District Courts

State / GobolSouth West StateSouth West StateSouth West StateJubbaland
Region / GobolkaBakoolBayLower Shabelle Lower JubbaBanadir Regional AdministrationBanadir Regional AdministrationBanadir Regional AdministrationBanadir Regional AdministrationBanadir Regional AdministrationBanadir Regional AdministrationBanadir Regional AdministrationBanadir Regional AdministrationBanadir Regional AdministrationBanadir Regional AdministrationBanadir Regional AdministrationBanadir Regional AdministrationBanadir Regional AdministrationBanadir Regional AdministrationBanadir Regional Administration
City / MagaaladaXudurBaidoaAfgoyeKismayoMogadishuMogadishuMogadishuMogadishuMogadishuMogadishuMogadishuMogadishuMogadishuMogadishuMogadishuMogadishuMogadishuMogadishuMogadishu
District / Degmada-11-11-11-11DaynileWarta NabaddaWadajirHodanAbdiazizHowl-WadagShanganiHiliwaDharkenleyKaranWaberiHamar-WeyneHamar-JajabYaqshidKaxda
A. Agabka / Material Resources
a1 Adeegga Korontada/laydhka? / Electricity supply?NoneContinuousContinuousContinuousContinuousContinuousPartialContinuousContinuousContinuousContinuousContinuousContinuousContinuousContinuousContinuousContinuousContinuous
a11 Haddii qayb ahaan tahay, imisa saacadood maalintii? / If partially, how many hours per day? -11-11-11-11-11-116-11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11-11
a2 Helitaanka Internet-ka xafiiska? / Access to office internet?NoneNoneNoneContinuousNoneNoneNoneContinuousNoneNoneContinuousNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
a3 Tirada Kombuyutarada shaqaynaya? / Number of working computers?010322132222212223
a4 Tirada garsooreyaasha isticmaala kombuyutarada shaqaynaya? / Number of Judges to working computer?030101200001010011
a5 Tirada Kaaliyeyaasha isticmaala kombuyutarada shaqaynaya? / Number of Registrars to working computer?020112412112341211
a6 Tirada gawaadhida shaqaynaysa? / Number of working vehicles?000000000000000000
a7 Shidaalka loo ogol yahay bishii ( litir)? / Fuel allowance per month (in Litres)?000000000000000000
a8 Ma la heli karaa sharciyo ku filan garsoorayaasha? / Adequate access to Laws of Somalia?NoYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoNoNoYesYesYesYesNoYesYes
a9 Tirada shaqaalaha taageerada miisaska? / Number of Support Staff to desk?031230512322321222
a10 Tirada Footokoobiyada shaqaynaya? / Number of working photocopiers?000211232123000210
a11 Ma jiraan Khadka Footokoobiyada oo ku filan? / Adequate Photocopier Toner? NoNoNoYesNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNon/aNoNoNoNoNo
a12 Tirada qalabka daabacaadda ee shaqaynaya? / Number of working printers?011221032123220212
a13 Ma jiraan Khadka qalabka daabacaadda oo ku filan? / Adequate printer toner? noYesYesYesnononoYesnononononononononono
a14 Tirada qaanad faylasha ee xidhma? / Number of secure filing cabinets?010101012000021211
a15 Qolka caddaymaha oo xidhma? / Secure Evidence Room? NoNoNoNoNoYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoNoYes
a16 Ma jiraan agabka xafiiska loo isticmaalo sida waraaqaha oo ku filan? / Adequate stationery? NoNoNoYesNoYesNoYesNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoYes
a17 Habka loola xidhiidho Markhaatiga/Dhinacyada dacwadda? / Means of contacting Witnesses/Parties?PhysicalPhysicalTelecommunicationsTelecommunicationsTelecommunicationsTelecommunicationsTelecommunicationsTelecommunicationsTelecommunicationsTelecommunicationsPhysicalTelecommunicationsPhysical Physical LetterTelecommunicationsLetterPhysical
a18 Qoraalka Xogta: Qalabka yaala / Data Note: Material Resources Telecommunications are also used as a means of contacting witnesses/parties. All files and evidence are kept together.
Letters are also used as a means of contacting witnesses/parties.
Printer/photocopier all-in-one.
DC and RC share all equipment.
Electricity sourced from police station.
Electricity sourced from police station.
Printer/photocopier are all-in-one.
Electricity sourced from police station.
Letters are also used as a means of contacting witnesses/parties.
Electricity: usage up to 600 kW free.
Judge/registrar share computer.
Printer/photocopier all-in-one.
Letters are also used as a means of contacting witnesses/parties.

