Maamul-goboleedka JUBALAND

Roadmap at 2.1 preparation review and amendment of national laws
TEXT: 2.1 Preparation, review and amendment of national laws, based on the existing Federal System
SOURCE: Roadmap to Security and Justice of 2018-2020 at 2. Ministry of Justice and Judicial Affairs (MJJA) at 2.1
Roadmap at 2.6 Prison inspection
TEXT: 2.6 Inspection of prisons and rehab (sic) facilities managed by the prisons department as well as maintaining regular contact with same.
SOURCE: Roadmap to Security and Justice of 2018-2020 at 2. Ministry of Justice and Judicial Affairs (MJJA) at 2.6

Roadmap at Coordination
TEXT: Coordination methods: i) holding regular meetings (“stand 2c”) to be conducted twice every quarter…iii) working closely with every Federal or State governments’ entities that are involved in justice institutions.
SOURCE: Roadmap to Security and Justice of 2018-2020 at 2. Ministry of Justice and Judicial Affairs (MJJA) at Coordination Methods
NDP Pillar 10 (Gender mainstreaming) at 3
TEXT: GOAL 5 — Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Indicator 5.2: Proportion of women in managerial positions
SDG 5.5.2
TEXT: Indicator 3: Proportion of women in civil services/public sector institutions
SOURCE: National Development Plan 2017-19, Annex 10 Core Indictors of Gender Mainstreaming Pillar Aligned to the SDG
SDG 16.5.1
TEXT: 16.5.1. Proportion of persons who had at least one contact with a public official and who paid a bribe to a public official, or were asked for a bribe by those public officials, during the previous 12 months