |||||
Accused | No | No | No | ||||||
Accused | No | No | No | ||||||
Accused | No | Yes | Elder | nabadoonkeyga ayaa garta galay / my peace is on | No | dacwada ayaa la gebogebeynayay / the lawsuit was concluded | |||
Accused | No | No | No | ||||||
Accused | Yes | Family, Elder, Police | Yes | Famiy, Elder, Police, Judge | No | ||||
Accused | Yes | Family, Elder, Police | Yes | Famiy, Elder, Police, Judge | No | ||||
Accused | No | No | No | ||||||
Accused | Yes | Family, Elder | No | Yes | To record the settlement with the court | ||||
Accused | Yes | Family, Elder | Yes | Famiy, Elder, Judge | No | ||||
Accused | Yes | Family, Elder | Yes | Family, Elder | No | ||||
Accused | Yes | Family, Friends, Elder | Yes | Family, Friends, Elder | No |
Family. Section 6
Qaybta 6: Xubin qoyska, Dhibane, Eedaysane / Section 6: Family member, Victim, Accused | 601. Ma jireen dedaalo la doonayo in lagu xalliyo dacwaddan ka hor inta ayna ka billaaban maxkamadda? / Was there an attempt to resolve the case before it started in the court? | 602. Fadlan ma ii sheegi kartaa dhammaan dhinacyadii ku lugta lahaa in ay xalliyaan muranka ka hor intii aan dacwadda laga xarrayn maxkamadda? / Can you please tell me all the parties who were involved in trying to resolve the dispute before it was filed in the court? | 603. Ma jireen isku dayo in la xalliyo dacwaddan kadib markii uu billaabmay? / Was there an attempt to resolve the case after it started? | 604. Fadlan ma ii sheegi kartaa dhammaan dhinacyadii ku lugta lahaa si ay u xalliyaan muranka, sida qareen, qoys, culimada, booliska iwm kadib markii maxkamadda laga xareeyey dacwadda? / Can you please tell me all the parties who were involved in trying to resolve the dispute, such as a lawyer, family, a religious leader, police, etc. after it was filed in the court | 604_ Other | 605. Dacwadda miyaa lagu xalliyey goob ka baxsan maxkamadda? / Has the case been settled outside of court? | 606. Waa maxay sababta aad halkan maanta u joogtaa? / Why are you still here today? | 606 – Why are you still here today – Other | |
Family | Yes | Family, Friends, Prosecutor | Yes | Family & Police | No | ||||
Family | No | No | No | ||||||
Family | No | No | No | ||||||
Family | No | Yes | Family,Friends | No | |||||
Family | Yes | Elder | No | No | |||||
Family | No | No | No | waxan u idayay dacwada ii furne in la iigu radsho cadaalada OO lakeno maxkama dadkii wiilkeyga dhibka ugestay / I kept the case open for me to seek justice and the court for the abuse of my son. | |||||
Family | No | No | No | ||||||
Family | No | No | No | ||||||
Family | Yes | Family | No | Yes | To record the settlement with the court | ||||
Family | Yes | Religious leader | Yes | Friends | Yes | The prosecutor wants to continue with the case | |||
Family | Yes | Family | Yes | Family | No | ||||
Family | No | No | No | ||||||
Family | Yes | Family, Friends, Elder, Police | Yes | Family,Friends,Elder,Police | No | ||||
Family | No | No | No | Anaa usoo dacwoday / I complained | |||||
Family | No | No | No | ||||||
Family | Yes | Family, Friends, Elder | Yes | Family,Friends,Elder | No | ||||
Family | Yes | Family, Friends, Elder, Police | Yes | Family,Elder,Police | No | ||||
Family | No | No | No | ||||||
Family | Yes | Family, Friends, Elder, Police | Yes | Family,Friends,Elder,Police | No | am family of the victim | |||
Family | No | Yes | Elder | No | |||||
Family | Yes | Elder | No | No | |||||
Family | Yes | Elder | No | No | |||||
Family | Yes | Family,Elder | Yes | Family,Elder | No | ||||
Family | Yes | Family, Friends, Elder | Yes | Family,Friends,Elder | No | ||||
Family | No | No | No | Xamar aya nalaga diray / We were sent from Mogadishu | |||||
Family | Yes | Elder | Yes | Elder | No | ||||
Family | Yes | Family, Elder, Police, Judge | Yes | Family,Elder,Police, Judge | No | ||||
Family | Yes | Family | No | Yes | To record the settlement with the court | ||||
Family | Yes | Family,Elder | Yes | Family,Elder | No | ||||
Family | Yes | Family | No | No | |||||
Family | Yes | Family,Religious leader,Elder | Yes | Family | No | ||||
Family | Yes | Family, Elder, Legal aid services, Judge | No | No | |||||
Family | Yes | Family,Elder | No | Prefer not to answer |
Victim. Section 6
Qaybta 6: Xubin qoyska, Dhibane, Eedaysane / Section 6: Family member, Victim, Accused | 601. Ma jireen dedaalo la doonayo in lagu xalliyo dacwaddan ka hor inta ayna ka billaaban maxkamadda? / Was there an attempt to resolve the case before it started in the court? | 602. Fadlan ma ii sheegi kartaa dhammaan dhinacyadii ku lugta lahaa in ay xalliyaan muranka ka hor intii aan dacwadda laga xarrayn maxkamadda? / Can you please tell me all the parties who were involved in trying to resolve the dispute before it was filed in the court? | 603. Ma jireen isku dayo in la xalliyo dacwaddan kadib markii uu billaabmay? / Was there an attempt to resolve the case after it started? | 604. Fadlan ma ii sheegi kartaa dhammaan dhinacyadii ku lugta lahaa si ay u xalliyaan muranka, sida qareen, qoys, culimada, booliska iwm kadib markii maxkamadda laga xareeyey dacwadda? / Can you please tell me all the parties who were involved in trying to resolve the dispute, such as a lawyer, family, a religious leader, police, etc. after it was filed in the court | 604_ Other | 605. Dacwadda miyaa lagu xalliyey goob ka baxsan maxkamadda? / Has the case been settled outside of court? | 606. Waa maxay sababta aad halkan maanta u joogtaa? / Why are you still here today? | 606 – Why are you still here today – Other | |
Victim | Yes | Family, Friends, Elder, Police, Judge | No | No | |||||
Victim | Yes | Family | No | No | |||||
Victim | Yes | Family, Friends, Elder, Police, Prosecutor, Judge | No | No | |||||
Victim | Yes | Elder | Yes | Elder | No | ||||
Victim | Yes | Family, Elder | No | No | |||||
Victim | Yes | Religious leader, Elder | No | No | |||||
Victim | Yes | Family, Elder | No | No | |||||
Victim | Yes | Family, Elder | Yes | Elder | No | ||||
Victim | No | No | No | in an dacwada kahor lasoo xiro dadkii dhibka iigestay / arrest the perpetrators before the case | |||||
Victim | No | No | No | ||||||
Victim | No | No | Yes | To record the settlement with the court | |||||
Victim | No | Yes | Family, Elder, Police | No | |||||
Victim | Yes | Elder | No | No | xaqeyga inaan helo maadama aan dhibane ahay / My right to get it because i am a victim | ||||
Victim | Yes | Friends, Police | Yes | Family, Friends, Police | No | ||||
Victim | No | No | No | ||||||
Victim | Yes | Family, Religious leader, Elder | Yes | Family, Religous Leader, Elder | No | ||||
Victim | Yes | Family, Police | Yes | Famiily, Police | No | ||||
Victim | Yes | Family, Friends, Elder | Yes | Family, Friends, Police | No | ||||
Victim | Yes | Elder, Police | Yes | Elder, Police | No | ||||
Victim | Yes | Police | No | No | |||||
Victim | Yes | Elder | No | No | |||||
Victim | No | No | No | ||||||
Victim | Yes | Family, Elder | No | No | |||||
Victim | No | No | No | ||||||
Victim | No | No | No | ||||||
Victim | Yes | Family, Elder | No | No | |||||
Victim | No | No | No | ||||||
Victim | No | No | No | ||||||
Victim | Yes | Family, Elder | No | No | To tell the case | ||||
Victim | Yes | Family, Elder | No | No | |||||
Victim | No | No | No | ||||||
Victim | Yes | Family, Elder | No | No |
Accused. Section 7
Qaybta 7: Tafaasiisha Dacwadda / Section 7: Case specifics | 701. Ma u malaynaysaa in caddaalad laga gaadhayo dacwaddan? / Do you think justice will be served in this case? | 702.1 Hanaanka ayaan caddaalad ahayn? / The process is not fair? | 702.2 Aniga iyo qoyskaygu awood badan ma lihin? / My family and I are not powerful enough? | 702.3 Aniga iyo qoyskaygu ma haysano lacag nagu filan? / My family and I do not have enough money? | 702.4. Sadd exdaan sababood, tee ayaa ugu weyn ee aadan caddaa lad u heli karin? / Of these three, which is the overriding reason? | 703. Guud ahaan dacwaddan imisa ayaa adiga iyo qoyskaagu ku bixiseen? / In total about how much have you and your family spent on this case so far? | 704. Sidee ayaad adiga iyo qoyskaagu kharashka dacwaddan u bixiseen? / How have you and your family financed the case? | Other | 705.1 Odayaasha? / Elder? | 705.2 Imaam? / Imam? | 705.3 Boolis? / Police? | 705.4 Dhaqtar/ kaaliye caafimaad? / Doctor/Medical Professional? | 705.5 Gadhsiiye Maxkamadeed? / Court Messenger? | 705.6 Kaaliye Maxkamad? / Court Registrar? | 705.7 Garsoore? / Judge? | 705.8 La talin sharci? / Legal Services Provider? | 705.9 Qareen? / Lawyer? | 705.10 Gaadhka Xabsiga? / Prison guard? | 706.1 Odayaasha? / Elder? | 706.2 Imaam? / Imam? | 706.3 Boolis? / Police? | 706.4 Dhaqtar/Kaaliye Caafimaad? / Doctor/Medical Professional? | 706.5 Gadhsiiye Maxkamadeed? / Court Messenger? | 706.6 Kaaliye Maxkamadeed? / Court Registrar? | 706.7 Garsoore? / Judge? | 706.8 La talin sharci? / Legal Services Provider? | 706.9 Qareen? / Lawyer? | 706.10 Gaadhka Xabsiga? / Prison Guard? | |
