The series of Justice Snapshots in South Central Somalia were produced by the Governance and Justice Group (GJG) and Justice Mapping working with and through Transparency Solutions (TS) in Jubaland and South West State; and Somali Peace Line (SPL) in Banadir region (Mogadishu).
The data were collected under the auspices and supervision of a Justice Snapshot Steering Committee (JSSC) in each location. The JSSC members are nominated by their principals in each institution. The JSSC in each location approved the workplan presented by the research teams. They assisted and advised on the data collection. They validated the cleaned data for publication and they commented on and approved the final Justice Snapshot for their state/region.
In Banadir region (Mogadishu), the JSSC supervised the data collection in Mogadishu and acted as federal level JSSC and reviewed the data collected in SWS and Jubaland. The members are:
- Gulaid Ahmed Hassan, representative of the Supreme Court
- Abdikadir Omer Dalha, representative of the Office of the Mayor
- Capt Mohamed Kadil Mohamed, representative of the Custodial Corps
- Ibrahim Adan, representative of the Ministry of Justice
- Yahye Mohamoud Said, representative of the Attorney-General
- Ayan Ilyas Ahmed, representative of civil society.
The SPL team comprised
- Abdi Mohamed, SPL Coordinator
- Abdikani Yasin H Ali, SPL Supervisor
- Ubaid Hersi, SPL Supervisor
Under the leadership of Abdullahi Shirwa, Executive Director.
The SPL research team comprised the following researchers:
- Mohamed Abdi Sabriye
- Hani Hassan Ali
- Halima Siyaad Yusuf
- Abdikarim Mohamed Abdirahman
- Hamdi Ibrahim Mohamed
- Idil Farah Abdulle
- Yusuf Abdi Muumin Absuge
- Md Abdullahi Ibrahim
- Khalid Abdullahi Ali
- Ikraan Yusuf Mohamed
- Yaxye Ilyas Bashir
- Abdullahi Md Abdikadir
- Anab Alrahman Mohamoud
- Haajira Abdi Hussein
- Abdirahman Abukar Ali
- Abdifitah Hayir Issa
In Jubaland, the JSSC supervised the data collection by the TS team and comprised the following:
- Ahmed Ali Mohamed, representative of the Attorney-General
- Aden Osman Qaloshe, representative of the Ministry of Justice
- Khalid Babyad Abdi, representative of the Ministry of Internal Security
- Abdullahi Abdulkadir Adam, representative of the Supreme Court
- Maduq Abdikadir Mohamed, representative of the Custodial Corps
- Mohamed Abdirahman Abdullahi, representative of Jubaland State Police
The TS team in Kismayo was coordinated by Abdi Mohamed Ahmed and supervised by Abdirahman Mustaf Mohamed who conducted the field research with Maryan Yusuf Rabi.
In South West State, under the direction of the Hon. Minister of Justice, Md Hussein Hassan, the JSSC supervised the data collection by the TS team and comprised the following:
- Advocate Omar Mo,allim Abdi, Chairman, Bar Association
- Ahmed Sheikh Noor, Chairman, Regional Court
- Mukhtar Alqadif Huso, Attorney-General, Bay region
- Abdikadir Derow Adan, representative of the Ministry of Justice
- Md Mayesh Osman, representative of the Custodial Corps
- Aamin Maxed Osman, Commissioner Police (SPF)
- Abdirisak Omar Mohamed, representative of the Ministry of Internal Security.
The TS team in Baidoa, Xudur and Afgooye was coordinated by Abdi Mohamed Ahmed and supervised by Muna Yusuf Ali. The research team comprised the following:
- Khayre Ali, TS researcher, Baidoa
- Ahmed Md Nor, TS researcher, Baidoa
- Abshir Md Adan, TS researcher, Xudur
- Abdimajid Yusuf Ali, TS researcher, Xudur
- Khadra Abdullahi Hassan, TS researcher, Afgooye
- Salah Hirey Kheyre, TS researcher, Afgooye
The GJG and Justice Mapping would like to thank all the above, as well as the following individuals in Mogadishu for their support to these Justice Snapshots:
- The Chief Justice of Somalia, Bashe Yusuf Ahmed;
- The Minister of Justice, Hassan Hussein Haji;
- The Attorney-General, Ahmed Ali Dahir; and
- The Commissioner of the Custodial Corps, General Bashir Md Jama and his successor General Mahad Cabdiraxmaan Adan.
In addition, the GJG would like to thank the various members of the UN family in Mogadishu who provided valuable input into the design and content of the Justice Snapshot.
They include:
- Albert Abou Hamra, UNOCHA for sharing the shape files (endorsed by the FGS and FMS) and containing the agreed maps and state boundaries on which all maps are based
- Martin Stobbs, UNHCR for sharing data on the flows of people displaced by conflict and environmental hardship
- Doel Mukerjee, Ruth Pfleiderer, Vivian Ng, UNDP JJP
- Rose Foran and Prabin Khadka, SDG 16 monitoring cell, UNDP
- Mitch Dufresne, Virginie Blanchard, Damian Klauss, UNSOM ROLSIG/JJP
- Gerard Smith, UN Police
- Jesper Moller and Jean Lokenga, UNICEF
- Marta Miguel Almeida Pedroso Da Silva Duro, Jeff Sims, Naser Ahmed, UNSOM-UNDP Integrated Security Sector Reform Section, Rule of Law & Security Institutions Group, UNSOM
- Rahma Dualeh, Prevention and Countering Violent Extremism, UNDP
As well as the IDLO team in Mogadishu
- Adam-Shirwa Jama, Abdullahi Yusuf Mohammed and Elisa Barracu
Further thanks are due to those who have been working for many years in the justice sector for their advice and assistance. They include:
- Rakiya Omaar and Caitlin Lambert, The Horizon Institute
- Latif Ismail, Erin Gillette, Abdi Jama, Abdi Rubac, Muna Yusuf, Khayre Ali and Abdirahman Mustaf of Transparency Solutions
- Abdullahi Shirwa, Somali Peace Line
- Natasha Leite de Moura and her team in DDG
- Farrah Hussein and Rahma Abikar, Sahan
- Tanya Chopra, PACT
Finally, we thank those who have commissioned this work:
- Graham Thompson and Hannah Chira, DFID

- Tim Lardner, Katrina Aitken-Laird, Zerihun Alemayehu Bikila, Niranga de Silva, UNOPS
And their advisers at First Call Partners