Witness notification: complainant produces witness.
Letters are also used a means of contacting witnesses/parties.
Filing cabinets (pictured) are not secure.Judge uses own laptop.
Witness notification: complainant produces own witness(es).
Printer/photocopier all-in-one.
Letters are also used a means of contacting witnesses/parties.
B. Shaqaalaha / Human Resources
b.1. Garsooreyaasha / Judges
b11 Tirada guud ee Garsooreyaasha? / Total number of Judges?234511211211111211
b12 Tirada guud ee Ragga (Garsooreyaasha)? / Number of Men (Judges)?233411211211111211
b13 Tirada Haweenka (Garsooreyaasha)? / Number of Women (Judges)?001100000000000000
b14 Tirada Kaaliyayaasha Sharciga (ragga)? / Number of Judicial Assistants (men)?121222211012321042
b15 Tirada Kaaliyayaasha Sharciga (haweenka)? / Number of Judicial Assistants (women)?010100000101000001
b.2. Shaqaale hoosaadka / Support Staff
b21 Tirada Guud ee Shaqaale Hoosaadka? / Total Number of Support Staff?031532332132542426
b22 Tirada Kaaliyayaasha (ragga)? / Number of Registrars (men)?020222211020321112
b23 Tirada Kaaliyayaasha (haweenka)? / Number of Registrars (women)?000100000101000101
b24 Tirada Gaadhsiyeyaasha (ragga)? / Number of Messengers (men)?111110121010221113
b25 Tirada Gaadhsiyeyaasha (haweenka)? / Number of Messengers (women)?000100000001000100
b26 Tirada Shaqaalaha Ammaanka? / Number of Security Staff?061400000000000000
b27 Tirada Shaqaalaha Nadaafadda? / Number of Cleaning Staff?011211221121111212
b3 Qoraalka Xogta: Shaqaalaha / Data Note: Human Resources 1 DC judge sits in AC.
Police provide security for all courts.
Security staff shared with all courts The 5 judges cover both DC and RC and include 1 chairman for both RC & DCPolice provide security.Police provide security. The Judicial Assistant doubles as the Registrar.

C. Xaaladda Dhismeyaasha / Physical Infrastructure Conditions
c1 Dhismahaan mawaxa loo dhisay Maxkamadda? / Purpose built Court building?NoYesNoYesYesNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNoYesNoNo
c2 Tirada hoolalka dacwadda ee u gaarka ah Maxkamadda? / Number of dedicated Court rooms?010100100100000000
c3 Tirada marwaxadaha yaala hoolka dacwadda? / Number of fans to Court room?010200000300000000
c4 Tirada xafiisyada garsooreyaasha (ka baxsan hoolalka dacwadda)? / Number of offices for Judges (separate from court rooms)?000011201111111211
c5 Tirada xafiisyada u gaarka ah shaqaale hoosaadka? / Number of dedicated Support Offices?001121311011111111
c6 Tirada shaqaalaha ee xafiiskiiba ku qoran? / Number of staff per office?006514122325542226
c.7. Qolalka la fadhiisiyo markhaatiga / Witness Waiting Rooms
c71 Tirada qolalka gaarka ah ee la fadhiisiyo markhaatiga? / Number of private witnesses waiting rooms?000000000000000000
c72 Qolalka la fadhiisiyo markhaatiga (Ragga)? / Number of witness waiting rooms (Men)?000000000000000000
c73 Qolalka la fadhiisiyo markhaatiga (Dumarka)? / Number of witness waiting rooms (Women)?000000000000000000
c8 Tirada qolalka la fadhiisiyo dadweynaha? / Number of waiting rooms for Public?010000000000000000
c9 Tirada qolalka u gaarka ah Ku xigeenada Xeer-ilaaliyaha Guud/Xeer-illaaliyeyaasha? / Number of dedicated rooms for DAGs/Prosecutors?000000000000000000
c10 Qolalka u gaarka ah Qareenada Difaaca dadweynaha? / Number of dedicated rooms for PD/Defence Counsel?000000000000000000
c11 Sida ay dadweynuhu u helaan/gaadhaan Maxkamadda? / Court access to Public?YesNoYesYesNoYesYesYesNoNoYesYesYesYesYesNoYesYes
c12 Dadka baahiyaha gaarka ah qaba side ayay u heli/gaadhi karaan maxkamadda? / Court access to Disabled?No YesNo No No YesNo No No YesNo YesNo No No No No Yes
c13 Tirada musqulaha dadweynaha? / Number of Public Toilets?030100011100000000
c15 Qoraalka Xogta: Xaaladda muuqaalka Dhismaha / Data Note: Physical Infrastructure ConditionsPublic access public toilet in police station.The 1 room doubles as court room and office shared by all. The 1 room doubles as court room and office shared by all.