Accused | Definitely | 301-500 USD | From savings | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Accused | Definitely | Prefer Not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Accused | Likely | 51-100 USD | From savings | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | 51-100 USD | |||||||||||||||
Accused | Unlikely | Main reason | Main reason | Main reason | My family and I are not powerful enough | Nothing | we didn’t pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||
Accused | Definitely | Prefer Not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Accused | Likely | Nothing | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | |||||||||||||||||
Accused | Definitely | Nothing | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | |||||||||||||||||
Accused | Definitely | Nothing | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | |||||||||||||||||
Accused | Likely | 21-50 USD | From savings | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | 21-50 USD | |||||||||||||||
Accused | Likely | Nothing | we didn’t pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Accused | No | Main reason | Not a reason | Main reason | The process is not fair | >5000 USD | Help from family and friends | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | 11-20 USD | 1-5 USD | 501-750 USD | |||||||||
Accused | Likely | Prefer Not to answer | we didn’t pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Accused | Unlikely | Main reason | Not a reason | Minor reason | The process is not fair | Nothing | I didn’t spend any money | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||
Accused | Definitely | Prefer Not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Accused | Definitely | Prefer Not to answer | From savings | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Accused | Likely | Nothing | we didn’t paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Accused | Definitely | Prefer Not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Accused | Likely | Prefer Not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Accused | Likely | Nothing | none | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Accused | Likely | 201-300 USD | jeebkeyga ayaan iska qarash gareeyay / I just spent my money | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Accused | No | Main reason | Minor reason | Main reason | The process is not fair | 201-300 USD | Help from family and friends | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Paid | Paid | 101-200 USD | 21-50 USD | 21-50 USD | |||||||||
Accused | Unlikely | Minor reason | Main reason | Main reason | The process is not fair | Prefer Not to answer | we didn’t pay any thing | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||
Accused | Definitely | 301-500 USD | From savings | anigaa jeebkeyga ka baxshay / i paid from my pocket | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | |||||||||||||||
Accused | Likely | 1-20 USD | Sold land | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Accused | Definitely | 1-20 USD | Funds weren’t needed | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Accused | Definitely | 1-20 USD | Funds weren’t needed | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 6-10 USD | 11-20 USD | ||||||||||||||
Accused | Unlikely | Main reason | Minor reason | Main reason | The process is not fair | Nothing | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | |||||||||||||
Accused | Definitely | 301-500 USD | From savings | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 51-100 USD | 101-200 USD | ||||||||||||||
Accused | Likely | 201-300 USD | From savings | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 201-300 USD | |||||||||||||||
Accused | Definitely | Nothing | nothing | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Accused | Likely | Nothing | we didn’t pay anything | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay |
Family. Section 7
Qaybta 7: Tafaasiisha Dacwadda / Section 7: Case specifics | 701. Ma u malaynaysaa in caddaalad laga gaadhayo dacwaddan? / Do you think justice will be served in this case? | 702.1 Hanaanka ayaan caddaalad ahayn? / The process is not fair? | 702.2 Aniga iyo qoyskaygu awood badan ma lihin? / My family and I are not powerful enough? | 702.3 Aniga iyo qoyskaygu ma haysano lacag nagu filan? / My family and I do not have enough money? | 702.4. Sadd exdaan sababood, tee ayaa ugu weyn ee aadan caddaa lad u heli karin? / Of these three, which is the overriding reason? | 703. Guud ahaan dacwaddan imisa ayaa adiga iyo qoyskaagu ku bixiseen? / In total about how much have you and your family spent on this case so far? | 704. Sidee ayaad adiga iyo qoyskaagu kharashka dacwaddan u bixiseen? / How have you and your family financed the case? | Other | 705.1 Odayaasha? / Elder? | 705.2 Imaam? / Imam? | 705.3 Boolis? / Police? | 705.4 Dhaqtar/ kaaliye caafimaad? / Doctor/Medical Professional? | 705.5 Gadhsiiye Maxkamadeed? / Court Messenger? | 705.6 Kaaliye Maxkamad? / Court Registrar? | 705.7 Garsoore? / Judge? | 705.8 La talin sharci? / Legal Services Provider? | 705.9 Qareen? / Lawyer? | 705.10 Gaadhka Xabsiga? / Prison guard? | 706.1 Odayaasha? / Elder? | 706.2 Imaam? / Imam? | 706.3 Boolis? / Police? | 706.4 Dhaqtar/Kaaliye Caafimaad? / Doctor/Medical Professional? | 706.5 Gadhsiiye Maxkamadeed? / Court Messenger? | 706.6 Kaaliye Maxkamadeed? / Court Registrar? | 706.7 Garsoore? / Judge? | 706.8 La talin sharci? / Legal Services Provider? | 706.9 Qareen? / Lawyer? | 706.10 Gaadhka Xabsiga? / Prison Guard? | |
Family | Likely | 51-100 USD | From savings | Paid | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 11-20 USD | 11-20 USD | 21-50 USD | |||||||||||||
Family | Definitely | Prefer Not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Family | Definitely | Prefer Not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Family | Likely | 21-50 USD | From savings | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 21-50 USD | |||||||||||||||
Family | Definitely | Prefer Not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Family | Likely | 1-20 USD | lacag weli mana bixin. waxan lacagta uso dirtay malaha ather si an ugu qoro 0 / 77/5000 he has not paid any money yet. I sent the money to maybe ather to type 0 | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 101-200 USD | |||||||||||||||
Family | Definitely | Prefer Not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Family | Definitely | Prefer Not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Family | No | Minor reason | Minor reason | Main reason | The process is not fair | 151-200 USD | Sold land | Paid | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Paid | Paid | 51-100 USD | 51-100 USD | 21-50 USD | 101-200 USD | 101-200 USD | |||||||
Family | Definitely | Prefer Not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Family | Definitely | 1-20 USD | Help from family and friends | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Prefer not to answer | ||||||||||||||||
Family | Definitely | 1-20 USD | Help from family and friends | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Family | Likely | 101-150 USD | Help from family and friends,From savings | Paid | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | 21-50 USD | 11-20 USD | 21-50 USD | 11-20 USD | ||||||||||||
Family | No | Main reason | Main reason | Main reason | The process is not fair | 1-20 USD | manan bixin dhaqatada manan awoodin. waxan lacagta ugaliyay malab option / I didn’t pay the pastoralists. I paid for the honey option | Did not pay | Did not pay | Prefer not to answer | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 21-50 USD | |||||||||||
