State / GobolSouth West StateSouth West StateBanadirBanadir
Region / GobolkaBakoolBayBanadir Regional AdministrationBanadir Regional Administration
City / MagaaladaXudurBaidoaMogadishuMogadishu
District / Degmada-11-11WadajirWadajir
Name / MagacaSomali Women Development CentreISHA Human Rights OrganisationSomali Women Development CentreSave Somali Woman and Children
A. Dhismaha / Infrastructure
a1 Tirada xafiisyada tallo-bixinta sharci bixiya ee gobol kasta? / Number of legal aid offices in each region? 21143
a2 Dhismaha dibaddu ma ku filan yahay? / Adequate external structure?yesyesyesyes
a.3. Qalabaynta Gudaha / Internal Furnishing
a31 Tirada qolalka u gaarka ah? / Number of dedicated office rooms?24911
a32 Tirada gabadhada faylasha oo xidhma? / Number of secure filing cabinets?1594
a33 Tirada qolalka waraysiga u gaarka ah? / Number of dedicated interview rooms?1012
a34 Tirada qololka sugitaanka? / Number of dedicated waiting rooms? 1012
a35 Tirada musqulaha shaqaalaha? / Number of staff toilets?1252
a36 Tirada musqulaha dadweynaha? / Number of public toilets?1152
a5 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Dhismaha / Data Note: InfrastructureThe hall is used as an interview room.a.1 – 14 legal aid offices, 9 of which are located in Benadir.

a.3.5 – 5 toilets in total, accessible to public and staff.
Toilets are shared by both public and staff.
B. Agabka / Material Resources
b1 Adeegga Korontada/laydhka? / Electricity supply?PartialContinuousContinuousContinuous
b11 Haddii qayb ahaan tahay, imisa saacadood maalintii? / If partially, how many hours per day? 8-11-11-11
b2 Helitaanka Internet-ka xafiiska? / Access to office internet?ContinuousContinuousContinuousContinuous
b3 Tirada kombuyuutarada shaqaynaya? / Number of working computers?111-998
b4 Tirada footokoobiyada shaqaynaya? / Number of working photocopiers?01-994
b5 Khadka footokoobiyada oo ku filan? / Adequate photocopier toner?yesyesn/ayes
b6 Tirada qalabka daabacaadda? / Number of working printers?13-993
b7 Khadka qalabka daabacadda oo ku filan? / Adequate printer toner?yesyesn/ayes
b8 Tirada kabadhada faylasha oo xidhma? / Number of secure filing cabinets?1594
b9 Waraaqaha xafiisyada oo ku filan? / Adequate stationery?yesyesn/ayes
b10 Tirada shaqaalaha maamulka ee isticmaala kombuyuutarada shaqayanaya? / Number of admin staff to working computer? 31-991
b11 Tirada gawaadhida shaqaynaysa? / Number of working vehicles?01-990
b12 Shidaalka loo ogol yahay bishi (litir)? / Fuel allowance per month (litres)? 00-990
b13 Helitaanka buugaagta sharciga? / Access to legal resources?noyesyesyes
b14 Telefoonada gaarka ah ee dadku soo wacaan? / Dedicated telephone hotline?noyesyesyes
b15 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Agabka 7 Data Note: Material Resources Computers: 2 desktops, 9 laptops. No information was provided. Printer/photocopier all-in-one.
Telephone hotline activated in January, 2020.
C. Shaqaalaha / Human Resources
c1 Tirada guud ee qareenada sida joogtada ah u shaqeeya? / Total number of full-time lawyers? 30151
c2 Tirada qareenada sida joogtada ah u shaqeeya (ragga)? / Number of full-time lawyers (men)? 30101
c3 Tirada qareenada sida joogtada ah u shaqeeya (haweenka)? / Number of full-time lawyers (women)? 0050
c4 Tirada guud qareenada qayb ahaan shaqeeya? / Total number of part-time lawyers?03430
c5 Tirada qareenada qayb ahaan shaqeeya (ragga)? / Number of part-time lawyers (men)?03150
c6 Tirada qareenada qayb ahaan shaqeeya(haweenka)? / Number of part-time lawyers (women)?00280
c7 Tirada guud ee kaaliyaasha sharciga? / Total number of paralegals?00130
c8 Tirada ee kaaliyaasha sharciga (ragga)? / Number of paralegals (men)?0050
c9 Tirada ee kaaliyaasha sharciga(haweenka)? / Number of paralegals (women)?0080
c10 Tirada guud ee dhexdhexaadiyaasha? / Total number of mediators?240131
c11 Tirada dhexdhexaadiyaasha (ragga)? / Number of mediators (men)?22551
c12 Tirada dhexdhexaadiyaasha (haweenka)? / Number of mediators (women)?01580
c13 Tirada Guud ee Shaqaale Hoosaadka? / Total number of administrative (support) staff?212-9911
c131 Tirada Guud ee Shaqaale Hoosaadka (ragga)? / Total number of administrative (support) staff (men)?19-997
c132 Tirada Guud ee Shaqaale Hoosaadka (haweenka)? / Total number of administrative (support) staff (men)?13-994
c14 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Shaqaalaha / Data Note: Human Resources 40 mediators recruited from the 10 villages around the town: 4 from each village. No information on administrative staff. The lawyer doubles as a mediator.