The waiting area is under a large tree outside.

Judges, staff and public share 1 toilet.
The DC and RC share judges, staff and equipment.The Chairman’s office doubles as courtroom.

Court access only to those with a case.

Public use toilet in the police station.
Judge’s office doubles as courtroom. Hodan DC functions in Hodan District Police Station. Judge’s office doubles as courtroom.

There are 6 toilets in the building, only one of which is used, and is pictured.

Photos – were not available.

The two offices were allocated by the local district.
Court users have access to staff toilet. Judge’s office doubles as courtroom.

Hiliwa DC sits in the Regional Court complex in Hamar Weyne.
Judge’s office doubles as courtroom.

Open access subject to availability of space in the courtroom.
Judge’s office doubles as courtroom. Yaqshid District Court sits in the Regional Court complex in Hamar Weyne.Kaxda District Court is temporarily located at Kaxda Police Station.
People from Kaxda district use Dharkenley DC (source: SC)
D. Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha / Security and Violence
d1 Tirada shaqaalaha ammaanka ee ku sugan iridda Maxkamadda? / Number of security personnel at entrance to Court?020200000000000000
d2 Tirada shaqaalaha ammaanka ee ku sugan gudaha Qolka Maxkamadda marka dhegaysiga la wado? / Number of security personnel inside the court room when it is sitting?020200000000000000
d3 Celcelis ahaan tirada shaqaalaha ammaanka ee ku qoran guryaha garsooreyaasha? / Average number of security personnel attached to Judges’ homes’?000400000000000000
d4 Tirada Garsooreyaasha loo hanjabay/haddiday 2019? / Number of Judges threatened/intimidated in 2019?0-992010000001000001
d5 Tirada Garsooreyaasha la weeraray/dhaawacay 2019? / Number of Judges attacked/injured in 2019?001001000001000000
d6 Tirada Garsooreyaasha la dilay 2019? / Number of Judges killed in 2019?001000000000000000
d7 Qoraalka xogta: Ammaanka iyo Rabshadaha / Data Note: Security and Violence Security provided by police station.

One judge killed in 2015.
2 security guards at entrance to court compound.

2 security guards shared by all courts.