Family | Definitely | Prefer Not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Family | Likely | 51-100 USD | From savings | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | 11-20 USD | 21-50 USD | 11-20 USD | |||||||||||||
Family | Likely | 51-100 USD | From savings | Paid | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 11-20 USD | 11-20 USD | 21-50 USD | |||||||||||||
Family | Likely | Prefer Not to answer | Funds weren’t needed | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Family | Definitely | 1-20 USD | Funds weren’t needed | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 1-5 USD | |||||||||||||||
Family | Definitely | 301-500 USD | From savings | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Family | Likely | 21-50 USD | From savings | Paid | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 21-50 USD | 21-50 USD | ||||||||||||||
Family | Likely | Prefer Not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Prefer Not to answer | Prefer Not to answer | ||||||||||||||
Family | Likely | 21-50 USD | Took a loan | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 21-50 USD | |||||||||||||||
Family | Definitely | 1-20 USD | From savings | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Family | No | Main reason | Main reason | Main reason | The process is not fair | 1-20 USD | waxba lacag ah manan kubixin / I have not paid for anything | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||
Family | No | Main reason | Main reason | Main reason | The process is not fair | 101-150 USD | Took a loan | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Paid | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | 51-100 USD | 101-200 USD | 201-300 USD | |||||||||
Family | Definitely | Prefer Not to answer | Funds weren’t needed | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Family | Definitely | 151-200 USD | Sold property | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Family | Definitely | 201-300 USD | From savings | Paid | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 51-100 USD | 101-200 USD | 201-300 USD | |||||||||||||
Family | Definitely | 501-1000 USD | From savings | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Family | Likely | 1000-5000 USD | Took a loan | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Family | Likely | 201-300 USD | Funds weren’t needed | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 201-300 USD | |||||||||||||||
Family | Likely | 301-500 USD | Help from family and friends | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 51-100 USD | 201-300 USD |
Victim. Section 7
Qaybta 7: Tafaasiisha Dacwadda / Section 7: Case specifics | 701. Ma u malaynaysaa in caddaalad laga gaadhayo dacwaddan? / Do you think justice will be served in this case? | 702.1 Hanaanka ayaan caddaalad ahayn? / The process is not fair? | 702.2 Aniga iyo qoyskaygu awood badan ma lihin? / My family and I are not powerful enough? | 702.3 Aniga iyo qoyskaygu ma haysano lacag nagu filan? / My family and I do not have enough money? | 702.4. Sadd exdaan sababood, tee ayaa ugu weyn ee aadan caddaa lad u heli karin? / Of these three, which is the overriding reason? | 703. Guud ahaan dacwaddan imisa ayaa adiga iyo qoyskaagu ku bixiseen? / In total about how much have you and your family spent on this case so far? | 704. Sidee ayaad adiga iyo qoyskaagu kharashka dacwaddan u bixiseen? / How have you and your family financed the case? | Other | 705.1 Odayaasha? / Elder? | 705.2 Imaam? / Imam? | 705.3 Boolis? / Police? | 705.4 Dhaqtar/ kaaliye caafimaad? / Doctor/Medical Professional? | 705.5 Gadhsiiye Maxkamadeed? / Court Messenger? | 705.6 Kaaliye Maxkamad? / Court Registrar? | 705.7 Garsoore? / Judge? | 705.8 La talin sharci? / Legal Services Provider? | 705.9 Qareen? / Lawyer? | 705.10 Gaadhka Xabsiga? / Prison guard? | 706.1 Odayaasha? / Elder? | 706.2 Imaam? / Imam? | 706.3 Boolis? / Police? | 706.4 Dhaqtar/Kaaliye Caafimaad? / Doctor/Medical Professional? | 706.5 Gadhsiiye Maxkamadeed? / Court Messenger? | 706.6 Kaaliye Maxkamadeed? / Court Registrar? | 706.7 Garsoore? / Judge? | 706.8 La talin sharci? / Legal Services Provider? | 706.9 Qareen? / Lawyer? | 706.10 Gaadhka Xabsiga? / Prison Guard? | |
Victim | Definitely | 1-20 USD | Funds weren’t needed | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 1-20 USD | |||||||||||||||
Victim | Likely | 301-500 USD | From savings | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 301-500 USD | |||||||||||||||
Victim | Definitely | 1-20 USD | Funds weren’t needed | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 1-20 USD | |||||||||||||||
Victim | Definitely | 501-1000 USD | Took a loan | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 1-20 USD | 1-20 USD | ||||||||||||||
Victim | Definitely | 201-300 USD | From savings | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 201-300 USD | |||||||||||||||
Victim | Definitely | 301-500 USD | Funds weren’t needed | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 51-100 USD | 201-300 USD | ||||||||||||||
Victim | Definitely | 201-300 USD | From savings | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 201-300 USD | |||||||||||||||
Victim | Likely | 101-150 USD | Funds weren’t needed | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 21-50 USD | 51-100 USD | ||||||||||||||
Victim | No | Main reason | Not a reason | Not a reason | The process is not fair | 1-20 USD | Funds weren’t needed | mana bixin weli wax qarasha ah , sababta aya ah dadki dhibka geystay in an Laadin marki dadka Nola soorix / he has not paid anything yet, because the people who caused the trouble were not kicked when people in Nola Sox | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 1000-5000 USD | ||||||||||
Victim | Unlikely | Main reason | Main reason | Minor reason | My family and I do not have enough money | 1000-5000 USD | Help from family and friends | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||
Victim | No | Minor reason | Minor reason | Minor reason | The process is not fair | 1-20 USD | Funds weren’t needed | wax lacag ah manan kubixin doorasho malahan lagu cadeynayo in aysan lacag bixin / No money was spent on the election and there is no proof that they did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | |||||||||||
Victim | Likely | Prefer not to answer | Funds weren’t needed | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | 151-200 USD | |||||||||||||||
Victim | Unlikely | Main reason | Main reason | Minor reason | The process is not fair | >5000 USD | Sold land,From savings | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | >5000 USD | 101-150 USD | ||||||||||
Victim | Likely | 51-100 USD | Help from family and friends ,From savings | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 1-20 USD | 21-50 USD | ||||||||||||||
Victim | Definitely | Prefer not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Victim | Likely | 51-100 USD | Help from family and friends ,From savings | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 21-50 USD | 21-50 USD | ||||||||||||||
Victim | Likely | 51-100 USD | Took a loan,From savings | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 21-50 USD | 21-50 USD | ||||||||||||||
Victim | Definitely | 51-100 USD | Help from family and friends ,From savings | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 21-50 USD | |||||||||||||||
Victim | Likely | 51-100 USD | From savings | Paid | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 1-20 USD | 21-50 USD | 21-50 USD | |||||||||||||
Victim | Likely | 51-100 USD | From savings | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 1-20 USD | 21-50 USD | ||||||||||||||
Victim | Likely | 21-50 USD | Help from family and friends | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 21-50 USD | |||||||||||||||
Victim | Unlikely | Minor reason | Minor reason | Minor reason | The process is not fair | Prefer not to answer | Took a loan | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 201-300 USD | |||||||||||
Victim | Definitely | Prefer not to answer | From savings | Prefer not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Victim | Definitely | Prefer not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Prefer not to answer | |||||||||||||||