D. Ammaanka iyo Rabshada / Security and Violence
d1 Tirada Shaqaalaha NGO ee loo hanjabay/handiday 2019? / Number of NGO staff threatened/intimidated in 2019? 00-990
d2 Tirada shaqaalaha NGO ee la weeraray/dhaawacay 2019? / Number of NGO staff attacked/injured in 2019? 00-990
d3 Tirada shaqaalaha NGO ee la dilay 2019? / Number of NGO staff killed in 2019? 00-990
d4 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha / Data Note: Security and Violence
E. Maareynta Dacwadda / Case Management
e.1. Helay tallo sharci/gargaar / Received legal advice/assistance
e11 Tirada guud ee dadka helay tallo sharci/gargaar 2019? / Total number of people who received legal advice/assistance in 2019? 336745759200
e12 Tirada ragga? / Number of men? 2115229940
e13 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women? 125222765200
e.2. Dadka iska yimid 2019? / Walk-ins 2019
e21 Tirada guud ee dadka iska yimid 2019? / Total number of walk-ins in 2019? 115188300
e22 Tirada ragga? / Number of men? 35113190
e23 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women? 807-990
e.3. Telefoonada ku soo hadlay 2019 / Call-ins 2019
e31 Tirada guud ee telefoonada ku soo hadlay 2019? / Total number of Call-ins (mobile phone) in 2019? -99011100
e32 Tirada ragga? / Number of men? -9903510
e33 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women? -9905110
e.4. Dacwadaha la dhexdhexaadiyey 2019 / Cases mediated in 2019
e41 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha la dhexdhexaadiyey 2019? / Total number of cases mediated in 2019? 297923191100
e42 Tirada ragga? / Number of men? 975013010
e43 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women? 200421890100
e44 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha lagu guuleystay dhexdhexaadinta? / Total number of cases successfully mediated? 297923015100
e.5. Dacwadaha illaa hadda taagan 6 billood kadib / Cases still holding after 6 months
e51 Boqolkiiba imisa ayaa heshiisyadu taagan yihiin 6 billood kadib? / Percentage of agreements still holding after 6 months? -991080100
e52 Tirada ragga codsadeyaasha? / Number of men as applicant?-990-990
e53 Tirada haweenka codsadeyaasha? / Number of women as applicant?-990-99100
e6 Lacagta guud ee laga sameeyey dhexdhexaadinta (USD) / Total amount (USD) generated through mediation? -99000
e.7. / Dacwadaha loo gudbiyey hannaanka xeer-dhaqameedka 2019 / Cases referred to customary system in 2019
e71 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha loo gudbiyey hannaanka xeer-dhaqameedka 2019? / Total number of cases referred to customary system in 2019? 551112090
e72 Tirada ragga? / Number of men?1581010
e73 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women?4031990
e.8. Dadka loo gudbiyey Maxkamadda 2019 / Persons referred to Court in 2019
e81 Tirada guud ee dadka loo gudbiyey maxkamadda 2019? / Total number of persons referred to court in 2019? 155090910
e82 Tirada ragga? / Number of men?2506010
e83 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women?130030810
e.9. Dadka lagu caawiyey xarumaha booliska 2019? / Persons assisted at Police in 2019
e91 Tirada guud ee dadka lagu caawiyey xarumaha booliska 2019? / Total number of persons assisted at police in 2019? 9558140
e92 Tirada ragga? / Number of men?1106650
e93 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women?8451020
e94 Tirada inamada ka yar 18? / Number of u18 boys?0-99350
e95 Tirada hablaha ka yar 18? / Number of u18 girls?0-99120
e.10. Dadka lagu caawiyey xabsiga 2019? / Persons assisted at prison in 2019
e101 Tirada guud ee dadka lagu caawiyey xabsiga 2019? / Total number of persons assisted at prison in 2019? 002150
e102 Tirada ragga? / Number of men?002020
e103 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women?00130
e.11. Dadka la caawiyey/matalay maxkamadda horteeda 2019 / Persons assisted/ represented in Court in 2019
e111 Tirada guud ee dadka la caawiyey/la matalay maxkamadda horteeda 2019? / Total number of persons assisted/represented in court in 2019? 155190910
e112 Tirada ragga? / Number of men?2505100
e113 Tirada haweenka? / Number of women?13012959
e114 Tirada inamada ka yar 18? / Number of u18 boys?0-99910
e115 Tirada hablaha ka yar 18? / Number of u18 girls?0-99131
e12 Tirada guud ee dadka ay gaadhay xogta sharciga ee bulshada 2019? / Total number of persons reached with legal information in the community in 2019? 990-9915230720
e13 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Maareynta Dacwadda / Data Note: Case Management Community outreach through weekly meetings.