Number of threats made to Judiciary no exact number.
Security ‘lent’ to court by District administration.Threat related to case. Attack on court chairman by unknown gunmen in 2019, but no casualties. Security provided by police during the hearing of cases.1 judge threatened in 2018. Security provided by District Administration. Verbal threat
E. Maareynta Dacwadaha / Case Management
e.I. Dacwadaha Taaggan 2018 / Cases Pending 2018
e1 Tirada guud ee dacwadihii taagnaa illaa sannadkii 2018? / Total number of Cases Pending from 2018?0-994623410710-990-9900066003-99
e2 Tirada guud ee Dacwadaha Madaniga ah? / Total civil cases?0-99442348710-990-9900066003-99
e3 Tirada Guud ee dacwadaha Ciqaabta? / Total criminal cases?0-990200200-990-990000000-99
e31 Tirada ragga eedaysaneaasha? / Number of male Defendants?0-99012-99200-990-990000000-99
e32 Tirada haweenka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants?0-9906-9900-990-990000000-99
e33 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys?-99-990-99-9900-990-990000000-99
e34 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls?-99-990-99-9900-990-990000000-99
e.II. Dacwadaha Cusub 2019 / New Cases in 2019
e4 Tirada guud dacwadaha cusub 2019? / Total New Cases 2019?33142502131001172232371415997812111262544939
e5 Tirada guud dacwadaha Madaniga ah 2019? / Total civil cases 2019?18912815172961582211314278312110245433431
e.6. Tirada guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta 2019 / Total Criminal Cases in 2019
e61 Tirada Guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta 2019? / Total criminal cases 2019?15512262282065161171950101711158
e62 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants?11-99-9939-99206416117-99-9901017915-99
e63 Tirada haweenka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants?4-99-9915-9901000-99-9900020-99
e64 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys?-99-99-99-99-9900000-99-9900000-99
e65 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls?-99-99-99-99-9900000-99-9900000-99
e.III. Dacwadaha Go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019 / Disposed Cases in 2019
e7 Tirada guud dacwadaha go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019? / Total Disposed cases 2019?331254120340107785614138-99-9911498625443-99
e8 Tirada Guud Dacwadaha madaniga go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019? / Total civil cases Disposed 2019?1882191411296134013135-99-9911488454328-99
e.9. Tirada guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019 / Total Criminal Cases Disposed in 2019
e91 Tirada guud Dacwadaha Ciqaabta go’aanka laga gaadhay 2019? / Total criminal cases Disposed 2019?154322622821651613-99-99010171115-99
e92 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants?11-99-9939-9921641613-99-9901017915-99
e93 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants?4-99-9915-9901000-99-9900020-99
e94 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys?-99-99-99-99-9900000-99-9900000-99
e95 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls?-99-99-99-99-9900000-99-9900000-99
e.10. Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee la laalay markii loo waayey caddayn / Criminal Cases Dismissed for Lack of Evidence
e101 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha la laalay markii loo waayey caddeyn? / Total criminal cases dismissed for Lack of Evidence?0-99010000-9900-99-9900000-99
e102 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants?0-9902000-9900-99-9900000-99
e103 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants?0-9905000-9900-99-9900000-99
e104 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys?-99-990-99000-9900-99-9900000-99
e105 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls?-99-990-99000-9900-99-9900000-99
e.11. Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee lagu xalliyey Heshiis Xeer-dhaqameed / Criminal Cases Resolved Through Customary Settlement
e111 Tirada guud Dacwadaha ciqaabta ee lagu xalliyey Heshiis Xeer-dhaqameed? / Total criminal cases resolved through Customary Settlement?0-9908600-990-99-99-9900200-99
e112 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants?0-9905-9900-990-99-99-9900200-99
e113 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants?0-9901-9900-990-99-99-9900000-99
e114 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys?-99-990-99-9900-990-99-99-9900000-99
e115 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls?-99-990-99-9900-990-99-99-9900000-99
e.12. Dacwadaha ku dhammaday in danbigii lagu helay / Cases Ending in Conviction