Victim | Definitely | Prefer not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Victim | Likely | Prefer not to answer | From savings | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 151-200 USD | |||||||||||||||
Victim | Definitely | Prefer not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Victim | Definitely | Prefer not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Victim | Definitely | Prefer not to answer | Funds weren’t needed | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 101-150 USD | |||||||||||||||
Victim | Definitely | Nothing | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | |||||||||||||||||
Victim | Definitely | Prefer not to answer | Prefer not to answer | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | ||||||||||||||||
Victim | Likely | 21-50 USD | Took a loan | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Paid | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | Did not pay | 21-50 USD |
Section 8
Qaybta 8: Markhaati / Section 8: Witness | 801. Yaa kaa codsaday in aad markhaati noqotid? / Who asked you to be a witness? | 802. Sidee laguu soo ogeysiiyey in aad maanta timaadi maxkamadda? / How were you told to come to court today? | 803. Maanta kharashka aad ku timid maxkamadda yaa bixinaya? / Who will pay the costs of you coming to court today? | 804. Imisa ayaad bixisay si aad maanta u timaadid maxkamadda (USD)? / How much has it cost you to come to court today? | 805. Cid wax kugu siisay ma jirtaa si aad markhaati u noqotid sida lacag (ka badan kharashka gaadiidka) ama in aan lagugu soo oogeyn dacwad ciqaab ka adhan ah? / Did anyone offer you an incentive to be a witness, such as money (more than travel costs) or not having criminal charges brought against you? | 806. Dacwaddan aawadii, miyaad ammaanka noloshaada aad u baqanaysaa? / As a result of this case, do you fear for your personal safety? | 807. Miyey jirtaa cid isku dayday u ay leaa joojiso ama ay bedesho marqaati aad furi lahayd? / Has any person tried to get you to change or not give evidence? | |
Witness | One of the parties | Phone call | Myself | 24 | No | Yes | No | |
Witness | One of the parties | Phone call | One of the parties | 1 | Yes | No | No | |
Witness | One of the parties | Phone call | Myself | 2 | No | No | Prefer not to answer | |
Witness | One of the parties | Phone call | Myself | 2 | No | No | No | |
Witness | One of the parties | Phone call | Myself | 40 | No | No | No | |
Witness | One of the parties | Phone call | One of the parties | 34 | No | No | No | |
Witness | One of the parties | Phone call | Prefer not to answer | 0 | No | No | No | |
Witness | One of the parties | Phone call | -11 | 0 | No | No | No | |
Witness | One of the parties | Phone call | Myself | 2 | No | No | No | |
Witness | One of the parties | One of the parties told me personally | Myself | 3 | No | No | No | |
Witness | One of the parties | Phone call | Myself | 2 | No | Yes | No | |
Witness | One of the parties | Phone call | Myself | 1 | No | Yes | No | |
Witness | One of the parties | SMS | Myself | 0 | No | Yes | No | |
Witness | Court | Phone call | Myself | 5 | No | Yes | No | |
Witness | One of the parties | Phone call | Myself | 0 | No | No | No | |
Witness | One of the parties | One of the parties told me personally | Myself | 5 | No | No | No | |
Witness | One of the parties | One of the parties told me personally | Myself | 0 | No | No | No | |
Witness | Court | One of the parties told me personally | Myself | 0 | No | No | No | |
Witness | One of the parties | SMS | Myself | 100 | No | No | No | |
Witness | Police | Police told me personally | Myself | 0 | No | No | No | |
Witness | One of the parties | Phone call | Myself | 1 | No | No | No | |
Witness | One of the parties | Phone call | One of the parties | 5 | No | No | No | |
Witness | One of the parties | One of the parties told me personally | One of the parties | 0 | No | No | No | |
Witness | Police | Phone call | Myself | 5 | No | Yes | Prefer not to answer | |
Witness | One of the parties | Phone call | Myself | 45 | No | Yes | Yes | |
Witness | One of the parties | SMS | Myself | 1 | No | No | Yes | |
Witness | One of the parties | Phone call | Myself | 125 | No | Yes | Yes | |
Witness | One of the parties | Phone call | Myself | 2 | No | Yes | Yes | |
Witness | Court | Phone call | One of the parties | 6 | No | No | Prefer not to answer |
Safety SWS&JBL
Gender | Practitioner Type | 101. Ammaan ma ku dareemaysaa goobta shaqadaada? / Do you feel safe in your place of work? | 102. Gurigaa ammaan ma ku dareentaa habeenkii? / Do you feel safe in your home at night? | 103. Labdii sanno ee tegay, marna ma laguu hanjabay ama weerar ma lagugu soo qaaday markaas ku socotay ama ka imanaysay shaqada? / Have you been threatened or physically attacked at, or on your way to/from, work in the past 2 years? | 104. Waa maxay qalabka ama nidaamka aad aammaan ku dareemi kartid shaqadaada dhexdeeda? / What piece of equipment or measure would make you feel safer in your work? |
Male | Police | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Police | Sometimes | Always | No | Transport to/from work |
Male | Judge | Never | Never | Yes | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Always | Sometimes | Yes | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Always | Sometimes | Yes | Better security |
Male | Police | Always | Rarely | Yes | Better security |
Male | Police | Always | Sometimes | Yes | Better security |
Female | Police | Sometimes | Rarely | Yes | Better security |
Male | Police | Always | Sometimes | No | Better security |
Male | Police | Always | Sometimes | Yes | Body armour |
Male | Prosecutor | Always | Sometimes | Yes | Better security |
Male | Lawyer | Always | Sometimes | No | None |
Male | Lawyer | Sometimes | Never | No | Better security |
Male | Legal service provider | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Legal service provider | Always | Sometimes | Yes | Better security |
Male | Judge | Never | Never | Yes | Body armour |
Male | Judge | Always | Sometimes | No | Better security |
Male | Judge | Sometimes | Sometimes | Yes | Better security |
Male | Judge | Sometimes | Sometimes | No | Better security |
Male | Judge | Sometimes | Always | No | Body armour |
Male | Registrar | Never | Never | No | Body armour |
Male | Registrar | Always | Sometimes | Yes | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Sometimes | Rarely | Yes | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Sometimes | Sometimes | Yes | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Sometimes | Rarely | Yes | Better security |
Female | Registrar | Always | Sometimes | No | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Sometimes | Always | Yes | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Always | Sometimes | Yes | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Rarely | Rarely | Yes | None |
Male | Custodial Corps | Rarely | Never | No | Better security |
Male | Custodial Corps | Always | Always | No | Body armour |
Male | Custodial Corps | Always | Sometimes | Yes | Better security |
Female | Custodial Corps | Always | Never | No | Body armour |
Male | Custodial Corps | Always | Sometimes | No | Better security |
Female | Custodial Corps | Always | Always | No | Body armour |
Female | Police | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Police | Always | Always | Yes | Better security |
Male | Police | Always | Always | Yes | Better security |
Male | Police | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Prosecutor | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Prosecutor | Always | Always | Yes | Better security |
Male | Prosecutor | Always | Always | Yes | Better security |
Male | Lawyer | Sometimes | Sometimes | No | Better security |
Male | Lawyer | Always | Always | Yes | Better security |
Male | Lawyer | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Lawyer | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Judge | Sometimes | Always | No | Transport to/from work |
Male | Registrar | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Always | Always | No | None |
Male | Registrar | Sometimes | Sometimes | Yes | Transport to/from work |