Data source: NGO register.
Percentage of agreements still holding after 6 months: verified by physical visits and case follow ups.
Data source: computer records.
F. Tababarka / Training
f1 Tababarka Kaabista: Xirfadda Maxkamadda (maalmo)? / Supplementary Training: Court Craft (days)? 3050
f2 Tababarka Kaabista: Tababar Gaar ah (maalmo)? / Supplementary Training: Specialised (days)? 0550
f3 Tababarka aasaasiga ah ee kaaliyaasha sharciga (maalmo)? / Paralegal basic training (days)? 002640
f4 Tababarka Dhexdhexaadinta (maalmo)? / Mediation training (days)?0750
f5 Tirada dhexdhexaadiyaasha tababarka la siiyey? / Number of mediators trained? 04040
f6 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Tababarka / Data Note: Training All 40 mediators trained in 2019.
G. Hab maamulka / Governance
g1 Qareenada habkee loo shaqaalaysiiyaa? / How are lawyers recruited? ExamExam, InterviewExamExam, Interview
g2 Kaaliyaasha sharciga habkee loo shaqaalaysiiyaa? / How are paralegals recruited? Exam, InterviewN/AExamN/A
g3 Dhexdhexaadiyaasha habkee loo shaqaalaysiiya? / How are mediators recruited? ExamOtherExamExam, Interview
g4 Jagooyinkan si furan miyaa loo soo xayeysiiyaa? / Are these positions openly advertised?yesyesyesyes
g5 Aqoonta ay leeyihiin Qareenada (ragga)? / Existing qualifications, Lawyers (men)? LLB, ShariaShariaLaw degree, ShariaLaw degree
g6 Aqoonta ay leeyihiin Qareenada (haweenka)? / Existing qualifications, Lawyers (women)? N/AN/ALaw degree, ShariaN/A
g7 Aqoonta ay leeyihiin Kaaliyaasha sharciga (ragga)? / Existing qualifications, Paralegals (men)?SecondaryN/ABachelorN/A
g8 Aqoonta ay leeyihiin Kaaliyaasha sharciga (haweenka)? / Existing qualifications, Paralegals (women)?SecondaryN/ABachelorN/A
g9 Aqoonta ay leeyihiin Dhexdhexaadiyaasha (ragga)? / Existing qualifications, Mediators (men)?Mediation CourseMediation CourseBachelorN/A
g10 Aqoonta ay leeyihiin Dhexdhexaadiyaasha (haweenka)? / Existing qualifications, Mediators (women)?N/AMediation CourseBachelorN/A
g11 Bishii lacagta ay qaataan (USD) qareenada u shaqeeya NGO-yada? / Pay per month (USD), in-house lawyers?10000-991200
g12 Bishii lacagta ay qaataan (USD) qareenada u shaqeeya NGO-yada waqtiyada qaar? / Pay per month (USD), part-time lawyers?5000-990
g13 Bishii imisa ayay qaataan kaaliyaasha sharcigu (USD)? / Pay per month (USD), paralegals?4000-990
g14 Bishii imisa ayay qaataan dhexdhexaadiyaashu (USD)? / Pay per month (USD), mediators?00-990
g15 Mushaharka yaa bixiya? / Salary paid by? DonorNGON/ADonor
g16 Xeerka Anshaxa ee kaaliyaasha sharciga? / Code of conduct for paralegals?yesyesyesno
g17 Xeerka Anshaxa ee dhexdhexaadiyaasha? / Code of conduct for mediators?noyesyesno
g18 Hannaanka cabashooyinka NGO? / Complaints mechanism for NGO?yesyesyesyes
g19 Hannaanka ay u wada xidhiidhaan bahda caddaaladdu? / Coordination mechanism with justice actors? yesyesyesyes
g20 Qaabkee ayaa bulshada loo gaadhaa? / Means of outreach? Radio, Word of mouthTelephone hotline, Word of mouthSocial MediaRadio, Telephone hotline, Word of mouth
g21_Miisaaniyadda 2019/2020 / Budget_2019_2020-99-99-99-99
g21 Warbixin Dheeraad Ah: Hab maamulka / Data Note: Governance Lawyers are not retained but paid on an ad hoc basis for services supplied.
Coordination meetings are infrequent.
Hotline number: 2151.