e121 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ciqaabta ee ku dhammaday in danbigii lagu helay? / Total criminal cases ending in Conviction?94322302221651613-99-99010151115-99
e1211 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants?6-99-9926-9921641613-99-9901015915-99
e1212 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants?3-99-992-9901000-99-9900020-99
e1213 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys?-99-99-99-99-9900000-99-9900000-99
e1214 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls?-99-99-99-99-9900000-99-9900000-99
e122 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ku dhammaaday xukun in lagu rido kadib dacwad dhammaystiran? /Total criminal cases ending in conviction after Full Trial?7-99-99240-99651403-99-99010151115-99
e1221 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants?5-99-99200-99641403-99-9901015915-99
e1222 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants?2-99-9920-991000-99-9900020-99
e1223 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys?-99-99-99-990-990000-99-9900000-99
e1224 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls?-99-99-99-990-990000-99-9900000-99
e123 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ku dhammaday xukun la riday kadib markii danbigii la qirtay? / Total criminal cases ending in conviction after Guilty Plea?2-99-99622-990200-99-9900000-99
e1231 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants?1-99-996-99-990200-99-9900000-99
e1232 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants?1-99-990-99-990000-99-9900000-99
e1233 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys?-99-99-990-99-990000-99-9900000-99
e1234 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls?-99-99-990-99-990000-99-9900000-99
e.13. Dacawadaha ku dhammaaday danbigii oo lagu waayey / Cases Ending in Acquittal
e131 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ciqaabta ee ku dhammaaday danbigii oo lagu waayey? / Total criminal cases ending in acquittal?00010000000-99-9900000-99
e132 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of male Defendants?0-9906-9900000-99-9900000-99
e133 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha ah? / Number of female Defendants?0-9903-9900000-99-9900000-99
e134 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys?-99-990-99-9900000-99-9900000-99
e135 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls?-99-990-99-9900000-99-9900000-99
e.IV. Dacwadihii taagnaa ee u soo wareegay 2020 / Pending Cases Carried over into 2020
e14 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha madaniga ah ee 2020? /Total pending civil cases into 2020?0992094878307-99-99712009-99
e.15. Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee 2020 / Criminal Cases into 2020
e151 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ciqaabta ee taagnaa 2020? / Total pending criminal cases into 2020?0801001900014-99-9900000-99
e152 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha? / Number of male Defendants?0-990601900014-99-9900000-99
e153 Tirada dumarka eedaysaneyaasha? / Number of female Defendants?0-9904000000-99-9900000-99
e154 Tirada inamada (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) boys?-99-9900000000-99-9900000-99
e155 Tirada hablaha (ka yar 18)? / Number of (u18) girls?-99-9900000000-99-9900000-99
e.V. Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee loo racfaan qaatay MR 2019 / Criminal Cases Appealed to AC in 2019
e16 Tirada guud ee dacwadaha ciqaabta ee loo racfaan qaatay MR 2019? / Total number of criminal cases appealed to AC in 2019?31-999063300-99-9900000-99
e161 Tirada uu eedaysanuhu racfaanka qaatay? / Number appealed by Defendant?3-99-996063300-99-9900000-99
e162 Tirada ragga eedaysaneyaasha? / Number of male Defendants?3-99-994063300-99-9900000-99
e163 Tirada haweenka eedaysaneyaasha? / Number of female Defendants?0-99-991000000-99-9900000-99
e164 Tirada xeer-ilaalinta ee ka qaadatay racfaanka? / Number appealed by Prosecutor?0-99-993000000-99-9900000-99
e17 Celceliska waqtiga maxkamaddu socotay (saacado)? / Average court time sitting a day (hours)?5215541212-991-9911321
e18 Celceliska waqtiga u dhaxaysay markii maxkamaddu bilaabantay iyo markay dhammaatay (maalmo)? / Average time between start of criminal trial and end of trial (days)?2376-994307115-991-99-9930301560
e19 Ma jireen hannaan gooni ah Dacwadaha Caddaaladda Carruurta? / Special Procedures in Child Justice Cases?NoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo-11NoNoNoYesNoNoNoYes
e21 Qoraalka Xogta: Maareynta Dacwadda / Data Note: Case Management Data discrepancy – Total Criminal Cases disposed: 1 female defendant unaccounted for.