Female | Registrar | Always | Sometimes | No | Better security |
Male | Custodial Corps | Sometimes | Sometimes | Yes | Better security |
Male | Custodial Corps | Always | Always | No | Transport to/from work |
Male | Police | Sometimes | Always | Yes | Better security |
Male | Police | Always | Always | Yes | Better security |
Male | Police | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Police | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Police | Always | Always | Yes | Better security |
Male | Police | Always | Always | No | Transport to/from work |
Male | Police | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Police | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Police | Always | Always | Yes | Transport to/from work |
Male | Police | Always | Always | Yes | Better security |
Female | Prosecutor | Always | Always | No | Transport to/from work |
Male | Prosecutor | Always | Always | No | Transport to/from work |
Male | Prosecutor | Always | Sometimes | Yes | Better security |
Male | Prosecutor | Always | Rarely | Yes | Better security |
Male | Judge | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Judge | Never | Never | No | Better security |
Male | Judge | Always | Sometimes | Yes | Better security |
Male | Judge | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Always | Always | Yes | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Sometimes | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Always | Always | Yes | Better security |
Female | Registrar | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Always | Sometimes | No | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Always | Always | Yes | Better security |
Male | Custodial Corps | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Custodial Corps | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Custodial Corps | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Custodial Corps | Always | Always | Yes | Better security |
Male | Custodial Corps | Always | Always | No | Transport to/from work |
Conditions SWS&JBL
Gender | Practitioner Type | 201. Maxaad ku sheegi lahayd xaaladda goobta shaqadaada? / How would you describe your physical conditions at work? | 202. Waa maxay shayga kaliya ee aad odhan lahayd wuu wanaajin lahaa duruufta goobta shaqada? / What single improvement would make your workplace better? | Other | 203. Maxaa amaankaaga kor u qaadi kara utaad shaqada joogto? / What single piece of equipment would enable you to do your job better? | Other |
Male | Police | Poor | Furnishing | Other | Personal Weapon | |
Male | Police | Poor | Refurbishment | Improvement to office building | Communications | Improved communications. |
Male | Judge | Poor | Other | Good governance. An improved police (stopping covert and double agents practices). | Other | Improving the police and getting my own weapon or a gun |
Male | Registrar | Poor | Refurbishment | Other | That I am armed | |
Male | Registrar | Adequate | Other | Strengthening workplace security | Communications | Telecommunications or telecommunications office |
Male | Police | Good | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Male | Police | Adequate | Furnishing | Communications | ||
Female | Police | Adequate | Utilities | Transport | ||
Male | Police | Good | Utilities | Communications | ||
Male | Police | Adequate | Furnishing | Communications | ||
Male | Prosecutor | Adequate | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Male | Lawyer | Adequate | Furnishing | Communications | ||
Male | Lawyer | Very poor | Furnishing | Communications | ||
Male | Legal service provider | Good | Furnishing | Communications | ||
Male | Legal service provider | Adequate | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Male | Judge | Poor | Furnishing | Communications | ||
Male | Judge | Adequate | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Male | Judge | Poor | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Male | Judge | Adequate | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Male | Judge | Good | Refurbishment | Communications | ||
Male | Registrar | Good | Utilities | Communications | ||
Male | Registrar | Adequate | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Male | Registrar | Poor | Refurbishment | IT | ||
Male | Registrar | Adequate | Furnishing | Communications | ||
Male | Registrar | Poor | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Female | Registrar | Adequate | Other | Construction of Hall for Elders | Transport | |
Male | Registrar | Adequate | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Male | Registrar | Good | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Male | Registrar | Good | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Male | Custodial Corps | Poor | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Male | Custodial Corps | Good | Utilities | Communications | ||
Male | Custodial Corps | Adequate | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Female | Custodial Corps | Poor | Refurbishment | Communications | ||
Male | Custodial Corps | Good | Utilities | Transport | ||
Female | Custodial Corps | Poor | Furnishing | Communications | ||
Female | Police | Poor | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Male | Police | Poor | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Male | Police | Good | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Male | Police | Good | Furnishing | IT | ||
Male | Prosecutor | Good | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Male | Prosecutor | Good | Furnishing | IT | ||
Male | Prosecutor | Good | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Male | Lawyer | Adequate | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Male | Lawyer | Very poor | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Male | Lawyer | Poor | Refurbishment | Other | Security Guide | |
Male | Lawyer | Poor | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Male | Judge | Very poor | Other | Construct office buildings. | Transport | |
Male | Registrar | Good | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Male | Registrar | Poor | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Male | Registrar | Poor | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Male | Registrar | Poor | Refurbishment | Other | Increasing security staffs. | |
Male | Registrar | Very poor | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Female | Registrar | Adequate | Refurbishment | Other | Security Strengthening. | |
Male | Custodial Corps | Very poor | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Male | Custodial Corps | Poor | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Male | Police | Poor | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Male | Police | Very poor | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Male | Police | Good | Utilities | Transport | ||
Male | Police | Good | Utilities | transportation and communication | Communications | |
Male | Police | Very poor | Refurbishment | Communications | ||
Male | Police | Adequate | Furnishing | Communications | ||
Male | Police | Poor | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Male | Police | Poor | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Male | Police | Poor | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Male | Police | Very poor | Refurbishment | Communications | ||
Female | Prosecutor | Good | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Male | Prosecutor | Good | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Male | Prosecutor | Good | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Male | Prosecutor | Good | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Male | Judge | Poor | Prefer not to answer | Transport | ||
Male | Judge | Adequate | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Male | Judge | Good | Utilities | Transport | ||
Male | Judge | Adequate | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Male | Registrar | Very poor | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Male | Registrar | Good | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Male | Registrar | Poor | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Female | Registrar | Adequate | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Male | Registrar | Good | Furnishing | Communications | ||
Male | Registrar | Adequate | Furnishing | Communications | ||
Male | Registrar | Adequate | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Male | Custodial Corps | Very poor | Furnishing | Transport | ||
Male | Custodial Corps | Very poor | Refurbishment | Communications | ||
Male | Custodial Corps | Poor | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Male | Custodial Corps | Poor | Refurbishment | Transport | ||
Male | Custodial Corps | Very poor | Refurbishment | Transport |
Challenges SWS&JBL
Gender | Practitioner Type | 3011 | 3012 | 3013 |
Male | Police | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Male | Police | Security | Security Equipment (Communications & Vehicles) | Security (staff) |
Male | Judge | Security | Equipment (Office Furnishing) | Pay (Delayed) |
Male | Registrar | Pay (Delayed) | Security | Equipment (no AC) |
Male | Registrar | I do not have an ID | Institutional cooperation (District) | Transport |
Male | Police | Pay (None) | Security Equipment | Pay (Allowance) |
Male | Police | Equipment (office) | Security | Pay (None) & Lack of Allowance |
Female | Police | Security | Pay (None) | Utilities |
Male | Police | Pay (None) | Security | Utilities |
Male | Police | Pay (Inadequate) | Security Equipment | Utilities |
Male | Prosecutor | Pay (Inadequate) | Security | Transport |
Male | Lawyer | Equipment (Communications) | Equipment (Stationary) | Pay (None) |
Male | Lawyer | Pay (None) | Security | Training |
Male | Legal service provider | Training | Pay (Inadequate) | Pay (Allowance) (Medical) |
Male | Legal service provider | Security | Training | Pay (Inadequate) |
Male | Judge | Pay | Security | Equipment |
Male | Judge | Security | Pay (Inadequate) | Security equipment (at home) |
Male | Judge | Security | Training | Transport |
Male | Judge | Security | Pay (Inadequate) | Utilities |
Male | Judge | Pay | Security | There is no mosque |
Male | Registrar | Pay (Inadequate) | Training | Equipment |
Male | Registrar | Security | Equipment (Communications) | Pay (Inadequate) |
Male | Registrar | Security | Training | Pay (Inadequate) |
Male | Registrar | Pay (Inadequate) | Pay (Allowance) | Security |
Male | Registrar | Pay (Inadequate) | Institutional Cooperation (Courts) | Security |
Female | Registrar | Training | Pay (Inadequate) | Security staff |
Male | Registrar | Security Staff | Pay (Inadequate) | Training |
Male | Registrar | Pay (Inadequate) (Allowance) | Security | Transport |
Male | Registrar | Security | Pay (None) | Workload |
Male | Custodial Corps | Equipment | Security | Pay |
Male | Custodial Corps | Security | Equipment | Pay (Inadequate) |
Male | Custodial Corps | Security | Utilities | Pay (Inadequate) and allowances |
Female | Custodial Corps | Infrastructure (Women Section) | Equipment | Pay (None) |
Male | Custodial Corps | Insecurity | Equipment | Training |
Female | Custodial Corps | Infrastructure (Women Section) | Security | Lack of treatment |
Female | Police | Equipment (Office Furnishing) (weapons) (transport) | Security (Staff) | Pay (None) |
Male | Police | Pay (None) | Equipment | Transport |
Male | Police | Pay (None) | Equipment | Transport & no weapon |
Male | Police | Equipment (Office Furnishing) | Pay (None) | Transport & no weapon nor security equipment |
Male | Prosecutor | Pay (Inadequate) | Training | Equipment |
Male | Prosecutor | Equipment (Office Furnishing) | Training | Pay (None) |
Male | Prosecutor | Pay (Inadequate) | Equipment | Training |
Male | Lawyer | Transport | Pay (None) | Equipment (access to laws) |
Male | Lawyer | Infrastructure (Courts) | Transport | Outreach (Community awareness on role of lawyers) |
Male | Lawyer | Pay (None) | Transport | Training |
Male | Lawyer | Pay (None) | Outreach (community awareness) | Transport |
Male | Judge | Pay (None) | Security | Transport |
Male | Registrar | Training | Pay (Inadequate for Elders) | Equipment |
Male | Registrar | Pay (None) | Training | Equipment |
Male | Registrar | Equipment (Office Furnishing) | Training | Pay (Inadequate for Elders) |
Male | Registrar | Equipment (Office Furnishing) | Pay (None) | Training |
Male | Registrar | Infrastructure (Office & Halls) | Security | Transport and Pay (None) |
Female | Registrar | Transport | Pay (Inadequate) | Workload |
Male | Custodial Corps | Transport | Work load | Pay (Inadequate) |
Male | Custodial Corps | Transport | Pay (Delayed) | Workload |
Male | Police | Pay | Health facilities | Equipment (Communications) |
Male | Police | Infrastructure | Training | Equipment (comms, stationery & uniform) |
Male | Police | Transport | Equipment (Communications) | Equipment (uniform) |
Male | Police | Transport | Equipment (Communications) | Equipment (uniform) |
Male | Police | Transport | Equipment (Office Furnishing) | Equipment (uniform) |
Male | Police | Utilities (Water) | Security Equipment | Equipment (uniform) |
Male | Police | Transport | Equipment (Office Furnishing) (Space) | Training |
Male | Police | Pay | Health facilities | Training |
Male | Police | Pay | Equipment (Uniform) | Transport |
Male | Police | Equipment (Office Furnishing) | Infrastructure (Offices) | Transport |
Female | Prosecutor | Lack of Justice | Transport | Pay (None) |
Male | Prosecutor | Pay | Transport | Training |
Male | Prosecutor | Pay | Transport | Training |
Male | Prosecutor | Security | Pay (None) | Transport |
Male | Judge | Security | Utilities (Fuel Allowance) | Pay (Allowance per Mission) |
Male | Judge | Transport | Pay (None) | Security |
Male | Judge | Pay | Transport | Security |
Male | Judge | Pay | Training | Security (staff) |
Male | Registrar | Transport | Pay (None) | Equipment (computers, no fan & lack of office space) |
Male | Registrar | Pay | Equipment | Security |
Male | Registrar | Pay | Transport | Security |
Female | Registrar | Pay | Transport | Security |
Male | Registrar | Pay | Transport | Staff |
Male | Registrar | Pay | Equipment (Office Furnishing) | Transport |
Male | Registrar | Pay | Security | Transport |
Male | Custodial Corps | Transport & Equipment (Communications) | Equipment (uniforms for prisoner & Furnishing) | Infrastructure (office space) |
Male | Custodial Corps | Transport | Equipment (Uniform & Prison Training Material) | Infrastructure (old and poor) |
Male | Custodial Corps | Training | Equipment | Infrastructure (refurbishment) |
Male | Custodial Corps | Equipment (Office Furnishing) | Transport | Training |
Male | Custodial Corps | Infrastructure | Training | Transport and communciation |
Banadir Safety
Gender | Practitioner Type | 101. Ammaan ma ku dareemaysaa goobta shaqadaada? / Do you feel safe in your place of work? | 102. Gurigaa ammaan ma ku dareentaa habeenkii? / Do you feel safe in your home at night? | 103. Labdii sanno ee tegay, marna ma laguu hanjabay ama weerar ma lagugu soo qaaday markaas ku socotay ama ka imanaysay shaqada? / Have you been threatened or physically attacked at, or on your way to/from, work in the past 2 years? | 104. Waa maxay qalabka ama nidaamka aad aammaan ku dareemi kartid shaqadaada dhexdeeda? / What piece of equipment or measure would make you feel safer in your work? |
Male | Lawyer | Always | Always | No | Better messaging |
Male | Registrar | Always | Sometimes | Yes | Transport to/from work |
Male | Registrar | Sometimes | Rarely | Yes | Better security |
Male | Lawyer | Always | Always | No | Better quality justice |
Female | Lawyer | Always | Always | No | Better quality justice |
Male | Judge | Always | Always | No | None |
Male | Registrar | Never | Never | No | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Never | Sometimes | Yes | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Never | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Custodial corps | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Custodial corps | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Judge | Always | Sometimes | No | Better security |
Female | Custodial corps | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Always | Always | No | Transport to/from work |
Male | Registrar | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Judge | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Lawyer | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Always | Always | No | None |