No DC Register. Judges use own notebook to record and track their cases.
Pending cases end 2018: Register (2018) unavailable.

Case data (2019) sourced from SC and OAG Annual Report 2019 (see Library SWS).
Case data include: 427 cases (mainly civil) referred for settlement under customary law (source: AR page 7, under ‘Mucaamalaad’).

Cases dismissed for Lack of Evidence and Acquittals: data not captured in AR. They are inferred from existing data.

AR does not distinguish between Cases disposed by Full Trial and Guilty Plea. Interviews suggest most defendants enter a guilty plea.

AR records 1 criminal appeal in 2019.
Case data (2019) sourced from SC and OAG Annual Report 2019 (see Library 2019).

Case data include:11 civil cases settled under customary law and 288 cases (mainly civil) referred for settlement under customary law (Source: AR, p5, under ‘Mucaamalaad’).

Cases Dismissed for Lack of Evidence and Acquittals:data not captured in AR. They are inferred from the case disposition.

AR does not distinguish between Cases disposed by Full Trial and Guilty Plea.
Case data for DC and RC combined in the same Register. 1 clerk managed caseloads in both courts in 2019.
Case data for DC and RC are confusing as unclear which case heard in which court.The best available data have been compiled by the clerk in the Annual Report for First Instance Courts. (see photograph). A second clerk has since been recruited to focus on land disputes.
Total Criminal Cases ending in Conviction After Guilty Plea: 22 all reported to relate to cases involving child disobedience.

Total pending civil cases into 2020: 94 inferred from total disposed. Court record unclear.
Total pending Civil Cases into 2020: 8 data discrepancy. Total pending Civil Cases into 2020: 3 data discrepancy. Total pending cases from 2018 into 2019: no data as no DC Register for 2018.Case data sourced from SC Annual Report 2020 (see Library in Somali, p6).

DC Register 2019 unavailable.
Court records unclear.
Case data sourced from SC Annual Report 2020 (see Library, p6) as court data unclear.Total pending Civil Cases into 2020: 12 data discrepancy. Case data sourced from SC Annual Report 2020 (see Library, p6) as court data unclear.
F. Tababarka / Training
f1 Tababarka aasaasiga ah ee garsoorka (maalmo)? / Judicial basic training (days)?05-99205010005000053
f2 Tirada garsooreyaasha MD ee helay tababarka aasaasiga ah 2019? /Number of DC Judges provided with basic training in 2019?03-99501010001000011
f3 Tababarka xusuusinta ee Garsoorka (maalmo)? / Judicial refresher training (days)?55-99505100002000001
f4 Tirada garsooreyaasha MD ee la siiyey tababarka xusuusinta 2019? / Number of DC Judges provided with refresher training in 2019?13-99501200001000001
f5 Tababarka gaarka ah ee Garsoorka 2019 (maalmo)? / Judicial specialised training in 2019 (days)?00-99005-9900002000003
f6 Tirada Garsooreyaasha MD ee helay tababarka gaarka ah 2019? / Number of DC Judges provided with specialised training in 2019?00-99001200001000001
f7 Qoraalka Xogta: Tababar / Data Note: TrainingTraining on Civil & Criminal Procedure. Last training in 2010.Specialised training in conflict resolution.