Male | Custodial corps | Always | Always | No | Transport to/from work |
Male | Registrar | Always | Always | No | Transport to/from work |
Male | Custodial corps | Always | Rarely | Yes | Better security |
Male | Custodial corps | Always | Always | No | Transport to/from work |
Female | Registrar | Sometimes | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Judge | Never | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Lawyer | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Female | Custodial corps | Sometimes | Always | No | Prefer not to answer |
Male | Custodial corps | Sometimes | Sometimes | No | Body armour |
Male | Judge | Never | Never | No | Better security |
Male | Judge | Never | Never | No | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Always | Always | No | Transport to/from work |
Male | Judge | Never | Sometimes | Yes | Body armour |
Male | Judge | Sometimes | Always | No | Transport to/from work |
Female | Lawyer | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Custodial corps | Always | Sometimes | No | None |
Male | Judge | Never | Never | Yes | Better security |
Male | Lawyer | Always | Always | No | None |
Male | Lawyer | Always | Always | Yes | Better security |
Male | Custodial corps | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Always | Sometimes | No | Transport to/from work |
Male | Custodial corps | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Judge | Always | Always | Yes | Better security |
Male | Legal service provider | Sometimes | Rarely | Yes | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Never | Never | Yes | Transport to/from work |
Male | Custodial corps | Always | Always | No | Transport to/from work |
Male | Prosecutor | Never | Never | Yes | Better security |
Female | Custodial corps | Rarely | Sometimes | No | Better security |
Male | Custodial corps | Sometimes | Always | No | Transport to/from work |
Female | Registrar | Always | Rarely | No | Better security |
Male | Judge | Always | Never | Yes | Better security |
Female | Custodial corps | Sometimes | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Custodial corps | Always | Always | No | None |
Male | Judge | Always | Always | No | None |
Female | Custodial corps | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Custodial corps | Always | Always | No | Body armour |
Female | Custodial corps | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Sometimes | Never | No | Transport to/from work |
Male | Registrar | Always | Always | No | Transport to/from work |
Male | Registrar | Always | Always | No | Transport to/from work |
Male | Registrar | Always | Always | No | None |
Male | Custodial corps | Always | Always | No | Transport to/from work |
Male | Custodial corps | Sometimes | Sometimes | No | Better security |
Male | Judge | Sometimes | Never | No | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Sometimes | Sometimes | No | Better security |
Female | Registrar | Always | Sometimes | No | Better security |
Female | Registrar | Rarely | Rarely | No | Better security |
Male | Judge | Always | Always | Yes | Better security |
Male | Judge | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Rarely | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Judge | Never | Never | Yes | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Always | Sometimes | Yes | Better security |
Female | Registrar | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Female | Legal service provider | Always | Always | No | Better quality justice |
Female | Registrar | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Sometimes | Sometimes | No | Prefer not to answer |
Female | Lawyer | Always | Always | No | Better quality justice |
Male | Custodial corps | Sometimes | Rarely | No | Body armour |
Male | Registrar | Sometimes | Always | No | Transport to/from work |
Male | Custodial corps | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Registrar | Always | Sometimes | No | Transport to/from work |
Male | Judge | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Female | Registrar | Always | Always | No | Better security |
Male | Custodial corps | Always | Sometimes | No | Better security |
Male | Custodial corps | Always | Rarely | No | Transport to/from work |
Male | Prosecutor | Never | Never | No | Better security |
Male | Judge | Never | Never | No | Transport to/from work |
Male | Registrar | Always | Always | Yes | Transport to/from work |
Male | Custodial corps | Always | Sometimes | No | Body armour |
Banadir Conditions
Gender | Practitioner Type | 201. Maxaad ku sheegi lahayd xaaladda goobta shaqadaada? / How would you describe your physical conditions at work? | 202. Waa maxay shayga kaliya ee aad odhan lahayd wuu wanaajin lahaa duruufta goobta shaqada? / What single improvement would make your workplace better? | 203. Maxaa amaankaaga kor u qaadi kara utaad shaqada joogto? / What single piece of equipment would enable you to do your job better? |
Male | Lawyer | Good | Furnishing | Information (awareness) |
Male | Registrar | Very poor | Refurbishment | Transport |
Male | Registrar | Good | None | Don’t know/prefer not to answer |
Male | Lawyer | Good | Furnishing | Communications |
Female | Lawyer | Good | Furnishing | Better systems (fair trial) |
Male | Judge | Good | Refurbishment | Don’t know/prefer not to answer |
Male | Registrar | Good | Furnishing | Communications |
Male | Registrar | Adequate | Furnishing | Transport |
Male | Registrar | Adequate | Furnishing | Communications |
Male | Custodial corps | Adequate | Refurbishment | Communications |
Male | Custodial corps | Adequate | Infrastructure & Utilities (water & electricity) | Transport |
Male | Judge | Adequate | Furnishing | Communicationss |
Female | Custodial corps | Adequate | Refurbishment | Transport |
Male | Registrar | Good | Infrastructure (More Space & Equipment) | Communications |
Male | Registrar | Good | Security | Communications |
Male | Judge | Good | Furnishing | Security |
Male | Lawyer | Good | Furnishing | Communications |
Male | Registrar | Good | Refurbishment | Transport |
Male | Custodial corps | Good | None | Transport |
Male | Registrar | Good | Furnishing | Transport |
Male | Custodial corps | Good | Furnishing | Communications |
Male | Custodial corps | Adequate | Refurbishment | Communications |
Female | Registrar | Good | Security | Communications |
Male | Judge | Adequate | Refurbishment | IT (CCTV ) |
Male | Lawyer | Adequate | Furnishing | IT |
Female | Custodial corps | Adequate | Utilities | Don’t know/prefer not to answer |
Male | Custodial corps | Poor | Utilities | Transport |
Male | Judge | Poor | Furnishing, Refurbishment & Utilities | Transport |
Male | Judge | Adequate | Furnishing | IT |
Male | Registrar | Good | Refurbishment | Transport |
Male | Judge | Adequate | Refurbishment (court room) | Better systems (court appearance) |
Male | Judge | Poor | Infrastructure (More Space) | IT |
Female | Lawyer | Good | Refurbishment | Communications (child rehabilitation) |
Male | Custodial corps | Adequate | Utilities | Transport |
Male | Judge | Poor | Refurbishment | Transport |
Male | Lawyer | Good | Refresher training | Security (Training) |
Male | Lawyer | Adequate | Furnishing | IT |
Male | Custodial corps | Good | Furnishing | Communications |
Male | Registrar | Very poor | Furnishing | Communications |
Male | Custodial corps | Good | None | Security |
Male | Judge | Good | Increase staffing establishment | IT (CCTV ) |
Male | Legal service provider | Very poor | Refurbishment | Transport |
Male | Registrar | Adequate | Messenger (service of court document) | Security (Staffing) |
Male | Custodial corps | Good | Furnishing | Transport |
Male | Prosecutor | Adequate | qeybtan umadaxbananryn inan helno (To get this part of the nation) | Security |
Female | Custodial corps | Adequate | Utilities | Transport |
Male | Custodial corps | Adequate | Furnishing | Don’t know/prefer not to answer |
Female | Registrar | Good | Furnishing | Communications |
Male | Judge | Good | Refurbishment | Communications |
Female | Custodial corps | Poor | Refurbishment | Don’t know/prefer not to answer |
Male | Custodial corps | Adequate | Utilities | Don’t know/prefer not to answer |