Basic training (1989), 8 months further training (2011).
30 days Refresher training (2018).
G. Hab Maamulka / Governance
g1 Qaabkee loo soo magacaabaa Garsooreyaasha? / How were they appointed?Judicial Services CommissionJudicial Services CommissionJudicial Services CommissionJudicial Services CommissionPresidentPresidentPresidentPresidentPresidentPresidentPresidentPresidentPresidentPresidentPresidentPresidentPresidentPresident
g2 Qaabkee Garsooreyaasha loo shaqaalaysiiyaa? / How were they recruited? ExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExamExam
g.3. Aqoonta / Qualifications
g31 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Ragga: shahaadada sharciga/ Existing Qualifications, Men: Law degree?000000201000000111
g32 Aqoonta ay haystaan Ragga: Shahaado Jaamacadeed oo Shareecadda ah? / Existing Qualifications, Men: Sharia University Degree?023401011211111100
g33 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Ragga: ‘Tababar Masaajid’? / Existing Qualifications, Men: ‘Mosque Trained’?310000000000000000
g34 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Ragga: Dugsi Sare? / Existing Qualifications, Men: Secondary?000010000000000000
g35 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Dumarka: shahaadada sharciga? / Existing Qualifications, Women: Law degree?001000000000000000
g36 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Dumarka: Shahaado Jaamacadeed oo Shareecadda ah? / Existing Qualifications, Women: Sharia University Degree?000100000000000000
g37 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Dumarka: ‘Tababar Masjid’? / Existing Qualifications, Women: ‘Mosque Trained’?000000000000000000
g38 Aqoonta ay haystaan, Dumarka: Dugsi Sare? / Existing Qualifications, Women: Secondary?000000000000000000
g4 Intee jeer ayeey maxkamada sare soo kormeertay 2019 kii? / Number of Inspection visits by SC in 2019?12081312162082710325
g5 Tirada kulamada Maareynta Dacwadaha ee 2019? / Number of meetings on Case Management in 2019?05-9912124864051-993109120
g6 Xeer-anshaxeedka garsoorka ma dejisan yahay? / Judicial Code of Conduct in place?NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
g7 Garsooreyaasha Sare imisa ayay helaan bishii (USD) ? /Pay per month Senior Judge in (USD)?040007001200114612001200120012001200120070011001200120012001150
g8 Garsooreyaasha Hoose imisa ayay helaan bishii (USD)? / Pay per month Junior Judge in (USD)?0400070001100110011000105011001154001100110010580
g10 Imisa billood ayay dib uga dhacdaa lacagtu Garsooreyaasha? / Number of months Judges paid in arrears?000600000000000000
g11 Kaaliyeyaashu imisa ayay helaan bishii USD? / Pay per month to Registrar in USD?02000386400400400400700700400400400400400400400400
g12 Kaaliyayaasha Sharciga imisa ayuu helaa bishaa USD? / Pay per month to Judicial Assistant in USD?020003864004004004007007007004004004007000400400
g13 Gaadhsiyuhu imisa ayuu helaa bishaa USD? / Pay per month to Messenger in USD?010002150320300330300300300300322320320300320322
g14 Illaalada Ammaanku imisa ayay helaan bishii USD? / Pay per month to Security in USD?0100010000000000000000
g15 Shaqaalaha Nadaafaddu imisa ayay helaan bishii USD? / Pay per month to Cleaner in USD?050351500198200190198200198198230198198198200198
g16 Inta billood ee ay lacagtu ka habsaanto Shaqaale Hoosaadka? /Number of months Support Staff paid in arrears?000000000000000000
g17 Bishii imisa ayay noqotaa lacagta qoysku ku soo adeegto USD? / Monthly shopping basket for average family in USD?0-99-99400170080010005001000-99100010508005001200750800500
g18 Imisa ayaa lagu bixiyaa furshada gal dacwo madani ah? / How much are Court fees in a civil claim?050-9920202020-9950202020202020202020
g19 Qiimaha USD shaambadda Dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee Qareen la socdo? / Cost of stamp duty in criminal cases in USD with Lawyer?00000400-9900020000000
g20 Qiimaha USD shaambadda dacwadaha Ciqaabta ee aan Qareen la socon? / Cost of stamp duty in criminal cases in USD without Lawyer? 0000000-9900040000000
g21 Qiimaha dhokumentiyada Maxkamadda USD? / Cost of Court documents page in USD?00000205-990002000002
g22 Habka ay u wada xidhiidhaan Bahda Caddaaladdu? / Coordination Mechanism with Local Justice Actors yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesno-11noyesyes
g23 Boqolkiiba imisa ayay qareenadu matalaan dacwadaha? / Percentage cases represented by a Lawyer? 02555510104080301075-99255050
g24 Boqolkiiba imisa ayay qaraarbadu matalaan dacwadaha? / Percentage cases represented by a relative? 507510805051000507010103907550200
g25 Miisaaniyadda 2019/20? Budget 2019/20?-99-99-99-99-99-99-99-99-99-99-99-99-99-99-99-99-99-99
g25 Qoraalka Xogta: Maamulka / Data Note: Governance Judges interviewed recalled 1 visit in 2019.

MOJ convenes local cluster meeting each month.

Lawyers rarely appear in criminal cases.
Court filing fees: no standard. Where litigant is poor, a ‘poor file’ is opened and 0 paid.The female Judge holds a Sharia degree.

Official salary: $700 per month but ‘it is not received’.

SC publishes list of court fees in civil cases by case type (see Library, Jubaland)

Few lawyers in Kismayo. People do not fully understand the role lawyers play.

Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month.

Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education.

Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance.
Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month.

Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education.

Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance.
Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month.

Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education.

Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance.
Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month.

Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education.

Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance.
Judge holds Sharia and Law degree.

Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month.

Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education.

Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance.
Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month.

Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education.

Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance.
Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month.

Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education.

Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance.
Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month.

Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education.

Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance.
Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month.

Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education.

Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance.
Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month.

Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education.

Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance.
Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month.

Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education.

Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance.
Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month.

Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education.

Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance.
Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month.

Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education.

Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance.
Judge’s salary: $1200 (gross) or $1146 (net) per month.

Judicial Assistants, Registrars and Clerks pay: $700 (gross) per month if university graduate; $400 if secondary education.

Court filing fees (civil): $20 (flat rate) Indigent litigants pay no fee. Fees paid directly to Min of Finance.