Male | Judge | Adequate | Furnishing | Transport |
Female | Custodial corps | Adequate | Refurbishment | Better systems (peaceful country) |
Male | Custodial corps | Good | Refurbishment | Transport |
Female | Custodial corps | Adequate | Furnishing | Transport |
Male | Registrar | Poor | Infrastructure (More Space) | Security (special protection) |
Male | Registrar | Good | Refurbishment | Communications |
Male | Registrar | Good | Infrastructure | Communications |
Male | Registrar | Poor | Infrastructure | Communications |
Male | Custodial corps | Good | Provide prisoners with TV | Transport |
Male | Custodial corps | Poor | Refurbishment | Don’t know/prefer not to answer |
Male | Judge | Adequate | Furnishing | Security (entrance of court) |
Male | Registrar | Adequate | Refurbishment | Security |
Female | Registrar | Good | Security | Communications |
Female | Registrar | Good | Better pay | Communications |
Male | Judge | Adequate | Furnishing | IT |
Male | Judge | Good | Infrastructure | Security |
Male | Registrar | Adequate | Furnishing | IT |
Male | Judge | Very poor | Refurbishment | Transport |
Male | Registrar | Adequate | Infrastructure | Security |
Female | Registrar | Good | Furnishing | Security |
Female | Legal service provider | Good | Furnishing | Better systems (justice outreach) |
Female | Registrar | Adequate | Infrastructure | Transport |
Male | Registrar | Good | Utilities | Transport |
Male | Registrar | Good | None | Security |
Female | Lawyer | Good | si cadaalad OO lowada shaqeyo (to work fairly) | Better systems |
Male | Custodial corps | Adequate | Utilities | Don’t know/prefer not to answer |
Male | Registrar | Good | Refurbishment | Transport |
Male | Custodial corps | Good | Refurbishment | Better systems (order) |
Male | Registrar | Good | Refurbishment | Transport |
Male | Judge | Good | Infrastructure | Communications |
Female | Registrar | Good | Security | Communications |
Male | Custodial corps | Poor | Utilities (AC) | Transport |
Male | Custodial corps | Good | Refurbishment | Transport |
Male | Prosecutor | Poor | Refurbishment | IT (CCTV ) |
Male | Judge | Good | gawari Cabdu karin / discover drink cook | IT |
Male | Registrar | Good | Refurbishment | Transport |
Male | Custodial corps | Good | Furnishing | IT (CCTV ) |
Banadir Challenges
Gender | Practitioner Type | 3011 | 3012 | 3013 |
Male | Lawyer | Road Closure | Poor governance (appointment) | Delay of Justice |
Male | Registrar | Infrastructure & Equipment | Security (court) | Transport |
Male | Registrar | None | None | None |
Male | Lawyer | Road closures | Enforcement of judgements | Poor governance (independent JSC) |
Female | Lawyer | Road Closure | Delay of Justice | Better systems |
Male | Judge | None | None | None |
Male | Registrar | Infrastructure (halls) | Staff | Security |
Male | Registrar | Security | Transport | Pay (inadequate) |
Male | Registrar | Security | Staff | Security |
Male | Custodial corps | Utilities (electricity) | Infrastructure | None |
Male | Custodial corps | Transport | Workload (shifts) | Hygiene |
Male | Judge | Security | Security | Security |
Female | Custodial corps | Better systems | Transport | None |
Male | Registrar | Infrastructure (Storage) | Road Closure | Transpot (to and from workplace) |
Male | Registrar | Security | NA (Covid) | Transport (assistants) |
Male | Judge | None | None | None |
Male | Lawyer | Z – to sworn the case when you succeed. | Delay of Justice | Security |
Male | Registrar | None | None | None |
Male | Custodial corps | None | None | None |
Male | Registrar | Transport | Pay (inadequate) | Equipment (comms) |
Male | Custodial corps | Staff | Equipment (office furnishing) | Uniform |
Male | Custodial corps | Equipment (fans/AC) | Transport | None |
Female | Registrar | Security | Transport | None |
Male | Judge | Security | Security | Security |
Male | Lawyer | Road closures | Better systems | Delay of Justice |
Female | Custodial corps | Utilities (electricity) | None | None |
Male | Custodial corps | Pay (inadequate) | Transport | Utilities (electricity) |
Male | Judge | None | Security | Security (litigants) |
Male | Judge | Equipment (Access to laws) | Training (assistants) | Pay (inadequate) |
Male | Registrar | None | None | None |
Male | Judge | Infrastructure (Courtroom) | Equipment (office) | Transport (judges and staff) |
Male | Judge | Pay (inadequate) | Transport | Infrastructure |
Female | Lawyer | Security | Road Closure (access to court on time) | Security |
Male | Custodial corps | Pay (inadequate) | Security | Utilities (electricity) |
Male | Judge | Transport | Security (staffing) | Security (outside of work) |
Male | Lawyer | None | None | None |
Male | Lawyer | Security | Training (Judges) | Infrastructure |
Male | Custodial corps | Uniform | Equipment | Health Facilitires (medicine) |
Male | Registrar | Security | Equipment | Workload |
Male | Custodial corps | None | None | None |
Male | Judge | None | None | none |
Male | Legal service provider | Security | Workload | Lack of resources |
Male | Registrar | Security | Pay (inadequate) | Infrastructure |
Male | Custodial corps | Getting job replacement if we got an emmergency situation | Gadiid / for sale (extended) | None |
Male | Prosecutor | Transport (and Budget) | Security | Security |
Female | Custodial corps | Security | Pay (inadequate) | Utilities (electricity) |
Male | Custodial corps | Utilities (electricity) | None | None |
Female | Registrar | Road closures | Security | Transport (to and from work) |
Male | Judge | Security | Security | Security |
Female | Custodial corps | Pay (inadequate) | Transport | Utilities (electricity) |
Male | Custodial corps | Equipment (communication) | Infrastructure (office space) | Pay (inadequate) |
Male | Judge | Infrastructure (construction of office) | Equipment (water cooler) | Equipment (office furnishing) |
Female | Custodial corps | None | None | None |
Male | Custodial corps | none | None | None |
Female | Custodial corps | None | None | None |
Male | Registrar | Infrastructure (Courtroom) | Security | Staff |
Male | Registrar | None | None | None |
Male | Registrar | Transport (Access to workplace) | Road Closure | Transport |
Male | Registrar | Road Closure | Road Closure | Transport |
Male | Custodial corps | Recreation | Security (safety at work and at home) | Health facilities |
Male | Custodial corps | Pay (inadequate) | Infrastructure (office) | Transportation |
Male | Judge | Security | Infrastructure (office space) | Security |
Male | Registrar | Security (when moving – transport) | Security | Security |
Female | Registrar | Security | Security | Pay (inadequate) |
Female | Registrar | Security | Pay (inadequate) | Transport (staff) |
Male | Judge | Security | None | None |
Male | Judge | Road closures | Transport | ID not recognised by security personnel |
Male | Registrar | Equipment (furniture & printers) | Equipment (internet) | Security |
Male | Judge | Security | Training | Equipment |
Male | Registrar | Transport | Training (security personnel lack discipline) | Security |
Female | Registrar | Security (2014 attack – treatment – compensation) | None | None |
Female | Legal service provider | Road closures | Delay of Justice | Security |
Female | Registrar | Transport | ID not recognised by security personnel | Security (staffing) |
Male | Registrar | Security | Security | Security |
Male | Registrar | None | None | None |
Female | Lawyer | Road closures | Unresourced Justice system | Security |
Male | Custodial corps | Utilities (electricity) | Pay (inadequate) | None |
Male | Registrar | Transport | Equipment | Pay (inadequate) |
Male | Custodial corps | Infrastructure (Storage) | Utilities (fuel) | Utilities (fuel) |
Male | Registrar | None | None | None |
Male | Judge | Infrastructure | Ignorance of the law (military) | Transport (home to work) |
Female | Registrar | None | None | None |
Male | Custodial corps | Pay (inadequate) | Transport | Utilities (electricity) |
Male | Custodial corps | None | None | None |
Male | Prosecutor | Security | Security | Transport |
Male | Judge | Transport | Security | Equipment |
Male | Registrar | Road closure | Road Closure | Transport |
Male | Custodial corps | None | None | None |